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Off Topic / Re: needing some info
« on: March 03, 2012, 04:31:52 AM »
Well, I've been through the whole thing myself and there are 3 ways of staying longer/immigrating:

1. Qualify for a work visa. Since you're not a skilled worker this will probably not happen. The employer has to show that no American citizen can do that job.
2. Go to school. Apply to a university here. Just remember that non-resident tuition is out of this world and international students have to show the ability to support themselves while not being allowed to work.
3. Get married as a tourist and apply for adjustment of status.

Thanks for the info Hannaliten, the main issue is of these are:
1: I have no way to prove I can do the job unless I get an interview and even then theres still a slim chance of getting the job.
2: Have looked into that, but the problem is I can afford NOT to work if the fees and such are alot then what I have wont cover it....would need to work to suport.
3: Marrige seemd like the only way in but there are issues such as what the SSI say. and Im sure there are far stricter rules on showing up as a torist then saying "Oh im getting married to a US Citizen now" they may not like that.

Will look into more....hopefully I can find SOMETHING

Pony Corral / Re: Hesitations about Putting Your Hoof Down
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:46:13 PM »
The trouble with todays generation is...the mothers are too protective and far too PC. YOu cant say or do certina things not beacuse its wrong, but beacuse its not safe.
This whole thing with :muffin: Pony is beacuse someone got offened by a 10 second section of 1 episode and then used the power of the interwebs to compailn about it, so Hasbro caved and edited it and even planed on changing the character. the Derp term had been around LONG befor FIM just now its been seen.
This next ep is showing what standing up for your self can do, theres a hint a later episode is set after this one. I personaly dont see anything wrong with that Idea

Off Topic / Re: Oooh What's That...Oh. :(
« on: March 01, 2012, 06:14:29 PM »
when I was in Indiana and at a market I found cards and intrscutions to Transformers but NONE of them to be found!

Off Topic / Re: needing some info
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:50:04 AM »
That dose help I now have two lines to enquire with now thank you.
That is a bit confusing, what if you ARE staying with a US citizen, I know when I had to fill out my visa form I had to put their name and address and had to repeat it twice during the trip and again on the form.
Very odd they would think like that

Yep, if you are staying at someone's residence, you would obviously report that address to them.

The point being, the country's really not in a position to support "visitors" that overstay.  You've heard about the issues...  healthcare, insurance, employment...  they are overstretched as it is.  :(  They really don't want more people coming to take advantage of things.. they want skilled professionals and persons that would be valuable to immigrate.  As it is, most US citizens are no longer in a position to take care of themselves without assistance - there is very little to go around.  So they are understandably picky about how many "non-incomed persons" they let in.  Especially since you can do nothing about "Visitors" that are "seeing the Statue of Liberty and taking in a Broadway show" and then they disappear somewhere inside the border. 
As irritating as Customs/Immigration is...  they are necessary and they perform their jobs to keep us all safe.  :)  It's better to be on their good side and show that you have good intentions and you are willing to cooperate with them, than the opposite attitude! 

Feel free to PM me with more questions... I had to go through this process myself so I can be a sounding board for you.  :)

Oh yes I experiance how vigilant they are at the boarder, it took me 45 mins since getting off the plane at Chicrgo yet they had 6 lanes for Citizasn and Green card holders.
I am skilled and can easily learn new skills but what Im doing right now dosnt seem to have alot of call for it....
and I REALLY wanna stay longer for my girl...will check with the emabssy and an immigration lawyer to see what I can do

Off Topic / Re: Heads up for anyone in the UK who predordered ME3!
« on: March 01, 2012, 04:50:27 AM »
what? why is everyone looking at me like that?

and there where times I thought Hasbro was bad....but seems EA is getting too big an ego for this.
Might be beacuse of finaces or might be beacuse of marketing, you know denie and the want gets HIGHER!
Still peeved I wont be getting my collectores edtion, oh well selvae

Off Topic / Re: Heads up for anyone in the UK who predordered ME3!
« on: February 29, 2012, 01:00:48 PM »
Yeah I had to Re-Pre-order it at my HMV and no Collectors this is nuts!

Customs / Re: UPDATE 2/7/12 Snowy Owl (Save the ponies WIP) *Pics*
« on: February 28, 2012, 06:01:47 PM »
you guys think the pics look awsome, you should see it for REAL.
100 times more awsome. Ellis did so well on him.

Off Topic / Re: needing some info
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:35:39 PM »
That dose help I now have two lines to enquire with now thank you.
That is a bit confusing, what if you ARE staying with a US citizen, I know when I had to fill out my visa form I had to put their name and address and had to repeat it twice during the trip and again on the form.
Very odd they would think like that

Off Topic / Re: needing some info
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:36:14 PM »
Cool and thank you
anything that can help me out.
I know im not in a skilled job or something that warrents a welcome mat but I do wanna work there...

Off Topic / Re: needing some info
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:00:19 PM »
The State of Indiana just south of Indianapolis

Off Topic / needing some info
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:09:26 AM »
Im putting this up for some advice on something
after a vist to the US to see someone very special to me I have been looking at a way to actuarly move over there and find work.
I have been wokring for the last 4 years since I left universtiy so I can work.

Is there ANYTHING you guys can give me to find out what I can or need to do to get this?


Thank you for your time anyways.

Customs / Re: G4-to-G1 Fluttershy
« on: February 09, 2012, 12:48:30 PM »
aww oks Mohawk, thanks for responding

Customs / Re: G4-to-G1 Fluttershy
« on: February 08, 2012, 02:53:43 PM »
WOW she dose look awsome
Wondering..........would you ever be willing to sell her?

Customs / Re: Snowy Owl (Save the ponies WIP) *Pics*
« on: February 04, 2012, 05:48:34 PM »
You always put your all, 220% into all you do and its true they alwas come out awsome

but you know Im bies like that =p

Pony Corral / Re: Welcome Back!
« on: January 15, 2012, 07:37:35 AM »
I see someone has called in the decorating ponies, looks good

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