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Messages - Prince Firefly

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Two packages came in- my G3 Pop Art Pony and my G4 bling bag random grab of 10!

I got some surprises!

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You can probably see it. Firefly, there's nine G4 blind bags there. Where's the 10th.
The 10th? Was the Ponyville Valenshy below Pop Art.
She somehow sneaked in with all my blind bags!

Anyway, the condition of Pop Art is SUPER SUPER GOOD!! I definitely gave that seller a fantastic review. No marks to be seen, hair is silky soft and super clean, although she has a barely noticeable smoke smell from one of her super old owners (not her seller or any of the restorers who seemingly managed to get their hands on her)!
Her smell I don't care about. It's so faint that you have to get up super close, like nose-touching-pony close, to remotely smell it.

I'm happy she's here!

Pony Brag Arena / [PHOTO STORY] Ivy and the Pony Parliament
« on: February 18, 2018, 06:12:54 PM »
I wrote this cute story for a friend’s little sister, who recently gave me all her old ponies (Tay’s box). I was wondering if she’d like little story-based updates on her ponies, and while I’ve gotten no response from Taylor as of now, I went ahead and wrote one.
This also got featured on the MLP Amino!

Ponies used:
G2 Ivy, G4 Cheerilee, fakie (who I’ve named Day Lily), G2 Prince Firefly, the various ponies on my bottom shelf, G1 Glory, G1 Moondancer, and G4 Applejack


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Ivy was having a wild day! Being introduced to the herd only a short while ago, she was busy making and meeting new friends. She was playing with three of her new friends when she suddenly spotted and got pulled aside by Prince Firefly himself!

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A little nervous at meeting the prince, Ivy approached slowly.
“Hello, Ivy,” greeted Firefly. “How are you today? Enjoying your new home?”
“Yes I am, your Highness,” Ivy said.
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Firefly said. Ivy got super nervous! What could the prince want from her?
“How would you like to join the Pony Parliament?” Firefly asked.

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Ivy gasped!
“Like, THE Pony Parliament? Where the best of the best of the best ponies go?”
“Absolutely!” said the prince. “We aren’t too picky with who gets to join us, and you can say no if you want.”
Ivy was super excited! But she froze when she started to think.

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“But why me?” she asked. “The Pony Parliament is for super special ponies, right? I’m not super special…”
“All ponies are super special!” exclaimed the prince. “I just wanted to choose you! Come with me.”
Ivy followed Prince Firefly down the path.

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“You see, ponies get chosen for the Pony Parliament if they show a very good sense of friendship. And even then, some residents aren’t going to stay there forever. Some of the Rainbow Dashes are planning on moving soon.”
“So you picked me?” Ivy asked.
“Of course I did! You are a wonderful friend, and we would love to have you. See Glory over there? She was chosen as well, but she didn’t want to join, and you don’t have to either ifyou don’t want to.”
Ivy stopped and thought.
“Mmmm. Sure. I’ll join. It’s a honor, your Highness.”

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From that day forward, Ivy settled in with the Pony Parliament. What a great day!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Firefly's Super Brag! (+ G3 Exclusive Pop Art Pony!)
« on: February 18, 2018, 05:40:18 PM »
I've got the Princess Applejack! That set is absolutely fake. The hair is better quality than a lot of modern G4's, lol.
I'd like to see if the blind bags are fake! And wow! That's a great G3 find. You got so much cool stuff!

The blind bags shouldn't be fake, as much as I'm aware! Thanks for confirming the fakie status of that Twilight though, I called it.
I was like, yeah, quality looks as good if not better than G4...

Pony Corral / Re: Show me... faded pink hair!
« on: February 17, 2018, 01:14:17 PM »
My Pinkie Pie and Desert Rose's hair are almost completely white! They're very faintly pink.
I owned these two since I was very little, so I never noticed they faded.
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Pony Brag Arena / Re: Thrift store findings!
« on: February 17, 2018, 01:05:37 PM »
Wow! You're super lucky! A Euro release and a Tex in good condition! Great job! :happy:

Pony Brag Arena / Firefly's Super Brag! (+ G3 Exclusive Pop Art Pony!)
« on: February 17, 2018, 12:57:47 PM »
Now, I got all of these ponies at different times, but I haven't posted about them all yet! So here's a really big brag about all these multiple buys!


G4 (Fakie?) Twilight Sparkle
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This princess Twilight is on her way from a seller in China!
I believe she is a fakie, because she came from a bunch of ponies in the same mold- including an Applejack and Rainbow Dash despite me not ever seeing an official princess of those two in this mold. There's also a pony I've never actually seen before in the mold- also evidence of a fakie? Here's an image of the whole set, but I'm only getting Twilight.
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G4 10 random blind box ponies!
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This was a random grab, 5 per purchase, and I bought two to get a total of 10 ponies.

G3 Pop Art Pony!
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I'm SUPER DUPER EXCITED to get this gal! I'm not sure which show she is from, but I know of her rarity, and I got her for a very, very low price.
When I saw her up for 11 dollars, I freaked and jumped on the chance to get her! She's from a very good seller, and is described to have a slight smoke smell from one of her original owners (who was not the seller), but the seller said that it's hardly noticeable. I can't smell too well anyway, so I likely won't notice.


G4 Sea Poppy
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I got this sweetheart along with blind bag Ditzy Doo, Dane Tee Dove, and 35th Anniversary Butterscotch!
She's currently spending her time with Bubble Splash.

G1 35th Anniversary Butterscotch
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My first 35th Anniversary pony! She was the last one at the Target!
I'm very excited to get more of these gals.

G4 Blind Bag Ditzy Doo + Dane Tee Dove
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I was very surprised to find Ditzy in my first blind bag! Needless to say, she is very cute and I'm super happy to have these two!

G4 Build-a-Bear Twilight Sparkle
I don't have a photo of her, but I do have a crazy story along with a bit of background.
I got her alongside a Neopet Elephante plush at Goodwill! She was the only pony there to my surprise. Her hair was severely matted and still is quite matted, but I can't do much about it since I'm not very versed with plush.
I've washed her twice and brushed out her hair.
Now, I don't put voiceboxes in ANY of my Build-a-Bears. I have scents in some (my three Pokemon. I love the lavender scent), but never a voicebox. I was playing Overwatch one day and taking a break from the game, suddenly the very beginning of the G4 theme tune started playing then turned in a glitchy nightmare of a mess.
I knew exactly what it was, and it was this Twilight. I was laughing super hard, and I have a video of her glitchy voice box screaming that I haven't posted yet anywhere.
She hasn't turned on since.
If anyone knows how to get mats out of plush ponies' hair, please do tell me! I want to get her hair back to a mostly normal state.

G1 Loyal Subjects Blind Box Glory
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This girl was my valentine! I got her off the official ThinkGeek website. I was hoping to get Sundance, but they're all very cute.
She came in with my mom's valentine box, to my surprise!

G4 Princess Luna
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It took a bit of looking, but this Luna is no fakie! Another collector I know on the MLP Amino has her too, and she has every marking to be an official pony. It was kinda surprising, but I know G4 ponies aren't too well made, so I wasn't very surprised.

G4 Blind Bag Sassaflash
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I'd wanted Sassaflash for a while, and I finally got her at the very start of February from a Chinese seller!


Taylor's Box
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My friend Taylor sent me this HUGE pony grail. They all formerly belonged to her little sister, and were very very well loved. I've restored about half of the box so far.
Most of them are fakies, but I love them regardless.
They have all gens, from 1 to 4. The only G2 inside is a McDonalds Ivy, but I'm very happy to now have a total of two G2s! Prince Firefly will be delighted to have a friend.

G3 Sticker Sheet (with a G3.5 surprise!)
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I got this sticker sheet for my packaging journal, and to my surprise, on the bag is an illustration of a G3.5 Pinkie Pie next to the website link! Guess it shows how close together the "border" between 3 and 3.5 were.

G4 Blanket
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It got very cold, so I ended up buying this blanket. It was very very soft but has degraded a bit with use and washing. Of course, it's still softer than my old blue winter blanket!
I love it a lot, though when I was opening it I accidentally cut a hole in Twilight's eye. Oops!

So, that's my pony brag! I'm very happy with this bunch! :accomplished:

Pony Brag Arena / [PHOTO STORY] Welcoming Butterscotch!
« on: February 13, 2018, 05:51:57 PM »
Late this night, a new pony sputtered away from her pastel packaging- The 35th Anniversary Butterscotch, last of her kind in the store.

Confused and bewildered, Butterscotch began to explore her new home, just to find it was bursting with life of many species!

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Startled, a group of three ponies talking ran over to Butterscotch in a hurry! She was a little afraid at first, until she saw the smile on their faces!

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"Hello! Welcome to your new home!" the large, white earth pony said happily. "My name is Lulabelle! I've been here the longest. What's your name?"
"My name's Butterscotch," Butterscotch said. "What about you two?" she asked, motioning to the purple earth pony and the small white unicorn.
"I'm Prince Firefly," said the purple one. "I watch over these lands, and make sure everypony is cared for."
"Ah, I'm so sorry I didn't ask you first, your Highness!" Butterscotch said, shocked.
Firefly smiled shyly. "It's okay! I'm not much a prince than anyone else here. We're all of the same kind here."
"And I'm Glory," said the unicorn. "I've only been here for a day. I got a friend that looks like you!"
"And I have a friend who looks like you, too!" said Butterscotch. "How silly!"

"You should explore," said Prince Firefly. "There's all sorts of ponies who would love to meet you."
"Oh, okay, thank you," replied Butterscotch, as the three ponies she'd just met pranced away.

So she began to explore.

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Suddenly, Butterscotch felt a chill... Like she was being watched. She looked up to find a seapony filly, perched atop a parked car!

"Gah!" Butterscotch cried, stumbling backwards.
"Hello!" said the seapony, hopping down to the ground.

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"My name is Bubble Splash! Who're you! I've never seen you before! Your hair is very pretty, I wish I had hair like that..." the filly chattered.
"My name is Butterscotch. It's nice to meet you, Bubble Splash."
"Nice to meet you too! I hope you like it here. Everyone's really nice."

Contining on her way, Butterscotch ran into two VERY familiar faces!

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"Firefly! Bubbles!" cried Butterscotch, galloping over to her friends. Firefly looked up and gasped. Bubbles jumped in surprise! It was their old friend!
"Butterscotch, we haven't seen you in ages!" said the pink pegasus. "How have you been?" Firefly wrapped a wing around Butterscotch.
"I've been doing great, how about you two?" asked Butterscotch.
"We've been doing okay. Firefly just helped me and Seashell move in," said Bubbles.
"Seashell's here too?"
"And Medley, and Twilight, and Moondancer, and Sunbeam, and Glory!"
"There's two Glorys now!"
"There's two of you, too, Firefly! The Prince, and you!"

Suddenly, a hoard of young, brightly colored ponies came bounding towards Butterscotch.

"Oh no!" said Bubbles. "It's the G4s! We better get out of here before they climb all over us, Firefly!"
Firefly laughed. "You know they won't do that! They just ask a lot of questions, and that's okay! Because we do that too!"

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"Hi there!" said a purple alicorn. "Welcome! We heard someone knew showed up."
"Wow, word spreads fast here," said Butterscotch. "Who are you all."
"I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, and these are Rainbow Dash, Coco Pommel, and Applejack!"
"Huh, nice to meet you all!"
"You look all shiny and new!" said Coco Pommel. "You really are lovely! Your bow looks amazing on you."
"Aw, thank you! You're very lovely yourself."

With that, Butterscotch began to settle in with the ponies, and ultimately her new friends.
(She even decided to bunk with Moondancer, the younger Glory, and a tailless fellow named Doctor Whooves!)


Just a silly photo story for my new lovely 35th Anniversary Butterscotch. Photos of her packaging as well as my other grabs with her (blind bag Ditzy Doo, blind bag Dane Tee Dove, and Sea Poppy) will come with my next brag set post!

Pony Corral / Re: Question about G4 Feathermay
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:44:30 PM »
I recently got a G4 Cupcake brushable, and it is true that ponies from this particular brushable set have sometimes awful color mismatches. My Cupcake has an extremely paler body than her head is, for example.

I don't know how hard it would be to find a Feathermay without mismatch, but I know that these guys are a little prone to colorfading as well, resulting in mismatches.

Good luck though!

Pony Brag Arena / Christmas Pony Brag!
« on: December 25, 2017, 03:50:55 PM »
I got a wonderful bunch for Christmas this year, including my first ever G1s and G2. And that G2 happens to be my dream pony himself- Prince Firefly!

My mom went crazy looking for these guys, and the G1s are in spectacular condition aside from some fading and minor blemishes, but their hair is factory curled and everything!
I'm a little worried of taking the G3s out of their boxes, I don't want to risk losing that new pony look.

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G1s: Firefly, Medley, Glory, Moondancer, Sunbeam, and Twilight
G2s: Prince Firefly
G3s: Bunches O' Fun, Island Rainbow, and Demin Blue
G4s: Talking Princess Cadance

Pony Corral / Highlight marks and unremovable stains!
« on: November 28, 2017, 04:04:53 PM »
I've been having a lot of trouble with restoring my Yesterdaisy and Desert Rose.

Yesterdaisy has these weird red marks on her. I've managed to clean some of it up, but it's still visible and looks awful on her poor lavender.
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Desert Rose, on the other hand, has some pink highlighter marks that I haven't been able to clean off. They're more vibrant than in this photo.
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Quick Oxiclean baths slightly helped in Yesterdaisy's case, but should I Oxiclean these two longer or get some nail polish remover?

Introductions / Hello!
« on: November 28, 2017, 09:51:14 AM »
Hello! I'm a 16-year-old new collector from Georgia. I'm an artist and I only started collecting about 6 months ago!
G3s account for most of my collection, as it was what I was raised on (I'd watch VHS MLP movies endlessly as a child), but I also have G4s and fakies and I really want to get my hands on some G1s and G2s!

I have autism, which ended up making me age regress, which is why I collect and generally revisit my childhood in the form of toys and collections! Of course, my pony collection is not my only toy collection I own. I own a few more, such as one of purely dragons, one of LPS, and another of Pokemon.

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