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Messages - zabe77

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Off Topic / Re: Being a full time parent?
« on: June 01, 2014, 04:58:20 PM »
I stay at home with two toddlers and it's hard but I love it. People without kids often don't get it, but people with kids do. I know a lot of mom's who go back to work just because toddlers are so exhausting and not totally mentally stimulating in the way a lot of people are happy with. Those people feel bad for not being stay at home mom's just like SAHM's feel bad for not working. Both choices are valid, all we do is what we feel is best for our families and it doesn't matter what other people think. I tried working and being a mom and felt I was failing at both. I was lucky that we were able to have me stay home, as I feel much better about my ability to parent and do what's best for my family now. That's just for me and my kids though, I know mom's who do better with part-time or full-time work, and whose kids do find with it too. It's all individual. If your partner is on board and you feel it's best, then I say forget any naysayers! There's just as many people who think it's an awesome thing to do.

In the meantime, be sure to save as much as possible and try to live one one salary just to be sure you can do this. As finances do stress me. I keep track of every penny to be sure we're on track each month.

Off Topic / Re: I actually have a full set!
« on: June 01, 2014, 04:44:27 PM »
Very cool! Congrat's!

Off Topic / Re: engaged.
« on: May 20, 2014, 03:36:03 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Happy Victoria Day!
« on: May 19, 2014, 11:05:11 PM »
Happy Victoria Day! and Happy anniversary Epona!

Off Topic / Re: Popular books you never want to read!
« on: May 15, 2014, 12:06:48 PM »
50 Shades, and the Girl on Fire series (I read book 1 of that and it was too much for me). I read a romance novel once and it was horrible, never again!

I'll read almost anything though otherwise. I have trouble remembering that life is only so long and so I should stick to the better books... sometimes I need a rest though, so I'll even read ridiculous things like Twilight if the rest of the world is reading it. I really like dystopian  books, like 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 but I like to mix it up with classics like Jane Austin or books considered Timeless. Sometimes I get stuck though, so I read something easy like Divergent. I've been reading Mooby Dick for like a year (taking lots of breaks)... that book is my White Whale ;) Vonnegut is my favorite author but I've read them all so I've been wandering my books looking for a new favorite...

I did read the Eragon Series and regretted it as I felt it dragged in the last two books and that the series should have been one book shorter. I was disappointed and felt it was too long for no reason other that to sell an extra book while the author was trying to figure out the real ending.

Off Topic / Re: We've fostered a dog!
« on: May 15, 2014, 11:54:03 AM »
Awe, what a wonderful thing. I hope she does well with training and fitting in! It might take a little for her and Ebbie to settle, I certainly hope they do! I wish I could do something like this but my dog doesn't get on well with others.

I had no idea Sleep Paralysis was a thing! I used to get it all the time as a teenager.  It sucked, nice to know it wasn't a worry.  My episodes weren't super nightmarish thankfully. A few times they were a vivid dream mixed with wakefulness, where I could see my dream and my room at the same time. It was freaky. More often it was just not being able to move even though I was awake. It felt like paralysis and was so scary as I tried to get myself to move and wake up.

If it didn't affect the past, then Rumple likely either didn't care, or was okay with screwing up someone's future.  He does do well with other people are in dire straights. Emma on the other hand, "is just like her mother" and doesn't think of consequences. Emma totally owes Regina a free membership to eharmony!

That tea cup line was so sweet. Belle's going to be MAD when she finds out what Rumple's been up to. Oh sneaky sneaky boy...

Elsa... ah, I couldn't figure it out... I was like White Witch from Narnia? I haven't seen Frozen. I googled and it was based on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. I'll have to see if I can get it from the library.

Oh REGINA, you try so hard to be good but stuff keeps happening and then you try so hard to get even which just makes things worse... oh dear. I hope she handles this a bit better, especially after loosing Henry and him just getting his memories back thanks to true love's kiss.

Anyone else think it's weird that Emma is the sole parent of Henry now? She's only raised him for a year, while Regina raised him for the rest of his life, and yes, she was a evil queen but she didn't steal Henry and was a decent parent and Henry still loves her so why doesn't he spend time with Regina and why doesn't Regina get any say in where Henry lives?  You'd think that they'd have visitation like Henry said he wanted when he was talking to Hook.

LOVE Emma and Hook. Hook's so dashing...  Also loved Emma's crack about Regina's pant suits. Hehehe...  Also, Emma should try to use that wand again and bring Regina's love back to the future, but I guess that's too easy and too complicated.

Off Topic / Re: We did it. I'm married!
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:19:31 PM »
Congratulations!! Sounds like an amazing day. All the best to you and your love!

Off Topic / Re: Omg our marriage dreams might become a reality!
« on: May 10, 2014, 02:34:14 PM »
I hope all goes well and you have a fantastic day!

Off Topic / Re: *~HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOA~*
« on: May 08, 2014, 11:16:50 PM »
I hope you had an awesome day! Happy birthday!

Off Topic / Re: Wheat-free/grain-free diet anyone?
« on: May 07, 2014, 12:53:40 PM »
elish2 - thanks for the advice!

Rainfeather - so glad it appears to be working. I'm trying to stick to natural sugars too: fruit and maple syrup if I really need it. I notice I feel better without refined sugars.

ponyqueen - Avacodo and egg are good too. I also have plantains for breakfast, and sometimes I shred sweet potato and fry it with veggies. I also sometimes have veggie soup for breakfast. I was never a soup person before but it's so nice and warm in my tummy in the morning! I also sometimes have a chicken thigh, or home-made breakfast patty. theclothesmakethegirl, nomnompaleo and paleomom are all blogs I get good recipe ideas from.

SDS - thanks for the link! Looks like you've got lots of yummy stuff pinned!

Ohhh... Emma and Hook pulled back... that might be good!

LOVE the redemption Regina... it's like Darth Vader in reverse.  I think if I had magic, I'd totally be a Regina, I'd do good, then bad, then spend the rest of my life trying to redeem myself. I'm a pretty follow the rules person, but so much power would go to your head I'd bet, especially if a loved one got killed. I asked the hubby this and he said he'd always be a hero and gave me a strange look. He totally would, my charming. Even Snow slipped though, so whatever.

Where is the green going to takes us?! Back in time? Will we get our boys back? Come ON next week! Nervous about being left wondering for next season...  but I also can't wait!

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