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Messages - MyHatBarks

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For Trade / Re: Fashion Style Rainbow Dash :)
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:53:14 AM »
I'm not very picky on pose but a couple different colors would be super cool. I'd prefer magnet-free if possible, forgot to mention that. As far as how many, I'm not really sure on the "going rate" for g3 baits. I think I paid $10 for her so maybe 3-4 bait g3s? 

Customs / Re: SIGNUPS: Newbie Swap!
« on: April 02, 2012, 08:56:17 PM »
:: sent my application :: :ninja:

Still no news to update. =\ I know she is getting married in two weeks and pretty much all of her family is flying from here in California to Missouri where she is. So I'm guessing there's probably not going to be much happening with this between now and then. Not making any excuses, just trying to give an honest expectation. I will update here as soon as I have news from her about this whole situation.

For Trade / Re: Fashion Style Rainbow Dash :)
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:30:58 PM »
Yep! =) Totally forgot to put that. D'oh!   >_<

Customs / Re: Newbie Custom Alert! =P
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:54:09 PM »
Thanks guys for all the feedback & info!!

As to which method I used: I first tried to fold the hair in half and pull it through with wire, but her tail hole started cracking. =( I was also concerned it would crack her symbol. Then I tried threading in smaller bunches, and that's how I ended with what I got.   This is the first g3 I have ever rehaired, I have done a bunch of g1s though. I never had this issue, but I suspect it's because g1 plastic can be so squishy due to age. I will try the tape idea next time!

Off Topic / Re: ten years on neopets
« on: March 31, 2012, 10:32:29 PM »
I started in July of 2005. Jeeze, can't believe it was that long ago! I was premium for the longest time and finally got it cancelled when I realized I didn't play anymore. I love my classic Neohome though, I was into it hardcore and wasted soooo many neopoints buying things to make other things look like cool furniture. lol!

Customs / Re: Newbie Custom Alert! =P
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:51:07 PM »
Shajana - Thank you! :)

MacabreDarling - Wow! I would never have thought of tape! I was trying to figure out a way to thread the tail in but was drawing blanks with a way to keep it all together. I will definitely try that on my next go! :D

Customs / Re: Newbie Custom Alert! =P
« on: March 31, 2012, 01:03:11 PM »
Is the clay glued on yet or only baked on? If its just baked on it should pop off really easy. Just press down on the plastic around it. Then you can feel safe to boil her bum :) then just super glue that symbol back on.


You can always widen her tail hole for a fuller tail too

Unfortunately, her symbol is baked on. I tried to see if maybe it wasn't sealed on with the bake & bond totally to see if I could pluck it off for rehairing but it was totally sealed and wasn't coming off without breaking.

I tried to widen her tail hole too, but all it seemed to do was crack the plastic and leave marks from the tools I tried (two different rehairing tools & two different needle nose pliers). :(

Good to hear the spots & air bubbles aren't normal though!

Hyenacub - Thank you! :)

Customs / Newbie Custom Alert! =P
« on: March 31, 2012, 02:04:48 AM »
Newbie to customizing, that is. lol I've dabbled in customizing before and I really do enjoy it, so I'm going to continue to work at it. This girl started out as a Strawberry Swirl with nasty hair and a smudged symbol. I was playing with Sculpey and ended up liking the design for her symbol. I had the hair left over from an idea I had wanted to do that didn't pan out and thought the colors complemented each other. (At least they did in my So here she is.

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She was rehaired with Butterscotch from Dollyhair. For her symbol, it was sculpey, partially painted with acrylic on one of the swirlies with a layer of Mod Podge matte on top (is this the proper sealant to use on clay, or do you need one at all?). I also added a few gems to her symbol and gave her a necklace and a bracelet. :)

Close-up of the symbol and necklace

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How's she look? Opinions & CC welcome!!

This is the first pony I've ever baked, that being said, it raised a few questions:

1. After I took her out of the oven, I noticed a random blue spot had appeared to the left of her symbol and a red spot up on her leg. I'd completely cleaned her down with acetone prior to baking, so I'm not sure where they came from. The red spot came off completely, but you can sort of see the blue one still. They were pretty pale so it looked like a chemical reaction maybe? Does this happen sometimes or am I just lucky like that? lol

2. There was also what appeared to be an air-pocket that came to the surface after baking on her leg and now she has little scar where it popped. :( It's not very obvious, but is there a way to prevent this? I didn't see anything prior to baking in that location.

3. Her tail is mighty lacking in fullness. I had a heck of a time trying to put a tail in her. Her body was so completely stiff after baking and cooling that it wasn't flexible enough to fit much of a tail into. I thought about possibly putting her into some hot water to make her more flexible but I was scared to ruin the clay. Any tips on making this easier?

Customs / Re: Lady Eliza, Cherry Blossom swap pony for kaoskat
« on: March 31, 2012, 12:38:18 AM »
Man. Someday I aspire to make a custom anywhere close to as awesome as this girl is. She's lovely!! I love love love the hair blend and the flowers in her hair. It all looks so delicate and proper. She must have taken a lot of work! I'm super jealous of her new owner. :P

For Trade / Fashion Style Rainbow Dash :) [TRADER FOUND :)]
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:00:16 PM »
Looking to trade my Fashion Style Rainbow Dash for your...- G2s, especially babies! I only have a few so chances are you probably have ones I don't have to offer. lol - G1 Merchandise: erasers, pvc figures, mummy charms, stationary, stickers, etc.  - Baits: g1/g3/g4 (prepped would be awesome, but not a requirement) and I am in the market for a baity G1 SHS or winger pony without the wings. For baits I prefer bodies without cancer or non-removable marks. :) - Customizing Supplies: hair, jewels, wings, fantasy film, etc.Honestly, make me an offer. I am open to a lot more than this, but I'm terrible at making wishlists and I can't find my silly g1 checklist right now.  >_<

Found a trade partner, so closing this. :)

Wanted! / Re: Looking for 2012 McDonald's Applejack
« on: March 29, 2012, 04:58:04 AM »
Pming you ^_^

Off Topic / Re: Who I am? :3
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:07:38 PM »
Pretty sure it's name is Polaris. She(?) is from the Moondreamers line. ^_^

PMing you :)

Unfortunately, there really isn't anything I can update. I sent ABC a text yesterday to see if any progress was made. I last heard from her on the 19th, and she had three more prizes to find. I told her to just focus on getting what she does have found sent. I'll update once I hear from her. She is kinda in over her head right now on a lot of stuff, but I know she's trying to do what she can. =\ I'm sorry things are still at this point though. I'd hoped my helping would have sped things up more.

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