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Messages - Lucky_Ladybug

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Off Topic / Sailor Moon shirt at Target!
« on: August 02, 2019, 02:54:49 AM »
I saw a Sailor Moon shirt tonight at Target! We were in a rush and now I'm not sure if it was in the Women's or the Girl's area, but the sizes ran big enough that it may have been Women's. It was white and the picture wasn't colored in. She was winking. It looked like the sleeves came down halfway. I wish I'd had more time to look at it, because I can't find it online anywhere and I'm trying to find out if it's a crop top. If it is, I wouldn't feel so bad about leaving it, lol. Has anyone else seen it?


Is it anything like a nendoroid joint? there's tutorials on how to fix those (with wire)...  Otherwise maybe buying a broken version of the same toy could help?

Hmm, I'm not sure. I'll look into Nendoroids. Thanks!

I think replacement or transplantation is the only viable option.

Yeah, most likely. Or resorting to the dreaded glue, sigh....

So I have the old 5-6 inch Jazwares Megaman figure. His right leg broke at the knee, and upon inspection, it looks like the little peg thing broke off the rest of the joint mechanism and just came right out of the thigh and fell into the bottom part of the leg. I hear it rattling in there. It looks like I could fix it if I could find a peg thinner at one end than the other and in the right size. I imagine the same type of thing would work on figures from other lines and companies, so I'm wondering if anyone knows about fixing such problems with figures in general, if it can be done, etc.? (Or if someone actually has the Jazwares Megaman figures and the exact same problem that they solved, that would be even more awesome.) I really hate to resort to just gluing the leg back on, especially since glue never really seems to work very well on action figures, at least for me.

Pony Corral / Re: New My Little Pony Film Confirmed!
« on: March 02, 2019, 03:15:56 PM »
Here's a question I haven't heard an answer to yet: does Equestria Girls stuff stop when Friendship is Magic/G4 does? Has Hasbro said?

This idea turned out so much harder than i expected, but then it always seems that way!

This is my first time drawing more than one pony in the same place, thanks for making me do it!

Please pardon my rough effort, after ruminating on it all month i ended up with only a little over an hour to actually draw, ha.  Totally botched the train...  Ehem,

I'm so grateful to participate in a draw together, love you guys.

(Still havent got embed codes working, will fix soon)

Awww, that is so cute! All of them as baby Ponies together....

So cute Light! I like that you softened Miss Painter's colors a bit, it makes her much easier on the eye! :P

Mine has been done for a bit now, I just haven't had the chance to upload until now!
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Fingerpaints is having her first gallery opening! Her old art teacher Miss paints came out to support her along with long time art rival Toola Roola! Don't worry about Toola, she is a much more "classical" artist and doesn't quite get Fingerpaints' more modern approach to painting. She is secretly very proud her her friend though, she just doesn't want to show it! ;)
It was tough to come up with 4 pictures within the picture that all could be reasonably dony by the same artist! I tried to make it look like she was just smearing paint around with her hooves, but that was hard to achieve with the limited brush options I have in my program!

That is so cool how you came up with a story for the picture! The expressions are great!
Drew Miss Painter! Who needs a canvas?
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Aww, cute! She looks so enthusiastic.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: I'm in kindergarten yaayy!
« on: February 10, 2019, 04:07:56 PM »
Oh wow, that's awesome! I love it! Beautiful coloring too!

Pony Corral / Re: Where to buy large Ty Ponies?
« on: October 29, 2018, 03:43:36 PM »
Yep, they're on the Ty website, but not to buy. Ugh.

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! I'll try checking into other gift shop places that might be around and whether we have Learning Express.

Pony Corral / Where to buy large Ty Ponies?
« on: October 24, 2018, 10:46:24 PM »
The small ones are everywhere, but I've only seen the big ones at Barnes and Noble, Hallmark, and a local pharmacy. The latter is the only place that still has them, and only Rainbow Dash right now. Any other stores I could try?

Pony Corral / Re: 35th Anniversary Pony heads not on tight?
« on: August 29, 2018, 09:55:52 PM »
Yep, I would say this definitely means they stopped doing it for Wave 1. Good to know it's just turning heads and not heads that are going to fall off. I don't like the neck gaps; they make me nervous. But if the heads are firmly attached in spite of being able to turn, I can deal with that.

Pony Corral / 35th Anniversary Pony heads not on tight?
« on: August 29, 2018, 05:47:05 PM »
So I've been wanting more of The Bridge Direct's G1 Ponies (don't we all!), but whenever I see them at Target now, every single one of them looks like the heads are loose. I'm so disappointed and baffled. They're still on Wave 1 around here. The very first run was just fine and my Minty has a perfectly glued-down head. But these other runs of the first wave really look terrible. Target had THREE SETS and every single one of them appeared to have an unglued head! Are they getting sloppy with the first wave because of moving on to other waves? Are my Targets just getting bad batches? I saw the Pretty Parlor and didn't even know whether to try buying it when I couldn't see what Peachy looked like inside.

Pony Corral / Re: Does anyone care about G2 ?
« on: January 19, 2018, 03:18:22 AM »
I love them! :) I was over the moon when they came out. I didn't care that they looked different from G1; they were My Little Pony and that was good enough for me. I never had gotten over the ache of G1 ending, so G2 filled the hole nicely. Wish it had lasted longer....

Pony Corral / Re: New 35th Anniversary Collector Ponies Spotted! Pics!
« on: January 19, 2018, 03:07:42 AM »
I found Minty! Squeee. But upon deboxing, I noticed an oddity. Her back legs have some thin streaks of what looks like dark green marker. A factory defect, no doubt, and it's not super upsetting to me, but I do raise an eyebrow. Did anyone else who deboxed discover something similar?

Pony Corral / Re: New 35th Anniversary Collector Ponies Spotted! Pics!
« on: January 15, 2018, 07:08:46 PM »
Wonderful news that they will also be at Toys R Us, and that more waves are coming! Squeee! I wonder if ShopKo will have them. We have a ShopKo closer than the other stores. Wish they were at Wal-Mart.... Wal-Marts are everywhere. The other stores, not so much. Sigh. It's harder to get to them.

Has anyone found them in Utah or Arizona yet?

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 12/20/17 Candy Cane
« on: December 22, 2017, 02:06:48 AM »
Gorgeous! And one of my favorite color combinations! Definitely want.

... and wondering what kind of price range I'd be looking at? I'm puzzled as to why Brock is so rare. There are only a few on eBay, and even loose, the lowest price seems to be $25. Is that the standard price, does anyone know, or might they possibly be floating around other places at cheaper prices (since I know eBay's prices are sometimes higher than they should be)? Thank you!

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