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Messages - WinterBlossom

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MLP Nirvana / Re: Your 2012 Nirvana Resolutions: How did you do?
« on: December 14, 2012, 04:07:08 AM »
Ooo... resolutions and reality might not be that close, but:

I would love to expand my Italians herd. I think I have most of the commons now, but some of them also need upgrades - 2 of them were in a bag of baits I bought, so the poor things really need rehairing and some acetone love.

Moondancer pose Moonstone to go with Windy.

It is not a very high flying list, but this is a year of house alterations, so I need to keep my priorities straight (which will of course mean gorgeous ponies and bare walls!)

Oh, and most of all - Tootsie pose Blossom! I love her, but postage always makes her unjustifiably expensive for me.

Well, I now have 33 Italians, including Moonstone!  I haven't learned to rehair though, that will have to be for next year!  I still don't have any Mexican ponies but I did start buying Spanish ponies this year, so (decidedly non mint) piggy Minty will have to do in their stead!

However, we did get windows replaced, fireplaces removed and both downstairs reception rooms decorated and made good, and I got a proper pony cupboard taller than me to display my ponies in for the back room after we decorated.  Hooray!



MLP Nirvana / Re: Peru Moonstone
« on: November 10, 2012, 10:00:35 AM »
Congrats on getting her!  I was thinking about bidding, but we've had so little sun this year that I thought I'd never get her fixed!

I hope she comes out fabulous, good luck!

MLP Nirvana / Re: PC Africans.... Maybe.....
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:37:52 AM »
Ooo, such beauties - thanks for sharing the pic, I just need to mop up the drool now!

Pony Corral / Re: Who is your favourite G1 Rainbow pony?
« on: October 27, 2012, 05:31:43 PM »
Now this was a hard one for me - I have cherished memories of each of them, but I had to go for Moonstone in the end, because she was the first I got, and my 4th pony ever (but only because I opened her first at Christmas!).  I had to choose between Skydancer and Starshine too, Starshine came in 2nd bacause mine had 3 rows of mane which made her sooo silky.

Sorry, I get carried away with these girls they are my favourite set ever and I would just keep buying them whenever I saw them if I could!

They have some gorgeous variations too, but for me it will always be the standard girls and the memories they evoke who are the most special.  Not that I'd object to Peruvian Moonstone mind you.

MLP Nirvana / Re: Princess Sundance? Is this a legit variant?
« on: September 21, 2012, 04:24:07 PM »
Thanks for all the input guys! You have confirmed my suspicions that she is a bodge job rather than a true variant!

I have done my best to get a few new pics of her here:

I am afraid my camera is ancient, so the tail tinsel is not very clear, however you can see that she doesn't have a forelock cut into her, she has lovely long hair all the way to the front (about 10cm long). 

Her tail has different coloured tinsel - her mane is just silver glitter - but I distrust different coloured tails as they are so easy to mix up.  Her tail looks to have suffered from quite a bit of shedding to my eyes.

Her eyes don't quite match - her right has lower eyeliner all the way around and her left doesn't in front of the pupil. 

I may well be selling her, so drop me a pm if you are interested!



MLP Nirvana / Princess Sundance? Is this a legit variant?
« on: September 20, 2012, 01:31:44 PM »

I bought a baity lot off eBay he other day, and this girl wasn't even  properly in the picture!
(Sorry I don't seem to be able to put pics directly into my post)

She seems to have standard no country Sundance body, princess Pearl/Tiffany's head and a very thin but definitely on an authentic metal grip Princess tail - white with gold, pink and blue glitter.  Her head seems securely glued and original.

As I got her in a lot that turned out to contain a no country Sundance, a no country Mummy Bright Bouquet and an Italian Bow Tie I thought she might be legit, but i have no experience of this kind of factory mix up!

Any advice/theories would be appreciated!



The Dollhouse / Re: Does anyone here collect Hornby Flower Fairies?
« on: September 18, 2012, 12:54:50 PM »

I'm so sorry I haven't replied to this earlier, I have been eaten by real life for a few days!

I have only seen the start fairies online, they look adorable!

Pinkamina - I might well be up to trade or sales, I will try to get pics done at the weekend and post up here with them!



The Dollhouse / Does anyone here collect Hornby Flower Fairies?
« on: September 02, 2012, 10:25:08 AM »
I have always collected these pretty little things in tandem with my ponies and have a few doubles knocking about if anyone is interested!



Pony Corral / Re: What is your best pony find.......
« on: August 13, 2012, 07:29:39 AM »
Yesterday my answer would have been different attempting to remember the ponies I scoured car boots for in the 1990s.

This morning however, I received a parcel from my Dad who lives in France and had been to a car boot near him.

Not overly hopeful, but appreciating his effort, I opened the box and found a bunch of cute fakies and a couple of lovely G2 & G3s, then...

...Dutch Heart pony!  For under a Euro!  And utterly out of the blue!

I'm not too proud to admit it, I squeaked like a kid at Christmas.  I'm still bouncing now after starting to clean her up. She has pink highlighter on her ears and eyebrows and *I don't care* Squee!

Pony Corral / Re: Who is your favorite G1 pony?
« on: August 13, 2012, 07:13:25 AM »
I have about a dozen favourites colourwise, but for sentimental reasons it will always be Blossom!

Wanted! / Wanted: Sitting ponies for bait or restore
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:05:45 AM »

I'm after some Bubbles or Seashells for makeovers.  I am really after very poor condition ponies as they will be getting fully revamped.  Anyone savable will be saved!

I have a lot of ponies in my bait drawer for trade and I am also willing to pay if you don't want to trade.



Pony Corral / Re: Ponies and your wallet
« on: August 09, 2012, 02:43:37 AM »
I think mine is £40 including postage for Tux n Tails. 

I overspent, but I'd just paid off my overdraft and he was *blue* and he was a *shire* and he was *there*.  That and Satin and Lace had been looking at me reproachfully for about 10 years.

These days my limit is usually £10 total for a pony, although my desire for nirvanas may get the better of me occasionally. 



MLP Nirvana / Re: Cleaning weaknesses of Spanish ponies?
« on: July 08, 2012, 01:20:03 PM »
Thanks guys, I'll keep you posted when I get round to cleaning her up, and she'll end up in my very first brag post I've no doubt! 

I meant to sort her out this weekend, but time got away from me!

MLP Nirvana / Cleaning weaknesses of Spanish ponies?
« on: July 05, 2012, 04:24:23 PM »

I just got my first Spain pony, and Tootsie needs a good scrub - I was wondering if there is anything I should look out for - paints that come off easily, weaker hair, sunfading etc?

Any advice (or comfort that she is as sturdy as her oriental cousins) would be much appreciated!

Looks like I'm on my way to a Tootsie army, I just love this gal!



MLP Nirvana / Re: Argies 4 Sale on ebay! Ends Sunday! ^_^
« on: July 02, 2012, 01:49:10 PM »
Are you willing to ship to the UK?  Do you know how much it would be?



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