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Messages - megsense

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The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Brave Doll
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:01:38 PM »
I got the Disney version of the 12" doll. The knee joints are pretty horrible on mine, I dunno WHAT happened but one leg is basically longer than the other. Thankfully she can still be balanced.

Her accessories are the best imo. The bow and arrow is awesome (and works). I just wish there were more arrows. Very much looking forward to the movie.

Just checked my e-mail and got new info from the disney store.

I'm gonna need one of those bears and the figurine set.. and the bear mug.. GAH!! Just take my MONEY DISNEY!

Off Topic / Re: Games you're excited about
« on: April 27, 2012, 09:34:11 AM »
The only think I'm excited for at this point is the next stuff pack for The Sims 3; Katy Perry pack. It's just been so dull no games are striking my fancy.

The Dollhouse / Re: Big Lots has Monster High Fashion
« on: April 26, 2012, 07:10:30 AM »
I found the School Spirt Fashion Packs at Big Lots for $9.
Frankie Stein Cheerleading
Lagoona Blue Swimsuit
Clawdeen Uniform
Deuce Gorgon Basketball

Same here a couple weeks ago. No dolls at mine though. I just got Deuce's uniform because its all I needed.

Off Topic / Re: brainstorming help? (anime animals)
« on: April 18, 2012, 04:34:50 PM »
The cats from Azumanga Daioh,

Agreed!!! So cute!!

The Dollhouse / Re: Doll sized Lashes
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:55:03 AM »
Thank you all so much for the suggestions/links/etc. The reborn ones are kind of what I was thinking of; how they come in a long piece like that.

Thanks so much!  :biggrin:

The Dollhouse / Re: doll sized lace trims?
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:30:26 AM »
Jo-Ann Fabrics. Some of the trims are small enough. Only fabric store I have around me anymore. ;\

The Dollhouse / Doll sized Lashes
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:28:29 AM »
Where does everyone/anyone buy doll sized lashes? I'm thinking MH sized dolls, or ones I can cut down.

I rather not root them or attempt to use human false lashes if I can help it. Something like porcelain doll type lashes - thin.

Any ideas/links?

Off Topic / Re: Anybody else like Barbie movies?
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:47:13 AM »
I've seen them all and own most. I get them 2nd hand (we have a place called Buy Backs that sells used DVDs and CD). Kids grow up, leave their fun stuff behind. Cheapness for me! If you have a resale place like that i may be your best bet.

I have no kids so I have no excuse. ;p They're just awesome.

The Dollhouse / Re: AG doll questions
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:45:53 AM »
Best day to add in some nylon/sran hair of her color choice would be to sew it/root it into the scalp just like all the rest of the hair.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Thread Number 1 Too Many.
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:34:11 AM »
Can someone tell me or show me a link about how to straighten mh doll hair?
I tried looking it up but I can't find it anywhere and operettas hair has got me absolutely crazy. It looks wretched! lol

I don't know of any link but.

It's not much different than any nylon doll (or Pony) hair. If you want to use hot water that's fine, you comb it out straight and pour the water over it. Whatever position you have the hair in when the water makes contact, that's the position the hair is going to want to stay in. I prefer to hold it down at the ends with a band in sections, and pour the boil/hot water over the doll, wait a minute and clip the band off. This can leave a bend where the band was though, so it's up to you on that. Let it dry before you go crazy brushing.

You can also comb her hair out in a fan, pour the water until it becomes straight, then comb it down and focus the hot water on the "roots" of the hair. 

Some people also use hair straighteners on low settings. I've never tried it (only hair straightener I have would just melt the hair). Relevent:

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Thread Number 1 Too Many.
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:38:32 PM »
I wonder if anyone here in Ohio has found Rochelle and Jackson?

Got them both about an hour ago. Super K in Lorain county. I'm a happy camper.

Off Topic / Re: The Hunger Games
« on: March 26, 2012, 08:32:22 AM »
Did anyone else who read the books want the Avox girl to have more of a role?

YES! I sat there whispering to my fiance who the girls in red in the background were. Just to have them never really even come into focus.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High thread number 2.2!
« on: March 26, 2012, 07:43:21 AM »
I'm totally caught up as of the first week of March with ALL my MH purchases. There is *nothing* out there I want (I even got doubles of a few things - on purpose lol). I'm happy as a clam to not be hunting.

Fast forward to last night on ebay.. where I find Rochelle Goyle for sale and ready to ship immediately. So, is she indeed out or is this just ebay being ebay?

Off Topic / Re: WoW - Mists of Panderia BETA
« on: March 26, 2012, 07:23:44 AM »
Pandarans are actually kinda cute. Apparently they were a joke unit in one of the earlier Warcraft RTS games?
WoW isn't my favorite MMO, but I play it a bit.

Originally it started as an april fools joke in WarcraftIII. Later they were supposed to be in WoW the original game. But for various racial/cultural butt-hurt reasons (sensitivity about them being Chinese/Japanese drunks supposedly) they didn't make it in. My fiance was in the beta of the original game and through all these years he never quite stopped talking about it; not even when I got him the companion monk.

Now he plays KotOR.. Too little to late, WoW. ;p

I'll be playing when it comes out, I didn't sign up/buy in for a Beta invite though.

Off Topic / Re: The Hunger Games
« on: March 26, 2012, 07:10:52 AM »
Oh, I agree, the shaky cam was driving me nuts at first!

Exactly. I assume that's how they got by making this into a PG-13 because alot of the violence was covered up, not as blunt as it could have been.

I think that you understand the movie differently if you have read the book first. Since the book i all Katniss thoughts you understand what' in her mind in the movie. Which also explains lots of stuff. Like it's not really obvious in the movie that Katniss believes that the romance is just acting

Very true. I had two guys behind me talking off and on through-out the whole movie, clearly lost as to what was going on and what it was about and why she did this and that. ;\ My fiance didn't read the books either and I whispered snippets into his ear as the movie went on, and he asked questions. They did a "good" adaptation but I got the same vibe from it as I did Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. "Whoops we forgot to tell the people WHO the half blood prince is." "Whoops, we forgot to tell you about her prep team and Effie." Come on people. ;[

Also.. I gotta say something on casting. Was anyone at all bothered by the plumpness of Katniss's face and the shortness of Peeta?

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