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Messages - Purpleglasses

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Pony Corral / Re: Wall mounted displays!
« on: September 10, 2015, 11:26:23 PM »
I have a system similar to Chrissytree's! You can get the pieces at a hardware store. I bet bringing them her picture and asking for that would help.

I will post a picture soon but am a bit confused by photobucket...let me just say I'm really happy with this kind of shelving! The white background shows off rainbow ponies nicely.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 9/7/2015 Nigh Glider
« on: September 07, 2015, 04:21:00 PM »
Saw her twice in person, passed her up the first time because there were other ponies there I wanted more, and the second time because I didn't have the disposable income to get any ponies at the time. It's too bad, because both times she was a really decent price! I only hope she pops up again...I had no idea how much she usually goes for at the time, and she's really cute! I'd even take one with a hair cut, she looks lovely rehaired in other colors.

Off Topic / Re: A Way to Get Kinder Eggs Unbanned in US
« on: September 06, 2015, 12:01:13 AM »
It's funny, I know at least two neighborhood convenience stores in San Francisco have them. As I like to say, you can get Kinder eggs in the US, you just have to know a guy.

I got one with a minion dressed as a pirate recently. I suppose the part of the law that applies to a product deemed safe in most countries isn't very strictly enforced when it comes to simple chocolate eggs.

I'm gonna be really snarky and say: toys in different dynamic poses, g1 sized characters, more large 3D playsets like the carousel boutique one that just came out, and Twilight's library tree!

But really, I watch the show and you can tell that Faust and her design team put so much effort into designing buildings that would make adorable playsets, it's a shame that few have been made.

I'd welcome a g4.5 line that totally redesigned the brushable ponies to be larger, in new poses, and more expressive and evocative of their cartoon designs. The new Littlest Pet Shop toys are very dynamic, they can do the same for MLP!

Pony Corral / Re: EQLA creators panel, the meeting of Bonnie and Lauren
« on: September 05, 2015, 11:34:52 PM »
I will put that on my to watch list! It sounds adorable. And I wish I had known Lauren Faust was doing conventions again! I'm in CA and could have hoofed it south for the weekend if I'd known. I saw Bonnie at Everfree Northwest this year, she seems so sweet and down to earth. Did you attend the panel?

Pony Corral / Does Capt. Salty still make paper flutter pony wings?
« on: September 05, 2015, 11:21:48 PM »
So I remember seeing these colorful paper wings for flutter ponies a
 while ago before I joined the Arena, and I think they're really cute! I have looked into finding materials to make my own, but if the original creator is still around and willing to take orders, I'd like to go through that rout first. Does anyone know if they are still making wings and willing to sell them? Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / Re: Prototypes
« on: September 05, 2015, 11:06:59 PM »
Nope! As far as I understand it, prototyping is all about tweaking the design process. Some toy prototypes even get market tested in focus groups so toy companies can decide how to market their product before the toys are put into production.  On his blog, James Gurney, author of Dinotopia, discusses some of the toy concepts that were made for an unproduced Dinotopia movie. Particularly interesting is his discussion of how when presented with Dinotopia toys, boys liked to pretend to feed and take care of the dinosaurs, instead of just playing out battles and attacks, so Hasbro assigned their boys and girls toy design teams to work together on the project! It makes you think about the impact the media we choose to present to kids affects the way they play and about gender stereotypes in general. You can read the post here: 

But I digress. This website  is from a company that you can hire to create a toy prototype for you, and their list of services says a lot about what the process entails. Prototypes are made to determine production costs, to test mechanisms and design specifications.

You can also check out the little documentary about working in a toy prototyping shop at this link.

Hope you find that helpfull and interesting!

Pony Corral / Re: really !!!!????
« on: September 01, 2015, 09:09:19 AM »
Well, there's one way to save the Greek economy - really expensive pony auctions.

Pony Corral / Re: Your last g1 find in "the wild"?
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:21:12 PM »
I have a pretty decently sized G1 collection and they've all been tracked down in the wild! A toy store in my area specializes in selling used and vintage stuff, and they get new g1 ponies in all the time. I guess people figure it's more convenient than Ebay, and more folks than you might expect still have their old G1s. Other than that, I type my little pony into Craigslist a lot. Once found a girl who had collected ponies through out her childhood and was selling off a very complete g1 collection for not very much per pony because she wanted extra money for college.

My most exciting recent find was a sea pony with her shell for $25! She was very clean.

Pony Corral / Re: How rare is Mimic really?
« on: August 26, 2015, 09:27:40 AM »
So then in that case, couldn't we all just agree to stop paying so much for her and drive the price down? I mean I guess bidding on eBay makes that difficult...

Pony Corral / Re: best way to remove hairspray and maintain curl?
« on: August 19, 2015, 09:02:02 AM »
Thank you Hathorcat! I will give that a try.

I still have a few more straight haired ones to practice on. The Applejack I got has a slightly curly tail, so I will see how that holds up. The ponies I used shampoo and conditioner on seemed to come out with smoother hair than the ones that just got soaped, but should I do the procedure you suggested to all of them to get rid of chemical traces? They also aren't sticky any more, so I'm glad it wasn't plasticizer leaching, just hair spray.

Thanks again!

Pony Corral / best way to remove hairspray and maintain curl?
« on: August 17, 2015, 12:03:15 AM »
So I bought some cute g1s from a garage sale this weekend. A couple of them have really nice curls, but nearly all of them seem to have had hair spray applied to their mains and tails! They were in zip lock bags when I bought them and when I took them out some were sticky and they all had crunchy hair.The woman selling them seemed like she had accumulated a lot of vaguely collectible things with the intent of selling them on eBay, but I doubt she knew much about ponies. I suspect some of the curls may be original and she just hit them all with spray. Oy!

If I can, I want to clean the ponies while maintaining the curl. Is there a specific product that is best to use to get rid of the hairspray? Detergent, antibacterial soap, shampoo? I'm sure this is pretty basic pony stuff but under the spray these particular ponies are in very nice condition and I want to maintain that.

I just took some regular antibacterial soap to a few of the ones with straight hair. Thanks for your help, friendly pony people!

Thanks for the advice, Nhal039! I'm glad to hear it's a reasonably common practice. Does anyone have more advice or photos on how to do it, though? Do you tug up or to the side? Do you boil the shell, like you would to remove a pony head? Use floss or thread around the seem?

LightningElectricDream, I don't have a swirled shell, just the usual clam shell. But if I did I would make a mold of that too!

So I recently acquired my first sea pony shell. I like it so much that I have decided to make a mold of it, so my other shell-less sea pony can be displayed in a shell and so that I can make reproduction shells for others. Of course I would modify the reproduction slightly so it would not be confused with an actual pony shell. It seems there are more sea ponies than shells floating  around, and it would be nice for people to be able to have them.

One thing I've noticed is that the original shell was cast in two parts, with seperate molds for the top and bottom parts of the shell. Later in production the two halves were attatched. My question is, has anyone ever separated the two halves of the shell without damaging either? Perhaps to clean it, and maybe using some kind of glue dissolving solvent?  I have ideas for casting the shell in one piece, but seperating the halves cleanly might make the process easier.

Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / Re: Sunshine pony poll
« on: June 21, 2015, 01:00:53 AM »
Sunshine ponies are one of my favorite pony collections! Beachball is my favorite pony (sunshine or otherwise) because she was my first pony. My mom got her for me as a surprise when she found out I wanted ponies. I remember coming home from school and finding her stuffed in the mailbox! That and her lovely bright saturated purple color is fantastic.

Seaflower is my other favorite. I had her as a kid too but I called her Seashell and decided she was a boy. Seashell and Beachball were baby Rainribbon's (renamed Rainbow's) parents. I still have my original ones and I've picked up Sanddigger and Mainsail.

The sunshine ponies are adorable and probably one of my favorite collections. So many memories. So brightly colored and cute.

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