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Messages - Noxxbunny

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Pony Corral / Re: Celestia Build a Bear ?
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:25:38 PM »
You are right about Rarity. Her hair is a total mess and very very thin. I only brushed her tail a couple times and it is already getting fluffy at the ends and I brushed it very carefully. I'm curious......did you get Fluttershy when she came out or recently??? Because I got Fluttershy only a few months ago for my daughter. I am wondering if maybe they changed her hair since she came out?

I wonder if they did change the recent release ponies.  :huh: I got my Fluttershy the day she first came out. So it's possible that there's a second run with the new hair. I'll have to check the ones in the bin at BaB when I go back for AJ eventually.

Pony Corral / Re: Celestia Build a Bear ?
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:05:30 PM »
I would love to see what she looks like but wouldn't get her. I have several of the BAB ponies and I have lost interest. I have Twilight and Rainbow Dash..which their hair is really nice....but I also have Fluttershy and Rarity who have really thin tangly hair. Out of all the ponies you think those would be the ones with the nicest hair. I also feel like the hair makes them not very cuddly. The only pony that might be able to sway me is Big Mac, Shining Armor, or maybe Dr. Whooves.

I agree. I'm starting to lose interest now as well. :( My Fluttershy's hair is actually really nice and I love the length. I expected the same for Rarity and I'm so disappointed that she's practically bald compared to the others! On top of that, I don't know if they changed what they make the hair out of or something, but Rarity's is just plain unmanageable! I've tried everything to get it to look like my other ones and no matter what I do, she just sticks out from the rest. I understand parents complained about how tangled the hair gets, but if Celestia has this new short hair length they've been going with, I won't be getting her. Takes all the fun out of it to me.

Something tells me it was that kind of toxicity that made someone go all out on OnlyFactory and report everything. I'd probably feel that way too if I'd spent too much longer reading the comments there. -_-;

As far as I can tell, a lot of people are doing everything they can to get Hasbro's attention on this. So I'm sure they're plenty aware of it by now. And yeah, as a plush maker myself, some of those comments are just absolutely infuriating. I've stopped reading them for my own good.

I dont fully fault people for buying the knock-off plushies, considering they are making plushies of characters that people want, but Hasbro themselves just aren't releasing/making them. What are the chances of Hasbro releasing a plush of [insert character who isnt Mane 6/ Princess/ extremely popular fan favorite here]?

....I still want a Gilda plush, Hasbro!!!

So, in my opinion, if Hasbro didn't want people buying knockoff plush, they should step up their own game. If I want a Big Mac plush, what are my options? Spend $200 to get a custom one, or go to Onlyfactory for $30. The day Hasbro makes a Big Mac is the day I buy one from them!

Basically, I'm not necessarily pro-knockoffs; but in the case of a multimillion dollar company which is putting out less-than-stellar options, I'm willing to look elsewhere, whether it be custom or knockoff.
If there is at least one  (possibly?) good thing about people buying the knock-offs, it's at least hopefully getting Hasbro to notice what the fans want when it comes to plush merchandise. There are more options now than when the only plushies were the Funrise ones (which not everyone liked), but fans want other characters to buy. Fans/People can only wait or be patient for so long before they/some go look for other options.  Considering how long it took for an official Luna plush to be made, cutie mark issue aside, I wouldn't be surprised if some fans feel or felt it would take too long to see if ________ will get an official plush, so they get a knock-off one (or commission one from someone).
this is pretty much how i feel about it. There quite a few officially licensed G4 plush lines available but nearly all of them just consist of the mane 6 or even just part of the mane 6 and that's it.

Lyra is one of my favorite ponies (I love her colors) and there is no official plush of her, but only factory made one, so I bought it. She isn't perfect, but she's cute and I like her. If Hasbro ever decides to make an officially licensed one I will buy that one too. I'd rather buy the officially licensed ones. I haven't bought any of the bootleg plush that have been shown being made by other plush makers (Big Mac, Luna, any of the mane 6/etc)

it doesn't mean its *right* that I'm still buying them, because yes, they are bootlegs, yes they're not supporting Hasbro in any way, but it is what it is. I think some people like them and some people don't. I don't think its worth getting mad at each other and throwing fits or anything. (not saying anyone here is, but there's an article on EQD atm that is filled with super angry people over these bootleg plush).

If anything good came out of this for me, it was seeing the truly nasty and entitled side of EQD commentors that lead me to finding this place. The way they go on  about "Hasdrones" and "Take that Hasbro" and "Custom plush makers deserve to have their patterns stolen" was really disturbing. At least people here can be civil about discussing these.

Pony Corral / Re: Need my Lunas! Where do you get these plush?
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:09:05 PM »
Apparently 4DE Luna is scheduled for late November. As for the Aurora plush...Strangely enough, I've only ever seen them in a Sanrio  :blink:

Pony Corral / Re: Color combos you seem to like?
« on: July 27, 2014, 12:32:14 PM »
I really love rainbow manes. The more color on it the better for me. Especially if the body is a light color. I also totally adore ponies with white bodies and subtly bright two-toned hair(Like Rarity with her two purples or Diamond Rose and Plumsweet)  :lol: I can't get enough of designs like those.

I suppose it's a bad thing depending on what merchandise you like. My understanding is that the rise of molded manes came with G4. I'm new to ponies, so I could be wrong though.

Pony Corral / Re: New line of Diamond Select toys pony figures
« on: July 26, 2014, 08:44:31 AM »
I don't like the changes they made to Rarity at all. Everything about the prototype looked nicer. The base with stream in it, and her tail. I am not liking that new tail. It looks so...clunky.  :huh:

Pony Corral / Re: New TAF G4 ponies - and Sweetie Drops brushable
« on: July 24, 2014, 01:27:26 AM »
I can't wait to get Daisy Dreams! She's gorgeous. I really hope she'll pop up in a store so I don't have to pay any shipping. My local stores are so bad at stocking non-Mane 6 ponies. 

Pony Corral / Re: Oh God. I'm now a drink and wet pony.
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:57:52 AM »
found it! It wasn't where I thought it was!,346705.msg1048810.html#msg1048810

Aw! I thought it was going to get better from Beddy Bye Eye Pony. :lol: I'm going to be a Fakie next. Well, at least it's not Bratz Pony.

Pony Corral / Re: Found counterfeit plushies being sold in a store
« on: July 16, 2014, 08:24:05 AM »
I don't think bootlegged toys are dangerous. When I was a kid, most toys that we had were bootlegged and no one choked or got poisoned :shrug:
As an adult, though, I would avoid buying bootlegged stuff because it's basically stealing. Or more precise, supporting theft.

Well, like I said, toy standards exist for a reason. Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it won't happen to other kids. And the thing is with MLP, a lot of parents get MLP merch for their VERY young children(1 year to 3 years) so that's definitely risky when there's NO quality controls and NO safety checks. I worry most about broken needles. Which seems to be the most common with bootleg plush. To a bootlegger - a needle falls in a plush, who cares? No one can pursue them legally for it. If their store gets shut down, they just start another one. It's concerning to say the least.  :huh:

Pony Corral / Re: Found counterfeit plushies being sold in a store
« on: July 15, 2014, 11:40:22 PM »
*head desk* *seize not cease....Cat clearly cant spell

And yes shimmlight it will be an counterfeit CE - they cant produce the product without a licence, therefore the product can not have passed through the CE system.

Personally I think there is a massive difference between something being mass produced and sold to retailers and the general public as a toy, and one off plush products which are essentially art and are very seldom sold as toys. :)

I totally agree on this. It makes me cringe that these are being sold as toys. What most people would consider "for children". I don't agree with the adults who knowingly buy them, but it is what it is and people know what they're getting(and an adult is obviously less vulnerable to choking hazards). But I don't like the idea of ANY sort of bootlegs in the hands of little kids.  :( we invented safety standards on toys for a reason. At least custom plush that are sold usually have the "NOT intended for children" line somewhere in the description and these definitely don't.

Pony Corral / Re: Which Build a Bear Ponies do you have?
« on: July 15, 2014, 11:28:42 PM »
I am really torn on Trixie though. I like her design, her hair and blue color are really pretty and especially with her purple cape, but I absolutely LOATHE her character from the show. She is my absolute least favorite out of every pony ever shown.(No offense to people who like her. She just isn't for me.)  :huh: So I'm not sure what to do about that. Should I get her anyway just because I like her design?

You know, that's a tough question. I would say it comes down to how much you like her design. Aesthetically speaking, she has my most favorite design of any G4 Pony. Blue and white, and that particular shade of blue ... perfection.

Character-wise, I actually liked her in her first episode and felt she had potential to grow and develop into a better Pony. I kind of felt the second episode really ruined that.

In the end, I decided that I loved her design too much to pass her by, especially with the Build-a-Bear being the shade of blue I hoped for and wanted, and I decided to think about her character potential from the first episode.

I do wish I hadn't had to pay full-price for her, but overall, no regrets. I'm thrilled with her. However, if I downright loathed her, I'm not sure I could justify buying her just on design alone. I don't have Rainbow or Pinkie because I'm just not fans of them and didn't feel like shelling out that much money for them. And even though I'm not fans of them, I don't loathe either of them by a long shot.

So for you, the question might come down to: "Do I like her design enough that I can be happy paying that much money and will enjoy seeing her everyday? Or will I resent paying so much for a Pony I don't like one bit?"

That's an interesting way to look at it! I actually recently got my Build a Bear account straightened out and it seems like once I buy AJ and AB I'll be getting enough points to get a $10 off coupon. So I think I've decided I wouldn't mind having her for $15 based on design alone. Maybe I can pretend my BaB specifically is Trixie's completely different twin sister to fix the issue I have with her personality.  :lol:

Pony Corral / Re: Found counterfeit plushies being sold in a store
« on: July 13, 2014, 10:30:56 PM »
You're right. They're not. The sale of counterfeit items is illegal in the US. If it does bother you that much, you could try informing the store owners of what they're selling. That will sometimes get them to stop selling them. If they don't...there's not much you can do other than completely reporting them. Though I'm not sure who you would report that to. The police or Hasbro? Though you probably don't want to take it that far?  :huh:

Pony Corral / Re: Which Build a Bear Ponies do you have?
« on: July 13, 2014, 04:09:07 PM »
I have them all and with the accessories except the most recent additions.  :biggrin: I love them a lot. They're just so well-made and I'm very happy with them. I'll be getting Applejack and Applebloom hopefully soon. Zecora is a maybe for me since I'm holding out for them to bring her to stores. She'd just cost too much money with shipping. And I'm running out of space anyway.

I am really torn on Trixie though. I like her design, her hair and blue color are really pretty and especially with her purple cape, but I absolutely LOATHE her character from the show. She is my absolute least favorite out of every pony ever shown.(No offense to people who like her. She just isn't for me.)  :huh: So I'm not sure what to do about that. Should I get her anyway just because I like her design?

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