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Messages - Maniah

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Customs / Re: Godzilla - WIP
« on: February 12, 2012, 05:11:40 PM »
Thank you. I have been working in him since late December a couple times a week.

Customs / Re: Godzilla - WIP
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:06:00 AM »
When this sucker is done, I'll be focusing on my Harry Dresden pony. You can see his coat tails in one picture. He's gonna be a gift for Jim Butcher (Author of The Dresden Files). And once THAT is done, then I really really really really wanna try some Woosie style wings so very bad! And a corset! And Fairy wings! .... There is not enough time in the day..

Customs / Re: Airbrushing..
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:03:24 AM »
I airbrush indoors all the time. I do it in my kitchen and I have a big cardboard box with the front and top cut off I use.

For how many years? Heh. I have seen airbrush color build up in some odd places at work. Thank goodness it's just food coloring.

Customs / Airbrushing..
« on: February 12, 2012, 08:49:29 AM »
I work decorating cakes, so I know that no matter how hard you try, airbrush mist gets EVERYWHERE. I make cakes, blow my nose when I get home, and it looks like I spent all day snorting rainbows!

Anyway.. I rent an apartment and really don't want to abandon all hope on the deposit.. My apartments are surrounded by trees. Its generally windy here.. So Airbrushing both indoors and outdoors just won't work.

The only idea I have come up with so far is to pitch a pup tent, and get a painters mask.. But.. the apartment is tiny.. Even for a single person pup tent, I don't see anywhere to put it.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks that don't involve putting plastic all over my entire home?

Im guessing the answers are going to be a "Nope, You're out of luck!" series of entries.. But maybe someone will surprise me.

Customs / Godzilla - Finished
« on: February 12, 2012, 08:25:22 AM »
Since I'm new here, I'll just have to show you everything I have already done, since I'm nearly done.

Warning.. It starts out horrible, but gets better.
Concept art (Dont laugh!)
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Here We Go! (Original was a so soft G1 with a ribbon cutie mark that I first deflocked)
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Adding some spikes
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Stompin' Around!
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Color check! (Buyer says like this body color, but more blackish brown)
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And With spikes this color
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Base coats down! (Luckily I had the buyer here to choose the body color first hand so I could be sure to get what he wanted!)

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RAWR!! Sealing him, and I'm done. Thank goodness!
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Customs / Re: rehairing question
« on: February 12, 2012, 01:17:53 AM »
You can do both ways. I prefer to separate out hair for one plug and then fold it in half to be inserted with a Rehairing tool. I use a needle with the eye snipped off at an angle, held in an xacto knife handle. I use a size 8 or 9 needle. Before inserting the hair I widen the hair plug hole a little using an awl.

I also underpriced myself till I sat down and made a list of how much it actually cost me to make a pony.

I suggest you look at what goes into a pony.. The base cost of the pony itself, the cost of the hair, the paint, any other supplies.. Then look at how much time it takes you to make her. How much is your time worth? Personally, my time is worth $20 on basic ponies. If one pony took 2 hours to make, that would be $10 an hour and not so bad.. Unfortunately, ponies often take at least twice that.

I don't look to actually make money through customizing, I just look for the hobby to pay for itself. If I can't sell any ponies, then I can't buy stuff to make more ponies. The fun for me is in making them.

That said, I will do a copy paste of my commission prices for you to compare by.

My Prices are as follows:
$30 Simple Pony
  • Cutie mark of your choice on the flank. Eyes repainted if you prefer. Original body colors only. Made with current generation of ponies, or older ponies if I have any in stock. Older ponies may not be in as good condition, but every attempt will be made to make sure they are presentable. NO Rehair is offered at this price, so an older pony may not be a good choice as their hair tends to be ragged.
$35 G4 Friendship is Magic Pony
  • Because the friendship is magic ponies are so small, and they use much less in terms of supplies, I had to create a separate category for them. You can have any base G4 pony. Repainted, original color, rehaired, whatever. No sculpting is included in this price.
$40 Complex Pony
  • All of the above PLUS: Full rehair of up to two hair colors and full body repaint. Your cutie mark may cover more than just the flank of the pony.
$55 Fairy Winged Pony
  • All of the above PLUS: Hand crafted fairy wings for the pony. Please note that shipping tends to be more expensive on this pony due to the careful packaging needed for the wings.
  • Sculpting. Prices vary.
  • Additional hair colors $5 each
Friendship is Magic ponies (g4) are smaller than a 3rd generation baby, for the basic $5 priced pony. The $13 pony is considerably larger and uses two or three times as much hair. If you want a custom from the Friendship is Magic ponies, your default will be the smaller pony. I can do the larger pony, but expect to add an additional $20 to your order to cover the additional costs of materials.

MLP Nirvana / Re: Italy Applejack restoration questions
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:09:07 PM »
imho, an Italian AJ is uncommon enough that you shouldn't bait her (as you know :hug: ), but common enough that you shouldn't worry about rehairing her or repainting her symbols if that's what makes her special to you.

If you are planning on fixing her up to sell, however, I would leaver her original :)

Yeah, I am basically looking to sell her, and want to clean her up as nice as possible. I just know I have seen that some people prefer the pony left as is, and others prefer it fixed up with new hair..  And I have never dealt with restoring or selling a G1 before so I wasn't sure what extremes I should go to.

I tired looking for her on ebay to get some idea of a price for her, but I couldnt find her.

MLP Nirvana / (Pics added) Italy Applejack restoration questions
« on: February 11, 2012, 05:54:13 PM »
I understand that it's a matter  of preference as to how far to go in restoring a pony. I know some people want it to keep its original hair and others prefer the hair to be replaced if its bad.

I have a g1 Applejack from Italy that the community has persuaded me to clean up. She has a horribly frizzed mane and tail  that I have managed to smooth out a bit. But her tail has a mild case of tail rust.

I have the correct color to replace her hair and I am experienced at doing so, but I know some people don't like that. What do you guys think?

Her eyes and her cutie mark both have paint scratched off.  She has a neon pink pen mark on her display side rear leg where it looks like someone tried to draw a heart.

Should I replace the hair an touch up the paint? Leave as is? I have no idea what she would be worth in terms of money and would love to hear some numbers or offers. I'll upload a picture of her in an hour or so if I can. I'm unable to at the moment.

Edited to add pics - I forgot to put her ribbon back on for the pictures. She still has her original tail ribbon.
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WIth a Toys R Us across the street from me, I hope I can manage to snag some of these. Money is always tight, so we'll see how things look when they actually get released.

If I have extra money to buy extras (or people wire me money to buy when found), I'd be happy to ship them to overseas people who have a hard time finding them, for no extra fees. Just whatever it costs in store + shipping. I wouldn't say no to a tip though ;)

Customs / Re: YOUR First and YOUR Fav!! Lets see it!
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:56:32 AM »
My First.. Sylvan Nocturne
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My Favorite.. Mab, Winter Queen of Air and Darkness
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Mab was based off of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, and I just adore her so very much.

For Trade / Re: Your Plushie for my Custom
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:45:02 AM »
That is some skilled crocheting, but I have my hopes high for a plush. I collect them to a very minor degree, and really want to add a Fluttershy to the collection. Your fluttershy does look adorable though :)

Customs / Re: My First Custom (A Watch Me Work Post)
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:24:50 AM »
When my neck rings break I just glue the head to the body. It works fine, you just have to be careful of stray glue.

Customs / Re: Painting Question
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:20:41 AM »
I am fond of testors brand paints. You can find them in hobby shops for painting minis and such. Expensive but it goes on so smooth. I use a brush and paint very thIn coats. They dry fast. Even if it looks uneven, like thicker in some places, jus keep adding coats till it is a solid shade. Just make sure to dry completely between coats or you will scrape off previous coats.

Yes i had ponies when I was younger. I loved them. I have one vivid memory of them. It was Christmas and my parents had the Christmas presents. The hid them too well and lost one. I remember helping them look for it. It was one of the bath time ponies. THe little squirt toy sea horse things. We looked all over and never did find it so I got to go to the toy store and pick one out. That Was back when toys r us was THE place to go!

Those were good times!

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