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Messages - Stormness_1

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Pony Corral / Re: Pony Confessions!
« on: September 04, 2012, 05:53:18 PM »
OOh.. i have more now that hubby has gone to work.. yay for my day off!

I have lied about how much a pony was purchased for.. and subsequently how much they are worth for 'resale' -as if I'm actually going to!!!  :P

I'd rather clean ponies than watch boring movies with hubby. sometimes I'll sit up half the night. They MUST be cleaned! eek!
(actually I'm pretty sure he knows that....)

I buy hubby RC cars and choppers and stuff so that he will have a collection that he has to store somewhere... and we can go halfsies in a collection room.. hehe devious (yet genius) plan!

I buy pony themed biccies and lollies for work... and for the stickers....  :huh:

Pony Corral / Re: Help me destroy the smell!
« on: September 04, 2012, 05:31:46 PM »
well, when my brand new smartphone vibrated off the table into a cup of week-old tea that someone had forgotten about and left on the floor... it worked, but smelt DISGUSTING. I wiped it dry, but gagged everytime I used it. It was impossible to deal with, so I did the following:

1. Found two containers. One large container with a sealable lid, and one small enough to fit the smelly object, without a lid.
2. Filled the bottom of the large container with baking soda (or rice I'm told works too) about an inch deep.
3. Placed the smelly object into the small container and placed it inside the larger container. If it might tip, place it against the side or something, or dig it into the BS.
4. Sealed the large container.
5. Went away for the weekend.

When I returned, my phone was odour-free! I'd leave it longer for something porous-ish like a pony, maybe a week or so. I like this method because I can see the object and can be sure it isn't being damaged!

Good Luck!

Pony Corral / Re: Don't you hate it when...
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:53:00 AM »
i hate it when I make a budget for ponies... and then compromse by buying pony 'stuff'. this week I bought a G1 bedsheet, and am winning a G1 pony storybook.... :S

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Confessions!
« on: September 04, 2012, 01:57:13 AM »
1. I married the first boyfriend I told about my ponies!

2. my hubby is watching me write this. He's laughing at me...

3. I got my mum to cut ruby lips' mane into a bob when I was four. Hey, at least I didn't cut it myself!

4. I can't stand to leave ponies I actually like in their packaging... Free the ponies!

5. I don't like having more than one of each pony. Armies annoy me, I like to share the pony love... and the only pony I've kept multiples of is g3 pinkie pie... there's a few nice ones I can't choose from!

6. I rename ponies that have the same name. I have 3 gens of apple jacks... Apple Jack, Jack Apple (UK), Apple Stack (G3) & AJ (G4).

7. My ponies have families. They always have, always will!

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Sometimes miracles happen!
« on: August 27, 2012, 03:53:08 AM »
I've actually found things to be pretty quick lately.... I had a package from Belgium come quicker than expected... and belgium is usually such a pain!

Pony Corral / Re: id on pony Charm?
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:38:25 AM »
thanks hathorcat! (and for resizing the pic, i cant seem to find that tutorial) I'll have a sniff around and see what I can find out, too... this lot is turning out to have some great varied stuff!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Almost to 200 ponies! Pic included :)
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:35:01 AM »
thanks guys! believe you me, quite a few of these girls are rather baity... poor hula in the middle has next to no hair and holes all over, but I'm having trouble bringing myself to buy a new one! Maybe in a lot... it's not as personal then!

Its taken four years to build up from what was left of my chidhood collection, which wasn't much. When my tax return came in this year, I got a ridiculously high refund, and may have gone a bit crazy with ponies... I bought about 50!

Pony Brag Arena / Almost to 200 ponies! Pic included :)
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:08:34 AM »
I pulled my ponies out of storage today to check on them and put the newbies in, and I counted 178, not including doubles!!

Here they all are:

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They're a little messy and need some styling, but until I get them some wall space, a quick comb has to do!

[Edit to reszie photo, please add width=600 after the img in your img tag, thanks Diamond Brags Mod]

Pony Corral / Re: id on pony Charm?
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:30:51 PM »
unfortunately she's unmarked. No-one at the TP had any idea, so I thought I'd try here. They also said bully or comics, but from what I can find on them, she's neither. :(

Pony Corral / id on pony Charm?
« on: August 13, 2012, 01:27:30 PM »
I recently got his cutie in a lot of ponies:

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anyone know anything about her?

[image resized ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Pony Corral / Re: The bane of your pony existence?
« on: August 08, 2012, 05:01:27 AM »
Lol @ Pinkie Pie armies! I've just received my 6th pinkie, three of which are the same ine, now I've got a job to figure out which one I want to keep!! Salon Time!!!

Pony Corral / Re: Show me your favorite pony of the moment!
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:13:32 PM »
Ok, I just got a new lot of ponies, and my new girl of the moment is... Nightglider! She's that shade of blue that I can't resist, and she was so manky and disgusting.... and now she's soooo minty I can't believe my eyes...

The Dollhouse / Re: Anti-MH Blog Post
« on: August 05, 2012, 02:58:17 PM »
I'm another that got angry reading this woman's blog. She's soooo uninformed, and to be commenting on things she knows nothing about is making me insanely furious. I had to stop, I really did. Before I blew a gasket and started raving at my poor innocent hubby about all of this!

I was truly naiive as a child, and wasn't even allowed to know sex or sexuality really existed. Which was tough for my mum, as I spent my weekends on a farm! Kids don't need to know about sex, or sexualisation, especially is such a complex manner as what eyelashes mean on a care bear!! And apparently ponies are sexual, too? I'm so confused, how is not having freckles sexual? I was the only kid in my grade with freckles, and I wasn't any more a kid than any of them... nor did I become any less sexual as an adolescent. And ponies had long flowing hair long before G3... stupid woman, what bad lessons for her child - what is or isn't sexual, in fact making her daughter more sexually aware than most children her age, and defeating the purpose completely!!

Children need to form their own opinions on things. My niece saw those disgusting smoking kills ads on tv, and was terrified by them, until her mum explained to her that that's what your insides look like if you smoke for a long time. She went on a crusade to stop daddy and uncle christian (my hubby) from smoking any longer (she was 5). She doesn't think smokers are bad, she loved them even when they did smoke, but the smokes were bad, not the people! Just like only too much ice cream gives you a tummy ache or a brain freeze, but a little bit is yummy and a nice reward. Cause and effect. Things aren't automatically bad or good, but everything has a reason. Your kid might drive you absolutely crazy with, "but why?!" half their life, but at least they'll understand and have a desire to learn.

Pony Corral / Re: Insuring your Collection?
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:16:57 AM »
I'm going to bump this, because I want to follow people's responses to this topic, and I think it's an important one for all of us collectors. My collection is mostly commons, but some of my ponies are relatively htf, and I'm starting to wonder about insurance for them, as I need to get other insurance/cover stuff in order and wanted to sort everything all at the same time.

I'll have a look into some aus/nz insurers when I get around to it and post anything I find (if I can find anything) here.

I'll be photographing them all individually on Sunday, and starting the valuation process... ho-ly cow that's gonna be a loooong day! I think an annual update on valuations would be fine, just like with the house. I know my FIL has just increased his home insurance to cover the home theatre with all his movie memorabilia.. so I'm thinking I'll ask him about it too, he's bound to have researched the thing to death!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: my latest haul!
« on: August 03, 2012, 03:56:32 AM »
thanks guys, and yes, you can filter your ebay results to nearest your post code first if you're logged in.

I'd never seen those matchbox horses before, and have totally fallen in love with them.

Lots of accessories - sweet notes and pony pride were complete, plus bridal beauty's bouquet, the rockers and one of the rattles from the newborn twins speckles and bunkie, and there's some g2 bits and pieces too - dainty dove's chapel, moonshadow's drawers and the complete basket (the lid is often missing) from the basket surprise set, as well as some stuff I'm pretty sure is mlp, but have yet to identify!

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