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Messages - tehrin

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Pony Brag Arena / Re: Showing off the herd!
« on: January 19, 2012, 06:07:06 PM »
Thank you everyone! Yay for ponies! :D

Wow, awesome! You've got a lot of great stuff! Who's that yellow unicorn on the far right of your G1 shelf?

That is Red Roses, a perfume puff pony! :3

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Reunited with childhood ponies :D
« on: January 19, 2012, 04:54:36 AM »
Yay! They look really good for having been played with by a 2-3 year old! You took really good care of them! *__* I think I remember some of mine being mangled. XD

Pony Corral / Re: Post your most recent Pony purchase!!
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:02:07 PM »
I bought... so soft Sundance and Flutter Morning Glory at a vintage toy shop. I also bought Sparkler on Etsy, and I won a lot of  9 G1s on Shop Goodwill. :D  Oh, and blindbags. @_@ My pony purchases are done for this month. XD

Pony Brag Arena / Showing off the herd!
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:06:24 PM »
So I decided it would be funny to compare how much my collection has grown since I started collecting.

It all started last April when I was reading my friend and fellow arena member, Rayechu's blog about ponies. I went to TRU later that day, caved in and bought Rainbow Dash, before even seeing the new series. Watched it, fell in love and everything went downhill from there.

This was my collection in May of last year:
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At this time, I also had 13 ponies that a friend gave me about 10 years ago. They were in my parent's attic. But I didn't have them at the time this picture was taken. XD

...and it's nowhere near the size of other people's collections! XD

The whole thing! lol

My G4's
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G4 Glimmers, Carousel, and half the Wave 1 blindbag set.
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My G1 Shelf
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The middle, bit of everything shelf:
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Ponies on the bottom shelf:
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G2's standing on a plastic tub cause I have nothing else to put them on ATM.
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And some Misc. pony stuff!
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I also have two that are in the "Pony Chop Shop" as my husband calls it. One being rehaired, and the other deflocked. Plus I have 10 more ponies on their way. Thankfully, 5 of them are babies, so finding spots for them won't be too hard. But I counted... 97 ponies, before I bought the other 10. So...107 ponies! OMG.  Where will I be in a year? Who knows! LOL! I guess I'd better buy another shelf to start storing my ponies. :B

The Dollhouse / Re: I will be making CAM torsos soon.
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:06:11 PM »
I'd be interested! White resin would be fine actually. I'd be painting them to match the bodies. :B

I also thought it would be a good idea to make bases for the wigs, so you can create your own custom wigs.

I always debox mine. :x  It's just more fun to have them displayed on the shelf with all my other ponies deboxed! Plus, I'm running out of room as it is, so deboxing is the only way I can store them. I do keep the back cards on the boxes plus the little cardboard thingies in a baggie with their accessories and pets though. :)

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Ichibancon! There were PONIES! :D
« on: January 18, 2012, 06:40:34 PM »
Thanks everyone!

The tokidokis are SO CUTE. *_* I'm going to have to keep nabbing them up at conventions while I can. XD Unfortunately, I don't go to many anymore, but I might have some friends pick some up for me. :B

I was also really suprised that someone had some old ponies. When I saw them, I was actually with one of the higher-up staff people (we were looking for plushies) and I was suprised that he didn't mention anything to the seller because they were only supposed to sell old/used anime/manga etc type merchandise. When I got away I came back and nabbed it all before anyone could say anything. XD

Pony Brag Arena / Re: OMG... BEST... Goodwill day... EVER... O.o
« on: January 18, 2012, 06:36:38 PM »
OMG Congrats! So much pony! *_* I never find any ponies at thrift stores around here. ;_; But looks like you found an awesome haul!

To fix her horn, try putting her in some boiling water. Then hold the horn in position until it cools completely. I've fixed many a pony with bendy issues (Princess Primrose falling over, dents, and bent legs) with this method and it always works! :D

Pony Corral / Re: Restoration Progress: Baby Moondancer (Update!)
« on: January 18, 2012, 05:53:54 PM »
She looks amazing! It's nice to see her progressing along so well! I love restoring ponies, so I'd rather restore before bait if I can. *_*

Question! Does the peroxide bath work on non-white ponies that won't take to sunfading? I have a Hearthtrob given to me by a friend which I've lost contact with. I've been restoring her, but she's a little yellowed in places. I'm wondering if it might brighten her up somewhat.

Pony Corral / Re: US Blind Bag Release Index- Where have they been found?
« on: January 18, 2012, 05:36:24 PM »
Cuyahoga Falls Ohio is where I bought mine! :)

Pony Corral / Re: Showing your friends your collection.
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:20:11 AM »
Anyone who comes into our house is greeted instantly with toys from my husband and I. People have even commented that our house smells like Christmas morning and the new toy smell. XD I noticed it after taking a box of ponies to a convention to use in a panel. The box smelled strongly of new pony. LOL!

Fortunately for him, the first thing you see is legos and anime figures out the wazoo. Then Monster high dolls. Then an overflowing shelf of Ponies! XD I had to pack away all my video game figures to make room for ponies in our new apartment. I'm looking forward to having space to display everything again.

I'm really open about my collecting. So, I don't feel bad about mentioning that I have ponies. I'll also post new ponies in batches on facebook. LOOK WHAT I GOT. XD

Also, am I the only one who walks into Ikea and instantly sees all the room displays, thinking of how well they would display ponies and other toys? XD

Haha, thank you for sharing your horror stories with me. It *does* help a little. :)

But I still wonder if you have any good ideas, mostly when it comes to Sparkler. I really like her and want her head to match her body. Could I dye her head back to the same shade as her body with rit dye maybe?

Also, about the tails that got discolored, they were a bit frizzy as well, this might be a good excuse to give them new tails all together since they are in excellent shape otherwise.

Unfortunately dying the head will only result in making the head a darker shade of blue (with maybe a hint of green present). There's not really much you can do to remove the color entirely. If it's seeped into the plastic, which I'm sure it has due to the boiling water, there's really nothing that can remove it. The only option I can think of is to sunfade the head and body to white as much as possible, remove all the hair, and then dye it. But it's really a lot of trouble and time to save a pony which is fairly common and fairly inexpensive, unless there's a deep sentimental reason why you want to keep her (she was a gift, a childhood pony, your first pony, etc). I'd probably just buy a new one, and then customize it. :)

As for the tails, I'd just give them new tails. That'd be the easiest route to go. I'm not sure if soaking in 90% rubbing alcohol will do anything, but I use that on wigs to remove/lighten custom dye jobs on them with sharpies or ink.

Pony Corral / Re: Valentines Cards
« on: January 17, 2012, 07:34:56 PM »
Aww so adorable! I think I might buy some and give them to coworkers. LOL. I miss giving out those little v-day cards at school. Even as much as making the boxes to put them in for the v-day party. ;_;

And poor Rarity. How could that have forgotten her? D:

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High thread number 786!!
« on: January 15, 2012, 10:12:54 PM »
I don't mind the CGI for the specials, just as long as the webisodes keep the 2D animation. It's part of the geeky charm which brought me into liking these dolls and the series.  Glad to see they're not redoing it all in 3D at least yet. ;o

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High thread number 786!!
« on: January 15, 2012, 04:25:15 PM »
I was at Walmart today and noticed mine finally stocked the blindbag ponies. But on my way out the door, I suddenly realized I was so excited about the ponies that I forgot to check for Cupid. x_x;;; Augh! I hope they didn't stock her and sell out! DD:

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