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Messages - kCherry

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Customs / Re: !!!!!G4 MLP Arena Mascot - A Tease No Longer!!!!!
« on: February 04, 2012, 03:24:58 PM »
Thank you all so much! :heart:

Customs / Re: !!!!!G4 MLP Arena Mascot - A Tease No Longer!!!!!
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:57:16 AM »
:cheer: Whachoo ponies think?? :happy:

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: suecee: Anyone else waiting for ponies?
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:01:03 AM »
I got an e-mail from her saying she had refunded me, and an e-mail from paypal saying that the dispute was closed, so even though the money hasn't shown up on my paypal, I'm hoping that means that the refund will be there in a few days.

  Did the email from Paypal say anything about a pending refund or just that the dispute had been closed? :what:

  IceCrystalline, have you actually received your refund or just an agreement to refund?

Pony Corral / Re: OMG I ruined my ponies...
« on: February 03, 2012, 02:42:53 PM »
OMG!! You poor Dear!! :hug: I'd offer to babysit and sunfade them myself, but at my current location it would take prolly around 12 months! :drunk:

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies for Mah Ears
« on: February 03, 2012, 02:38:11 PM »
  I wore them out today (AJ and FS) and yes they are heavy, but they didn't bother me; I've worn heavier, too. I really loved wearing them. They were heavy enough so that I was always conscience of the fact that I had ponies hanging from my ears but not so heavy that they hurt or bothered me. Still, not for all-day wear, but perfect for an outing!! :D

  Thanks for posting, everypony!! :heart:

I have nine piercings in my ear, that means three ponies per ear and a couple of holes left over :D

  LOL Now that I'd have to see pics of!!! :P

Customs / Re: G4 MLP Arena Mascot - TEASE!!!!!
« on: February 03, 2012, 01:52:20 PM »
*pokes*  It's tomorrow!!!!!!

 hee hee :lovey:  Is it already?!! :P

Wow. That's a pretty poor packing job for what you paid in shipping costs! I would be livid about that alone. :mad:

  I agree with ponylady, that I would keep it polite and factual. But, I wouldn't even mention being excited about the purchase; keep it neutral and just about the item and the fact that you feel that you over-paid for what you received. Depending on the situation I may or may not directly ask for a partial refund or simply give them the opportunity to offer me one. When I've gotten a great deal and I feel like I did get what I paid for I won't bother asking directly. It is actually your responsibility as a buyer to ask for descriptions and flaws. It's pretty crooked when people photograph stuff like this, but you may get the response, "You didn't ask" and nothing more, regardless. Let's hope you have a decent seller on your hands. Based on his feedback I think you have a good chance that they will be willing to work with you.

In this situation I would ask them directly and politely for a refund on the shipping difference. ;) And I might would also add something about adding extra padding for items like this in the future; a friendly FYI from a collector to a seller.

  Hope this helps! Let us know how it goes!! Good luck!

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: suecee: Anyone else waiting for ponies?
« on: February 03, 2012, 01:35:08 PM »
Thank you for letting us and the community know about the issues that you guys have been having with suecee. I hate that it had to come down to a TS thread to get suecee to rectify the situation but glad to hear that there had been some resolution, all the same.

  ponyRN, please let us know when your refund goes through. Hopefully there aren't any more members having with problems with her. :)

Off Topic / Re: New moderator applicants waiting room?
« on: February 03, 2012, 01:17:56 PM »
Mmmm... none of you seem to realize who has the real power.  :rolleyes:
You should all be sucking up to Loa.



Off Topic / Re: New moderator applicants waiting room?
« on: February 03, 2012, 12:40:53 PM »
*saunters through the waiting room humming the theme from "Winnie the Pooh"

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies for Mah Ears
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:26:16 PM »
Thanks, everypony!! :cheer:

Customs / Re: G4 MLP Arena Mascot - TEASE!!!!!
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:23:48 PM »
i have been oogling your avatar today cherry!

love pkw xxx

  I wondered who had noticed! :D

I've been waiting to see that custom, your such a tease!

  Yes, I am!!! XD

hee hee Haii puuuush!!! :hug:

Customs / WINNERS POSTED! G4 MLPA + G3 Pink Snow + G1 Italy Bluemoon!!
« on: February 02, 2012, 12:56:24 PM »
  As some of you may already know, it's thanks to 'Mattman' AKA Mr. Cherry, that we now have a fantastic new pony home here at the new MLP Arena! We have had several members ask us how they could show their appreciation for all the incredible hard work and the huge amounts of time that he put into the site. So, I decided to create a custom to offer to the public and BridgetsMum graciously agreed to let me use the MLP Arena Mascot! visitors can't see pics , please register or login
   After discussing it with Mattman I've decided rather than send her off to eBay, I'd have a raffle for her here! Less hassle and More people get a chance to win! 
Tickets are $1 each. Please send your paypal payments to custompony @
Be extra sure to include your Arena name with your payment.
Please, be extra, extra sure that you do NOT include the word 'raffle' in your paypal payment anywhere!
Depending on how high the total gets I may throw in a couple more custom prizes!

I will be updating this thread with new entries at least once daily or as they come in. ;) The raffle will end Feb 18th 2012 at 12:00 midnight EST. Thank you, Everypony for showing your appreciation!!
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1-10. Rhini :heart:
11-12. hlbmlp :heart:
13-22. AusMLP :heart:
23-32. Eviecorn :heart:
33-35. Sternenstaub :heart:
36-40. stephabryant1 :heart:
41-45. MLPgal13 :heart:
46-47. Flyingponymonster :heart:
48. Lady.Arachnia :heart:
49-68. ponylady :heart:
69-78. Ren-Ren :heart:
79-86. Ponymonsters :heart:
87-91. ZennaBug :heart:
92-101. Pickle2411 :heart:
102-106. Sea_Breeze :heart:
107-110. tinrobo :heart:
111-120. Kimmers4Ever :heart:
121-125. Ponytails :heart:
126-135. Elfpony :heart:
136-140. coinoperatedgirl :heart:
141-170. ponylady :heart:
171-175. Sarah-Bee :heart:
176-179. ScreamingDaisies :heart:
180-184. littlexflitter :heart:
185-204. Izrabeth :heart:
205-208. SourdoughStomper :heart:
209-223. Flitter :heart:
224-228. Exodus3D :heart:
229-238. LittleHoneyPie :heart:
239-243. MLPgal13 :heart:
244-248. mercynova visitors can't see pics , please register or login

249-258. Ausmlp :heart:
259-268. Lucky4leafclover :heart:
269-283. WinterSparkle :heart:
284-293. DevlishSmooch :heart:
294-308. PonyLady :heart:
309-318. DevlishSmooch :heart:
319-321. Brightglowpony :heart:
322-338. banditpony :heart:


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 And, if you prefer straight-haired ponies, I can wash the curls out upon request. visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 640x513.
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 Thanks for looking, ponies!!! I hope that ya'll are enjoying the new site!!! visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Update 9 Feb!!!!

      I have decided to add another prize; we will now have Two winners!! First winner drawn will win the lovely MLP Arena Mascot custom and the second place holder will receive Pink Snow! I will be using to draw numbers and I will draw until I have two separate winners. In the event that I draw the same person for both first and second prizes I'll be sending a little something extra along with the G4 MLP Arena Mascot to that individual for their fantastic luck but will continue drawing numbers until I have two winners. ;)

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Thanks again, ponies!!!! :heart:

Last Update til I announce THREE winners!! :cheer: 16 Feb~

I have decided to add one last custom to the prizepot; from my Nirvana Repro Collection I'm super proud to add "Italian Blue Moonstone!"

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Again, Good Luck, Everypony!!!! :cheer: And THANK YOU!!!! :heart:

  Sunday 19 Feb: ETA!!!!!! WINNERS!!!!! :cheer: YAYYYY!!!!
(I'm having a tad bit of technical difficulties, but I'll get the screen shots up tomorrow morning!! XD )
 Congratulations DevilishSmooch, number 316; PonyLady, number 307; and AusMLP, number 16!!!!! PM me to confirm your shipping information ASAP!! :happy:
  Thank you to ALL who purchased tickets!visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 I can't say how much your love and support means!visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies for Mah Ears
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:03:27 AM »

So adorable!  If I wore those, I'm sure my kids would try to take them off my ears to play, LOL!

  The thought had occurred to me just this morning that I'd have ponies to play with any time I wore them!! :blush:

Pony Corral / Re: Moderator Applications!
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:26:50 AM »
Be patient - this is not a quick easy process. It's not just a case of great, person answered all questions, done. This is no different than interviewing for a real life job. We take EVERYTHING in to consideration (and we had roughly 30 applicants). We need to make completely sure that the people we pick are right for the job.

  Don't believe her; we've hired drunken monkey's to throw darts at random names slapped up on a board. How else would I have ever become Site Mod?

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