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Messages - Sunset

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Pony Corral / Can anyone tell me about...
« on: February 18, 2012, 08:10:30 AM »
These two Poseys?
As I was sorting throught my collection, I found that I own two Poseys.  At first I thought the only difference was that one had really faded out hair and the other had managed to retain her lovely pink hair.  Then I noticed the color variation on her symbol.  Can anyone tell me about that?  Is one a deflocked so-soft?  They both say Hong Kong.  I'm afraid that I don't remember anything about were I got either of them from.
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Pony Corral / Re: They can breath!
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:13:03 PM »
Thanks!  Now, I think that I am going to go to bed.  It is now officially after midnight here and I have ponies swimming in front of my eyes.
Plan for tomorrow: see if any of my old sketches/ paintings are still hanging around.  Maybe I can trade some for more ponies!

Pony Corral / They can breath!
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:42:49 PM »
So some of my ponies have been packed down for a year or two but most of my G1's have been packed up for several years.  My mom insisted that I pack them up when I moved from college student to officially not living at home.  The places I was living up until a year and a half ago just didn't have the space for my entire collection (though that didn't stop me from buying G3 ponies when they were in the stores.)  So now that I have been in my new home for over a year, my mom now insisted that I move the huge tubs of packed up ponies to my place.  I've been slowly going through the G3 ponies and either finding places to stash them or selling them.
But tonight, I unpacked my entire G1 collection.
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It was lots of fun pulling out ponies and seeing what I had, it has been so long since I've seen most of these lovelies.  I have lots of work to do, though.  Frizzy hair, several cases of tail rust, one possibly moldy baby seapony.  I even have some ponies that I must have picked up at garage sales but hadn't had time to clean up before packing them away.
I'm a little at a loss as to were to keep all of these gals, though.  I do have some special shelves put up in my room for my "original" childhood ponies.
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I'm thinking that I will put at least three long glass shelves on the side there were the framed boxes are right now.
I also have a little display set up in a wooden cabinet with mostly G3s and my small collection of G4s.
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I get the feeling that some of my friends who have known me for a while will be a little dismayed the next time they come to my house.  :P

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Name needed
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:53:23 PM »
Your welcome  :)

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Name needed
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:34:49 PM »
I don't know about a Paper Lantern but there is a G3 pony named Kimono who has chinese paper lanterns as her cutie mark.  She was one of the first G3 ponies released.

Pony Corral / Re: I have hundreds of Ponies to sell...How do I DO this????
« on: February 17, 2012, 01:44:29 PM »
I love blue ponies, too.  I'll have to take a look at your blue list when it's ready.  The irony is that I just went throught my G3 collection and sold about 1/3rd to 1/2 of them and here I am buying more ponies.  Ah, well.  What can you do?

Pony Corral / Re: Wearing My Brony Shirt To My Work Today
« on: February 17, 2012, 01:39:55 PM »
That's awesome!  I don't consider myself a brony but I do own a t-shirt of Twilight Sparkle reading a book with the words "Read a Book" that I've worn to work.  Of course, I work in a public library so anything that involves reading or books won't get a second glance from most people.  I have had at least three people recognize who Twilight Sparkle is: one little girl, one teenager who was so excited and couldn't help blurting out "Rainbow Dash is my favorite!", and most funny of all, a middle aged mother who's college aged son is into FiM.

Pony Corral / Re: I have hundreds of Ponies to sell...How do I DO this????
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:48:43 AM »
I would also suggest that you start with the ponies you like the least.  That gives you more time as you are selling to hold on to your favorites and decide whether you really want to part with them.  Nothing worse than seller's regret.  It's much worse than buyer's remorse.
Also, if you aren't selling because you need money now.  You might pack up those G3's and just hold them in storage for a while.  Maybe you will decide you still want them later or maybe the prices will be better in a couple of years.  I predict we will have a lot more G3 lovers in a few years when all of those who were kids during the 2000's get old enough to both have money and be feeling nostalgic.  But that's just my opinion.  This comes from someone who saw G2's in the stores as a teenager and thought "ugh" because they weren't like my precious G1's.  And now there are lots of collectors who are adults (!) who love G2 because those where *they're* favorite toys as a child.

Pony Corral / Re: Dollymix are still around!
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:27:26 AM »
So here is the response I got to my most recent emails.
Thank you for your enquiries.

It's difficult for me to give a delivery cost quote unless I know how many
boxes I would be sending.
Once I know the number of boxes, I would be able to find out the best rate
for delivery and give the quote to you.

With regards to the contents of the packets in the boxes, all our products
are packed randomly, so a selection in a box should have a varied selection
of characters. This may result in there being more than one of the same
character in a box of ten, or all different characters. I cannot guarantee
you would collect all the characters of eg. Teeny My Little Pony if you
bought 2 boxes, just as I cannot guarantee which character would be in each
individual packet.

I hope this answers your questions!

So, I intend to buy one box for myself, mostly just for the fun of it.  If I get multiples of the ponies, well then, I'll have something to trade with.  If anyone is still interested and would like to see how much the shipping is if they were all sent together, I'll ask her for a quote.  But I will need a specific number of boxes to tell her.

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:53:42 PM »
OMG. ARE YOU ME? I was just getting back into ponies in the 90s too, and I even printed off the whole Dream Valley website too!!! Went through reams and reams of paper, LOL! I still have it, tucked away in my room somewhere... I would study it like it was a text book, learning all of the pony names, finding out about all of these new ponies I'd never seen in stores (Summerwings, sea ponies, Secret Surprise ponies)... man, it takes me back!

Hahahaha, Me too! All I can think now is how privilaged I was to have such an understanding mother.

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:33:46 PM »
Old enough to feel nostalgic about Dream Valley when it was still using illustrations instead of photos for its pony guide:

LOL!  Yes, I was just getting into actual collecting as a teenager at some point in the 90's when I found this site.  I didn't have regular access to the Internet.  In fact, the only way I could get online was for my mom to allow me to use her work computer during her lunch hour when I wasn't in school.  Dream Valley was the biggest MLP resource I could find at the time and so in order to have access whenever I wanted, I talked my mom into letting me print it off.  Yes, the whole thing!  I printed it all out and put it into a three ring binder.  And I had to print in black and white so I went back in and colored in the images! 
In fact, I still have it.  I just dug it out.  Here are some pics.

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I would make notes in it about particular ponies and mark off the ones I owned.

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:01:54 PM »
Well, I've been a fan of mlp since... well, I've attached a picture of me with my first pony.  I'm on the right.
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I've been known as Sunset or Sunsetgrove.  I had a small website for a while called Sunset Grove but it has gone to the wayside.  I've never been particularly active in the online community though a few people may remember some of my art work.
 I've been on a sort of break from collecting.  "Sort of" because while I wasn't very active on-line and at least half of my collection had been packed up, I would still pick up G3 ponies at my local stores.  That is until Hasbro began re-releasing the same ponies over and over again and then came the G3.5 and I completely lost interest.  Then I bought a fixer-uper house in the fall of 2010 and that completely consumed my time.  That is until this summer when I saw the G4 in the stores for the first time and it resparked my interest.  So here I am back again.
Like some have said, MLP will always have a special place in my heart whether I'm actively collecting or not.

Pony Corral / Re: Dollymix are still around!
« on: February 16, 2012, 01:24:51 PM »
Yes, hathorcat, thank you for the offer.  I meant to say that in the last post and just got distracted.  :biggrin:
I guess I should have also asked about wave 1 and wave 2 info.  I guess I can send another email when I get home.  I just don't have access to my home email at work.
As far as being cheaper or not to buy them individually from ebay/another collector, well, I don't have any at the moment and this would be an easy way to get 10 at least without having to buy a few here and a few there.  Plus, it does seem that they are going for about $4-5 a piece *before* shipping.  At least the ones I've seen.

Pony Corral / Re: Dollymix are still around!
« on: February 16, 2012, 11:12:20 AM »
Ok, so I got a reply back from the Little Factory.  They do ship international.  You must order at least one box of 10 packs and it costs roughly $14 USD if I did the conversion correctly (10.50 in pounds?)  A box of 10 cost 19.90 pounds (sorry I can't find the little symbol, please correct me if I have the currancy wrong.)  So that would be $26 no including whatever tax there is.
Which brings the total of buying one box and shipping it to the US (not including tax) would be $40.  Divided by ten that would work out to roughly $4 for a single pack.
I replied to the email and asked if there would be discounts on shipping for ordering multiple boxes.  If it saves a considerable amount of money to order in bulk, I wonder if anyone else would be interested going in together to order several boxes?

Pony Corral / Re: What came first?
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:15:45 PM »
Agreed.  Though a case could be made that it was more of a collaberation considering that Applejack and Pinkiepie were preexisting toys.  For that matter, if what I have read online is true, then Lauren Faust's designs where based on pre-existing G1 characters which were in turn based on pre-existing toys.
hmmm, I'm starting to see that the chicken/egg analogy is very accurate.

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