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Messages - Lorelei Redfern

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ok so heres the update i talked to the  seller and turns out.. tht it  wasn't a problem XD i have never before SEEN these pumpkin things  so of course  here i am assuming its coming in a box and  such so when i got it. i was upset but i calemd down talked to some people.. acutly  saw a picture of the other one. and  we worked thigns out. ther perosn was very nice we talked  things over. so thigns have worked out.  i just diidnt realizz that  the sides were open like they were. it LOKKS like it was retaped but it isnt.  i really didint like the  way hasbro did this design. but everyhtigns worked out! thanks everyone.

i am sorry agian.  i just  wasn't expecting it to be open on the sides like this. i've never before seen the g3s  taped like this. 

i think if yous ell any more of the pumpkin ones if you get soemone  who has  never seen them like myself  you should put that it came factory sealed like that. maybe take a picture of the side of it.  so they can see.

thanks guys.  so i spoke to someone who has the  pony as well. and  they said it shouldnt look like this.  i've seen pictuers of what it should look like.    and i emailed the person who did the lot to see if something can happen i've seen a couple  pictures of other ponys in this series.  so  i think it will work out allright.  thanks though.  i was ust a little  frustated earlier.  but i think it's gonna work out ^^

Trader & Shipping Support / Pony was new in box!
« on: July 09, 2012, 10:35:20 AM »
so i bought a pony from someone in the arena here and  i went to there ebay site i saw a beautiful  starsong witch  for 3.99 and  i was like oohht hats a good deal it was advertised as NEW in  box  mint codntion unsued unopenend.  so i'm like yay.  i bought it and waited for it to get here.  it ust got here today and i am unimpressed..  i  openend my  brown box expecting to find a beautiful pony  in a box what did i get?  i admit she does look  ok her tail looks a little  frizzy.  the box is NOT  new, she was indeed taken out and possibly played with. the back is taped with scotch tape in  5 difernet palces   in other palces the  plastic deosn't even TOUCH the   paper backing.  there is no way this is new in box as far as i know  hasbro doesnt soctch tape there ponys.  or am i mistaken?  its in a little  pumpkin shell.. it doesnt look new to me. i did  emailt eh seller.   is there casue for alarm?or is this how these ponys come?

Pony Corral / Re: "What happened in your childhood?"
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:22:03 AM »
i'm 31 yers old. nad  i love collecting ponys and such.  i have over 300 eeyores.  (i'm a bit obessed with him) but onto the ponys.  i had tons and tons of my little ponys growing up,  and i lvoed them.  but i couldnt get allt eh oens i wanted becuase my parents wouldnt buy them for me.  only certain  ones that were cheap. so now that i'm grown i can go out and buy (when i have the money) the toys that i wasn't allowed to have when i was little and  go through all the fun.  i recently got a light bright (my mom never allwoed me to have one growing up) and i foudn some mlp light bright sheets. but the point is it isnt hurting anyone.  just shrug it off.  its  a thing you like to do.  i'm still colelcitng ponys and will likely never stop. i lost  almost all mne in moves and a hosue fire. so i'm staritng over.

oh and for my birthday i got a fluppy dog ^^ i always wanted one. but my mom would never buy me  one so  now i got myself one!

Pony Corral / Re: TLC attempting to prey on Pony Community
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:05:35 AM »
i have seent eh show.  and it proably is my crazy obsession.  and about 95% of the  episodes were.. well  freaky. a few were disgusting. but there is  another one i do belvie they jsut started thats all about  collections. i know there was one episode where  the ladys collected  cabbage patch dolls.  and they were all over the houses.  they treated them like real kids and stuff like that.  but the media  never portrays anything well.  they like to edit  and change things around to make it shocking.  and chances are they  would make someone come off as a hoarder or something.  tlc is just lookign for riaitngs and they like to jump around from community to community  to see what dirt they can dig up.  but with that said..  there are a few good shos on tlc (i like sister wives) and the duggers.

Wanted! / Re: Looking for more ponys g1-g3
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:32:21 PM »
i'm having to put a hold on buying due to a few personal issues that popped up. i'll repost hen i am buying agian. thanks to the few people i bought from so far!

Introductions / Re: Hi from sunny florida
« on: April 13, 2012, 05:51:40 PM »
thanks :)

i was like o.o  yay!  it was a nice surprise. 

Wanted! / Looking for more ponys g1-g3
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:55:32 PM »
 thats right i don't have an offical 'want' list.  but  i am wanting to  expand my collection. after a house fire and sevreal moves i lost a lot of them. so i am  wanting to start over. so please  post  the pics of what you have and prices. i alays feel bad about making offers if no price posted becuase what i  think might be a fair price  might upset the seller.  i am lookign to buy a lot of ponys.  i will buy as many as i like i am mostly lookng ifor g1's to G3's.  will not buy any of the new ones.  i will be paying through paypal.  thanks for looking!

i am also looking for The mlp firends.  including the fairy tales. and the other animals not just the  horses.

Pony Corral / Re: anyone know what this is?
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:25:59 PM »
thats it! thanks :)  i didn't knwo hte name of it or anyhting.. mine however doesn't have the parents. i knew somethign was missing.. but i still love it.  and i was right! it was a mlp!

Pony Corral / anyone know what this is?
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:16:08 PM »
anyone ok so a few weeks ago i went to the flea market and  there was something there that i picked up. it's been there for aobut 6 months i noticed it fo rhte first  time last year but this time when i saw it  i got it. it was a quarter. i know it's MLP  but i'm not sure hte year or WHAT it is..  i don't hav ea picture and ic an't find anyhting abut it online.  so hers the description of it.   

it is a castle  type thing. i think it's poreceleon the base is  suppsoed to be clouds i think? and theres a pink castle on top of it. with a rainbow coming down the side.  and its got the front  half of a baby pony coming out of it. like its stuck or something.  there  is a spot on it that looks like anotehr pony was at one point.  it is rather dusty and dirty.  n the bottom of it it says hasbro  and theres an image of a horsehoe.  the pony is  a white unicorn with purple hair.  it looks liek a g1 pony.  any clues would be greatly aprciated!  all i can figure is that its old..  it looks like the same thing that my porcelon my little pony is made out of..

Pony Corral / Re: is this a mlp or a cabbage patch pony?
« on: April 13, 2012, 07:47:49 AM »
speaking of cabbage patch ponys awhile back i got a white cabbage patch show pony  in mint condtion from i think 1978 at a neary thrift store. it still ahs the bridle adn the saddle. i love it! it has a spot of honor on my shelf i even have a cloth under its hooves to keep it from getting dusty.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: why rumagge sales are awesome!
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:06:55 PM »
*hugs hers* i always wanted this one  :) and i'm so happy i got it!! 
that remidn sme the last   rummage sae i got one of the babys its a white one and the eyes blink.  everyime i go ot he flea market i look and  see if i cna find mlp and i am always super critcal about the ons i get lol.

i don't do anything after g3 i rather like the older G1's.   oh that reminds me..  anyone know wher ei can get a llama?

Pony Corral / Re: is this a mlp or a cabbage patch pony?
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:04:07 PM »
i got them when i was a little kid. i didn't know the difference. lol adn yeah  my orange  one has the  crimp mane. there are a couple  of the few i acutly have left.  i went through moves a house fire an eviction storage.. lol

Pony Corral / Re: is this a mlp or a cabbage patch pony?
« on: April 12, 2012, 04:44:40 PM »
thanks! its confusing becuase looking it up online it says my little pony. lol  the are still very much loved peices to my collection.

Pony Corral / is this a mlp or a cabbage patch pony?
« on: April 12, 2012, 04:29:36 PM »
ok so sevreal years ago (and i mean at least 15 or 20 lol)  i was at this yard sale and i found these two beautiful mlp. they were big. very large and were quite beautiful so i got them both for 50. total. they were in mint condtion,   this is ha htey look like.

the first one is white with these sort of orange swirly markings all over her body. her  face has that hwole cartoony  cabbage patch/ mlp look. they don't look like fakes in fact i even looked at the hooves and it just has the hooves.  the hair  hower is briaded yarn. it's in tight little small braids its orange nad has sparkles.  it is an old yarn so  this is why i think that it is possibl a  old school cabbage patch.  i don't know anything aobut the orignal mlp orignaly called my pretty pony. is it possible that i found one? but i've never herd of a pony with yarn  hair. it is veybeuatiful i am curious as to what i have.

the 2nd is a light purple pony of the  same build.  she has the same white curly fancy  markings all over her back and face. she has  pink silky hair with a few briads (her maine isn't yarn.)  does anyone  know what these ponys are?  they do say hasbro on them.

here is a pic i found of the 2nd one.  it loosk just like mine.  (i uploaded it to my gallery.)
i know it isn't the bst picture. 

this is the size of my 2nd one wit the same kind of hair as mine.  except mienis orange and white.

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