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Messages - Vintergatan

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Pony Corral / Re: Odd G1 fakie.
« on: January 28, 2012, 06:36:29 PM »
Haha, there comes Fingerpaints, the saviour of hideous ponies :) <3

On topic, i´ve never seen anything like that but I think it´s a cool find! :D

Pony Corral / Re: Rainbow Splash Seapony LOL
« on: January 28, 2012, 06:32:49 PM »
That looks like a cool custom project ^^

Thank you so much everyone! You have been incredibly helpful ^^ and thanks for all the good wishes :) I´ll let you know if I have any more questions!

Thanks for your input!

I am studying at the university of Iceland which is why I have no hands on info on this :) But I just found it too fascinating to let that stop me, and then there's always you, wonderful people here ^^
also, thanks for recommending endocat, let's see if she answers here, if not, I´ll PM her :)

So, i´m doing a major project in Conservation Biology as part of my Master's and I would really appreciate your help :)
Namely, I have chosen to focus my conservation research on the Katipo Spider (Latrodectus katipo) that is endemic to New Zealand and I would love to hear your opinions on this species.
One of the main reasons I decided to focus on Katipo is that I want to examine the conservation status of an invertebrate as they are usually overlooked due to them not exactly being loveable. However, I did read in research papers that Katipo is considered to be somewhat of a symbol of invertebrate conservation in New Zealand and I am mainly interested to know to what degree this is correct. So some things I´d like to know ^^

Do you know of this species?
Are you aware that it is endangered?
How do you feel about the species?
Do you think it's worth saving?
Do you feel that the state is committed to the cause of preserving this species?
Have you ever seen a Katipo in person?
anything else you'd like to add?

Any answer would be highly appreciated as I don't know any New Zealanders personally and I am reluctant to rely simply on things I read online and would much prefer to get some insight directly from the people :)

Thanks for reading :)

Pony Corral / Re: Need advice on the "Most Popular G1's" please
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:36:36 AM »
I would def have Applejack and Bowtie on the list. I do agree with Gusty as well and possibly Posey and Sundance ^^

LOL @ Saply!

I´m in no way in possession of a collection that huge but what you may do is maybe trade off a few ponies for one more valuable/rare one? or something along those lines :) That way the value of your collection might stay the same with fewer physical ponies ^^

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:54:03 AM »
Pythia- that's exactly the story I remember from the old forum and that's pretty much what made my mind up about this thing. And I can't even begin to imagine how many other kids have gone through exactly the same thing :(

Fingerpaints: People are getting extra upset about the latest episode in which :muffin: Pony is actually called :muffin: Pony by RD (so yeah, now it´s official) and they gave her a (questionable) voice. On top of basically destroying the Town Hall. Just to keep you in the loop :)

Also, I agree with the whole "nod to Bronies". I was actually talking to my husband about all of this yesterday (wanting to get his opinion on all of this) and he basically said (and I agree completely) that there's no need to pander to them. They already love the show so much for what it is (a kids show) so why do it? Isn't it the point, the whole awesome aspect of bronies loving something made for little kids without having to pander to them? So yeah, I completely understand people saying they are becoming alienated from the fandom by that :(

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:59:13 PM »
Look I give up. I didn't mean to offend anyone, I was attempting to merely voice my opinion the same way everyone else was. sorry.

you shouldn't take our responses personally! They are directed to everyone here who is saying we´re overreacting ^^ not just you :)

But I must agree with Snapdragon. It might not be people's intention to dismiss our concerns, but that's exactly how it feels to me with all those "relax" posts.

I also wanted to add that I personally don't see anything *wrong* with being overly sensitive to these issues. It's not like most people can choose if they are going to be sensitive to something or not (I know I can't).

and I also agree with the point Mermaid made. I mean, if someone is complaining that South Park is being insensitive, that's where I go "well that's your problem, just don't watch it". That's because that show is aimed at older audience who can decide very well if they are insulted or not. FiM on the other hand is targeted at kids and while i´m against treating kids as, erm, dumber version of adults, there is still a level of innocence (if you will) expected of such a show. I would love to see a cartoon that would introduce a special needs character in such a way that promotes acceptance but it just seems that :muffin: Pony isn't headed that way.

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:32:14 PM »
Hmm, don't know how to delete this message, but everything i´d like to say has already been said.

I would like to remind that on the old forum, in a thread with a similar topic, someone did mention knowing a little girl who got really upset when people started calling her :muffin: Pony (in a lovable way) because she reminded them of her. I am trying to say, again, that there are many sensitive kids out there who might get upset over this. So this being "just a cartoon" doesn't really make the issue go away ^^

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 10:48:42 AM »
What i don't understand is why people can go on and say that everyone who gets upset over these characters is overreacting? Now while I personally don't have an issue with them I can definitely see how a girl with mismatched eyes can be sensitive to this, or even someone with slight mental disability, or their family.

It's easy for us to stand on the side and tell them they're overreacting but if it does get so many people upset, who are we to tell them they are being unreasonable. Especially if we´re talking about kids. Some kids are simply sensitive whether we think it's justified or not. simply telling them they´re overreacting isn't really gonna help anyone.

Also, I wasn't insulted by Snips and Snails when I first saw them but I did find them obnoxious as hell. Not sure I can get insulted as I´ve never met a boy/guy that acts like that so in my eyes they are simply caricatures.

Pony Corral / Re: Yay! Just realised I now have over 500 G1 ponies!!!!
« on: January 22, 2012, 02:23:07 PM »

I'm amazed, it has only taken me 28 years to get this far!!!!!!!

LOL :) Congrats though, that's quite alot!!

Pony Corral / Re: Rarity's accent?
« on: January 21, 2012, 02:56:00 PM »
Wow, I was never aware of any of this Rachel-eyes, thanks for this interesting info :)

Pony Corral / Re: Did I do well or paid too much?
« on: January 21, 2012, 07:47:15 AM »
Wow, now i´m really excited to see what she brings with her next time :) i´ll be stalking so let us know :D

Pony Corral / Re: Why Snowcatcher, why?!
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:13:39 AM »
Personally, I´m not bothered. I mean, she's a pony and she's BLUE! So if I can accept that, I can accept anything. However, erm, I´m obviously a hypocrite in saying all that because if they released a pony with a spider for a cutie mark (not gonna happen, but still) and it had 6 legs, I´d go and raid the HQ asking for explanations for the lack of basic research, so yeah, I guess I do understand you after all ^^

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