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Messages - tehrin

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My favoritest pony! She was my first G1 when I was about 3 years old. I remember taking her everywhere. She went in the bathtub with me, and... probably ended up suffering from horrible tail rust. XD  I treasured her very much, but I'm not sure what happened to her. She was probably sold with the rest of my ponies in a Garage sale when I was 11 or 12.

When I got into collecting last year, Gusty was the very first G1 I bought!

Baby Bouncy
When I was 5 years old, we were at the store and I saw the first tooth babies. I fell in love. Being the spoiled child I was, I cried and cried in the store in hopes of my parents caving in and buying it for me. But they didn't, saying that it was almost my birthday. So... I was patient... as patient as a little 5 year old could be.  A few weeks later, it was my birthday. I was so excited! It was time for ponies! I was given my gift, but... broke into tears when I opened it. Instead of a pony, I got a panda bear lamp. o_o It was just a stuffed animal attached to a lamp. My dad put a green lightblub in it... my favorite color. I remember sitting in my room and crying for about 2 hours. "I WANT A MY LITTLE PONY!  I WANT A MY LITTLE PONY!!!" WHAAAA. lol!

It was probably over the summer the next year, we went to a flea market or garage sale. I found a still boxed Baby Bouncy! My parents finally bought her for me. She went with me just about everywhere, especially since she was so small.

I remember when I was 7, moving to Ohio from Virginia, I held her all the way on the car ride! :D

As for the other ponies in the picture, they're not my favoritest, but they happen to be in the picture! XD

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Red Roses
I had a friend named Heather when I was 12 who lived the the apartment above me. She was a few years younger than me, but I didn't care. We used to play ponies all the time, as well as video games and watch movies! Her grandmother was a bit on the strict side and refused to let us see eachother after she found out that I was turning 13. Apparently I was too old and I was going to badly influence her? I donno! We just liked playing ponies! ;_;  We'd sneak and find ways to talk still, and she'd let me borrow a pony or two to play with! I'd sneak and return it to her on her balcony the next day. XD

After I moved, we exchanged addresses and we wrote eachother back and forth, until I lost her address in high school.  About 2001 or so, we got back in contact through the internet. We started hanging out again!  She was really into pony collecting and customizing! One day, she gave me all of her childhood ponies, many of which I remember playing with, like Red Roses! She also gave me a custom pony! They were on display in my room for a long time. Alas, I was not a collector at the time. I just loved 80's things. So I put them in a box and stored them in the attic for a long time.  We ended up falling out of contact again, and I have no idea how she's doing. ;_; I just know she had a kid about... 6 or 7 years ago? D:

When I got back into collecting, I went back to my parents house shortly thereafter and retrieved the ponies! I've gotten most of them cleaned up to minty condition again. Though one is still being rehaired. XD   Though sadly, this is all I have to remember my friend by. Maybe one day I'll get back in touch with her again!

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High thread number 786!!
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:30:32 PM »
Went to Walmart the other day to look for the missing blindbags (silly me, forgetting to get the ones I REALLY wanted like Minty and Roseluck). Those were wiped out! Checked for MH and... they had a price sticker for cupid, SS Ghoulia (which I already have) and like 2 1600 dolls. But I did find Ghoulia's Fashion pack, which is great! It's as close to deboxing the SDCC Ghoulia as I'm getting. LOL!  Now I just need a spare Ghoulia to put it on. >_<;

The Dollhouse / Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:27:35 PM »
I think it's okay to charge extra for say, gas and what have you, epsecially if you're running around trying to obtain them for others.  But yeah, I've seen some scalping going on here and there on these forums and other such places.

I think that if someone really wants to make a good amount of extra money on it, do what everyone else does and keep it MIB for a few years until they're unavailable, then sell at those higher prices. :)

Pony Corral / Re: Dewdrop Dazzle question
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:09:41 PM »
Her artwork is a recolor of Twilight Sparkle. But mine looks cuter with the hair all one length. :D

Pony Corral / Re: Childhood photos
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:56:15 AM »
Aaah! Such cute pictures everyone! >w<

My parents finally found all the old photos. So next time I'm able to go out there, I'm going to bring them home and scan them! n_n I KNOW I have to have pony pictures! XD

Pony Corral / Re: Your favourite way to enjoy ponies!
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:43:15 AM »
My favorite way to enjoy them is restoring them! There's something so nice about getting a dirty/ink-stained/yucky or otherwise well-loved pony and bringing them back to their original state, or as close to it as I can get. :)

Pony Corral / Re: How do you display your collection?!
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:38:43 AM »
I'm currently using a $15 Ikea metal shelf. :p I've run out of room! XD

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As soon as we get a house, the Billy System will be my BFF. :P

I don't really have an idea in mind when I want to stop collecting. I just know that I'd like to get some of my favorite childhood ponies back. But I'm always finding new ones that I really want. Now I want to start building up some sets too. XD

Pony Corral / Re: Who is in your childhood herd?
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:07:20 PM »
I don't remember all of the ponies I had. But any that I have any really clear visual memories of, I do remember. LOL photographic memory FTW. :p I had to go through all the ponies on Dream Valley to try to remember which ones I had! XD

- Gusty
- First Tooth Baby Bouncy
- Flutter Wind Drifter
- Baby Blossom
- BB Salty
- Speckles and Bunkie
- Sniffles and Snookums
- Doodles & Noodles
- Molly & Baby Sundance
- Baby Sea Breeze + a few other baby sea ponies.
- Mimic
- Magic Message Windy
- Baby Cuddles with the Buggy
- Princess Primrose
- Baby Paws
- Bubblefish
- Stardazzle
- Buzzer
- BBE Baby Halfnote w/ Baby Bonnet School of Dance

I have early memories (like age 3-4... 1984-85?) of Applejack, Bowtie, and some of the earlier ponies. But I remember that my mom would leave me with a baby sitter who had a daughter a bit older than me and had some ponies. So I think I was just playing with/holding hers. At the time, I only had Gusty, who went with me everywhere.

I don't have ANY of my childhood ponies except the few that I've rebought. Still desprately seeking Mimic since she was my favorite next to Gusty. My mom sold all of my ponies in a Garage sale when I was about 10, except the ones I got recently for Christmas. Not sure what happened to those ones, probably ended up with my niece who had a nasty habit of destroying everything. Tho I wouldn't be suprised if there's one of my old ponies hiding in my parent's attic with my sister's stuff. >_> I used to keep all my ponies in a toybox that my dad built. He painted Rainbow Brite and ponies all over it! I wish I still had that. :(

Pony Corral / Re: Anyone have any selling or buying luck on Etsy?
« on: January 20, 2012, 07:59:25 PM »
I think people overprice them thinking that because they are vintage that they're ALL worth a mint. Especially with 80's stuff being popular, not to mention FiM. They don't really go out to research the particular pony to figure out if it's common, and what it should go for the condition it's in. They're just like "Eh, I think it should sell for $70!". But then, it'll just sit in their account and won't sell, and they can't figure out why. XD

I've actually seen some Ebay sellers do the same. There's one pony I've been looking for who usually goes for about $10-15 minty. One seller has it and it's covered in ink stains, has cancer, and has a part completely broken off on it. They wanted $40 for it for ages, and now it's down to $20. But it still won't sell for that because it's honestly bait, or in real need of restoration.

It looks like a lot of ponies that are on Etsy don't sell quickly. There's a few I've been eyeballing and keep bookmarked there for when I have the extra money. :o Great for buyers though!

But as far as selling goes, if you're looking for the money quicker, I'd either sell it here or on Ebay.

Pony Corral / Re: Why Snowcatcher, why?!
« on: January 20, 2012, 03:20:53 PM »
I noticed that too. I was like, but wait, this looks nothing like a snowflake! She's still cute though! :3

And her hair wouldn't be red, it would be white, frosty blue, and silver. But they never ask me my opinion! The nerve! :)

Pony Corral / Re: A Pony PSA
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:58:43 PM »
Augh how horrible! T____T

Hopefully the ponies can be recovered.

The blog said the State was Texas and the zipcode:  77380 or 77381 Which is Spring, Texas. Looks to not be too far from Houston (closest major city) Maybe that will help others trying to locate it!

Introductions / Re: Every old MLPArena user: GET IN HERE!
« on: January 19, 2012, 07:48:19 PM »

Screenname: Tehrin
Favorite color: Just one? XD Blue, Hot Pink, Aqua, Purple!
Favorite Pony toy: Gusty!
(If you watch FiM) Who is your favorite FiM pony? Fluttershy!
Which feature about this new board is confusing you the most? :P Nothing really. Forums aren't very confusing for me. :p
How excited are you right now that the Arena is back?!  Very excited!

Pony Corral / Re: Anyone have any selling or buying luck on Etsy?
« on: January 19, 2012, 07:00:22 PM »
I've bought a few ponies from Etsy. Some have some good prices. Others are a bit overpriced. But it's generally no different than ebay, but probably a little more on the reasonable side at times. :)  Plus some ponies have been up there for eons. :3

I've not sold on Etsy before, but I've bought a lot from there. Aside from ponies, I got my wedding accessories for myself and my bridesmaid from there. I also bought BJD clothes from numerous sellers.

The Dollhouse / Re: Show me your BJD's! ^_^
« on: January 19, 2012, 06:38:33 PM »
Here's my two big BJDs! Soom Spinel and Angel of Dream Juli
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And here's a really old picture of my Puki Pong Pong (she has a much better faceup now). @_@ I still haven't gotten her any hair. XD
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