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Messages - retrogradenova

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Customs / Re: Question for Customizers about Apoxie Sculpt
« on: November 17, 2015, 09:20:30 PM »
Has anyone else recently had trouble contacting Aves? 2 weeks of phone calls and emails has not come to anything. I've had to put a claim into Paypal since I've still no word when I'll get the product I ordered.

Truthfully it's really discouraging to me. I've gone ahead and ordered some apoxie sculpt from Amazon but I can't help being disappointed that an entire month of my time was wasted.   

Wanted! / Re: Wanted: G2 Baits
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:41:12 AM »
I'm still looking for some G2 baits if anyone has any.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What game are you playing? Cont.
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:32:27 AM »
I currently play a lot of Ark: Survival Evolved. I can't get enough of it. But really who doesn't love dinosaurs? :)
I'm also playing on a horse sim site called Indomita. Though really I have a ton of games I play on and off like Prison Architect, Banished, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online, DC Universe Online. My friend has me playing WildStar on occasion as well.

I'm really not sure about purchasing Fallout 4. I was originally planning on it, but now I'm hearing mixed reports of how good of a game it is. Does anyone know is it really still using the Skyrim engine but with poorer dialogue options?

Customs / Re: Question for Customizers about Apoxie Sculpt
« on: November 06, 2015, 02:31:21 PM »
I appreciate everyone's input.
Local hobby and craft stores around here don't seem to carry apoxie sculpt so I guess I'm stuck getting it shipped.

Has anyone had trouble getting responses from Aves before? My husband has tried calling them a few times over the past week and all he seems able to do is leave a message. And no one has returned his calls. I'm starting to feel like live people don't exist at this company.  >_<

Wanted! / Re: McD's Ponies
« on: November 04, 2015, 09:11:14 PM »
It's possible I might have some. I think there were some in one of the pony lots I got recently, I'm not overly familiar with the McD ponies so I'd have to check and get back with you.

Wanted! / Wanted: G2 Baits
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:53:29 PM »
The long story short is that I am looking for a handful of G2 Bait ponies that I can make into customs for my Mother-in-Law. I'm not looking for anything in perfect condition as these will be full customs from top to bottom. I'll take them pretty beat up if it's for the right price. But they do need to have their heads. I would prefer to buy from someone in the US since my husband has me on a very tight budget and he doesn't want to have to worry about international shipping.  I am hoping to get these customs done for Christmas if possible.

I'm looking to buy a few state-side G2 baits before the end of November to make Christmas customs. Condition isn't an issue as long as they have their heads.   

Customs / Question for Customizers about Apoxie Sculpt
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:33:09 PM »
So I'm hearing that a lot of people seem to love Aves Apoxie Sculpt for sculpting on ponies. My question is where do you usually get it? I found it on the Aves website and I also found it on Amazon for a higher price.  What does everyone prefer?

Has anyone had any trouble ordering from the Aves website? I ordered some Apoxie Sculpt from their site but seem to be having trouble receiving it. It took the company two weeks before they took my money through paypal and now several days later I've yet to hear about when my order might arrive let alone when it might be shipped. I tried emailing them last week and have not heard anything back. So I am left wondering is this common for this company to take so long with orders? Or should I have just paid the extra cost and ordered from Amazon?

I'd appreciate anyone's input as to if this is a common occurrence or if I need to look into getting my money back. Its really frustrating being dead in the water on my customs because I'm waiting for this one product to arrive  >_<

Pony Corral / Re: New to Cleaning Ponies: Did I Kill the Mold?
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:35:56 PM »
I didn't mean to imply I thought that mold causes the flu. I had just been wondering if it was possible the reason he was sick was because of the mold and I was mistaking it for flu like symptoms.

That is a great idea hathorcat! I really appreciate all the suggestions guys! I'm gonna try a few of these suggestions and see how they work. Really thanks so much :)

Introductions / Re: Hello from South Carolina!
« on: October 03, 2015, 02:07:29 PM »
Hi Greybird1881! Thanks for the welcome. I'm in the southern part of the state, down by Bluffton.

Pony Corral / Re: New to Cleaning Ponies: Did I Kill the Mold?
« on: October 03, 2015, 12:27:10 PM »
Wow! I haven't gotten any sea ponies yet, so I haven't seen the inside of one. That doesn't look as bad a few of the earth ponies I was cleaning earlier in the week. Though I might be misjudging the picture.  Is it typical to have mold if there is rust like from the sea pony's weight? Should it just be expected?

Pony Corral / Re: New to Cleaning Ponies: Did I Kill the Mold?
« on: October 02, 2015, 06:50:52 PM »
Thank you Mirnyj, that's a fantastic video.

I'm not concerned about sterilizing my house, but best not to add any extra dirt to the place if I can help it. But I appreciate the information. My husband came home with the flu or something the day I started cleaning the ponies. I just wanted to make sure that it was unlikely they were connected.

Thanks everyone for all the help with my questions :)

Pony Corral / Re: New to Cleaning Ponies: Did I Kill the Mold?
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:24:30 PM »
Thank you for the tips. I will have to look into a drying rack or something, I'm running out of room to dry everything. XD

It's my husband's money that is buying me these G1s to start with, so the first several customs I make are all going to be his OCs and his ideas. So if he wants a BBE Borg baby with LED eyes, I'm gonna find a way to make it for him. But the BNG is also kinda a project for him. He's an ASE master class auto technician so when he saw we had a BNG that still worked he wanted to make sure it still worked when I am done customizing it. Last night I got another box of bait ponies in that had two BNGs in it. I think they are broken since they are pretty much missing their tails. I'll show him those tutorials you linked me and let him play with the broken ones first :)  My working BNG is Bouquet, I gotta try to clean up the mess of the tail before I try anything, but really I'm not sure, as it is now, the tail colors just hurt my eyes.

Rosierjay, I'm curious what does ww3 look like inside a pony? I haven't gotten any that were super covered in mold yet or anything like that (knock on wood), they have all been varying degrees of a little bit.

Oh that's another good question: How harmful is this mold? Should I be wearing one of those hospital type face mask when cleaning ponies? I have nylon gloves I've been wearing since I have no idea where any of these ponies came from.

Introductions / Re: Hello from South Carolina!
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:05:16 PM »
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone! :) Big brother ponies are probably my favorite of all time. I don't think I've said that yet. Sadly I haven't been able to get my hands on any yet.

To answer your question Kiwimlp, I really wondering if my SS Gusty is worth restoring or not. I saw that the mlpwiki had it listed under recommended ones to restore. So I'm wondering how many people go by that list. Or if there is a reliable list on what's considered rare somewhere else. Just basic stuff like that. I'll make myself a proper thread on it in the pony corral.

Sunshine29102! It's nice to meet you. If it's okay I'll be messaging you to pick your brain about south carolina pony type stuff.

Pony Corral / Re: New to Cleaning Ponies: Did I Kill the Mold?
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:22:41 PM »
Those sound like some good suggestions, I'll have to add those things to my pony tool kit I am building. Thank you :)

BlushingBlue, I suppose I did kinda go full nuclear on the mold. I don't have much experience dealing with mold, but it was my understanding that if you let even a little bit of it survive it will come back with vengeance. And my house is in the middle of being renovated so there's a lot of exposed porous surfaces, and I have 9 pets that could spread mold spores. Call me paranoid, heh!

I've gone through the MLP Preservation Project site a bit so I get how oxyclean can damage to glitter and twinkle eye. But in the case of the BNG, the one I have is a pretty dingy and it's tail is pretty tangled, but it still works perfectly. If I can find a way, I want to replace the hair and keep the mechanism working. My husband is insisting on replacing some of the eyes of the BBE babies with LEDs, so I suppose those aren't as much a concern.

My So Soft Gusty is a difficult one. It's lost a small amount of her flock and I'm trying to figure out if I should try to restore her or not. But JamieDey5, that's is  great tutorial, thank you. If I do decide to restore her, I'll have to try that.

My husband has suggested putting the ponies into our dehydrator on a the low setting to help dry them completely. I'm not sure that would work.  Has anyone tried anything like that?

Pony Corral / New to Cleaning Ponies: Did I Kill the Mold?
« on: October 01, 2015, 05:35:55 AM »
So I'm brand new to customizing and collecting ponies. I just got a box full of G1 ponies off Ebay, and I started cleaning them all with a boiling hot oxyclean bath. Turns out 4 of them had mold on the inside.  All the ponies got soaked in the boiling oxyclean for half an hour each, but the the 4 moldy ones also got soaked in some white vinegar for about half an hour. I scrubbed the inside of them really well with a toothbrush but I'm having trouble on the legs. Did I soak them long enough? I'm kinda thinking of trying another boiling oxyclean bath, but really I'm not sure if that will help anymore than it already has. How do you know when you've gotten a moldy pony clean enough? 

My husband suggested putting salt inside the ponies and shaking them until it scrubs any leftover mold in the legs away. Is this a viable idea? I kinda have the feeling it might not be, but Q-tips weren't really working for me either.

I have a So Soft, and a few Beddy-bye Eyes I still have yet to attempt to clean. The box also had a Brush n' Grow in it that I have no idea how to tackle.  Anything that isn't a basic pony feels kinda like an overwhelming challenge at the moment. I'd love any suggestions, I'm really worried about not doing this right and developing a mold problem with my ponies.

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