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Messages - KottonKandy

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Pony Corral / Re: How to make a discolored pony white again?
« on: July 29, 2017, 01:05:31 PM »
I dont agree with not using acne creams. They work really well when used carefully. You can see my project pictures on this site, under creams. Still as white as in the last picture, years later.
I think the problem with acne creams is that it keeps working years later. I've heard of it affecting other ponies that happen to touch the treated ones and stuff like that.

Yes, it is true some ponies can get burnt while sunfading. has info about it, plus some links to topics here :) I agree with Doedeardarling, sunfading is probably your best option. Also, don't use acne creams! They work long after you use them. The multiple reasons why they are bad for ponies have been discussed in threads here, but I seriously can't find them :huh:
Exactly what I was looking for, thanks! That also solves the mystery of the perfectly brown/tan Gingerbread I found in a thrift shop lol.

Pony Corral / Re: How to make a discolored pony white again?
« on: July 29, 2017, 08:43:36 AM »
It depends on which pony it is and what you have already tried. Sunfading is probably the best option for most off white ponies but there are some that tend to tan rather than whiten. Have you tried magic eraser yet? Sometimes the gray stuff can be just dirt.
I don't wanna go horribly off-topic here, but I've heard of some ponies getting "sunburnt" during sunfading. Is this what they mean? They turn tan/darker? And I always hear it said as "some ponies", is there a list of which ones are prone to this happening? Or is it just sorta random?
I recently tried sunfading on a baity G3 and it does really well, but I'm still spooked of doing my beloved G1s because I haven't been able to find much info on the burning risk.

There is actually a difference between acid-free and archival. Acid free papers tend to be treated to make the acidity neutral. This treatment can wear off over time and isn't as good as an archival paper for long-term use, or in this case, storage.
So it's a subtle difference, but there IS a difference. Archival is always better, but acid-free works just as well if you're only going to be storing for like, a couple of years. If you're talking about putting them into storage for a long long while, i would invest in the archival stuff like Foxtale linked to.
(Sorry. I work in a job that handles artwork and preservation techniques, so I tend to get a little nitpicky when it comes to terms like that.  :blush:)

Pony Corral / Re: Restoring a BBE ~A Project For The Insane
« on: July 27, 2017, 08:23:09 PM »
Has anyone thought of replacing the eyes with acrylic doll eyes? I mean they might not blink anymore but that hole is just perfect for inset eyes.
I'm actually trying that but it's finding the right size that is a problem... The pony I'm working on I had to cut the back of the sockets completely to do what I was thinking.. still though finding or making the right size doll eyes is the hard part.

To follow you off topic on the tangent of doll eyes, I acquired a doll head with bbe eyes just the right size for an adult pony and I'm going to try and install them in a pony and the issue is how do I go about crafting the eye sockets....if I cut out the sockets and try to attach them to the back of the pony and cut out the eye holes, how do I get that to look right?  I'm considering trying it on a TE with the deeper sockets but I'm not sure yet how to proceed.  i was thinking maybe trying this on a baity Peachy and seeing if I can make it into a peachy-size my pretty pony custom.
Sounds neat-o. I bet you could use a hotknife to cut the eye holes, you'd just have to be really careful with it. I have a Versatool and it works great on plastics and such. Creating a socket inside though.... I wonder if you could make some from latex? Glue it inside her head behind the eyes and then you could probably just pop the eyes in through the front and fiddle with them until they sit right?
Does any of that help or am I just repeating what you already know lol?

Pony Corral / Re: Dilemma! which one is worth keeping?
« on: July 27, 2017, 01:26:11 PM »
Ei! I've been doing this lately too. Sometimes it's really hard to make a choice like this. I think it boils down to what YOU find more important in your collection. Me, personally? I'd keep the rehair. New hair doesn't bother me at all as long as it's a match to the original. But I know others think of original hair being more desirable since it IS original. Which I can understand. It's a hard choice. I'm anxious to see how others decide too.

Pony Corral / Re: Restoring a BBE ~A Project For The Insane
« on: July 27, 2017, 07:23:31 AM »
Has anyone thought of replacing the eyes with acrylic doll eyes? I mean they might not blink anymore but that hole is just perfect for inset eyes.
I'm actually trying that but it's finding the right size that is a problem... The pony I'm working on I had to cut the back of the sockets completely to do what I was thinking.. still though finding or making the right size doll eyes is the hard part.
Oh man, that'll be cool to see. You gotta post pics whenever you find the perfect eyes!

Pony Corral / Restoring a BBE ~A Project For The Insane
« on: July 26, 2017, 10:27:14 AM »
Ok, so I've seen resources online about taking hopeless BBEs with terrible eye rust and giving them new life by turning them into non-BBEs, But not anything about restoring their eyes. I'm assuming that's because most people don't really like BBEs because they're kinda creepy lol. But I like them, so I decided to give it a try. I'm very pleased with the results, but it was quite a hassle. Lots of patience and lots of experimenting. I doubt anyone will want to go through the effort it takes to do this, but just in case anyone out there is interested, I decided to make a quick tutorial.

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Here is our test subject: Baby Frosting. Her eye was gross and swollen from how much rust was built up. The eye didn't even blink anymore and the rust was trickling down her face.

So first thing, I pop off her head and using a pair of needle nose pliers, pushed from the back of her socket and popped the eye out. Heat helps here. I warmed her face with a blow dryer to make the plastic more flexible.
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Ok. That's super gross. You can see all the rust that poofed out onto her face after I got the eye out. At this point, I took her other eye out too so I could see what it was supposed to look like AND so I could give her head a good cleaning with Dawn and get all the rust out of her.

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Here's a quick diagram of how BBEs are put together. You have the eyeball, and a housing for it. The housing is two pieces. The back is plastic and the front is metal and they both clip together. Unfortunately, her casing was rusted together. So first I had to fix that. I plopped the whole thing into white vinegar and let it sit. Every few hours, I took an old toothbrush and scrubbed at it. I let that buddy soak for half a day before enough rust was removed for me to pop the casing apart.

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Once I got the housing apart, the eyeball itself got to soak in vinegar and get scrubbed every couple of hours. The rust came off for the most part, but it took one of the little pegs on the side of the eye with it. The pegs are what hold the eye in place in the casing and allow them to turn.

So I made a replacement peg. It's just a straight pin trimmed to the correct length. It's on the left in case you can't tell. I know it's all pretty teeny.

Next up was putting the eye back in its housing and making sure the new pin was the correct size to allow it to move. It was probably the easiest part of all this lol.
Now all the hard stuff is done. Time to get out the blow dryer again and warm up her face! It's definitely harder getting the eyes back in than it was getting them out. Once they're in the socket, you have to kinda poke and prod them back into a normal alignment, but it wasn't too difficult.
Last up, because I manhandle things badly, I had rubbed off her eyeshadow. So I got out my paints and my teeny brush and fixed that.
And now she's all better~

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Like I said, I'm p pleased at how she turned out. Especially since I'd never done anything like this before. And I'm not sure if I'd ever want to have to do it again lol.

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Pores?!?
« on: July 26, 2017, 08:12:44 AM »
Ok cool. I'm just gonna style her hair to cover that side of her face lol. Thanks for the help, guys!

Pony Corral / Pony Pores?!?
« on: July 25, 2017, 12:12:57 PM »
Ok, this is my first de-flock. I've researched a lot on how it's done and everything, but I've not come across anything that mentions this.
I did the body just fine. So I started the head. It's all going good, but once I started removing the glue, I noticed these teeny holes covering her cheek, ear, and under her chin. They're everywhere on the head, but those spots are most noticeable.
I've heard of problems with ingrained dirt, but there's no dirt in these. They're just...pores?
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I'm guessing this has to do with the flocking? I really have no clue. I was wondering if anyone else has come across this before.

Pony Corral / Re: Collections
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:24:14 AM »
I sold my whole collection a few years ago, now I only have like 10 ponies so they are just.. Standing on the shelf without any order.

But when I still had my collection, I had them organized by pose. I think it made it look even more organized!  :lol:

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That is impressive. I'd wondered about how it would look to organize them by pose before. So once I have the space to display all of my herd properly again, I'm totally doing it like this!
For now, mine aren't really organized. They go wherever I have empty space!

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: July 24, 2017, 09:09:04 PM »
I hate Moondancer's pose, I love BBEs, and I think 90% of nirvana ponies are ugly.

Pony Corral / Re: Pony herds in not a lot of space?
« on: July 24, 2017, 02:45:04 PM »
Oh I'm glad you posted this. I recently got my collection out of storage and I've been trying to display as much as can in such a small space. It'll be interesting to see what others come up with.
Right now, I've got one small set of shelves dedicated to my girls, and a lot of the baby ponies are small enough to kinda sit in random empty spots on other bookshelves. The only kinda maybe clever thing I did was place a sheet of foamboard on top of my rabbits cage. Turned it into another small shelf where I'm able to display a couple of the lunch boxes I have and my show stable.
I've thought about suspending my windy wings from the ceiling to save shelf space, but I don't really have a lot of those to begin with, so I'm not sure if it would make much of a difference.

Pony Corral / Re: Worst Restoration Mistke?
« on: July 23, 2017, 07:41:06 PM »
Oh man, I just got my collection out of storage recently and have started going through them and cleaning and restoring the ones who need it. I've not had any incidents yet, but this thread is kinda spooky and I'm a little nervous to keep going now lol.

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