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Messages - xTic_Tac_Toex

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Pony Corral / Re: Your Biggest Bargain Brag!
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:17:32 AM »
Miraja, I actually mainly collect haori jackets and zori shoes rather than Kimono, plus fabric bolts to make into things, but I'm always looking out on eBay to see what's about and love the culture :)

Jahila, that's a really amazing lot you've got there, and for such a good price! Pretty incredible that Tiffany has her hat and wand, you must have been very excited about that find!

Emuel, your grail pony is beautiful, she's in such good condition! It's always lovely when you find a pony you miss from your childhood.

Einhornbaby, your Bluebell is b-e-a-u-tiful! I love it when you get a pony worth loads for next to nothing, and try to hide your excitement as you pay the seller. Such a good feeling :D

Pony Corral / Re: Your Biggest Bargain Brag!
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:55:43 PM »
Thanks for sharing everyone! Totally loving all of these stories so far :) Mikeysgrrrl, it's always great to get a big lot for a bargain price and make your money back by selling on the ones you don't want. Mlphammy, an Indian for $3 is pretty AMAZING, congrats! Icecrystalline, particularly impressed by the Snowflake WITH her brush for such a low price. Ianthe99, your bag of ponies (and pony FRIENDS, notably!) would literally be my dream find. Major congrats, and yes, persistence does pay off :) MiRaja, I also happen to own a couple of kimono, so very much appreciate how chuffed you must have been with that purchase! Kiwimlp, WHAT an amazing find, I bet you were smiling for the rest of the day!

Off Topic / Re: Sun Damage Advice?
« on: July 17, 2013, 07:52:31 AM »
Thank you! :D I have a bay window unfortunately, so blinds would be difficult. I now have three very heavy blankets over him though, which seem to be doing the trick. Fingers crossed for Simba!

Pony Corral / Your Biggest Bargain Brag!
« on: July 17, 2013, 07:27:38 AM »
I thought it'd be fun to have a collaborative thread where you can post your ultimate bargain! Here are the three easy steps:

1. Where did you find your bargain pony/ponies/merchandise - a thrift store? eBay? in a bin?!

2. What was the bargain price? This obviously varies, i.e. getting a rare pony for $10 may still be a massive barg!

3. Post a picture of your beloved pony.

Me first!

1. I found a pony at a car boot sale a couple of weeks ago. I rarely find anything, and wasn't massively hopeful. I walked past a bag of soft toys, when my mum pointed out a sparkly tuft of hair which was poking out. 'Could that be a pony'? she says, getting all excited. I dig my hand in and pull out...G1 Twinkler! In mint condition, no rubs and great hair.

2. She cost me a mere 30p. Not bad going!

3. And here she is:

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P.S, the pillowcase she's stood on was another car boot find. WITH the duvet cover, like new as if it had just come out of the packet in the 80s, £1.

Looking forward to seeing all of your treasures!

[nudging this over to the Pony Corral for you - kiwimlp :) ]

Off Topic / Re: Sun Damage Advice?
« on: July 16, 2013, 09:27:00 AM »
Thanks everyone, glad that you like him! :D His fading is only very minimal, so for now I'm just going to keep him covered, but when I'm back from uni I probably will uncover him on his reverse side to try and make the colour completely even.

I found a very heavy quilt for a double bed which covers him well, so hopefully that'll do the job :)

Off Topic / Re: Sun Damage Advice?
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:17:19 AM »
Thanks, I think it's the best solution for now! The problem is that my room is south-facing as well, so I have strong sun coming through most hours of the day. Hopefully when I have my own house someday I can find him a more protected spot.

Off Topic / Sun Damage Advice?
« on: July 16, 2013, 06:49:25 AM »
This advice isn't actually for a pony, but plushie collectors might have similar issues, and hence be able to help me out with. I own this rather large Simba plush:

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He was a shop display for The Lion King II in 1999 - there were less than 10 of them made to my knowledge, so he's worth quite a bit! The problem is that the only place I can keep him is in front of my bay window. I've owned him for about a year now, and as it's been so hot in the UK for the past couple of months, it suddenly occured to me that he might be fading in the sun.

I moved him out today and was irritated to see that I was right. It isn't major, but the exposed side is slightly lighter than the other side. There's no way that I can have him anywhere else (I'm a teen living with my parents so all of my things have to stay in my room!), but I'm very attached to him and want to keep him for when I have my own house and more room.

I've thought of covering him up with a sheet, but do you think that'll be enough protection? Maybe even a double duvet cover pulled right over his body. I know it won't look nice, but it's more important to protect him. I'm going into uni in September anyhow, so won't see him much for three years.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

P.S, damn you sun.

Moved to Off Topic for you :heart :slug: Spottedslug

I think you're most likely to get your money's worth by selling them individually, at least for the more sought-after ones. The more common ponies could be sold in small lots, but overall I'd say go for separate sales. You're likely to get the best price through eBay. Good luck, you have a lovely collection there!

Pony Corral / Sad Pony Experiences?
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:11:46 AM »
Have you ever had an experience where you've seen a pony out of your grasp or beyond redemption? I have a funny little anecdote from my childhood years involving G1 Gusty.

I live in the UK, and when I was little I frequently went to Bristol Zoo. In the zoo they had a section which was there to raise awareness about environmental issues. There were massive, oversized bins, which they had made glass-fronted - almost a cut-out-and-look-inside sort of thing, to reflect how wasteful people are with chucking stuff out.

Behind the glass were piles and piles of decaying rubbish and...a poor Gusty! With a missing horn, looking very sorry for herself. Everytime I went there I tried to persuade my parents to tell the zoo keepers to take her out so I could bring her home and 'nurse her back to health'.

It never happened, and I haven't been there in who knows, she may still be there! Poor little Gusty.

Anyone else have a pony woe to tell?

Pony Brag Arena / Re: My *Secret* Collection (Pic Heavy!)
« on: July 15, 2013, 05:55:12 AM »
Your collection is really lovely! I think the size of your herd is perfect, and I echo what others have said about storing them in the baskets - they look gorgeous.

Pony Corral / Re: Most rare/valuable G1 accessories?
« on: July 14, 2013, 04:21:40 PM »
I think I have some of the baby jewellery! As in the little necklaces made from letter cubes? I'll have to sort through it all and take some photos for you guys asap :)

Pony Corral / Re: Most rare/valuable G1 accessories?
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:45:04 PM »
Thanks Partypony566! I'll take some photos tomorrow and upload them here. I've got quite a bit of ponywear too, which I'm also unsure about.

Edit: Also I have a fair few ribbons, which I believe to be originals, but this seems to be a seriously hard thing to work out! How can you tell a pony ribbon from a regular ribbon? Will have to get the experts onto this, haha!

Pony Corral / Most rare/valuable G1 accessories?
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:16:23 PM »
G1s are my favourite ponies, and the only I collect really, but my collection is humble and I don't have much in terms of accessories. I've recently received a load with some ponies I bought, and am intrigued about which G1 accessories are the most valuable/hard to find etc? Looking forward to getting educated, haha :D

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: My Little Pony meets Blu-tack!
« on: September 23, 2012, 08:55:43 AM »
Awww, thank you thank you thank you everyone!! Your compliments mean so much to me :) I'm hoping to start my second pony sometime this week. Cotton Candy is now on DA, if you're interested in seeing more of her - . Sd_dreamcrystal, if she was squidged hard she would be completely ruined (I learnt the hard way when I dropped a book on one of my sculptures once, haha), but as blu-tack primarily reacts to heat, at room temperature it's pretty solid, which is why the sculptures I made for my friends have lasted so long. It's great stuff!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: My Little Pony meets Blu-tack!
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:59:50 AM »
Aww, thank you Moonracer! :) I should have mentioned that it's painted in acrylic, which covers pretty well after a few coats. I think you can actually get pink blue-tack though, haha!

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