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Messages - retrogradenova

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Pony Corral / Re: What's everyone's opinions on fakies? ((Photos added))
« on: December 18, 2015, 10:42:34 AM »
I found the auction . . . The seller refers to fakies as "bootlegs", right?  EXTREMELY deceptive pictures and description IMO.   You're allowed to post ended auctions, but I'll leave it up to you if you decide to post a link or not.

I would be ticked, especially since it's someone who clearly knew the difference . . . They weren't some parent who didn't know a fakie from a real MLP.

Yes the seller referred to them as bootlegs. Honestly I'm more annoyed by the seller's aggressive responce when we tried to contact them than by the photos themselves. I would have been happy to send back the fakies in exchange for a partial refund, that way they could keep some of the money and I could keep the ponies I wanted and we would both win a little.

I'm gonna post the link for people. This isn't supposed to be a warning don't buy from this person type thread, but i would like to say that if someone wanted to buy from them in the future, make sure you contact them before you buy so you know what you're getting. The pictures are not a good representation when it comes to this seller. Though I will say, to be fair, the ponies were shipped/received in a timely manner, and while very hostile, the seller did respond quickly when we messaged them.

Link for anyone who wants to check out the original pitures:
That said, I really need help identifying any of the fakies in the photos so I can figure out if they can be sold or if I should try to use them as custom bait.

Pony Corral / Re: What's everyone's opinions on fakies? ((Photos added))
« on: December 18, 2015, 08:34:19 AM »
Is that a little blue critter with bunny ears standing up in the back row? It looks like a Wuzzles figure, Hoppopotamus.
It is in fact a bunny/hippo concoction that I have no clue what it is. I meant to ask as it was in the box as well.

Sorry to hear that, but you could keep the real ones and sell the fakies if you don't want them.  :)

By the way, does anyone know what the blue pony in the 4th picture is? Like what kind of fakie, if it is one? It's by the little pink, green, and blue baby pony fakies.
That's one of the questions I'm trying to answer. :) Is there enough interest in fakies for me to put time into cleaning these up, in some cases rehairing them, to sell them?

Also if you are talking about the one that kinda looks like a G3 it has no markings on it as far as I could find. It's made of a very light material. That's all I know on it.

Pony Corral / Re: What's everyone's opinions on fakies? ((Photos added))
« on: December 17, 2015, 07:50:27 PM »
I do have the link to the original auction. I've looked over those pictures multiple times. The pictures aren't blurry. While I can pick out about 15 fakies in all the pictures. Quite a few ponies are fairly obscured by another pony's hair or their faces are turned away from the camera so all you see is their hair and maybe parts of their ears. I'd link the auction so people could see it for themselves. Perhaps I was just asking to be deceived and am not good at picking out fakies in photos. But I am not sure what the rules are on linking completed auctions.

Pony Corral / Re: What's everyone's opinions on fakies?
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:16:54 PM »
Taking some pictures now. I can confirm there are two remco and possibly a dg baby among them. There are also a few that look like the remco but have no markings. Many of these ponies only say made in china or have no markings at all.

Pony Corral / What's everyone's opinions on fakies? ((Photos added))
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:23:46 PM »
So I find myself surrounded by fakies. And I'm not sure what to do with them. Last week was my birthday and my husband decided to get me some ponies. He found a lot on Ebay saying there was over 150 ponies. Though the seller did say there were "some" fakies mixed in. I counted maybe a dozen in the pictures and I rounded up to 2 dozen to be safe since not all the ponies seemed visible in the pictures but they mostly seemed to be G1 and G3. The way I figured it, even if there were 2 dozen or so fakies in the lot, over 100 ponies for $150 and free shipping wasn't a bad deal.

I got the box yesterday and wouldn't you know it, there were 72 fakies in the lot. My husband and I really aren't sure how 72 fakies equates to "some" in the sellers mind. It's closer to half. If you include the McDs and the 4 vintage plush ponies there are technically 92 hasbro ponies in the box so it's not quite half. But I'm severely disappointed. My husband tried to contact the seller last night and was met with lots of hostility. According to that person we should have asked them beforehand how many fakies there were before we bought the lot. Since going by the 7 photos they had posted with the auction I guess wasn't reliable enough. My husband compares this attitude to somebody's brand new car blowing up a block from the dealership. And when questioned why they didn't inform the buyer the car was going to blow up the dealer just says "You didn't ask."

Anyways now that story time is over. I have to decide if I am going to return these ponies or not. Based on the level of hostility we got I don't think the seller will accept a partcial return/refund. But I'm kinda loathed to give up the G1 and G3's that were in the box.  Are these 72 fakies worth keeping?

Are there people who have interest in buying/collecting fakies?
And how do people feel about customs made from fakies?

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If anyone has any idea hat some of these are it could be helpful in my decision making. I know two are remco and one is possibly a dg baby. I believe 4 are hasbro mold fakies.

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I'll have to take some pictures of the ones I'm unsure about when I have some extra light tomorrow. But I noticed some numbers on the bottoms of some of the pony hooves. For some examples on my Denim Blues' front left hooves, one has a 42 and the other has a 66. Mochanut has a 3 on her back left hoof. My Moondancer with a misplaced hoof heart has a 12 on her front right hoof. There's a few more ponies with similar numbers on their hooves. So I guess my next question are these numbers production numbers? Do they matter at all?

So I'm really new to G3s. They came out when I was in high school/college and I have no experience with them. But my husband bought me some in a lot off Ebay. Most of which need a good cleaning and a few need new manes and tails. I was on Strawberry Reef trying to identify these ponies and some of the ponies it mentioned having a limited edition set to them.

Can anyone tell me are these limited edition numbered ponies worth anything if they aren't MIB? Is there a way to tell if they one of these ponies after they are out of the box?
Also is there certain ones I should avoid using as baits when customizing?

I have about 43 different ponies. So any help in figuring out if any of them are rare would be greatly appreciated.

Pony Corral / Re: All green G3 Minty, the pony who wasn't quite
« on: December 09, 2015, 05:55:11 PM »
If I can find a minty, I'm gonna do an all green Minty. I love it.  :)

Customs / Re: G4 Fashion Style Nightlight!
« on: December 05, 2015, 05:50:53 AM »
She's gorgeous. Did you hand paint the base color or airbrush? It's so very consistent. Great job!

Customs / Re: Any have some G2 customizing tips?
« on: November 27, 2015, 10:08:07 PM »
Thanks, that good to know about the xacto knife. I was thinking that it was going to be too tough to cut through with one.

Is there a trick to getting the heads off or are they just stubborn?

Customs / Any have some G2 customizing tips?
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:47:35 PM »
I have had a couple G2 custom ideas for a while. I finally bought a few to make these customs. But they weren't entirely what I was expecting. In particular, the bodies are made of a much harder material than I was expecting.

Does anyone have any tips on how to work with them? I need to cut and lengthen the legs and neck and remove pieces of the face.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Postal delays?
« on: November 23, 2015, 04:32:40 AM »
It's the Christmas season for sure. It feels like it starts earlier and earlier every year. Last year I had a pair of live lobsters on 2 day shipping that stayed in a FedEx hub for 3 days. They were well marked as being live and everything. When we complained about the dead lobsters, they claimed it wasn't their fault. Not the post  office I know, but they were acting just as bad as them. It's just the season.I have a few things I'm about to order that I'm praying don't have the same fate. I wish you the best of luck getting your packages though.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Copic marker advice
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:51:56 AM »
I used prismacolors while I was in art school. Being a beginner myself with marker I found them quite easy to use and the color selection excellent. I think I have nearly 30 different shades of grey between cool, warm, and french. But they have a different feel than than mediums. I recommend a lot of practice with them especially if your daughter is more used to digital art. I find I personally have a vastly different muscle memory between digital and traditional art mediums.

In terms of paper I agree with a lot of what everyone has said but I have one extra comment. While bristol paper is fantastic and I love it. I recommend grabbing some 8.5 x 11 cardstock from you local Walmart or other such superstore. Cardstock can yellow this is true. But you can get a pretty large stack of it for a reasonable price so she can practice without having to worry abut ruining expensive god quality paper. It also has the added benefit of fitting easily on the scanner beds of most home printer/scanners in case she wants to share her art with with friends and family.

I'd like to also suggest that you might want to take a look at the prismacolor pencils as well. If used with a light hand, they can blend colors gorgeously, and they can even be used over the markers to add a little something extra to an illustration.

Customs / What size G4 do you prefer to customize?
« on: November 20, 2015, 04:17:33 PM »
My friend wants me to for a G4 custom of his pony character. I am completely thrown off by all the different sizes g4s come in. What do you guys prefer to customize?
And also how do I tell the brushables from the fashion styles? I really have no clue what I'm looking at when I go down the toy aisle.

Wanted! / Re: Wanted: G2 Baits
« on: November 18, 2015, 01:55:20 PM »
The way things are going I might have to look outside the US, if I can get my husband to have a little sit down with me and readjust his expectations of what he can purchase on the budget he gave me. And with the trouble I'm having getting apoxie sculpt, it's looking like I won't be getting these steampunk llamas done for Christmas at this rate so throwing a broader net might not be out of the question.

@moomargh, truth be told I'm not all too familiar with G2s. I never had any as a kid. But from your picture I can't really tell why you would call them bait. Besides a little hair care, they look in good condition to me.

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