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Messages - PJSparkles

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Pony Brag Arena / PJ's Pony Herd + flea market finds!
« on: September 21, 2015, 05:06:20 PM »
For someone who started collecting My Little Pony brushables sometime around June, I realize that I've amassed....quite a few ponies, mostly G4. I believe I counted 39, but I could be wrong. :P

This is my entire collection, as of today, 9-21-2015:
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With the exception of G3 pinkie pie, the 2 G2 happy meal toys, and all of the G1s, ALL of these ponies were acquired this summer. :P I  even bought a little bakery playset (which isn't pictured here) :)

I guess you can say my summer was FULL of ponies.  There was even a point where I stopped for a few weeks because I was collecting so many a bit too quickly. :blush: That being said, I'm pretty happy with what I have! I keep telling myself that I have enough, but I just can't help myself when unicorns are involved. ;P

This weekend I checked out several flea markets around the Chicago area. It was my first time going to flea markets, and I was pretty excited!

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My first big find was this Lemony Gem. She's in relatively good shape, although she has some scratches above her eye and the colors of the decals are a bit dingy. Not bad for 1 USD, though! She's getting her hair done.

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All of these G3 ponies were 4 USD all together, which certainly isn't a bad deal in my opinion. I love Wind Drifter's 3D symbol and colors! Chilly Breezes is adorable as well. I love white ponies! And with the addition of those G3 and G3.5 happy meal toys, I now have a representative for every generation of MLP. How about that? :P

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And if getting all those from flea markets wasn't enough for one weekend, I also picked up this Water Cuties Princess Luna. My sister saw that Pinkie Pie this evening and picked her up for me! She knew I didn't have her yet, and that Pinkie Pie is one of my favorites. What a sweetheart :)

I apologize for the blurry/dark photos, I have rather shaky hands. Thanks for taking a look at my collection! I was super excited to share it with you folks!

Off Topic / Re: Interplanet Janet, she's a galaxy girl
« on: September 21, 2015, 04:43:16 PM »
of all the items on that list, I think medical scanners would be the most amazing.

I have friends who have been misdiagnosed or even malpracticed on due to error on the part of doctors, some even rookie mistakes.

If there was a device that could scan your entire body and identify every possible symptom foreign bodies/bacteria, malfunctioning organs, or other anomalies, it would save a lot of people time from going in and out of the doctors' office. :)

Teleportation would also be AWESOME! I didn't see it at first, though, so i didn't vote for it :C

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Finally found my grail!
« on: September 19, 2015, 10:03:13 AM »
Nice find! Was she painted with nail polish or something?  And is she official or a repaint?

Customs / Re: Help with G4 Neckplug NIGHTMARE.
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:32:08 PM »
@sunpony - cool, thanks! I'll definitely keep that in mind if I do more customs in the future or need to re-tail a pony :)

@coonhoundbetty - It's easy to forget that the ponies are hollow and can potentially leak boiling water, so i'll make sure to wear gloves if I boil in the future :)

@uninu - I actually got the wings out with my exacto knife with minimal scarring :P I kinda learned how much give plastic had when I attempted the neck, so I'm getting a bit more comfortable with using it.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Draw Together 8/23-8/30 Mimic
« on: August 24, 2015, 12:36:49 AM »
they're all so adorable! I love bright, saturated colors. I might jump in this week if I remember to :P

Pony Corral / Re: Shining armour pc please?
« on: August 24, 2015, 12:28:50 AM »
Yeah, he has been released in the playful size twice but in both cases he came in a larger, more expensive set.  And now neither set is in stores anymore.

Well, I should also add that he is a more popular character. And the only playful sized boy thus far.  I've had Lyrica, who in theory should be even harder to find than him, sitting on my sell page for $5.50 for a while now.

i feel awkward butting in on this post, but where's your sell page? I may be interested in that lyrica :P

Off Topic / Re: Gamers, what are you playing right now?
« on: August 23, 2015, 11:56:59 PM »
I've been playing Deadly Premonition lately, at the suggestion of a friend, though I haven't played it in a few days.

I have to say, I like it a lot! It's got its share of campy moments for a horror game, but that's probably why I like it so much. I love scary stuff but i'm a bit of a scaredy cat--a bit of a contradiction, I know :P

Off Topic / Re: Geography Quiz - How well can you do?
« on: August 23, 2015, 11:12:25 PM »
Ooh! I love quizzes!

91/196. I need to brush up the smaller island nations, as well as some of the larger continents. I forgot more small european countries than I thought I would.

Customs / Re: Help with G4 Neckplug NIGHTMARE.
« on: August 23, 2015, 07:16:42 PM »
wow! everyone got back to me so fast!  :blush:

@sunpony, coonhoundbetty - I'll have to try boiling, then! I do have a tool that looks sort of scooped and has a nice, dull edge-- I just need to figure out what's hard plastic and what isn't first!
How do I go about boiling the pony? Do I heat it up in a pot from cool to boiling, or do I put it in after it boils?

@archidraca - Wow! You sure know a lot! :) I'll definitely try that to try to fix the neck if it doesn't work quite right.

@moevelvet - interesting...the body I'm using is like the royal canterlot wedding cadence, I wonder if it's set up the same? If so, I might just glue the peg back on, skip removing the plug altogether, and attack the wing seam. I need to do some further research, it seems

Generally, it sounds like I need to boil and then go from there. I'm pretty sure the wings are of a different plastic than the body, so boiling might help me make cleaner cuts.

Thoughts, anyone? Everyone's been great so far!

Post Merge: August 24, 2015, 11:49:23 AM

a little update on the progress of this project....
turns out for the princess cadence bodies, the tail is indeed only accessible from the wings. I confirmed this by doing a quick search for how to remove a celestia tail and I was directed to a thread on this very forum showing a cadence body with a removed tail. whoops :P

So basically, I no longer need to remove the neck plug. I'll try to fix it as suggested in the earlier posts. :)

Customs / Help with G4 Neckplug NIGHTMARE.
« on: August 23, 2015, 05:26:01 PM »
Hey everyone. :(

Just yesterday I picked up a duplicate tall-body alicorn twilight sparkle at a cheap price in hopes of making a show-accurate princess luna custom. This is the first custom I've ever attempted.

After looking at several tutorials, I tried a my plan of attack on the neck plug with an exacto knife....and....well....I botched it. BADLY. I even broke the neck peg.

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In addition to cutting in the wrong place, my accursed shaky hands made it extremely difficult to not slice up the plastic.  Pictures below show further damage.

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At this point, I have little hope of retaining a moving neck (I kept the peg, though, just in case), but I would like to remove the plug, if possible, to try  to remove the remainder of the old tail and possibly insert a new one later.

With it this damaged, I'm reluctant to do anything else without consulting you customs experts :P Is there any hope of salvaging the plug and getting it out? I've tried running it under hot water, but the broken peg makes it really difficult to wiggle it back and forth, not to mention all of the cuts make it hard to tell whether or not I've removed any glue. I haven't tried boiling the pony yet, though.

Please, if anyone could help me, I'd really appreciate it. If nothing can be done, I can glue the head on, paint everything, and just do some model magic for the mane and tail, but I don't want to give up hope for a brushable custom yet if someone has advice! Thank you for reading.


Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: CheshireCatClub
« on: August 22, 2015, 01:20:01 AM »
How adorable! I love cheshire cats!

Pony Corral / Re: funny (G3) fakie plushies found
« on: August 21, 2015, 11:55:01 PM »
How fun! Fakies are charming in their own way. For some reason the faces on these remind me of dolphins!  :P

I'm Dusty Delight! I'd love more people to play with!

My code is 6ec07a!

Hi there! I was just about to send you a friend request, but it looks like you already found my id from the post i made earlier :P

edit: Hey everyone! My username is Jet Hooves and my code is 0b44ca

Pony Corral / Re: My Little Pony: FiM iOS game
« on: August 12, 2015, 04:37:53 PM »
oh! thank you very much! for some reason I couldn't find it while searching.

I guess this thread is closed then!

Pony Corral / [closed]
« on: August 12, 2015, 12:54:39 PM »
Hey there, I recently downloaded the My Little Pony: FiM game for the iOS onto my ipad. It's pretty cute, a typical town-building game where you expand ponyville and collect ponies from G4, and theres little minigames too  ^.^

If anyone plays it and needs to add a friend, my code is 0b44ca.  :good: Feel free to share yours if you want to!

(also, if this is in the wrong forum, feel free to move it)

[merging with existing thread ~ Kiwi]

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