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Messages - Leikin

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Pony Corral / Re: G1 Grooming Parlour / Pretty Parlor NAME CARDS
« on: August 15, 2018, 04:15:28 AM »
I dont think anyone here would do it for profit or cheat others, but even having them available for free for others to use, we never know where they will end up in a few years. We may have the best of intentions today, but we cannot say what will happen in the future.  Even if noone is actually scamming anyone, they can be passed on as real because lack of knowledge.

The perforated edges might be easy for us who knows to tell the difference, but as a new collector, or a collector just new to playsets and nametags, lack of perforating and lack of TM wont make a difference, unless there is stated somewhere that this is in fact the difference between repro and original. I mean, some people might not even know they should be on the lookout for repros, and somewhere along the line, this might start discussions about wheater the nametags without TM or perforating are some kind of variants. Or if they find a nametag with for example Mimic, that really not exist.

I mean, I have been collecting for a long time, and also collects accessories, but I have seen repros that I would not know how to tell apart from the real deal if I didnt have an original at hand to compare with, or known that there was repros of it.  And still those that creates them says that you can easily see the difference between real and repro. Of course it easy if you are knowledged and know what to look for,and first of all, KNOW that it MIGHT be a repro, so you have to examine it. But the majority is not aware of these things, and we should be cascious.

Of course this is not relevant if you just print them on regular thin printer paper for your own use, but it you make them on hard paper with a quality that equals the real deal.

Instead of TM You'd want to brand them with an identification logo, as in my case, either put my business logo on the back or something identifying me as the creator. Or at least that is what I would be doing.
Branding, or business logo would be a good way to make sure its not the real deal. It dont have to be big, or it can be on the back.
I agree with removing the "TM' and would perhaps suggest taking it one step further as WE all know the TM should be there but other people may not necessarily be aware of this. So my suggestion is: replace the "TM" with "REPRO". Very small. Then there is really absolutely no chance whatsoever that anyone would ever confuse them with the originals.
This is a great idea! As you said, others might not know all real should have TM marks (I have never tought of that before) So a little repro print would be great! or a watermark at the back.

Pony Corral / Re: G1 Grooming Parlour / Pretty Parlor NAME CARDS
« on: August 14, 2018, 04:45:00 AM »
Just a request that they, even if alike the originals, will be easy to tell apart, so they wont be passed of as originals later on.

I agree with this. I'm personally not against repros so long as they're honest repros and can be identified as reproductions not originals. There are a lot of us who don't collect reproduction stuff so it's important that nobody can get confused.

I have nothing against repro stuff either, but it seems to be more and more popping up, so I think it is important that we can distinguish them from each other in an easy way. I myself would prefer if it actually said repro (and maybe year) somewhere on the product, as I have seen some makers say that "oh, it is safe, the original is sky blue, and my is light blue, so its easy to tell apart" or something similar. But for one that has never hold the real deal in its hands, it is really hard to tell the difference from a picture, when you have nothing to compare with, and different quality on photos can show different colours on screen.  So along the way, we might be considering them batch variants, faded, or different releases. Or just thinking you have the original, that you found in a lot on ebay, as you have never really seen an original in real life.  That is what I'm afraid of with all repros coming up, and I dont mean especially with this, but in general, and even if the makers are honest and selling them as repros, we never know where they end up in a few years, and how honest, or guillable, that seller is.
But that might be a whole other thread, I just wanted to squiz that in, if you are thinking of making a big scale reproduction run to sell. ^^

Pony Corral / Re: Tell me about first tooth babies from spain
« on: August 14, 2018, 04:22:56 AM »
I save every photo I come across online and I've never seen a Spanish one! I hope one of the Spanish members might notice this post and help with info.

Yeah, I hoe that tooI'm very curious to what she is, if regular release, or some kind of pony club release as the dutch carded. 
Funny thing is though, you have one spanish carded FT pony mentioned on your site, and it is the same as the one I have (Fifi). I thought you had seen the one I bought and listed it, but as you say you have not seen any spanish carded before, where did you get the info on this? And why is only Fifi mentioned? Is she the only one released like this maybe? 
Ohh, this is interesting! :D hope someone from spain will ship in with more info :D

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: August 14, 2018, 03:33:36 AM »
Sunbeam has never been a favorite pony of mine.


I Love Sunbeam!  :D  I wish they had made a baby of her as well.

Pony Corral / Re: Autumnal Ponies
« on: August 14, 2018, 03:27:47 AM »
Autumn Crisp is my favourite regarding autumn themed ponies. Love her golden hair!

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Pony Corral / Re: G1 Grooming Parlour / Pretty Parlor NAME CARDS
« on: August 14, 2018, 03:15:29 AM »
Just a request that they, even if alike the originals, will be easy to tell apart, so they wont be passed of as originals later on.

Pony Corral / Re: Tell me about first tooth babies from spain
« on: August 06, 2018, 03:39:44 AM »
Anyone? :)

The brown eyliner theory I think originates from one of the swedisg summermeets we had back in the days. The theme was truly and cupcake, and everybody was supposed to take their trulys and cupcakes with them, so we could compare and determine a patern  to recognize the real deal from a deflock.  If I remember correct (this was many years ago, and my memory is slippery :P ) all deflocks (that we knew wher actual deflocks) and SS had black eyliners and all real ones had brown eyeliners, so the conclusion was that you could recognize them by that.
Although, I dont think we ever dismissed the idea that they could have black eyliners, just that you could be sure it was real if it was brown. I think that the line between brown=real and black=fake dit come more with  time as refering to the real ones with brown eyeliners (again, slippery memory)
Maybe someone from the Swedish collectors that was present remember more and can confirm/deny?

I also remember that during the discussions on the swedish forum before the meeting, someone mentioned that she had one with black eyeliner that she was quite convinced was real. I dont think anyone really gave that statement pretty much credit, as the collector was not at the meeting, and we never saw the pony irl.  But this collector was from Norway, and I have a vague memory that I have seen another one from Norway ask about a black eyed Truly some years later. Or if it was the same person, just a few years later.
It could just be a coinsidence, or it could be that Norway actually have a different release then Sweden in that case.

Have not looked closely to the south african nor the australian ones either to see if they are black or brown. There was a moc cupcake sold from australia recently, will see if I can dig up a photo if its vissible what colour the eyliner is..

Sorry to hijack your thread Katrine, but this is so interesting :) And I think it is good that we can always evaluate things that has been known as facts for a long time, to challange our knowledge about pony history. :)

Yeah, I like mysteries too, but its hard with these small variations :P

I think its likely its the pony from the card. I belive the seller is selling of her childhood stuff, as she has all cards still with them. I managed to grab one of the pony wears at least, but there where several others I had wanted as well. :(

I thought so too. Also, if I remember correct, mine looks more like the other one you had, with bigger symbol, that I belive was on card. Dont remember if she had forelock though.

Now I want to go home fast so I can do some ponyhunting in my boxes! *lol*

Pony Corral / Re: Set completion- do you collect them all?
« on: August 01, 2018, 03:58:34 AM »
Yes, but not really *lol*
I usually like the concept of a set, so I like everyone, or none of them. And if I like 5 in the set, but not the 6th one, I will probably feel bad for leaving one out, and feel that I need to complete it anyway. ^^
And I dont really like having just one pony from one set, as I like to display them togheter, as they have the same kind of theme and look good togheter.

On the other hand, there are sets that I dont like at all, so those I dont feel I need to complete ^^

scooping over from the other post :)
Will try to dig my Firefly up when home to see what she look like.
Although, I'm not 100% sure she came on card,I very much suspect that is the case.

I also have baby Firefly both MOC and MIB, so will try to find them as well :) However I dont think my MOC is Sweden sold, but from the Netherlands, but I'm not sure. I dont know if that makes any different though.

However, these where recently sold, and the card has swedish stickers on it, so I assume this is trylu a Sweden sold baby Firefly. Maybe that will help you on the way :) She seem to have a forelock though.

I must say that Im envious of all people that remember such things from their childhood :P I actually have  few mlp-memories since childhood, even though I had a lot of them and loved them and played with them a lot ^^  Although, my most traumatic memory is that i wanted Milky Way in the store, and never got her, so I'm lucky I dont have any memories of anyone burning all the boxes (which I'm quite certain it happened, just not me being aware of it. I guess I never cared much for the cards and boxes back then, which I definately compensating for now *lol* )

Its hard to exclude that she was never sold (AJ) but if you both had the boxed version and carded version of the first six babies, that already include two different sets of CC and Blossom, do you think they would import a third set with CC and Blossom (with the same acc as in the other boxed set) just to get Applejack as well? I mean, the boxed and carded version makes sence, even if it is the same ponies, as one set is more of a budget verion, without all the accessories, but both boxed versions are alike, except from the box itself, and I guess that didnt mean much for the children or their parents buying them back then :P

Do you have any market media or adverts from Norway? I know we use to have a lot of ads in magazines like Donald Duck. They might be some clues to what was sold and when :)

Yes, I saw that thread. I actually have mine packed away at the moment, but can see if Im able to dig her up when back home.
I write and answer in that post as well, so everything is in right place :D

Oh, I never think of the set with Firefly and them as PnC babies ^^
But I think you are right regarding that. I know I had baby Blossom, Baby Glory, Baby Firefly and Baby Suprise as a child, so they where definately sold here, and for a long time I assumed they had been sold like the PnC sets wit all accessories (like the US), but then I discovered they where also sold on cards with only a bottle with them, and as I seem to lack all the accessories that I first assumed belonged to them, from my childhood, I think mine where all sold on card.
I'm not excluding that we might have got them in boxes with all accessories as well, but most likely we had that set on card in Sweden.
After all, we had PnC baby Blossom and Cotton Candy along with baby Applejack, so it wouldnt really make sense to have Blossom and CC in two different sets with boxes. But on the other hand, the early releases in Sweden doesnt always make sence ^^

So I'm certain we had the PnC babies Blossom, Cotton Candy, Applejack, Gusty, Ribbon, Hearth Throb (with wing on hearts, the so called "german"variant) and Lickety Split in boxes.  I had both applejack and Lickety Split as a child.
And my guess is that we had Blossom, CC, Firefly, Surprise, Moondancer and Glory on card here.

So when you say you had the full PnC set, without applejack, is it possible that you had the boxed version of Firefly and Co.(like the US version), as that set also included CC and Blossom, and not the set with CC, Blossom and Applejack, like we did?

Pony Corral / Re: Why do you like Collecting MOC Ponies?
« on: July 30, 2018, 12:17:05 PM »
I collect MOCs mostly because I find them beautifull. The colourfull cards and boxes ^^. Also I love the tiny bits of information you can get from cards, and also the accessory bit.
I have a bunch of MOC pony wear that is much prettier displayed with their cards, then on the ponies (imo) and how would I dosplay it otherwise? I want the symbols to show on my ponies, and thus cannot dress them, and I dont want to have a bunch of extras just for clothing display :P
On the other hand, I also collect loose ponies. Not because I play with them or like combing their hair or so, but just want to be able to touch and display them with other ponies in a way that is quite limited if they are still in box.

I kind of agree that decarding is a way of destroying a pony, like with haircuts and penmarks. I understand that you dont see it that way, if you only see the value of the pony itself, and that would still be untouched, but if you see the pony and the card/box as one unit, it is destroying it to take it apart as it can never be the same again.
Also considering it would be a common pony, if everyone decarded just because a pony was common, then at one point, someone would have the last one, and maybe decard it.
And there are very few times I actually agree with decarding a pony, even if the pony itself would be better off decarded because of mold or anything  like that, but the pony itself is probably still more common loose, and even in better shape then the decarded "saved" pony, so you are not really saving a pony for the collectors comunity, but destroying a MOC/MIB in historical value for the comunity. I hope I make sence here. If you have a, lets say MOC Mimic, and she was starting to gain mold. There would still be a lot of mint Mimics out there, but if its decarded it would loose significant value, not only for the MOC itself, but for the comunity as a whole.
I have a MOC baby Fifi in bad shape, but would never discard her, as she is the only one I have ever seen on this card, and to my knowledge might be the only one existing. the only thing I would gain from discarding her is a baby Fifi, that is quite easy to get hold of without decarding this one.
The only time I feel its ok to decard if the pony is already falling of the card and there is no way to save it.

The play and care sets where sold in Sweden (the full sets) so I assume it would be the same for Norway. I have only seen maybe one box in Swedish, so we kept most in english as well. I guess we where a too small market to translate for (although it is strange that they did it for denmark that is smaller).

For Buttons set, I'm almost certain we didnt have them at least. I have never heard of anyone having them as childs, nor seen them in any advertising. But I guess some stray ponies may have traveled here.
And I just saw a post on facebook with a norwegian collector (i think) that had found a baby cherries jubilee second hand, but wouldnt we have seen more of them if they where an official release there?

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