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Messages - Loona

Pages: 1 ... 112 113 [114] 115 116 ... 118
Off Topic / Re: What's your favorite color?
« on: June 28, 2012, 02:26:14 PM »
My favorite color is black. :) it used to be black and red when I was a teenager, but at some point It became Black and purple. I picked black but I think purple is almost tied with black as my favorite.

I wonder if its normal for your favorite color/s to change?
Normal to change my or anyone's favourite colour? How do you mean?
I think she meant "changing your mind" about a favourite. like... having blue as your favourite, but some time later realising you like green more, so switching your favourite to green.

I think it's normal. we change, and things, circumstances around us also change. you realise things, you learn about new (and possibly more to your liking) things... if your favourite band, pony or anything can change, why your favourite colour couldn't? :)

 *waves for another purple-black fan* :happy:

Pony Corral / Re: H&M (new?) G4 pony accessories
« on: June 28, 2012, 02:13:02 PM »
here in Hungary they don't yet have these (or at least I have been to 2 different H&M stores this weekend, looked through children's stuff thoroughly, and didn't see anything pony-related). let's hope sooner or later they get here as well. I'm not a G4 collector either, but pony acc is always fun, so I might even be interested :)

Pony Corral / Sticky-bodied fakie - what should I do with her?
« on: June 28, 2012, 08:20:58 AM »
today I picked up a pony lot I won earlier on a local auction site. it included 5 fakies I knew I won't need, and I planned to re-sell them. however, one of them isn't quite re-sellable I'm afraid.
the problem is that her body is sticky all over :blink: at first I hoped it's only some surface stickiness, so I gave her a good bath (just as to the others), and it seemed to have disappeared, however, just as she dried she became all sticky again. I'm afraid it's because of the bad quality material she's made of, maybe some component of the plastic is oozing out of her :shocked:

question one: have you ever seen something like this? do you know a possible cure for her?

question two: if not, what would you do with her? I'm sure sticky like this I'm not willing to sell or even give her to anyone, she's not really "playable" like this. her body is just too soft, so I doubt it would be possible to make a custom out of her. on the other hand, her hair is in a rather nice condition, so I thought of saving that, and throwing the body away. but ehm... it just seems so cruel (although a bit less cruel than throwing the whole poor thing out, because this way at least partially she can "serve for good") :huh:
I also thought of keeping her, but I don't really collect G3 fakies (nor G3s), so I don't have much interest in her collectionwise, in addition, I'm already having a hard time thinking where and how to store her not to make things that get in contact with her sticky :(

many thanks in addition for any kind of advice!


Off Topic / Re: What's your favourite colour?
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:23:11 AM »
mine are black and purple. can't really choose just one :)

thank you, again, everyone! ^^
oh, and sorry for making you cry xkelpiex  :hug:

Off Topic / Re: R.I.P Lonesome George
« on: June 28, 2012, 12:23:04 AM »
xeevee: that's something I wanted to mention as well. instead of desperately trying to clone last minute when realising we did something irreversible (and yeah, as invaderhorizongreen stated, cloning's not really a possibility) we should try to think before doing things.


again, thank you for the informative answers ^^

pinkkittywinks: that's exactly what I did after I realised this girl was hiding there all along :biggrin: but unfortunately no, no more nirvanas (or at least not here. I didn't get to my childhood ponies and those who still live in my father's house, so chances are still there, although I doubt I'll find someone else. that would be just too much luck :P).

oh well. I think I'll just get her a ribbon that matches her colours then, and if someday I'll see one that has its original I'll switch to one similar to that ^^

EDIT, 2012-06-28, 15:15: okay, talking about no more surprise nirvanas for me: I just got an unexpected Italian Starshine in a lot :cool:

aww, too bad, I simply hate people who seem to have no mouths and just go negative instead of trying to sort things out (which would obviously be better for both. them too) :mad:

Spinky69er: you're not the first one I hear this from :( lately I've heard a really awful story about a 600+ all-positive online friend receiving a cruel and undeserved negative because of an idiot customer, she also told us she's not sure if she wants to sell on eBay again, because the policy they do allows a bit too much for buyers and you as a seller can get in uncomfortable situations for nothing! :(

thank you for the warning fingerpaints! ^^

Customs / Re: g2-g4 Silver Swirl and baby swirly for StarFaerie
« on: June 26, 2012, 10:53:36 PM »
oh my, they look so beautiful! you've done a really nice work here, no wonder StarFaerie loved them  ^.^
and yeah, Silver Swirl is a lovely pony <3 I wish I had her (I only have her McDonalds figure)...

thank you for your kind words, everyone! you saying Mom must be proud of me now made me really happy!

the little girl sleeps with us ever since :) silly boyfriend calls her "Cripple Pony" because her head usually falls to one side as a result of the not-too-stiff filling beanies usually have. at one time I told him her name is not "Cripple Pony" but Light Heart, and he replied "ah, see? her heart is weak too" :mad:
but I know he's only teasing me (even though it's not too polite to say such things) :P

thanks for the answer shelti!  ^.^
so she can be English :) and her eyes... well, at least she's unique ^^ I never minded them, I just was eager to find out how this happened.

no problem :) I hope someone else who has seen one or owns one may come and help, I'd really like to give her a ribbon that matches her original ^.^

Off Topic / Re: R.I.P Lonesome George
« on: June 25, 2012, 01:17:32 PM »
Oh ****, I didn't expect an animal species of any kind to go extinct at any point of my lifetime. wtf
Actually they go extinct almost everyday.
actually dozens of species go extinct every day :/
species becoming extinct is a part of natural selection, I know, but still I'm still angry because the pace they disappear at recently is mainly because of us humans (which is, nature, again, but still).

may you rest in peace, George!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Completed my set
« on: June 25, 2012, 10:56:31 AM »
aww, they are so lovely! congratulations on completing the set! ^^

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Huge G2 lot! Pic heavy.
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:34:34 AM »
awww, so lucky, congrats on this awesome lot!
I love G2s too as they also remind me of my (sort of) childhood. I was already a teen when they came out, but still loved ponies, and my sister loved these too, so we always got them together and played for days and weeks with them continuously. I remember getting the first 2 for a Christmas (me Clever Clover, she Petal Blossom), we played for days around the tree (together with my G1s and fakies they were going on a journey around and inside our huge christmas tree :D ) and it sometimes took Mom half an hour to get us out from behind the tree and send us away to take a bath and go to sleep :lol:

and you also have a twin sister of my Light Hear beanie I just bragged about! lovely <3 ^^

okay, so sometime last week I realised I have a Macau Lemondrop :shocked: :frolic:
it all started with me browsing the forums and reading random stuff when in one of the topics I found something mentioned I didn't understand. the term was "bleeding symbol", and it got me curious enough, so I searched for it. when I found out what it means I also found that this is something that is more common among some ponies, I read on and on and on, looked at pictures, and finally I just got too suspicious and went straight to the room where my ponies are located, and picked my Lemondrop up to find "Macau" written on her back right leg :cool:
this was kind of a shock, by that time I never realised she's this special. she was always special for me because of her lovely long and full hair which is unusual compared to other ponies I have (plus, she's yellow-purple. I have a soft spot for yellow-bodies, purple-haired ponies), but before this I didn't know what might have caused her unusual hair.
(I didn't like her bleeding symbol that much though, but hey, you can't wish for too much :D )

I'm pretty much wondering how she ended up here. I got her second hand in a lot some years ago. I've read it somewhere that Macau ponies are a bit more common in Germany, and as Hungary is not far from Germany we do have much stuff coming from there, however the shop I bought this girl at sells second hand stuff imported from England. did Macau ponies occasionally show up on English shelves, or do I have a little traveller here whose English home wasn't the first country she lived at already?

ah, also, do you know what coloured ribbon she had back when she had one? I couldn't find a picture showing that, and I'd really like to find it out and get her one - I think she deserves one ^.^

there's another strange thing about her (the one I mentioned in the title of the topic): her eyes seem to be a bit... uneven O_o I mean, her left and right eye doesn't look the same, one of them seems to have more black in it than the other - just like she only had time to use eyeliner on one eye :P
I tried to take some pics of them (they are crappy, I know, sorry for that, but I hope you see what I mean):

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is it some kind of an error, or what?

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