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Messages - Bunny-san

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Off Topic / Re: Have You Caught the Skylanders Bug?
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:02:38 AM »
Its really not that popular here. I mean, I can go to GameStop on any given day and see their shelves crammed with figures. I honestly think its kind of silly to have to buy accessories to play a game. Me, I want to BUY the game, PLAY the game and be able to enjoy it as is. A game to me is poorly designed if you don't have all the components required to enjoy it already included in it. DLC is different, seeing as its additional content that gives you *more* than what was already included, and doesn't clutter up your house with useless junk...Neh, but I guess some people look at ponies and see useless junk too ^^;Still,  I dont like having to buy 15 bucks worth of extra characters just to play the game more efficiently. Seems dumb.  Maybe I'll go to GameStop and start Ebaying them :silly:

Off Topic / Re: Beauty & The Beast 3D!
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:51:35 AM »
I saw it in 3D and it was FABULOUS. I couldn't believe how well they converted it to 3D! The depth of field was genuinely amazing :3 Totally worth the extra money to see it in 3D. And I can't wait for Finding Nemo! We decided to make that our son's first Theater movie :D I really hope they put it on bluray soon...

Edit: They ARE doing the Little Mermaid! Just after Finding Nemo. The theater worker we talked to after the movie said that he saw it on the theater's release schedule  :biggrin:

Off Topic / Re: Holy Toledo! 8 years!!!
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:49:09 AM »
I've been on Half your time, but still. Dang. Never really thought about it. XD

Off Topic / Re: I just met Prince Charles!
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:45:51 AM »
Wooooooow he's aged *a lot*  since I saw him last O_O Grats on meeting the Royal dude! :D

Cadence (according to wiki) means "music" ...

See, this is my OCD on words, and why I NEVER trust Wiki. Cadence actually does *not* mean melody or music. The proper dictionary definitionn of Cadence, according to Webster's Dictionary is:

Cadence (noun)
1. a. A rythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language.
    b. The beat, time, or measure of rythmical motion or activity.
2. a. A falling inflection of the voice.
    b. A concluding and usually falling strain; specifically: a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion.
3. The modulated and rythmic recurrance of a sound, especially in nature.
Example of use: The cadence of the drums keeps the soldiers moving in time.

Sorry, Journalism major here...the proper usage of words was drilled into our skulls, as retractions and the embarrassment of your publication was always something that was considered professional death XD So there you go, your vocabulary lesson and warning away from Wikipedia for the day ^^;

Pony Corral / Re: Princess Cadence and Wedding Castle in our future?
« on: January 23, 2012, 06:45:40 PM »
Which, if we go by release tables of when we see dates of release to ACTUAL shelf date, we can expect her and her castle by Christmas :D I am SO not surprised by that. XD

Customs / Re: Air Dry Sculpt Mediums or, BACK THE TRAIN UP!
« on: January 22, 2012, 09:01:50 AM »
I guess I'll have to check and see if any hobby shops even exisit in my area anymore. The only one I know of shut down because the owner got cancer and passed away :( Or look into alternative methods of using sculpey and attaching it..The project I'm working on is trying to customize one of the Frendship Train engines....It's going to be a big project but throwing it in the oven would destroy the motor inside the thing, I'm sure. So I need to figure this out. :3

Customs / Re: G3.5 Styling :muffin: Pony Hooves
« on: January 22, 2012, 06:56:11 AM »
I need this pony in my life. She is PERFECTLY adorable! You did a great job! :lovey:

Pony Corral / Re: Why Snowcatcher, why?!
« on: January 21, 2012, 06:58:01 PM »
I still love Snowcatcher because SHE'S A JEDI.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! XD That s the funniest dang thing I've seen tonight. Maybe she should use the force to add another point to her snowflake XP Hasbro's webmaster has a fail...

Pony Corral / Re: Rarity's accent?
« on: January 21, 2012, 06:32:53 PM »
I definitely always think of Audrey Hepburn when I listen to Rarity....Just watch Breakfast at Tiffany's one day, and you'll TOTALLY hear Rarity's vocal roots in there, DAHLING. :silly:

Pony Corral / Re: Wilton Cake Pan poll
« on: January 21, 2012, 06:28:35 PM »
Honestly, since I make cake three times a year, once for my birthday (PONY CAKE), once for my hubby's birthday (not so pony cake) and now once for my son's birthday (Only if he ASKS for a pony cake), I would rather have the painted one! I think it's a fabulously unique and well done piece :3

And honestly, cake makes you fat. Having the painted one means I wouldn't be tempted to make adorable pony cakes all the time and expand my waistline XD

Pony Corral / Re: Braying Donkey Pose ... Is growing on me???
« on: January 21, 2012, 06:22:57 PM »
I always wondered why they called it the Donkey Pose.

Looks nothing like a donkey..........

Just looks cute....

Those Mr. Munchies snacks would become a regular purchase in my household. Especially if they're pretty good for you as far as little cookies go. Like those 110 calorie cookie packs? Even if they were'nt super low cal...I'd buy them as a treat for my son XD You hear that Hasbro? REGULAR. PURCHASE. :silly:

Also, for custom reasons, I need to know what Cadence's cutie mark is...v.v;;;; Hasbro reveal please? Kay thanks.

Customs / Air Dry Sculpt Mediums or, BACK THE TRAIN UP!
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:20:56 PM »
So, I apparently am the queen of difficult projects lately. This one is sort of secret though. Needless to say, it's spectacular, and, difficult, and....I can NOT BAKE any sculpting that I would do on this project. Baking would DESTROY it. I've done some research and found some different things...apoxie sculpt and...amazing sculpt.

Few questions!
 Differences between the two? Which is the preferred that seems to work better?
Can you buy an air drying sculpting medium like these in the store? All I've seen so far is bloody baking sculpey.

Do they each take to painting well? Will they hold structure well on their own or do you need to put armature wire in them? (If the structure is small enough, I mean, will it hold its own?)

Thanks for the info, all you crazy advanced sculpting people :P

Pony Corral / Re: New pony on
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:08:12 AM »
Bahahahaha! Good to see Ghost again! I wonder if they'll make a new version of her too. A tiny white G4 pony...Creepy and cool at the same time.

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