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Messages - EStRanger

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Off Topic / Re: You know you're with the right man when...
« on: January 30, 2012, 07:20:38 PM »
On top of all the crazy gibberish I fling at mine on a daily bases he brought it to my attention the other day that I meow when I want to know where he is and cheep when I want to know what he’s doing. I didn’t even realize I did that XD

You too?! XD The funny part is that now my boy does the same thing. One time I went into the upstairs bathroom while he was napping on the couch downstairs, and a few seconds later I heard him meowing his way up the stairs. When he reached the bathroom he started scratching on the door and meowing. I guess I've got him trained well! XD

Off Topic / Re: Your favorite collection - other than ponies!!
« on: January 30, 2012, 07:12:46 PM »
Legend of Zelda stuff! I don't collect EVERYTHING, just what catches my eye...but when something does, I go crazy trying to get my hands on it. Right now I'm in mourning that the limited-edition 25th Anniversary Club Nintendo posters went out of print last week, when I was only fifty Coins short of being able to order them.  :cry:  The poster set is going for like $100 on eBay now! It's absolutely criminal, considering that those posters were freebie bonuses you got for buying Nintendo games you were gonna buy anyways.  :huh:
On a (currently) less stressful topic, books are my other big collection hobby. I only buy books that I plan to read over and over again, and I go for hardcovers specifically, for the lovely appearance and durability. I'll buy a paperback if it's a really good deal, though--I got the first three A Song of Ice and Fire paperbacks at a flea market for $1 each about ten years ago!

Pony Corral / Re: "Ember's Dream", now on youtube!
« on: January 30, 2012, 06:33:22 PM »
I sure am!  What I want to do is scan in the pages from the MLP books I have (I'm pretty sure I at least have The Magic Rainbow) so I can show the pages while the sound file plays.  But that will take a little longer to set up since it requires a bunch of scanning.

Can you use the scans I have in my Photobucket albums?  If you can, that should cover everything except The Magic Rainbow (if I get my scanner set back up I'll get that posted too). 

You two are absolutely amazing. :D I've been missing my old pony books terribly, wanting to find some high-quality scans...or heck, just anything! I should really put up a thread to see if anyone has pages from the other pony books I had but don't remember the titles of (they didn't come with cassettes, so no audio, sadly).

Pony Corral / Re: "Ember's Dream", now on youtube!
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:51:44 PM »
You are a doll for doing this! Are you planning to do any of the other stories you got from breyer600? I had The Magic Rainbow and Picnic at Paradise Estate as a child, and to this day I'm sad that I no longer have them, or any of my other pony stuff that wasn't actual ponies (my mother put my ponies in storage because she thought they'd be worth something someday, but she got rid of my pony books and tapes whenever I was out of the house, thinking they were worthless and I was too old for them. Oh, how wrong she was--on both counts!)

Off Topic / Re: Gamers... Do you play for the trophies/achievements?
« on: January 28, 2012, 11:47:42 PM »
Okay, you guys are really making me want to take the leap into Castlevania! Should I buy my straitjacket ahead of time? :D

Off Topic / Re: Gamers... Do you play for the trophies/achievements?
« on: January 27, 2012, 06:09:59 PM »
Besides Skyrim I play mostly NES games. I make my own goals to keep myself entertained. I have timed Zelda runs. I also do runs of Super Mario Bros as nothing but small Mario. Trying to beat Adventure Island II on one guy is still escaping me. One day I will get there.

Ahh, the days when "Nintendo Hard" was a valid phrase! I once made it all the way to the final level of Adventure Island II...then lost my last life. I haven't touched the game since, and that was somewhere around twenty years ago. I'm finally starting to want to play again. XD Good luck to you, because anyone who's playing oldschool NES/SNES games needs it! (Someday, I'll be brave enough to try classic Castlevania....)

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: anyone heard from shinykitsune yet?
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:14:43 PM »
I hope all this gets worked out soon, I feel so bad for you guys who have been left hanging.
I was meant to buy something from her awhile ago, she said she'd hold it for the weekend while I asked my friend if I could use her paypal and them when I told her on the Monday that I had the money and could pay her as soon as, she'd sold the pony to someone else >.< Without telling me. Reading these threads though, I'm quite glad I didn't buy from her now

She doesn't seem to realize (or maybe doesn't care) how people are going to look at her if she doesn't get her stuff together! The exact same thing that you posted happened to me with another MLP trader back in 1997. To this day, I remember their email address, their final irritation-inducing message to me ("i have all ready sold the ponys"), and would never do business with them again if they still deal in ponies, even though it's been almost fifteen years since. I know that technically, you (general "you") can do what you want with your property, even if that includes going back on a deal and selling it to someone else. But just because you *can* do something, that doesn't mean you *should*, y'know? Because this person didn't make the distinction in 1997, they're on my blacklist in 2012 unless they could prove reason to be removed.

People don't usually forget about their negative experiences with a person, and they won't hesitate to spread the word. If you make a bad move and don't get your act together, you can fully expect that no one will welcome your presence in the community in the future. I hope Shinykitsune fixes everything for anyone who has been left hanging and earns her former good reputation again!

Off Topic / Re: Craziest Cover Letter I have EVER received at my job.
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:46:22 PM »
That is an AWESOME letter. I actually have done similar when desperately needing to stand out. Not quite THAT random, but I tuck my tongue firmly into my cheek and write a cover letter version of a stand-up comedy routine.

Also, when I quit a REALLY bad job in my postal worker days, I maaaaaay have submitted my two weeks' notice in the form of a snarky parody of the song "Still Alive" from Portal (my version was "Still Employed" since I had another job lined up). Too bad all my co-workers thought "video games" were those gambling things you play at the bar. No one got the joke, but I'm sure they thought I was off my rocker!

Off Topic / Re: Your latest video game love is....
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:40:30 PM »
Ha! I'm playing Skyrim now too. It's addictive! And Angry Birds on my Kindle. I never understood what all the AB buzz was about til i actually played. I hate those mean piggies!

Angry Birds is one game I haven't experienced yet. I'm a big fan of other physics games though, like the web-based Icebreakers by Nitrome!

Whoa, there must still be some gremlins chewing on the wires at the new site. My avatar vanished when I reloaded the page, and I actually had to reupload it! Good thing it was still floating around on my USB drive. :3

Off Topic / Re: What are you reading at the moment?
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:29:28 PM »
Before that I read Quitter, by Jon Acuff (which I think EVERYONE who doesn't currently have their dream job should read).

Thanks for the recc! I love reading things like that, especially as someone who's chasing dreams. I'll have to look this book up!

Off Topic / Re: What are you reading at the moment?
« on: January 25, 2012, 04:44:08 PM »
Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin.

I've been enthralled with the series since I saw Game of throne on HBO and even more so as I get through the books. He's an amazing writer!

I'm reading (well, re-reading) A Storm of Swords too! XD I've got about a hundred pages to the end. Since I refuse to pay extra for HBO just for one show, I've been consoling myself by re-reading the series. It's been over a decade since I read the first three books, so in some ways it's like I'm reading them for the first time again!

But then I've got a dilemma--I borrowed the fourth book to read when it came out, so I don't yet own that one or the fifth book. And I'm trying soooo hard to not spend any money right now, but I hate to leave off in the middle of the series as it currently stands! Also, I didn't much care for the fourth book, but I know I should re-read it before starting on the fifth one....So I basically am all grumpyface over not having a book I don't want to read anyways. MY LIFE IS PAIN Y'ALL. XD

Off Topic / Re: Your latest video game love is....
« on: January 24, 2012, 05:36:16 PM »
Skyward Sword and Skyrim! I'm lost to the sky.

....Well, until I take an arrow in the knee.

To the woman who pretended she didn't take the things out of the dumpster: may all the suffering you have knowingly visited upon others be returned to you, by your own actions.

....I'm not a very good person. But at least I admit it!

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