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Messages - Zoundz

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I think I have all the ones you're talking about, but I'd have to dig them out to be sure. I know for definite I have a couple of Poochie Stampers - we get quite a few Poochie finds in charity shops - most recently another of the plushes and an annual.

I know I have a few stampers, but I'm not sure which at the moment :/


Off Topic / Re: Back (well, I'll try to be!)
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:53:34 AM »
No, unfortunately there isn't, but I could ask around and see if any of the private art galleries would be interested, even though it's not in keeping with their usual stuff...

I can't think of anywhere for a lot other than that... :/ because There's not even much of a normal museum here, just a tiny tiny cottage museum that houses a few local hisotry pieces...


Off Topic / Re: Back (well, I'll try to be!)
« on: March 28, 2013, 09:27:47 AM »
I have sooo many ideas for it! I want it to be largely interactive, I'd like to have movie and series showings (of course would need to seek the correct licenses and permissions for that). I'd like to have story readings for younger visitors, and I'd liek the actual displays to be interactive (where it's safe for that to be the case). I really want to bring people back into their childhoods! :D Not sure I can afford to do it ever though :(


Off Topic / Back (well, I'll try to be!)
« on: March 28, 2013, 08:41:49 AM »
I'm hopeless with forums, life just gets in the way! I'm sort of back, though it's hard as I can't be affording new ponies, and haven't done much in the way of collecting in a long time.

I'm currently trying to work out whether or not (and let's face it, probably not!) I can get funding for a museum of childhood. I really do want to bring our epic collection to mroe people, I just don't know how :(

Any thoughts?

Hope everyone's keeping well.


Off Topic / Re: Going to Ireland! Any advice?
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:42:35 AM »
Hmm - Soundstore or similar might have them - but not sure!

Shame to have missed you - hope you're enjoying yourself though, and that you enjoy the rest of your hols - Kerry is fab! :D


Off Topic / Re: Going to Ireland! Any advice?
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:12:53 AM »
Well - if you are in the West Cork area and want any help, give me a shout! :D


Off Topic / Re: What are you reading right now?
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:01:11 AM »
MY current 'serious' book is A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth, who I love and adore - his writing is just exquisite! On the side then I am also reading a collection of Edgar Allan Poe's work, a funny Grumpy Old Women book, Farley Mowatt's Never Cry Wolf (reading with hubby) and The Life Of Pi by Yann Martel! :) I like to have a lot of books on the go at once! XD


Off Topic / Re: Going to Ireland! Any advice?
« on: September 25, 2012, 02:25:43 AM »
Which bit of Ireland are you coming to? :)

I'm the opposite end of Ireland to fiwen30 - Cork - right on the south west coast! :) It's stunning here, the weather is a bit damp and grey, but not much you can do about that, hopefully it'll brighten up a bit. I think this is one of the most relaxing, beautiful places in the world. There's plenty to do in the way of nature stuff - though it's probably a bit tame compared to California.

Of course, the towns and the pubs etc are a major highlight - and it does help to have someone to show you around and show you the best pubs etc.

Carbootsales are a pretty rare thing around here to be honest, and they are a bit rubbish. The UK is much better for those. Primark is Penneys in Ireland, and to be honest, I've not seen any MLP stuff in there :/ but then, I may not have been looking in the right places. When everyone was buying the MLP pants I did have a look, but no sign of them in any of the Cork Penneys.

If you're anywhere near, please feel free to give us a shout, we do a fair bit of couchsurfing stuff, so we're always happy to help people out in the area, invite them in for a cuppa, to see the rats and/or the ponies ;) and also to take people to good music pubs! :)

Hope you enjoy your trip, and if I can help at all, please send me a message! :D

Off Topic / Re: Baking fun?
« on: September 24, 2012, 04:56:17 PM »
Hello Kaoskat! ;D I see you too! :D

I've mixed booklice into food before! *vom* - horrible things that live in flour, and are unnoticeable until it's too late!


Off Topic / Hey... tyring to come back! :)
« on: September 24, 2012, 05:08:49 AM »
Hi everyone,

it's been ages since I was around these parts... real life has been a bit hectic, and I've barely looked at my ponies for aaages... :( (certainly not acquired any new ones). I really want to get back into the customs etc though, so I'm trying to get back into it all. It'll be a while before I have time for customs again, but hopefully not toooo long! :)

Anyway, wanted to say I'm not gone for good! :)


Off Topic / Re: Still around... sorta
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:32:06 PM »
Oooh - would love pics! :D

Yes things are fine, just a bit meh with the collection at the moment because we can't access a lot of it, and it's in a mess. Things are doing OK, but I'm just struggling to sort things out timewise etc.

Will try and be around more often! :D


Off Topic / Still around... sorta
« on: March 25, 2012, 12:45:18 PM »
I know I've been gone ages, and I feel like I should apologise, but there's not much I can do. I can't afford to do anything pony for some time... we're trying to save some money, and I literally can't afford *any* pony stuff for a looong time :( Soo... it makes me a bit sad to be around here much :(

Hope no-one minds, I'm grabbable on FB, and by e-mail always, and hopefully I can get back into it all when I actually can get ponies again.

Hope everyone is well <3


Customs / Re: New customs: Alice in Wonderland and Pegasus
« on: January 31, 2012, 04:05:22 AM »
Oh wow! That Alice is incredible! :D

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