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Messages - Bunny-san

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Pony Corral / Re: Prince Cadence & Wedding Castle - now with pics! MERGED
« on: January 26, 2012, 07:30:28 AM »
I'm worried we won't be getting the Prince outside of the playset. Hasbro might not be confident boy ponies will sell well on their own yet.
If they look like that, are you honestly SURPRISED? :sad:

The Dollhouse / Re: The Thread to Post any Doll BUT Monster High! :D
« on: January 26, 2012, 07:28:23 AM »
Omigosomigosomigosh! A thread I started FINALLY went past two pages! I'm so happy! :happy: First time in four years! And all of these pictures are *fabulous* I love them. I've never seen those old school Sindies before! How neat! And I love all the  BJDs , they're SO pretty. You guys are going to make me do something on my credit card that I shouldn't :silly: I have the wig for my first BJD but I just an't ever seem to get the money together to outright pay for him.

Keep 'em coming! I'm ADORING this thread. And my pics are coming. The weather isn't cooperating, and the sun isn't comin out and its too cold to take a 1 year old to take photos for any long period of time v.v; Grr. Moar pics! :D

Off Topic / Re: Have You Caught the Skylanders Bug?
« on: January 26, 2012, 07:16:51 AM »
Ok, so I'll be honest. I went to Gamestop last night with the FULL intention of picking up Skylanders. Honestly. I did. But I decided not to after talking to the salesperson for a good 30 minutes about it. I'll see if what she said is true (and what led to my not purchasing). So she said that in order to unlock all the gates in the game, you are *required* to buy all the figures? In other word, you buy a fifty dollar game (on sale right now), and you can't even PLAY the whole thing without spending an extra...four figures per element..ten ? elements...minus the three...Lets just say an extra hundred or so dollars (I'm ballparking) on figures? TO UNLOCK content you already PURCHASED? See if that's true, to me that is a MASSIVE marketing ploy and a HUGE ripoff! And completely *different* from buying DLC, as DLC *ADDS NEW* content to the game, and does not unlock content you should already have access to.

SO. Is it true? Did the lady make a mistake? Are the figures required to make progress in gates in the game? This is a pivotal answer in whether or not I purchase or not =\ I'm just the type that doesn't like getting ripped off...

Oh, and as far as The pokemon thing goes about having to have the different versions to get all of the Pokemon, that stopped with Pokemon Black and White. You are now able to get them over the Global Trade Station, and you can also sync your game cards with the new Dream World game that Nintendo has on the web and you can get a new Pokemon that you can't catch in Black and White every day (free!) So There's kind of no comparison anymore ^^;

Pony Corral / Re: Prince Cadence & Wedding Castle - now with pics! MERGED
« on: January 26, 2012, 07:02:27 AM »
...His EYES and his HAIR. WTFBBQ? That had better get fixed before ACTUAL production. His eyes make him look droopy and tired/stupid and WHAT is with the frizzy troll hair?! It is UGLY as all sin. I will rip it out with all speed if they don't. Also, there is something off to me about the shape of his head.... And the Jacket? What is that? Needs to be full body, snap on  mold. DONT BE LAZY HASBRO! Princess is fine. << Castle...Could be bigger. Would need to see actual measurement dimensions.. (Sorry to be a negative nelly. I REALLY didn't want to be when the boys came out finally. REALLY I didn't!!! :sad:)

Off Topic / Re: Your latest video game love is....
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:36:44 AM »
Toki, I mainly avoid shooters online on Xbox live, because it seems that even when I go into the areas where it's supposed to be for recreational players that aren't like "OMG I PWN NOOBZ FOR BREAKFASTS!" I get shot every five seconds. And it isn't fun for me. =\ I just don't play them enough I guess to match up to people on online play. That's what I get for having a baby in the house. I'm playing Sesame Street Once Upon A Monster as we speak XD We're putting on a PLAY! :D So...yeah...not much time for least not during the day. The night is reserved for..other exploits. Shall we say :D

Off Topic / Re: Your latest video game love is....
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:10:46 AM »
I still play City of Heroes, and am even staying subscribed to maintain VIP status, even though they have gone free to play.  I may even finally start recruiting for the Ponies of Paragon super group soon.  I also just recently (as in last night) started Star Trek Online.  Still in the tutorial and having a helluva time figuring things out.  Guild Wars 2 is coming soon, and that is one I am really excited about.

I still have my account on COH! But I haven't played much since they went free to play. As someone who played...for a very very long time BEFORE they went F2P, I was extraordinarily disapointed in the changes they made for the sake of going F2P. Particularly TAKNG AWAY already earned Veteran Rewards. That ticked me off. A lot. Granted, I was able to re-obtain *some* of them, but the removal of the content creator for F2P also rather sucked...AND I know, they had to give SOME reason for people to PAY for the game. But still. It sucked. And the graphical update where they changed the scale of everything TOTALLY blew it for me. Instead of feeling like an 8 foot tall GIANT if you wanted, you were changed into this insignificant feeling little bug in this big world. NOT what a superhero is supposed to feel like! So I left. Even though my SuperGroup (DarkStar Bloodline) had a fully functioning base with all the teleporters and stuff....I was sad when they kind of destroyed that game....It bummed me out. And Aion didn't make me feel better. It was sadder. v.v;;;; Talk about DEAF developers. Farrggn Korean companies who SUCK at localzation....... So I am without a MMO home right now. I'm waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out. I'm wondering how THAT's going to go..

The Dollhouse / Re: The Thread to Post any Doll BUT Monster High! :D
« on: January 24, 2012, 05:15:05 PM »
OH mah gosh Wicked, your Fantastic Alice is....Fabulous. I was going to say Fantasitc but it seemed redundant XD I want her SO badly. I'm an Alice nut as well ^_^v I SO want the pink Romantic Alice. I keep saying to myself "Just put her on your credit card!" and then I dont.......Maybe I will. *Resolute!*

Pony Corral / Re: Princess Cadence and Wedding Castle in our future?
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:47:03 PM »
All I'm hoping is that there is a GROOM for this WEDDING playset. Poor Princess Cadence shouldn't have to resort to marrying her left fist like I have.

.....I'm trying to figure if I should be laughing, or concerned that there is a deeper, slightly dirtier meaning behind this...Should I be digging my brain out of a mud puddle here? Anyway, Like my earlier statement said. My bet is this is their big Christmas BANG every little girl in the WORLD wants this toy. So more than likely, come the toy fiar, they will reveal this and boys. Hence a groom too. :silly:

The Dollhouse / Re: The Thread to Post any Doll BUT Monster High! :D
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:32:27 PM »
OMG Nikki those are *adorable!* I loves them. I had a Sailor moon figurine once upon a time, but with the advent of the hobby room being transformed into a nursary, she lives in a box with my hubby's other figurines XD

BUT! Speaking of anime dolls, I just ordered this little hunky dude!

I fell for him the SECOND I saw him. And I'm very fortunate as well, since Rurouni Kenshin is on of my Hubby's favorite animes. SO I got away with ordering  him without a guilty conscience! HOORAY! I can't wait for him to get here. I think I'mma going to let him play with Akoya's katanas. They should be just the right size for him ^_^ I'm sooooo excited. He's my first new doll in *forevar*.

And Miss_Tuneful, BJDs were the first thing I listed! PIIIICS. And also, OMGOMG CHIBIMIKU IS SOFARKINCUTE! *flails* (>^_^<)

Off Topic / Re: Have You Caught the Skylanders Bug?
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:26:02 PM »
At least with Pokemon it isn't a sink hole of (real life) money for every creature you catch. They're all already in game :silly: Is there even a demo on Xbox Live?

The Dollhouse / The Thread to Post any Doll BUT Monster High! :D
« on: January 24, 2012, 10:01:37 AM »
I don't know about y'all but I'm just about worn out on all the millions of Monster High threads here on the Dollhouse. SURELY we all own SOMETHING OTHER than MH? You know the saying about too much of a good thing :silly:

SO. Anything goes in this thread here 'o mine! I want to see pics of your BJDs, your Pullips, your Taes, your Hestias, your BARBIES, YOUR KENS, YOUR DISNEY PRINCESSES, YOUR TOY STORY DOLLS, Heck, I'll even take Dolls of any kind (EXCEPT MH!) riding a pony up a hill, down a beach, at sunset, through the snow, AT MIDNIGHT. Show me something unique!

As soon as my Nikon charges, I will take some pics of my own to post! Heck, I don't even care if you don't have pics. I just want chatter about something other than MH :P

Potetntial chatter topic: Any thoughts on the 2012 pullips? Cute/ Yucky? OMGNEEDS!?

The Dollhouse / Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:43:34 AM »
I'm sorry. You can't blame scalpers for the problem when you get down to it. They are only responding to what they see as a high demand, high profit market. There is only a supply when there is a demand. If people stopped BUYING these dolls at the exorbitant prices that these idiots are demanding then the prices would drop because hey, no one is buying them at that price anymore. So, as my father has always said, things are only worth what you can get people to PAY for them. Stop PAYING for them and the prices fall. Your success will be two fold. You stop the scalpers, AND get your more sought after dolls at more reasonable prices. Simple economics, but  it is up to buyers and collectors to be smart about their purchases and not give in to these scalping schmucks.

Customs / Re: what is up with this bait!
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:33:22 AM »
The only explanation I can think of is the simplest, not all ponies were posed the same, and so their molds were different. This goes for their heads too. Their ears were angled differently from other poses. So probably you just got a pony in a different pose. That would be my guess without going and ruffling through my pony boxes to double check :silly:  As for the root crazyness, thats just Hasbro being hasbro with their QC fail. Through I rather like having them a little farther apart. Gives you room to make your own plug holes if you want. ^_^

Off Topic / Re: I was just the victim of a Random Act of Kindness!
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:29:58 AM »
Those earrings are HUUUUUUUUUUUGE! XD I would be afraid they'd pull my ears off! But they look totally adorable on you :D That was so nice of her to give them to you :3 As for my story, when my dog ate the ears off of my childhood near mint So Soft Wind Whistler, a very kind member here at the arena sent me a package with a custom pony covered in ladybugs with bright curly red hair, candy, and a card with a drawing of a Wind Whistler that said "Sorry to hear your day was crappy, hope this RAOPK makes you happy!" And it TOTALLY did :D I still have the card on my memory board hanging in my kitchen to this day with all my other special cards and things :3

Off Topic / Re: Your latest video game love is....
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:22:36 AM »
Portal 2 *Shows off her Long Fall Boot socks* I got all the achievements on my xbox live account, and now I'm running through on my husband's account and getting HIM the achievements :P That game has SO much quotable wit it isn't funny...Well yes, it IS funny actually. Its HILARIOUSLY funny. For example:

"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! GET MAD! I don't want your d**n lemons! What am I supposed do do with these?!Demand to see life's MANAGER! Make life RUE THE DAY it thought it could give CAVE JOHNSON LEMONS! Do you know who I AM?! I'm the man who's gonna BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!........with the lemons...I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustable lemon that burns your house down!"

Oh Cave...You're such a funny guy...
Also, Skyrim. But what I'm WAITING on is Kingdoms of Amalaur: Reckoning and Final Fantasy XIII-2. I can't wait for those to come out. I have them both on reserve XD

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