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Messages - joce

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Off Topic / Re: Suggestions to help my overweight pup?
« on: October 10, 2016, 03:29:17 AM »
Do not use a weight control food. Just feed less of whatever good quality food it is. For a 16 lb dog you should not be feeding a lot. We have been feeding victor through . I took 20 plus pounds off my dads lab with it. If they act like they are starving feed unsalted green beans as snacks or even in the food as filler. People never want to hear just feed less. Best thing to do but they feel mean. Spread many small meals across the day if needed. Don't free feed. Don't coddle her to eat.

  Swimming is good exercise if joints are bad.

Diamond(naturals)has grain free options at tsc that are cheap to. Gonna do more to take the weight off and keep her trim.

If skin is irritated I would not feed an Iams or science diet food. Full of fillers.

Pony Corral / Re: Thrift shopped out and discouraged
« on: October 03, 2016, 06:54:19 AM »
It's rare I find them, I'm just super surprised and happy when I do lol!

  Now I may pay more than I would in the past because it is so rare I come across them.

 I'll pick up rare G3s to trade though so far they just sit taking up room!!

I had plans for pony hunting this summer to and it never happened :(

Off Topic / Re: Money-making ideas?
« on: September 28, 2016, 02:53:24 PM »
Could you work at McDonald's off hours while husband is looking? That we he can still make interviews.

  I have friends that have made decent money doing uber, house cleaning, even picking dog poop up. One even hired people to help with the dog poop business.

  I think selling things can be really hit and miss. You can try reselling cheap clothing you find at goodwill etc. I know I think someone here does that??

Off Topic / Re: American Horror Story 6
« on: September 17, 2016, 07:08:55 PM »
Love it so far!! Kinda stopped watching last two seasons so glad this seems to have grabbed my attention.

My friend just went through this and they had several things broken in the move but no boxes lost. My moms friend had a lot of things actually go missing.

  With my friend she could pack some things. But they wanted to make sure there was none of the things in it she could not take like nail polish and paint etc so she let them pack most everything. She said taking a uhaul behind their van may have helped and maybe would be an option for you?

She never filed a claim. Said to time consuming.

Off Topic / Re: I need help! What do I do with my sneakers?!
« on: September 10, 2016, 05:33:28 AM »
I have baby shoes on stuffed animals. Maybe stick them on a large stuffie and then throw a hat on it lol! I get attached to shoes and that's why my mud room is so stuffed!

Off Topic / Re: Help me find books to read?
« on: September 05, 2016, 07:41:38 AM »
yes to the discworld books!!

And glad someone else has read Jurassic park.

I'm going to have more stuff to read and reread now lol! Thanks!!

Off Topic / Re: Help me find books to read?
« on: September 04, 2016, 04:32:33 PM »
Game of thrones

The hobbit

I just read the strain series and loved it but that almost goes more into horror than fantasy.

God I have read so much and that's all that pops in my head lol!

Looked at the kindle!

The shining and then dr. Sleep

I really liked the Jurassic park books to and have never heard anyone else talk about them!

World war z if you like apocalyptic stuff.

Off Topic / Re: Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeee
« on: September 02, 2016, 07:04:55 AM »
Happy bday! It's mine today to!

Have some cake and do something fun!

 It's funny how the older you get the age doesn't seem so old anymore lol! I remember when I started working slipping and saying everyone was old. Now I am one of those old people and all the new people look and seem so young coming in!!

Off Topic / Re: I got my dream job!
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:03:18 AM »

Off Topic / Re: I love conspiracy theories. Let's talk about them.
« on: August 25, 2016, 08:10:31 AM »
Oh my god! I work psych. I have heard sooo much. Sometimes it sounds like maybe it's possible. And working in a hospital long enough I have found that there are a lot of non truths out there.

  You hear that states drug testing found less than 1% positive for drugs.(they do screening tests and ask do you use generally. Who says yes?) We drug test every patient coming onto our unit, almost all receive assistance and it is rare, maybe three or four a week that are negative for drugs. And I mean heroin for the most part. So government is convincing the liberal group that I used to be part of that there is no fraud of the system. We see so much fraud of food stamps to. They openly admit to it but no one ever gets convicted because then that shows up in statistics! Had a big case here where they bought baked goods at a bakery with food stamps and then went across street to get what they really bought at the bodega which was the spice(synthetic marijuana). All charges dropped eventually. Why?! Judge even said makes it look bad for them giving out the food stamps. Bs. And meanwhile at work we are getting beat up by people on bath salts and spice while they are out of their minds and they go and do it over again.

 Drives me nuts to see people point to statistics on abuse of systems like that when I see it and know what it's like.

  And I completely think the media determines who will be president. The mass of people pick a name and vote. Many have no idea what matters. And does voting really matter when it comes down to it ??? I don't think so.

  I have patients talk about the illuminati all the time lol! I just don't get it.

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: August 23, 2016, 09:42:11 AM »
Bishop Briggs. Love her.

  I have such an odd mix of country and then nirvana and some Britney Spears on my phone though.

Off Topic / Re: Teavana and Belgian rock sugar
« on: August 22, 2016, 01:56:28 PM »
I try to stay away from sugar in general and do a low carb diet which is close to what you may eventually follow. I do much stricter but we keep patients at work on a 30 am and 60 each evening carb count. May be something to look into now and it can really help. I started to loose some weight and it helped some of my pcos symptoms. My blood sugar tended to bottom out but now stays pretty level.

  My friend swears by coconut sugar. But I just drink unsweetened tea and coffee. I dropped pop years ago. It was sooooo hard. I feel for you!!!

Off Topic / Re: Ever owned anything with bad or strange vibes?
« on: August 20, 2016, 07:55:37 AM »
Yes! My mom had a Catholic icon painting that hung in the extra room that eventually became my brothers room. No clue why we had it. Not really that religious, just interested. It was a beautiful reproduction and probably something I would buy at a flea market if cheap enough.

  I swear at night I would stare at this thing and it would move. Would swear it watched me. I was young, but still remember that feeling, you don't forget that!

  (And this got erased first time I posted!) I can't remember which icon it was. Mary and Jesus maybe? Creeps me out I can't recall because I never thought I'd forget!

The furbobs ❤️❤️❤️  I would have hoarded them as a child!!

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