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Messages - Bebopgroove

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As the topic title states, I think I may quit collecting anything more that has been made by Hasbro. However, I will make an exception for G1 MLP.

This stems from a lot of things. It stems from the quality of current MLP toys. It also stems heavily from their handling of the first line of Jurassic World toys that were released in 2015. For those who don't know, their handling of the line was so poor (raptors without toe-claws, glaring screw-holes in figures reminiscent of happy-meal toys, sloppy paint jobs, and some toys with rubber parts that are already rotting and tearing), and the public reception so bad, that Universal stripped Hasbro the rights to the Jurassic toy line (who had long owned the line since acquiring Kenner), and gave them to Mattel. Since then, what Mattel has released for the JW: Fallen Kingdom line has been absolutely outstanding. Figures harkoning back to the original vintage lines, stellar paint jobs, zero screwholes, beautiful sculpts on the dinosaurs, and human action figures (which Hasbro failed to produce) - all of which are [mostly] in scale to one another. Taking all of this into account, I have to wonder what has happened to Hasbro, one of the most successful toy-producing companies, and it makes me sad, even a little angry. Mattel heard the complaints of its consumers and responded to them accordingly, going above and beyond with their JW line. Meanwhile, Hasbro was (and still is) cutting corners in an (apparent?) effort to cut costs. I also have to wonder, as a long-time MLP collector, what Mattel might do with the MLP line if they were to have it instead of Hasbro.

With all this mind, I may be at a point where I no longer want to give my money to a company that doesn't care about the quality of its products - and I will give my money instead to a company that does (though, as I stated earlier, I'll always be collecting G1 MLP). This isn't about a disgust to MLP, but rather to Hasbro. And I'm disgusted.

How rare are they? I was in middle school when the 25s came out. I got both trios of CP ponies and didn't have the means to get the rest, even though I liked the rainbow ponies better.

I'd like to know too. I know a member here on the Arena found the set for me.. I've opened them all since as the box was so big, but I have them with their brushes and stickers (if anyone would like pics).

Pony Corral / TOYS R US Closing All Stores
« on: March 15, 2018, 02:17:08 PM »
Well it's finally happened. Last week, it was stated that they were closing several stores worldwide. Today it's official they are closing all of its 800 stores.

I had so many childhood memories there. Really sad about this.

Pony Corral / Re: ~ Out Now & Coming Soon ~
« on: March 05, 2018, 11:45:48 AM »
Ohh, those are really cute!!

Bebopgroove, do you know who makes these? They look a little similar to the figures by Fiam Automazione that are in capsule machines over here right now.

The foldable flyer that came with the figures has "Galerie" and "Chimos" on it, and says they are a product manufactured by Chimos .

Pony Corral / Re: ~ Out Now & Coming Soon ~
« on: March 05, 2018, 06:13:18 AM »
Don't know if these had been reported, but I found these at my local Walmart by the checkouts.. They're called Finders Keepers, and they have a little figurine that comes with a chocolate egg. They were $1.98 each for me.. They come in a box that packages the candy and figure separate; the figure comes in a plastic capsule that can be somewhat difficult to open..

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Pony Corral / The Iffy Discussions - Is the future of MLP "tainted"?
« on: February 20, 2018, 10:11:34 AM »
So I wanted to start another topic with a little thing that's been on my mind concerning the inevitable G5 line and the future of MLP.

*** And I do apologize if this is a no-no or taboo topic.. This is intended to be a polite and intelligent discussion not meant to step on any toes (though I can't imagine anyone here in the community will fall into the category being discussed). ***

So with that out of the way, what do you think the future holds for the G5 line - even the MLP brand as a whole? Has current pop and internet culture had too much of an impact that is irreversible? As I recall one member here on the forums putting it, the brand today has become almost too closely associated with "unsavory types," which could be a fault of the tv show - maybe even the comics. It almost seems to be that the show and the comics are trying to please two different crowds of people. But what does this mean for G5? I would sincerely hope that Hasbro has recognized this and that they might want to start over on a clean slate with G5 - but is it too late? Will this bizarre subculture of "rabid fandom" permeate into G5 if they are given so much as an inch, or will it perhaps (hopefully) dissipate as a tired fad? If you supply gasoline into the fire, it will continue to burn, and I would hope that Hasbro would want to distance itself from what the MLP brand has been nearly reduced into - and venture into the next generation brand-new with its target audience wholly in mind.

Can the G5 line start over with a new identity, or is the brand of brushable, candy-colored equines now hostage to an internet culture that has turned the name into what it is today?

I can remember a time during the G3 decade when MLP was for little girls. That was the target audience. Sure, you had some individual releases that were collector-specials. But you didn't have things like MightyFine statues or the vinyl figures that are the staples of Hot Topics and geek shops everywhere. That's what you'd expect from something like an anime, not My Little Pony. You didn't have jointed action figures because a particular niche outside the target audience cried for them. Imagine this with something like Dora the Explorer, or Littlest Pet Shop, or Barbie even. My Little Pony being what it essentially is, is the identity of the brand. You can't take something like that and try to market it like Star Wars or an anime. That's not what MLP is, and I'd imagine that the ones who grew up with the brand pre-G4 probably don't appreciate it.

I do almost blame the tv show for its out-of-place wackiness and subtle nods to pop culture references that really don't have a place anywhere in MLP (Big Lebowski and Doctor Who, I'm looking at you). This has only further fueled the madness, enough to where there had to be an entire documentary on it because of how absurd it is.

Sorry, I got a little heated there towards the end, but you get my point. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions on the subject.

Pony Corral / Re: Changed my mind about not liking G4! Water ponies?!
« on: February 19, 2018, 10:52:46 AM »
Shame I missed these on my collecting hiatus, because they're really stinkin' cute! Although the first thought that crossed my mind was "would they leak at some point?"

Pony Corral / Re: Let's talk about G3s!
« on: February 19, 2018, 10:45:27 AM »
Whistle Wishes and Sunrise Song are probably the two G3 unicorns I like the most.. Especially Sunrise Song because the moment I saw her new on release, I was like "G3 Mimic!" :lol:
And shame we didn't get a regular sized unicorn Cheerilee, though it's not like I don't have enough purple/pink G3s as it is :lol:

Pony Corral / Re: Let's talk about G3s!
« on: February 19, 2018, 06:27:34 AM »
I also agree that it's sad we didn't see so much diversity with pony races. Imgaine how cute g3 seaponies would've been! But at least we did have a lot of different characters before they started the core7 :)

I meant to add a pic to my last post, but here it is now xD
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petite petumia by shai b, on Flickr

and here's another favourite pony :lovey:

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IMG_7222 by shai b, on Flickr

G3s are super photogenic IMO xD

I love the pics Shaiyeh! :D

I'm currently going through all of mine right now and trying to sort, ID, and match accessories.. And I have to say that the Jewel ponies have become some of my favorites. I ended up with more of them plus ones I didn't have after a friend gave me some of her doubles :D

Also, what is everyone's opinion on detinseling? I have some in my collection I had detinseled due to their tinsel being beyond any help, but others I've kept their tinsel if I can help it.

Off Topic / Re: The Unicorn Trend
« on: February 18, 2018, 04:21:59 PM »
I have a slight-yet-obvious obsession with unicorns.. And I blame a visit to my Aunt's house when I was a little girl. I also blame a trip to Blockbuster when I was maybe 4-ish and of all the movies I could have chosen, I picked the sun-faded original vhs of The Last Unicorn. The film stuck with me as a child, and it's a favorite of mine to this day.

Now I have a collection of various figures, plushies, my MLP collecting has been affected by it and now I'm on to Breyer unicorns  :lol:

Pony Corral / Let's talk about G3s!
« on: February 18, 2018, 09:38:00 AM »
I had a few questions about the line that I'm just genuinely curious about, so I made a thread where we can discuss just random G3 stuff. I figured I could also do this with the other gens depending on where this goes (or someone else can do it too, I don't care).

This was the line I got into when I first started collecting, back in 2004 when the Butterfly Island series started hitting shelves (I think, or close to it). I had just gotten my childhood G1s out of storage, and also just got my drivers license (which really made all the difference because I could go out and pony-hunt to my heart's content, somewhat). Berry-Pickin Butterscotch ended up being my very first G3, followed by Strawberry Swirl (the one that came with the purse/bag/whatever it was).

However, one of my biggest gripes about this gen was the severe lack of pegasus and unicorns, as the G3 line is almost entirely all earth-ponies. If not for that nitpick, I would have considered the gen almost perfect alongside the G1s. Why did Hasbro limit the other species so greatly? Why were the pegasus only released in the handful, and the unicorns even less so? Did Hasbro believe that kids wouldn't like them? Was it a trend started by the G2s (which really didn't have any pegasus depending on how you look at it)?

Then of course, just as the G3 line was becoming diversified with types and gimmicks and species and babies making them almost comparable to G1s in charm - Hasbro ended it all with their push towards the Core 7 characters.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and stories!

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: February 18, 2018, 03:06:39 AM »
I don't like the Cutie Mark Crew figures.

There I said it.

Pony Corral / Re: It's almost Toy Fair time!
« on: February 17, 2018, 03:55:25 AM »
We called it for the y2 pegasus and unicorns. But these are all at the US toy fair and the rest of us have had nothing at all yet. If we don't get Medley in the UK I am going on a rampage. You guys have been warned. O.O
Don't worry, Taffeta, we'll help you get them if they don't show in Europe...
And it looks like I don't have to look for a replacement Firefly anymore (not that that's hard to do or anything, :lol: )

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Delete please
« on: February 06, 2018, 08:46:25 AM »
Delete please

Pony Corral / Re: I wanna see restorations!
« on: February 06, 2018, 06:16:25 AM »
Here's a BBE Baby Lofty I worked on last week..

You have to scroll to the bottom to see how she looked at first.

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