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Messages - RavenWolf

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Pony Corral / Why Dolls?
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:06:53 PM »
Is anyone else upset over the Equestria girls direction that Hasbro is taking? Well I guess its a neat idea, sort of. I just don't like the direction its taking MLPs! There are a zillion and one toy dolls out there, more then enough to choose from for children(adults) who like dolls. But MLP is the only pony toy line. (except for Breyer horses, but come on their generally so expensive that their not as accessible to the average kid) I guess I just don't understand. :( MLPs are already looking less and less like ponies as it is, why take a toy line that has always been for those who love horses/ponies and turn them into just another doll toy?  :huh:

Off Topic / Re: One thousand posts! Woo Hoo!
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:49:27 PM »
Hey congrats!! on finally making it to the 1000 post milestone!


Hey I just noticed that I finally made it to 1000 posts myself :)
(and it only took me 7 years, lol)

Off Topic / Re: Lady Lovely Locks
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:40:22 PM »
I never knew there was a show, now I want to watch it.

I did have a Ravenwaves doll growing up and she was my absolute favorite doll!! She got lost during a move along with half my childhood ponies. I've been trying to find another one for years with no luck :( I've found numerous Lady Lovely Locks dolls but never any of the other dolls. Why must she be so hard to find :cry:

Off Topic / Re: Anyone ever bought something that had bad mojo?
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:25:06 PM »
Quick call the guy from Haunted Collector, ;) (sorry couldn't resist my mom was watching that show earlier)

I've never had anything like that happen, I buy a lot of things second hand to resell and have never given the stuff a second thought (other then to check for any sign of bugs.) Maybe I'm just not sensitive to that kind of stuff.

I do believe stuff like that is possible, I guess I've never been bothered by anything I've brought home because none of my animals have ever reacted negatively to any of it. I believe that animals can sense things we can't, so if my pets are OK with something then I'm not worried about it. I was going to rent this one house a few years back and well it seemed alright to me, when I took my dog with me on the last walk through of the house before signing the lease he just freaked out and wanted nothing to do with the place... needless to say I backed out of renting that place!

... Now that I really think about it there was this one time about 10+ years ago I was working in a thrift store when someone donated this creepy looking doll. It was from the 1800s, it had these realistic looking glass eyes and real human hair. Its mouth was slightly open showing two front teeth... real teeth like a child lost their baby teeth and they stuck them on the doll. Man that thing creped me out big time!    :yikes: 

Off Topic / Re: Tell us your pokesona!
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:55:39 PM »
Oooh this is a surprisingly hard question! When I play Mystery dungeon I'm usually Eevee, and I have my  favorites that I like to have on my team when I play pokemon, but I'm not sure I'd want to be one of them...
hum maybe Zoroark or Suicune. I would defiantly want to be something powerful enough to avoid being caught by a pokeball as I really wouldn't deal well with some ten year old telling me what to do. LOL or being trapped in a little ball.  ;)

Pony Corral / Re: Are you an active or retired collector?
« on: August 20, 2013, 12:29:06 PM »
Heh, reading through this thread, it seems I'm the only one insane and crazy enough to want every official piece of MLP merchandise. :P

Your not the only one, I'm the same way, I collect anything and ever thing MLP from all generations. :)
At the moment I'm in between, well I'm not actively collecting or doing anything with my pony displays, I do pick up every pony I find second hand with the very, very rare new purchase from a store. Every pony I do get gets dumped into the not sorted MLP stuff bins. I've been collecting like that for a few years now. I'm starting to get more into them again here recently and have been thinking about tackling the to sort bins, weeding out duplicates and updating the checklists. Just need to find a free week as its amazing how many MLPs you can amass when your not paying attention. (4 huge bins of ponies O.o )

So long story longer lol I'm an active retired collector that's thinking about coming out of retirement, if I can find the time LOL

I think taking breaks from collecting is a good way to keep from getting burnt out.

They are very easy to find. Maybe not in person or at a store anymore. But you can on here and on ebay and amazon. This site is the best to look for older ponies. And the G3 ponies seem to be very cheap right now for some reason.  I hope you give them all a try. :)

It is still possible to find them second hand at yard sales and thrift stores. :) Craigslist is also a good source for them. Just today I found Baby Blossom and a flutter pony (can't think of her name) at a yard sale and I find them every now and then at thrift stores. G3s are most common at the moment and dirt cheap. But come to think of it I only find 1 to 2 G2s a year they seem to be the hardest to find in person, at least for me. I would guess it varies by where you live. ;)

I think the reason the G3s are so cheap right now is because there in the outgrown generation faze all toys seem to go through. A toy comes out its a must have and gets collected. then as the generation that grew up with them reaches the I'm to old for toys age they get sold off and flood the market. Then as enough time goes by those same kids start getting nostalgic for their old toys and start buying them up again causing the price to start going up. My advice would be grab the G3s well their cheap in a few years their prices will start going back up. ;) 

Off Topic / Re: Old advertising - what do you miss?
« on: August 17, 2013, 05:13:11 PM »
I just found some fruit stripe gum the other day. :)

Whenever I get nostalgic I head over to this website and see how many things I remember and how many times I end up saying "I completely forgot about those!" :)

Off Topic / Re: Guinea Pigopolis!
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:42:46 PM »
What a wonderful cage set up!!! I miss having piggies. :( I had five of them when I was little. But I couldn't afford cages for them, they where kept in cardboard boxes with cedar chips. (didn't know way back then that cedar was bad for rodents) Once or twice a week I walked down the street to the liquor store for fresh boxes for them.  :)

Oh and for anyone with a near by Aldi's store, they sometimes have those cube shelf kits for really cheap I just bought two from my locale Aldi's to use as craft selves. :) it was under $30 for two six cube sets.

Hello there, tub digging is really embarassing! But from now on I shall have no shame. Or maybe I need to borrow a 6 year old kid from somewhere to help me =)

That's what I do ;) I take my nieces with me and pay them a quarter for every MLP they find, you should see them dig, they practically dive into those bins head first. lol  :lol:

In my opinion, The tip on asking if they have any MLPs is the best one you can follow! I get told they don't have any a lot, but when they do, it has really paid off. there have been numerous yard sales that ended up having ponies they hadn't put out yet or didn't think anyone would want. It works at thrift stores as well, but usually in a different way. 95% of thrift stores will say something to the effect of 'what's out is what we have' however if you ask every time anyway... Because I go into the local thrift stores so often and always try to ask the same employees if they've gotten any ponies in, being polite and friendly and building up a rapport with them. I have three places that now hold ponies for me. :)

Another tip if your lucky enough to get people/thrift stores to find/hold MLPs for you, smile say thank you and buy the fakies! They where nice enough to go to the trouble for you, its to much to expect them to know the difference. If you react with the attitude oh that ones just a worthless fakie, their less likely to go to the trouble again. Several times I've had happy thriftstore workers proudly present me with a bag of fakies, I reacted the same as if they had given me a bag of rare G1's I got excited, thanked them, paid the 2$ and latter gave the fakies to my young nieces. that happened a few time in a row, the fourth time they had a box of G1's and a couple Dream Beauties. Which I'm positive I never would have gotten if I'd reacted negatively to the bags of fakies. To me the few dollars spent on fakies is well worth the money if it keeps a place holding MLPs for me!

Just the other day I went in to a thrift store I frequent a lot, they didn't have any MLPs but the one employee came up to me and asked "your the one that likes the ponies right?, well we just got in a box with some toy horses in it if your interested" Turned out it was a box of 6 vintage Breyer Horses. :)  So yeah always ask, and get to know the people that work in your local thrift stores. :)

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies on People of Walmart
« on: May 22, 2013, 06:00:00 PM »
Wow that's just... wow. Poor ponies... But hey to each their own. I'd probably think it was neat if I saw it in person. (I might also have a couple new ponies, LOL just kidding)

On a side note: I've never heard of 'People of Walmart' before so I went to check out the site and I have to say that the few pictures I saw (before my Antivirus popped up blocking the site), I found to be rather mean. :(  especially since they showed the peoples faces. Yeah it may seem weird and funny the way some people dress or act, but when did it become OK to take embarrassing pictures of strangers and plaster them all over the internet? They could at least have the decency to blur out the persons face!  :mad: It just doesn't seem right to me.  :huh:

Off Topic / Re: Your Thrift Store Finds!
« on: May 09, 2013, 02:18:35 PM »
3 transformers, popple coloring book, a few g1's, g3's, fakies, a nice dark blue wig w/blue tinsel & other various hair bits, bottom half mlp baby wagon, matchbox cars, pony surprise w/1 baby pony inside...  The last month has been ever so delightful with the addition of a pay per pound goodwill a town over...

I've been seeing your brags ;) you are so lucky to have a pay per pound goodwill! Though we just got a new salvation army family store and I've been having really good luck with baity ponies :p

I was wondering why I haven't been finding any ponies there. ;) LOL

I love thrift storing and am always finding lots of cool things. Today at Goodwill I found a bag of 7 G3 ponies, a discovery toys marble rally set, a small tin of Pokémon cards, and a metal Three Stooges picture. (grabbed that one for my brother) and a couple of Cherished Teddies Statues. :)
I've got lots more but think I'll wait until my cameras charged and can actually post pictures. :)

Off Topic / Sim City!
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:11:00 AM »
Only a couple more days before its released. YEAH! :) I can't wait to get my hands on it and start playing! Well I really like Sim City 4 this new one looks like its going to be so much fun to play! Anyone else waiting for the new Sim City game? :frolic:

Off Topic / Favorite Boardgames?
« on: February 10, 2013, 06:54:26 PM »
I, like so many people now days, have been so into all the high tech gadgets, gizmo's and game systems that I'd completely forgotten just how much fun boardgames can be! :) Well a month ago me and some friends where looking for something to do and we ended up pulling out some old boardgames. We had so much fun that we now try to have a game night at least once a week. ;)

So this topic is part curious how many people still play boardgames and part looking for some new games to try. So far our favorite games are 'Apples to Apples', 'Compatibility', and 'Say Anything'  :)

What are your favorite games?

WOW look at all the accessories!  :) All mine are just stored loose in the G1 Lunch boxes.  ;)

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