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Messages - PetSounds

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Pony Corral / my first rehair/restorations
« on: November 02, 2016, 10:55:38 PM »
My first Dollyhair order arrived this week and so far I have made manes and tails for 6 ponies! I love it!
Poor Blossom (flat foot) came to me with a horrible haircut and no tail :blink:
She was my first rehair, using Wisteria. I still haven't gotten her haircut quite right but she looks so much better than she did when she first arrived.

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Second is baby Starburst. She came to me with a horrible hair cut and also no tail (from the same lot).
I think she looks much happier now.

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Pictured is a Sweet Stuff who had horrible cancer all over her head.  :cry: I have 3 or 4 of this pony and she was the worst, so I tried a sun/peroxide soak since I'm in SoCal. It worked very well and almost all the cancer was invisible and she now only has one spot. I am glad I started with her. She was in awful shape beforehand and now looks pretty good. I noticed her symbols faded, but only noticeable when she was next to my other Sweet Stuffs....

Since the twinkle was totally removed from her eye, I used Golden Acrylics iridescent paint to coat her eyes and give them some iridescence. It's not perfect, but it looks pretty cool.

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I have also re-haired a teeny tiny pony, Morning Glory flutter pony, and did tails on a few ponies and am waiting for them to dry and get styled. So far I love doing manes on ponies, just need to work about how to get the hair cut correctly. <3 Yay.

Customs / Re: Where do you buy your rehair tools?
« on: November 02, 2016, 05:16:06 PM »
I just ordered a re-hair tool from Dollyhair and maybe it's a new one, because the needle keeps coming out and the whole thing is easily able to open up and change the needle. I've re-haired 6 ponies so far with it, and it's been great. Maybe they changed it to be a better tool recently.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Vintage Toy Store Brag
« on: November 02, 2016, 03:55:02 PM »
Congrats! I love Locket so much, she's one of my favorite TE ponies! :)

For Sale - For Auction / Re: Mimic + backcard, ribbon and brush
« on: October 31, 2016, 11:39:29 AM »
Wow! She's gorgeous!!

Customs / Re: Commission for Adele ** G1 Carousel Pony Blossom *** Pix
« on: October 30, 2016, 06:28:27 PM »
This is absolutely gorgeous.... I am blown away. Wonderful work

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 10/28/2016 Bon Bon
« on: October 30, 2016, 06:24:40 PM »
She's truly beautiful... Also my first time seeing her! (And I'm a big pony fan!)

Pony Corral / Re: My first completed deflock (#SaveTheG1s)
« on: October 30, 2016, 06:23:07 PM »
Glad I am not the only one who feels a bit sad about customizing G1's.

I just hope it is not done too much. Same goes for rehairs...and I mean rehair that makes the pony look completely different then what she should look like. I really don't like it. People who rehaur Ponies to look completly different and then try to sell them...To me it is just weird to see a pony like for example Big Brother Steamer with neon green hair, twice the lenght that it should be with weird curls. It is just not appealing to many people. Just leave the poor Pony be!!!!!

I have nothing against a professional looking rehair that actually uses the same hair as the original. In order to restore her natural looks.

Not trying to restrict people from being creative. I just don't like to mess with the originality of Ponies. Hence I am a picky collector. Especially when it comes to flocking or hair.

The Magic Star looks great! Good job!

I got a lot of So-softs recently, a Shady and North Star in very poor condition. Shady is almost done, and North Star is coming along. I already had duplicates of these ponies so I went for it. poor North Star was filthy - and her flocking was coming off.

I'm in this boat too w Pierlala.... I just ordered a big order from DollyHair to fix some ponies I got -- a flat foot Blossom w no tail and a bad haircut, several baby ponies with no tails or cut trails... their bodies are completely fine, but the hair is gone to the point I can't live with it. I guess my passion is restoring.

But, I do have some true bait ponies in my stash right now. A horribly pin-dotted newborn twin with giant chunks of its face missing, a Cloud Puff with a bad haircut and awful regrind........still on the fence as to what to do with these. But I guess I'll decide once I finish up the first round of restorations.

Customs / Re: G1 glitter recommendations?
« on: October 24, 2016, 09:07:59 PM »
I've been re-glittering some symbols on G1 and finding that for a lot of the year 1 and year 2 ponies the glitter on symbols is just SO fine. Finer than almost any craft glitter i have (and I have so much glitter... I work as as a set builder and painter) As a glitter lover in all areas of my life..... Nail art glitter and cosmetic grade glitter is about the finest/smallest size glitter you can get. Sometimes the nail art sets on eBay or cosmetic stores will have a lot of colors in there.

I love ... they are based in the USA and offer great deals/sales and good prices. They have so many colors and all grades of glitter. You can join their "Glitter Club" for special discounts. They also ship really, really fast.

Edited to add: glitter my world's website is --

Pony Brag Arena / Re: my 1st pony con brag
« on: October 24, 2016, 08:57:59 PM »
Wow! what a great haul! I love the creative rehair on Cherries Jubilee... she was my favorite childhood pony. Congrats :)

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Red Roses
« on: October 24, 2016, 02:10:57 PM »
Wow! Red Roses looks great!  Congrats on getting her and the others! ^.^  And about those cat figures, maybe somebody here in the arena could help you to ID them if you post some pics. :) A great website to visit for such purposes is - That is if you want to keep trying on your own for a while.  I know I can be stubborn like that!  Haha! :) They've got lots of pictures of various 80's and 90's toys, and a few from the 2'000's. Good luck!

Good idea about the cats, I'll upload some photos of them later.
and thank you! I love her. She and Dainty Dahlia are hanging out right now having a fun "Puffy" party :)

Off Topic / Re: Do you Facebook?
« on: October 21, 2016, 11:13:32 PM »
Part of why I am back here more actively in the past two weeks is because of so much drama - real life drama, but drama that ends up on Facebook. I'm a "public figure" in the sense that I have all of the liabilities of being a public figure, aka, no privacy at all basically, and none of the benefits like the sweet, sweet cash flow yet. I have to be so careful. Almost all my social media is exclusively for my career and of the people who "friend" me, many of them are actually just loose "fans" (I use that word in a very loose sense) and they might come to see my work or shows but they don't know me *at all.* So I can't just get on there and post about MY ACTUAL LIFE. It is so weird.

A few years ago I got added to a  secret group full of amazing people. IT changed my life. I became really close friends w many of these people, most of them women,and they're all over the county and the world. IT was so great to get to know all these people and now I can keep in touch with them through FB. it's just such a different internet world than it used to be.

My first experience w the internet was w AOL and anonymous chat rooms. Of course, there were definitely some problems and some safely issues!!! but it wasn't like it is now. A friend who currently works for a newspaper is required to make all her social media public and she is not allowed to post any opinions about the current election or any other politics. None! She makes good money but it is a big ask to tell someone "hey, you can't share any of your thoughts on your own personal page" ... in my opinion.

I despise FB's code of "ethics," I hate that they experimented on users to see if they could make us feel happy or sad by showing us different things in our feed. I hate seeing ads all over my feed. But. I love staying in touch with people. I have some amazing friends... one of my friends is in the midwest and she makes puppets and cool little figurines, other friends are artists and dancers and I get to see photos from their shows... it is really interesting. However right now I'm going through a time in my career where I feel unsure, insecure, and generally very down on myself. and it is frustrating that even on the space I've carved out for myself... I can't really be myself.


I didn't want to create a whole new thread and waste forum space, but I got her in the mail last night. She is a set completer. I now have all the TAF ponies. :)  The seller even sent stickers, LOL.

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Oh my stars! What a lovely Buttons as well! :) Congrats on the new additions :)

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Red Roses
« on: October 21, 2016, 10:53:43 PM »
Congrats! Red Roses is a very pretty pony, and you seem to have gotten some other lovelies along with her. Is Tassels the MGR pony? If so, wow! She just went way up my wanted list. Such gorgeous colors!

Thank you! It was a very good lot -- I was happy to get the Sparkle pony (there was also a Sparkle baby that only needs a tail replacement). Tassels is the MGR pony. she is beautiful in person, and her pose is different than other earth ponies in a similar position. I'm going to touch up some of her paint on her raised areas, but otherwise she's in great shape :)

Post Merge: October 21, 2016, 10:54:18 PM

I love Red Roses! Yours looks lovely- she seems to be in really nice shape  :lovey:

Thank you! Her Display side wasn't shown in the auction photos so I did take a chance... was glad she just needed a very good cleaning :)

Off Topic / Re: One Word - get to know you
« on: October 21, 2016, 02:34:09 PM »
1. Where is your cell phone? Jukebox
2. Your hair? Purple
3. Your dad? Italian
4. Your other half? Incredible
5. Your favorite food? Thai
6. Your dream last night? Forget
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? Artist
9. What room you are in? Studio
10. Your hobby? HA
11. Your fear? Apocalypse
12. Your home away from home? Ocean
13. Where were you last night? Dinner
14. Something that you aren't? Extroverted
15. Muffins? nah
16. Wish list item? Sequins
17. Where you grew up? Appalachia
18. Last thing you did? Pictures
19. What are you wearing now? Old
20. Your TV? Nope
21. Your pets? Deceased :(
22. Friends? Awesome
23. Your life? Great
25. Missing someone? Imaginary
26. Car? Small
27. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
28. Your favorite movie w/one word title? Poppins
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When is the last time you laughed? Now
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday
32. One place that I go to over and over? eBay  :lol:
33. Person who messages me regularly? College
34. My favorite place to eat? Park

Pony Brag Arena / Red Roses
« on: October 21, 2016, 02:25:19 PM »
Well I sure am glad MLP Arena is still working today on the internet :blink: :shocked:

I snagged an eBay buy it now pony lot the other day (ok, it was like 1am Pacific Time) as soon as I spotted Red Roses in it. There were some great ponies in there as well! A Sky Rocket that needs a little cleanup, Tassels, two ballerina ponies, a lovely Sparkler with no damage or even tangles in her tinsel, some newborn twins, and a whole bunch of other ponies. Sadly many of them are missing tails, etc., but it's a good lot to practice some cleaning & restoration techniques on. Here is a pic of a a few of the best ponies. There were a ton in this lot, like 23-25, including some weird and cool Hasbro cat figurines I haven't been able to find any information about yet....  :|

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And here is Red Roses after I worked on her for a while. Her hair isn't quite where I want it to be yet, but I think she looks a lot better :) She has some small marks on her NDS side and some remnants of Pony Makeup on her eyes still, but after a long bath, conditioning, and Magic Eraser, she's looking pretty darn good :) :) :) :) :) :) :) I just love the Perfume Puffs. I only have two right now, but they're so magical ...

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