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Messages - EStRanger

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The first one I think! I've tried a few as well. I don't know what I was doign wrong, but I always ended up with next to none interaction. suggest away! it's been a long time since I've rp'd, maybe alot of the communities I use to know have shut down.

Okay! *Looks* Well, crap, all the roleplay-related communities I was part of seem to have shut down or moved off LJ sometime after I stopped watching them!

I run one both on and off LJ, but it's not the type you're looking for; it's group fiction rather than standard roleplay (regular roleplay's allowed, it's just that most members don't do it). So I guess I'm not going to be as much of a help as I'd hoped. =^^;= Others' recommendations for drumming up RP partners on recruiting comms is excellent, though. I used to follow some of the biggest ones on LJ and found good RPG's that way, back when I still had time to game every day. LJ's not as big as it was, true, but there are still a lot of people who are active there. Good games are still out there on just have to work harder to find them now, and then you still have the problem of finding a community that works with you once you've finally found one that still exists. :/

"I'll watch over you till morning!"

....Welp, now *I'll* never sleep again!

What kind of roleplaying are you looking for? The kind where you are pretending to be that character and writing only from their perspective and no one else's? Or the "group fiction" type of roleplay, where you're basically writing a story with a group of people and people can write actions for each others' characters within certain boundaries? (The latter doesn't really fall under the traditional definition of "roleplaying" but it seems to have been lumped in under the same umbrella in recent years, so....:) )

I've hung out on both types of RPG's on LJ. You might've already tried most of the ones I've heard of there, but it's worth a shot. =^^;=

Yep, that's my Photobucket album.  If you look off on the right side, the individual books have their own sub-albums listed.  It looks like I never uploaded The Magic Rainbow, but all my others are in there.  Enjoy!

That helps a lot! I had to reload the page for it to appear, and I knew where to look when it did. :) Thanks!

Oh, wow, I was right about the end of the book being poetry about the Sea Ponies! I must have really loved this book to remember so much years later. I'm going to have to get this title again.

LadyM, I don't recall a book with Powder in a snowstorm (maybe it was an Escape from Catrina picture book? I remember Powder getting caught in a snowstorm in that special...or maybe Hasbro just recycled that bit of story for a different book *LOL*), but as to the other one...was it Rainbow Rider's Birthday Adventure? I know the cover had her looking through a rainbow telescope.

Argh, the site went down when I was trying to edit my earlier reply and ate the half that was for LadyM, so let me type that up again. *Sigh* Now I've forgotten half of it, I'm sure.

I'm so glad you'll be putting up more of the book! I just love the pony art. And it's good to know my memory isn't THAT full of holes. ;) I don't know how I remember so much of a book I owned  twenty years ago, but can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday. :P~

I do recall Posey's brush! I thought the same thing about it. :) My mother had a hairbrush that *looked* similar, but when I tried using it, it was NOT soft, haha. I was so disappointed.

Thank you again for posting these!

I agree, scarletjul. I want to go into my sewing tub and make little miniature pony dollies now. :D I loved the mini-dolls that came with Baby Pony Wear.

Mystagic, I found scans of all those books as sub-albums in this Photobucket account.
Flipping the coin twice would have worked.  Just have to remember which choice is heads-heads, which one is heads-tails, which one is tails-heads, and which is tails-tails...

Thank you for that link! I must be missing something (very possible since I just woke up). I'm only finding pics of toys and toy inserts in that album. But I'm ALSO finding some great pics of merchandise I had and had forgotten about, so it's win-win! :D

And that coin trick would have been the smart way to do it, but you hit the nail on the head--I'd never remember what was supposed to be what without writing it down, and then I'd still get it wrong. XD

*LOL* I wish I had a more creative story to share, but really I narrowed my choices down to the two weirdest stories and tossed a coin to choose between them. :D

And...OH MY GOD, LadyMoondancer, you have done an AMAZING thing by scanning that Cuddles story. I HAD that book as a little girl, but I couldn't remember the name or anything and kinda thought I had dreamed the whole thing up! For some reason I started thinking about the book every single day for the past few weeks. I was going to make a thread about it asking if it was real, and then you go and post this! *This* was one of the stories I still remember. Is "Baby Firefly's Adventure" about a nightmare involving a lightning storm? I *vaguely* remember a story like that. And is the last page or back cover a poem about the Sea Ponies? PLEASE tell me you're going to scan this whole book! I loved it so much. The art was spectacular!

And since you seem to be the authority on MLP books (at least from reading this thread!), do you happen to have/know about a book about Posey going on a scavenger hunt on her birthday? I had that one as well, I swear. And I think it had lovely art too. EDIT: I found it! "My Little Pony and the Mystery Chase". I also found a bunch of other MLP books I didn't remember owning till now: "MLP Makes a Wish", "Under the Big Top"....I'm seriously getting misty-eyed thinking about how much I loved those books and miss them now. :)

I also had "The Magic Rainbow" and "Picnic at Paradise Estate", but at least I still remember their names! I'm still upset that my mother got rid of my MLP books when I went into high school. Oh, and my Alexandra the unicorn books. I loved the art in those too, but that's not on-topic for this thread, so I'll stop. XD

I love me some Transformers Prime, Echo_Shell! As for actual Transformers, I only have Flame Convoy/Scourge, because he had such a unique design with the dragon body and the multiple heads. XD

Spike, what happened to you in the first panel on that second page? I don't think it's the toad who needed to prettify himself. XD

I have a lewfound nove for Tootsie now. :D

Off Topic / Re: Candy Swap Thread! *START SHIPPING!*
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:09:41 PM »
I am in love with the chocolate salt licorice bar SweetScoops sent me. :) I saved the second half of it so I could have it for my birthday dessert tonight. And the chewy mini-kitties, I love them too! Pretty much everything she sent went on my list of new favourites. The pear and cola marshmallows were DEFINITELY unexpected. I didn't know cola could taste so good in mallow form. :D

Off Topic / Re: Candy Swap Thread! *START SHIPPING!*
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:06:00 PM »
I will definitely treasure your gifts. :) Thanks for all the love you put into my parcel!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Candy Swap Brag Thread
« on: June 27, 2012, 01:12:52 PM »
Isn't it wonderful, guys? This was an awesome swap! I probably won't be able to afford jumping in on the fall swap unless all my friends give me money for my birthday :P, but I'll be waiting to see what everyone else gets. :)

Off Topic / Re: Candy Swap Thread! *START SHIPPING!*
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:08:21 AM »
Brag for SweetScoops' parcel is up over on the Brag forum! :D

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Candy Swap Brag Thread
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:07:11 AM »
Here's my absolutely amazing swap parcel from SweetScoops! Sorry for the pic flood. I tried to take group pics, but my camera has been showing its age by refusing to focus at certain distances. You can see that a bit in how out-of-focus some of these are even after I thought I was close enough to make the camera happy. :/ Picky, picky!

Wild BOX appears!
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Mystagic used OPEN! It's super effective!

Here are the wonderful trinkets I got. :D The postcard says that the heart/smile pin is also the logo being used as part of SweetScoops' city being in a contest to be a center of culture. I hope your town wins! By the way, don't scold SweetScoops for overspending--the Game of Thrones boxset is NOT part of the swap, haha. My birthday is coming up next week, and the same day I got SweetScoops' parcel, I also got that GoT boxset from as a gift from some friends....I was naughty and opened it early. It's in the pic because I was trying to get photos of all my goodies to share with my loved ones. XD
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Here's a closeup of the postcard! You can see how badly the camera was acting up, sadly. Old and crotchety, that thing is.
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I said I wanted salt licorice, and SweetScoops delivered! I love every single thing in this box. :D Those salt licorice kitties are the absolute perfect candy for me because they combine three of my favourite things...salt licorice, cats, and miniatures. These things are so tiiiiny! And my dentist will frown at me, but I love the texture and the way they stick to my teeth. XD I should be ashamed to admit I've eaten half the box already. And here I wasn't going to touch candy at all during the month of June, haha. I almost made it! The salt licorice pastilles melt on your tongue, so nice.
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More salt licorice! Can you tell that I can't get enough? This is the first time I've had any in five years, and before that I had to wait over a decade. SweetScoops took care of me sooo well! These are very soft and gummy-like, with a sort of fruity flavour to go with the saltiness.
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These are cola- and- pear-flavoured marshmallows (not at once...some are cola, some are pear). Soooo good! The texture is very firm and chewy, almost more like eating taffy. Mmmmmm! I'm amused at the idea of using Saint Nicholas to promote these tropical-y mallows. XD You're rockin' that beach ball, Santa!
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And last but certainly not least, my absolute new favourite candy! If you like licorice and the combination of salty and sweet, you will be in love with this thing. It's a chocolate bar with a soft salt licorice paste inside! My boyfriend doesn't like salt licorice, so I was hoping he wouldn't want to eat this, but no such luck--he loves it as much as I do! We ate half the bar before we forced ourselves to quit. =^^;= I'm saving the wrapper and ordering a case of these online. XD You can probably tell in the photo that it was a little melty when it arrived (thanks, summer, with your triple-digit temperatures). But after an hour in the fridge it was good as new. :)
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Thank you so many times over and over again, SweetScoops! I couldn't be more thrilled with your package if it had contained gold bars. XD And what a great early birthday present! I won't need a cake next week, after gorging myself on all of this. XD

Ponylovingmomma, if the items aren't going to your old address, and if the post office doesn't take you seriously, or if you feel like they're not giving this situation their proper attention, you should go over their heads and file a report with the Postal Inspectors. They're basically the private police force of the USPS (they do detective work, carry firearms, and make arrests). They take this stuff VERY seriously, with it being a federal crime and all if your mail is being stolen. Here's the complaints page:

Don't feel like you need to hold back anything. The more evidence they have, the better. It's just like reporting something to the police--they need as much evidence as possible. Be very specific, with dates, names of relevant persons, times, items, any past problems.

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