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Messages - TravelingTwinkler

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Pony Brag Arena / Re: Esbayne's Pony Lot Brag
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:49:51 PM »
The before and after pics are dramatic! Especially the long-haired girls. Congratulations on this awesome find!


Pony Brag Arena / Re: G1 Sparkle Pony Fam (So Far)
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:29:09 PM »
I really like how you have photographed them next to the window, they look lovely!
You can never have too many sparkly ponies! Congrats on your sparkly pony family and hoping you stumble upon a pretty Star Hopper (and maybe Napper?) to join the party soon!

Thank you both! Yes, definitely searching for both Star Hopper and Napper too. I'll also play with gently smoothing out some tinsel frizz on these ladies soon.

I admit, shooting against a window was begging for overexposure but the way to the sparkles and colors pick up the light was too enticing to pass up.


Off Topic / Re: The Dragon Prince
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:22:51 PM »
Totally just mowed through Dragon Prince this week! It definitely fits that Avatar-shaped hole in my heart. Can't wait for season 2 (hopefully there's a season 2?!).  :biggrin:


Probably. And they seem to be going for the Avatar approach to seasons, calling them "books" instead of seasons.

But even if Dragon Prince doesn't return; The Last Airbender will be remade into a live action series!

I'll take either one haha! Super-stoked now that the same composer as The Last Airbender will be scoring the live-action series.

Pony Corral / Re: G1 Cleanup Part 1 // TE Bright Eyes, Starshine, Skydancer
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:11:23 PM »
I can’t really help with pen removal techniques apart from sun fading, but what do you do with the colourless marker? I have one of those!

Baby Sugarberry had some success using a Copic colorless blending marker over the permanent marker on a G3 in this thread "how to remove permanent marker". I thought I'd give it a shot even if to loosen the stains a little bit—providing they may be new stains—but no difference this time. Can't wait to see some sunfading results! Do you have any sunfading before and after pics? I would love to see them for encouragement.

Pony Corral / G1 Cleanup Part 1 // TE Bright Eyes, Starshine, Skydancer
« on: September 23, 2018, 02:45:31 PM »
Ok SO I picked these up a while ago—a mish-mash of eBay and digging through dirty toy bins at a con. They mostly have surface grime, some permanent marker, and highlighter. Skydancer could have regrind on her chest, but I'm hoping it's just pink highlighter.

Cleaning techniques have included:
- Magic Eraser
- Whitening toothpaste
- Liquid soap
- Acetone (Starshine and Bright Eyes)
- Oxiclean spot treating (Starshine)
- Bleach (Starshine)
- Prismacolor colorless blending marker (Starshine and Bright Eyes)

Pre-clean photos:
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Post-clean photos and post-sun-fading photos coming soon!

They cleaned up very well after soap and Magic Eraser except for the permanent marker, so my first sun-fading attempt ever started today. I've heard aluminum foil can stain white ponies when sunfading, so they're wrapped like mummies in pieces of old white towel. I'm expecting about 1 month for sun-fading to make any difference in the Fall Utah sun.

Anyone have any success with mixing toothpaste with baking soda? Or know of other unconventional means of getting rid of permanent marker on white, yellow, or blue ponies?


Off Topic / Re: It's my birthday! harrr harrr
« on: September 21, 2018, 08:24:59 PM »
Happy belated birthday–hope it was a fabulous one!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: New Brag! Awesome Ebay finds!
« on: September 21, 2018, 08:22:52 PM »
Wow their colors are so bright! These are some lovely finds. The twinsies are adorable little heartbreakers.  :heart: :heart: :heart:


Off Topic / Re: The Dragon Prince
« on: September 21, 2018, 08:05:42 PM »
Totally just mowed through Dragon Prince this week! It definitely fits that Avatar-shaped hole in my heart. Can't wait for season 2 (hopefully there's a season 2?!).  :biggrin:


Pony Corral / Re: Ponies you regret buying?
« on: September 16, 2018, 09:54:56 PM »
I've never regretted buying a pony, but I've regretted paying too much for said ponies.  It's one of Murphy's Laws though, isn't it?  No matter how long or hard you shop for an item, as soon as you buy it you'll find it on sale somewhere else for a better price. Happens more often than not, I'm afraid!

:lmao: I know, I hate that!


However, I always rationalize that there are other ponies I got for a good price - so it all balances out in the end.

So very much this! Oh pony fam, I regret getting a TE Party Time that looked too good to be true in the pictures. I missed the teeny tiny start of pony cancers and strange, pink discolorations from the photos. Ah well.  :blush:


Pony Brag Arena / Re: New Addition - Starglow
« on: September 16, 2018, 08:40:56 PM »
How cool is that!!! I've never seen a Show 'n Glow IRL. She looks splendid—epic find. :heart:


Pony Brag Arena / Re: My name is Sugar Sweet...and I'm a survivor.
« on: September 16, 2018, 08:38:58 PM »
Wow! Super-ecstatic about your finds, and Sugar Sweet looks incredible! I really wonder what goes on in kids' minds when they decide to destroy their toys. Just can't wrap my head around torturing these beauties!


Pony Corral / Re: 2018 McDonald's Ponies (USA)
« on: September 16, 2018, 08:34:50 PM »
Had no idea—thank you for the heads up. These cuties are SO adorable! I'll keep on the look out.


Pony Brag Arena / Re: G1 Sparkle Pony Fam (So Far)
« on: September 16, 2018, 07:41:01 PM »
What gorgeous pics of your new sparkle ponies. The natural light shows off their colours so nicely.  Congrats on your sparkley splurge :cheer:
So adorable and sparkly!  One of my favorite sets!
LOVE the sparkle ponies!
So much sparkly goodness! That baby Firefly with the rainbow hair is gorgeous :heart: Congrats on all of your sparkly ponies :D
Beautiful! Your Twinkler is sooo purple! I’ve never seen one that is still so bright and not yellowed.
They are so pretty! Congratulations.

Thank you all so much! These ponies all don't really see natural light often, so I hope to keep their colors bright as long as possible. My ponies were indoor toys growing up, which gave Twinkler a little more longevity. Although, sunlight definitely puts their cheery sparkles on full blast! :heart:

Rainbow-haired Baby Sparkle Firefly is Jayna's beautiful work over at Picky Pony Vintage—not sure if that's allowed here, but lmk and I can edit it out. :blush: I can't wait to dip my toe into collecting a few customs and nirvanas if one really gives me all the feels tbh.

Happy week all!


Pony Brag Arena / G1 Sparkle Pony Fam (So Far)
« on: September 16, 2018, 02:05:45 PM »
Went on an adoptable binge recently with some pretty sparklies! Somehow I ended up with a mail order Sunspot, so normie Sunspot is behind the scenes soon-to-be adopted out. SO excited to have these pretties all together! The only one I hope to find later is Star Hopper.

Thank you for sharing in the sparkly happiness.



Back line-up, left to right: Baby Sparkle Starflower, Sunspot (mail order), Napper, Twinkler (my childhood orig), Sky Rocket

Front line-up, left to right:  Baby Sparkle Firefly, Baby Sparkle Gusty, Baby Sparkle North Star, Custom re-haired Baby Sparkle Firefly

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Pony Brag Arena / Re: Mini-Thrift Brag
« on: September 15, 2018, 10:19:59 PM »
Amazing job on the cleaning—they're beautiful! Can't even tell they were dirty at any point, and the hair still looks silky.  :heart:


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