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Messages - Artemesia's Garden

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Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: April 19, 2024, 10:39:28 AM »
My great uncle Peter has passed away and was the last of his generation. My Mum was feeling a mixture of upset and relieved because he was very poorly. I took the baby to see her and Grampy today and we had a quiet day. I mended holes in a tea towel and two t shirts, ate lunch and then took Mum and the baby for a walk. This evening I watched the House of Lords debate on the horticultural industry, thrilling stuff! My sister has offered us TY plushies of Twighlight, Fluttershy and Cadence but they need quite a bit of work on their hair.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: April 12, 2024, 02:14:59 AM »
I'm at a loose end today. It's the final week of the Easter holidays here for kids, so all our activities have been stopped for ages. It will all go back to normal next week though. Even in this three weeks, I feel as though the baby has lost confidence with other kids. The library used to be good on a Friday but then they changed the lady who was doing it and now it's dreadful. She was reading nursery rhymes badly from a laptop and explaining why many of them are no longer PC. Not entertertaining for a baby anyway.

Off Topic / Re: Wonderful Nature - Thread
« on: April 10, 2024, 05:47:01 AM »
Not exactly nature but our male cat (who has been 'done' and is about 5 years old) has adopted a kitten who looks exactly like him. It follows him around and does everything he does. We have called it Puma 2.

Pony Corral / Re: Show Off Your Displays!
« on: April 07, 2024, 10:04:31 PM »
It's great to learn about other toylines from looking at collections. Thanks for the breakdown of LPS @cowboyopossum, I didn't realise that what I have is all G2. I could spend all day studying this thread!

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: April 07, 2024, 09:52:46 PM »
Hello all, I'm just checking in and sending good wishes to everyone for their projects. BC, I have never watched Seinfeld but I used to watch Star Trek in those blah moments when I needed to rest. I will definitely check it out.

I had a very chilly moment on Friday when I was told that I would need to spend £700 on my car to get the brakes fixed. However, my husband has done it for £50. So we are no longer in the bracket of people who get basic car work done at the garage, but in the bracket of people who spend Saturday afternoon on the driveway, horizontal. This is exactly what my parents did, we have become my parents. In fact, they only had one car when we were small. So maybe that will become a thing. Hope not. Taking the baby to a woodland playgroup today if the weather is good.

Pony Corral / Re: Show Off Your Displays!
« on: March 21, 2024, 11:24:46 PM »
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Wow, that's so beautiful! My collection isn't on display at the moment but I have some photos at the link below in my sig (pony pages).

Pony Corral / Re: Did G5 flop?
« on: March 21, 2024, 10:53:10 PM »
I've found so many of them in thrift stores too, many still in packaging.


Post Merge: March 21, 2024, 10:55:51 PM

my mother remembers choosing her in the store in Birmingham, they were all up a pillar, apparently, and she thought they looked so pretty. It was rainbow pony Windy, I can imagine that display caught the eye given how new MLP was. I don't think Mum had ever seen them before...this would've been late 1984.

Your Mother has good taste!  :shocked: So lucky!

Post Merge: March 21, 2024, 11:18:00 PM

If I was a kid I wouldn't want to share my fandom with grown adults 30+ regardless of gender. But especially not with adults who create so much p*** that "safe search on" still shows it.

I'm sad that G5 couldn't be for girls again without being cheaped out.

I was angry and disgusted by it at the time, but then I saw it just part of the 'next' social problem i.e. harmful media content. Every new generation of teens seem to have more serious problems to deal with and they are worse when they are new because kids (and parents) don't know how to avoid them. I just assumed that it would work itself through and that in the meantime you gave your child a brick and they just had to put up with it. Not so. The social pressure to have an online presence is now so great that it can set a child back if you don't allow them to engage with it, and meanwhile the media companies have not made things much better.

I am also sad. I would not like to offer my child something so lacking in substance that she might identify with her gender. I watched the 2 mini movies on Netflix and quite enjoyed them, but the only character I liked enough to buy a toy was Izzie, so I bought one plush and that was it. It's a nice plush but not even that different from some G4 plushes. 

I don't know yet, but don't think I will allow daughter to engage fully in these toy lines with media and current releases etc. We never did because we didn't have network TV. We saw a couple of MLP movies in the cinema because a friend offered to take us, but that was it. Incidentally, we never had any fixed idea of the characters either because my cousin lived in a different area and got different characters from us in the shops. We had Argos and they had Cash and Carry. So we just had a mixture of toys old and new and used our own imagination. If she wants to collect anthing fully it will have to be stamps maybe it can be rocks. Maybe I'm being too extreme. Will kids even want plastic toys in a few year's time? I know that they worry about the environment a lot more than even 5 years ago.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: March 21, 2024, 12:50:49 PM »
BC, really sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope she comes through OK.

My neighbours have encroached several feet over our boundary so that we can't put a new fence up. People (including them) keep trespasssing on our garden. On the other side, the neighbour keep deliberately leaning up junk against our fence and throwing soil and rubbish over to our garden. We are responsible for both boundaries. I hate it and wish we'd never moved here. I wish I had something more positive to say, this sounds like a WYP!

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: March 20, 2024, 05:28:52 AM »
I always thought scoosh was spelt like 'skoosh' :)

My day is pretty dull. Baby is downstairs with Granny so they are happy. I have zero job hunting enthusiasm but I did remember that I'm entitled to get back in touch with my university careers advice centre, which might cheer me up if it's still as good as it used to be. Also feeling very flat. It's an odd time of year for me. Everyone has been ill apart from me. They had this thing the GPs are calling '100 day cough' apparently. Baby is now doing better than husband, it's getting him down now. Just trying to enjoy the spring flowers and keep well really.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: March 14, 2024, 06:53:33 AM »
We'll see a lot more adults going back to toys in future so they can roleplay & all the stuff they didn't have enough time for as childhood keeps being shortened xxx

Good point!

I did landscaping for a couple of hours this morning and now I'm very sore. A neighbour has pinched several feet over our boundary on his side. He concreted in a really innocent looking small post in the wrong place , to make it look like the original boundary line. When I tried to dig it out I saw that the concrete goes about 3ft down. The lump at the bottom was about the size of a kitchen bin. Imagine trying to lift that filled with water. I couldn't do it, but I did manage to turn it sideways and bury it. A friend came over for tea and we talked about spiritual matters. I am now making a bacon sandwich for the other hard worker, who finished a bit early today.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: March 11, 2024, 11:55:55 PM »
Thanks for the good wishes everyone
@ Beldarna my 9 year old niece is the same. When she was 7 or 8 my sister bought her a couple of huge LOL doll sets for Christmas and now she only wants makeup and clothes. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup in public when I was that age and then I think my Mum eventually gave up when I was about 15. We played 'dressing up' but it was clearly a game and not how we looked most of the time. Anyway, I ended up buying my niece a Bobbi Brown makeup set for Christmas last year, thinking that it was for 'dressing up' but actually she just wears it all the time. I actually really dislike seeing her face with smudged mascara at 9 years old. She's also trying to talk as though she's a young adult, about bands and clothes but she's kinda lisping and hasn't got much confidence or conviction in what she's saying. I would have expected her to think more along these lines in about 5 year's time! There must be massive pressure on her to act this way and it makes me so sad, that her childhood is already over. I guess as an older Mum there is a bigger gap for me between how things were when I was a child and how things will be for kids now. But my daughter is just past one year old, so at this rate we only have 7 more summers with her as a child. I try not to think about her growing up because it makes me sad and I don't want her to pick up on it. But I have to remember not to let her childhood pass by in a blur. Big sigh.

Today... well both baby and husband have had some awful cold for the last week and are still coughing at times. I had to keep them both on paracetamol etc. for about 4 days and I'm still feeling pretty tired from nursing them. However, I can finally take baby swimming today. She's had no classes for two weeks now and of course no visits from Granny so she's really bored and starting to act a bit naughty. I'm just so glad she's better that I don't really mind. She's so precious at the moment. Hopefully swimming will be good for her today, I know it always is for me.

Off Topic / Re: The Plant Thread
« on: March 05, 2024, 10:16:57 PM »
Hey Ponyfan, I'm not sure about the ficus but I would pull it out and smell the roots - check that they aren't stagnant in that bonsai pot. The Aloe looks great but the lighter colour in the crowns maybe means it needs a feed - could try a homemade one with banana skins.

It's sowing season here. I'm trying to get around to sowing a lot of seeds this week. Main veggies indoors for plugs will be onions, true spinach, peas for pea shoots and some herbs.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: March 05, 2024, 10:06:49 PM »
Artie, ooh, I hate the whole 'fighting illnesses' thing too. I got so upset at cancer commercials when my sister was going through chemo. They make it seem like it's your fault if you die, because you didn't try hard enough or love your family enough. I HATE that thought process. Like, believe in a higher power if you want but at the end of the day either the treatment and medicine work, or they don't.

Glad it's not just me :hug: and glad you found a handyman company for some of your stuff and if they are good you can use them for other things if you need. It did cross my mind that you're an artist kinda making it work as a studio, and also I'm glad to hear that you're feeling fairly good at the moment.

Update on my Mum: she's out of hospital but still on atibiotics. Hub and Squish are mostly over it all now. I will take her to see Granny today.

Off Topic / Re: What made you smile today?
« on: February 27, 2024, 12:13:21 AM »
Nothing yet. But I always have a smile for the baby when she wakes up.

Post Merge: February 27, 2024, 12:14:19 AM

Happy birthday, Bakana! PBW, I always wanted to ask, does her name mean anything? Did you name her or did she come with it?

edit: Oh! I almost forgot! I finally got a pony shirt! :frolic:

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Wow, that's not just any old pony shirt! That's brilliant.

Off Topic / Re: Do you buy physical media (CDs, Records, DVDs, etc.)
« on: February 26, 2024, 11:55:57 PM »
I have a Rakuten Kobo reader that works well for me. It connects to my local library service. I prefer it now since I find it easier to read larger text than wear my glasses in bed. But I don't oay for any subsciption on it. I bought a few books when someone gave me a voucher, but prefer to stick to the classics.

I still use my old collection of reference hardbacks, paperback fiction, CDs and to some extent DVDs because I like to repeat watch certain films. However, my husband doesn't and has never forgiven me for throwing out some of his box sets that you now have to pay to stream like Downton Abbey and Steptoe and Sons. I thought they belonged to his late wife. Anyhoo.

We have a small house and the media does take up a lot of room, but I stand by my decision to keep most of it. The reference books are really useful for avoiding trash on the web and the information just stays where I last put it. We are lucky to be fairly settled, but moving house last time was a trauma.

Post Merge: February 27, 2024, 12:10:36 AM

yeah i regret getting rid of my old 90s boombox after i moved everything to MP3s.

MP3s lacked quality for me even at high bitrates so I never quite cut the cord. I wish I still had my Dad's old Akai tape deck though.


i was a tech early adopter for so many things back in the 2000s-2010s.

Same here!

but lately everything feels so broken that i'm reverting to analog.

I only use MLP Arena in terms of social media. We got Amazon to help buy kid's things quickly when we needed them but I need to cancel it soon. So I can go back to exploring my collections of physical media. It just takes longer to find things, but the handling it and pondering are all part of it that we've lost. I have so many books I haven't really read. Cookbooks where I've only tried one recipe. A whole drawer of violin music, most of which I've not played.


i'm a disaffected tech worker now i guess. i had high hopes for tech and now i'm just sad. i don't work for a tech company though. i work for a company that actually makes stuff.

I'm glad to hear that actually, I've heard that things are pretty tough in Tech right now


i love the convenience of having all of my music in one place and the variety i get with streaming. i don't think it's all bad. i've definitely found music i never would have known about if it weren't for streaming. i don't miss the way music was when i was in school where you just had to know people who were "cool" enough to introduce you to music or spend hours listening to the radio. but i do hate the data collection and the way streaming platforms prey on artists. especially the more niche artists who will never make money from Spotify, etc.

I miss the copied tapes kindly given to me by other kids, with hand written sleeves. Sometimes swapping tapes was my only real friendship at school. Kids who wouldn't be seen with me might still share a record or a tape with me. I also miss listening to John Peel on late night radio and scribbling things down. Although most of the DJs from that era are now being criticised for their sexual behaviour it wasn't something I was aware of at the time. I must admit I learned a lot via the old YouTube algorithm. Google dumbed it down considerably for a while but it seems to have revived again a bit for me.


records are so expensive compared to CDs so i think i'll probably buy some CDs soon too. CDs are way more affordable for albums where i don't necessarily like all of the songs. i just need to find a good cd player.

The 12" records I bought in the 90s and 2000s are still about the same price on a lot of second hand sites. One or two have gone up in value but not many. So I think I must have had bad taste in music  :( :lol:


i also hate, hate, hate the data collection model. every year when i get that spotify wrapped it just reminds me that they're collecting all of my listening habits. it didn't have to be this way. a lot of these tech companies are still burning cash even while selling our data. of course the executives still have more money than god.

Ick. Same here!! I loathe it. Now that the NHS data is being sold to Palantir I feel as though this is a paradigm shift in British society that will affect my life forever, but particularly my child's life. Very depressing.

i also use a physical planner and notebook now. it's so nice to just pick up a pen and write something down instead of making notes on my computer that always end up getting lost anyway. it's also much faster to just write it down instead of trying to deal with multiple windows.

I never stopped. My black Moleskine diary is viewed as an eccentricity in my family. So nice that someone else gets it. I use Outlook as quite a serious tool for work though.


i have an apple watch but there are so many notifications that it's unwearable. i'm not getting texts or anything fun either. it's junk texts, junk calls, and notifications from my security cameras. heaven forbid one of my neighbors is moving their lawn. going back to an analog watch sounds good at this point. all of the notifications are stressful.

Good to know. I wish my husband would get why it's not good for the mental health to leave his phone to hand all the time. It's like having a constant leak in your sanity. He thinks I'm odd for reading the Bible. I call his smartphone the Devil's Window. Or should it be Mirror. I also like to read Sci Fi written during the 1950s and 1960s. I'll sign off now!

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