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Messages - amazonarabian

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Off Topic / Re: Funny Ryan Grosling
« on: February 17, 2015, 06:55:48 PM »

Hahaaaa!  Hilarious!  I want to peel that mustache off Ryan's face, though.  He looks like Ron Burgundy.

Off Topic / Re: Tell me your love story...
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:21:48 PM »
But about a year later we started dating (and then a whole bunch of guys started asking me out, so I was dating like, 3 or 4 guys at the same time).  But I liked my husband the most, so we eventually became exclusive.

Hahaaa!  My kinda girl.

Met my husband at a bar.  It was a mutual friend's 27th birthday party.  I don't drink a whole lot, so volunteered to be his DD and Husband was his old high school friend home on leave.  Husband hit on me ALL night, and I enjoyed shutting him down while we both watched Friend get so drunk that he was slowdancing with and fondling his old babysitter, who I like to think must have been much cuter Back In The Day.  I have to think this, or never look at Friend the same way.

I was already sleeping with my neighbor, among others.  Not looking for anything else.  Besides, he was heading to Kentucky, then Alaska, then Afghanistan, then god-knows-where, so why would I give him a trophy number?  I finally caved in as I wrestled Friend into the car after bar close, after a near miss of Babysitter trying to lure him into her car instead.  He was driving through my city a couple days later on his way to visit a few friends before showing up to his base (what he would later describe as his "East Coast Sex Cruise"), so I told him he could take me to lunch, but not dinner because I wasn't going to play into that, "Gee, what a long drive and what a filling meal-can I just stay 'on your couch' for a couple hours/tonight?" spiel that some guys might totally try.

He was terribly offended that I'd assume such a thing, but took me to lunch anyway.  A few hours after he left, he texted me, "Do you want to go on an adventure?"

I replied, "Hell, yes!" and promptly received a plane ticket in my email to fly to Disney World in Florida, and which point I said no, I am not going to end up floating in a swamp somewhere.  I was traumatized by Unsolved Mysteries in my youth; I know better.

I had lots of female support on this decision from my sisters and friends, but my mother, a rabid man-hater, shrieked through the phone, "Are you crazy??  Worst case scenario?  You're stuck in DISNEY WORLD with some A$$HOLE!  Find a security guard!  What's the problem?"

I friend-spied on him through Friend and Friend's family first.  Not a creeper?  Cool.  No battery/assault charges, ever?  Oh, good.  Was Friend's crutch through both German class and Calculus?  Oh.  Um, promising.  Friend's mom adores him and knows where his father lives and his phone number?  Okay.

So... I went to Disney World.  Under the stipulation that I got my own bed in the hotel room.  I actually stuck to my guns and didn't put out, either.  The first night, anyway.

Anyway, he suggested that I just stay and marry him, so I laughed at him.  So he bought a ring and tried again a few months later.
He proposed to me at the Louisville Zoo.  I remember it as in front of the bathrooms.  He says it was outside the lori aviary.  Anyone in that area know if those two areas are even close to each other? 

Either way, it's been 5 years.  He says it was worth cutting short his ECSC for.  D'aww.

Customs / Re: Blindfaith's Mane-iac
« on: February 13, 2015, 05:14:10 PM »
Oooooooooh!  She looks awesome!  You've done a fantastic job.

Customs / Re: WIP - a customized Playmobil castle for ponies, plus customs
« on: February 02, 2015, 02:08:03 PM »
Wow!  What a great set-up for them!

Customs / Re: The king's unicorn
« on: February 02, 2015, 10:51:46 AM »
Wow!  What great sculpting!  I can't wait to see more photos as you progress.

Out of curiosity, what did you do different this time to make the tail come out so nice?

Sorry, Amazonarabian... Need a little more specifics. What exactly are you referring to? Of course I know you mean the tail  :P. But what of the execution has caught you? What part is "so nice"? I'll try my best to answer.

Woops!  I guess that was very vague of me!  I meant that you said you'd been frustrated and having issues with the tail.  And to mine eye, the tail is incredible.  It's long and flowy and full of movement and weightless-looking.  How did you acheive that result, especially without it breaking, and had you tried a different tail-style beforehand that turned out less-awesome?   

This guy is seriously gorgeous.  I'm already envious of the lucky dog who's claimed him.  If I hold my nook up really close to my face, I swear I can hear him whispering my name. 

Customs / Re: Birthday Daddy and babies
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:02:49 PM »
OMG!  Too cute!  Your symbols are perfect!  What a great set!

Wanted! / amazonarabian's wants for swaps and things
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:57:33 AM »
Hey, guys!

I'm mainly making my wantlist here so I can link to it for swaps and such.  I'm not actively seeking every lovely lady out there (with a few exceptions), despite the fact that I prowl the sales thread religiously.

I like nice symbols and eyes, although don't mind a few imperfections.  Hair is less important for me, although I prefer tinsel ponies to have nice tinsel, mainly because I'm clueless as to how to tame it.  Body marks are understandable, and im honestly not terribly picky, but I don't really want baity ponies.
I also do not have a huge collection, so you'll notice I'm missing some very standard girls.

Wind Whistler
Cotton Candy
Bonnie Bonnets
Blueberry Baskets
Cherry Treats
Boysenberry Pie
Mommy Apple Delight (crappy hair is great- her hubby and daughter already sport rehairs, so she should probably fit in)
June Rose birthflower pony

G1 Babies
Cotton Candy
Sniffles & Snookums
Milkweed & Tumbleweed (also wouldn't mind them with messed up hair/symbols, for custom useage)
Sparkly Baby Northstar
Blue Ribbon

Tropical Breeze

Denim Blue

(Pretty much all the cute winter series ponies, preferably with their cute little winter gear- I have a naked Mittens so far, but she seems awfully cold)
Candy Cane
Marshmallow Coco
Winter Wishes
Chilly Breezes
Velvet Bow
Jolly Lolly

I also always love Posey rehairs, alternate pose customs and the like!

Customs / Re: Customizing woes
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:58:37 PM »
Nooooooo!  That's terrible!  What a frustrating experience.  Those ponies are gonna be great when you work out the kinks, though.  Can't wait to see them all finished. 

Customs / Re: My first flocked pony! :D
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:49:47 PM »
Wow!  Pinkie was totally meant to be a so soft!  You did a great job!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Custom G1 jewelry!
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:01:30 AM »
Oh, wow!  Super cute!

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Is it Me or is Ebay Acting Weird?
« on: January 06, 2015, 08:01:50 AM »
I had some issues buying the other day, too!  I clicked the BIN and confirmed that I did, indeed, want it, but when it came to actually purchasing it, it kept telling me to try back later.  Tried exiting and buying it through my cart, which eventually worked, but not before I had that sinking feeling that someone was going to be putting MY ebay name in Trader Support as a nonpaying bidder.  I ended up logging out, logging back in, and going to my cart again.  Might have been a placebo treatment, but it finally worked.

I'm glad it wasn't just me.  I mean, I'm sorry everyone else had problems, but I do love your company.

Customs / Re: the black swan
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:49:43 AM »
Wow!  She's fantastic!  I love all her sculpted feathers!  And you did a great job on her pose.

Customs / Re: Holiday swap, Angel and Stitch box for Gaspode
« on: January 03, 2015, 02:53:57 PM »

SO cute!  I adore them!  You do such fantastic work!

Customs / Re: My first customized Pony! Pic heavy
« on: January 03, 2015, 02:07:36 PM »
Wow!  She's gorgeous!  Those roses all along her mane, and her furry feet!   :stunned:  I'm super impressed! 

Out of curiosity, what are you asking for her?

Pony Corral / Re: Sweetie Drops and Holly Dash
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:59:41 PM »
I asked the toy lady at Target about new ponies, and she said that they're getting new stock in this coming week and trying to replace the ponies they currently have.  Everything on her pony shelves was going to the clearance aisle to let in new things, so I'm crossing my fingers!

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