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Messages - Taffeta

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As the title suggests, I'm curious.

Some years ago LadyG and I had a whole conversation about this, because I had spent the whole of my life up to that point blissfully unaware that in the UK, Brush n Grow ponies are meant to come on card. The reason I was ignorant of this was because mine came in a box, and I remember this because the cellophane on her box was broken and my mother spent ages trying to talk me out of buying her (but she was the only Braided Beauty in the shop). I'm pretty sure that was Jan 1990, because I only ever had new ponies at Xmas, birthday or with money from one or the other, and I had had Princess Star Gleamer for Xmas 89. I think that's quite late for Brush n Grow ponies, even in the UK - because I had the two the wrong way around really.

This led me to wondering whether that was just one store importing leftover ponies from the US in box, or whether there were two proper UK releases with different packages, or, really, what it was all about.

So, what I want to know, if you guys remember (just some of the information is fine, if you don't remember all of it)

What pony you had (not including Princess Brush and Grow Ponies, only the ordinary set)
Whether she came in a box or on a card
If Twisty Tail, whether she was in walking pose or Quackers' pose
What store she came from?
What region of the country you bought her in (you can be vague, county or rough regional area is enough)

My answers:

What Pony: Braided Beauty
Box or card: Box
Store: Tescos, pretty sure
Region: Welsh borders (English side)

Anyone else add to this? I'm especially curious for people who had Twisty Tail as a kid over here; whether she was in the UK pose or the US pose, because I am 99% certain I saw a picture in the pony comic as a kid with a collection someone had and there was a US pose Twisty Tail in it. It's that and my memory that's leading me to believe some US ones got imported, but I'd like to know if anyone else remembers...(I realise it was a long time ago!)

I am quite sure that Pretty Vision and Bouquet were also both there as well, but no others, so I never saw Twisty Tail. I didn't want Pretty Vision and Bouquet my friend had. My favourite was Curly Locks, so she definitely wasn't there. Braided Beauty was my second favourite, so I wanted to get her. Because Twisty Tail wasn't there, I have no clue what version was on sale with this set at the time I got my Braided Beauty.

I'm only asking UK people at the moment because it's the UK that seems to be confusing (what else is new...sigh).

Pony Corral / Re: Pony poses? Best, worst?
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:43:46 AM »
I keep changing my mind on poses I like and don't like. I know I dislike Pony Bride's pose, but that's partly because I don't really like any of the ponies in that pose. I used to hate the Cherries Jubilee pose with a passion, and was really mean to my poor CJ and Snowflake for much of my early childhood, but when I discovered the pony I was obsessed with as a kid - Magic Star -was in that pose, I kinda got over myself with it and made peace. It still isn't a favourite of mine though.

I am also not a fan of the Collector Pose. Especially the FF ponies who nosedive forwards inside the collector case I have them living in, sigh.

Think I like most of the others. It often comes down to whether a particular pony suits a particular pose, though, for me...

Pony Corral / Re: Magic Message Ponies and Their Amazing Goop!
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:40:02 AM »
I either seem to get them with symbols so intact they no longer change, or rubbed so they come off. Same with the Nurse Ponies and their heat sensitive heart (Hasbro did not learn, sigh).

I would leave it as it is, honestly, unless it looks like transferring to another pony in your cupboard, in which case, maybe really carefully try and get the goopy bit off.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: I knew it was too good to be true!
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:38:42 AM »
This unfortunately happens >< I remember someone stealing images from my site some years ago, back when UK ponies used to go stupid prices on Ebay. Thankfully some sharp eyed community people (think LM mightve been one of them) spotted and recognised them and we got it stopped...but, honestly, with MLP you can't go taking other group lot images since the exact ponies that are in the lot are what is important!

Pony Corral / Re: Are these real G2s?
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:37:00 AM »
I recognise most of them, though I don't remember all the names. I am pretty sure genuine G2 MLPs had a rainbow on one hoof base, though, which might help.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Pokemon General Thread
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:17:04 AM »
Haha that picture Xd. My friend stopped mocking grassies after my Roserade dismantled his team without taking much damage ; ). I actually don't like grass starters as much as some of the others. Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume will always be my favourite, but there are tons of others, like Roserade, that I also like. They need more love xD.

For some reason I always start with a fire type, which, considering I lije grass types, is a bit twisted somehow XD

MLP Nirvana / Re: Ok... I have to ask....
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:04:59 AM »
I also agree with LM. I have always thought since seeing it that that was Cotton Candy in a wedding dress XD.

Bf ponies were 1984? Ok. That might make it different then.

UK years are a bit confusing, especially around the middle of the line since there are three pamphlets covering 1987-8 and all of them, I think, are dated 1987...but Sundance features on the insert for 1986 (with Gypsy, etc, she is actually on the front with Megan) and the earliest one for 1987 in the old style (with the Mountain boys, etc) She does not feature on the later 1987 insert, nor on 1985.

I tend to assume her 1987 release was using up spare Country Jamboree stock...or that she was intended as a Movie version with the outfit Megan wore since Megan and Sundance wear was not sold here.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Pokemon General Thread
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:53:23 AM »
Oddish is awesome! I actually have a sewing pattern for Oddish somewhere but never got around to finding the right fabric to make one.

The Dollhouse / Re: Pullip love! Pic Thread
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:51:26 AM »
Haha :) but I do mean it. With Integrity, the Collector Jem dolls are already expensive enough and G1 is already my first love. I hope to be starting a PhD this autumn too...there just isn't money or space for another collection!!

Pony Corral / Re: Why won't Hasbro release new ponies?
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:48:22 AM »
I think a lot of the posts have nailed it. I don't hate FIM but I don't equate them with what I grew up with. I do hate the anti-G1 comments idiots put on youtube and the idea MLP interest began with G4, but I don't hate the toys themselves. They just lack...something. I like that with old MLP Hasbro experimented and in doing so, they made mistakes. Flutter ponies, for example,,..stunning but too delicate for rough play. Pink hair that faded on ponies whose streak of hair changed colour in the sun. And random inexplicable variations which gave each country's MLP a unique identity.

New MLP is too shiny in that regard. The final product looks nice but stays in safe perameters. I have one with affixable wings that I bought in Prague, but the wings are cheap and not a patch on flutter or summer/windy wings, with their colours and patterns.

It must not be forgotten how much of FIM's animation story is borrowed from G1, too. Tirac, Scorpan...even the elements of harmony are inspired by the Rainbow of Light.

In regards to kids and imagination, it is a generalisation but I think that technology doesn't help. In the 80s or 90s you had a static toy and you created a story. Now toys are digital, interactive, and do a lot of creating for the kids. Seeing small kids playing on mobile phone games is another part of it since that is not creative play.

The trend atm is to rinse repeat old stuff anyway...New Jem movie (don't get me started on that) and comic, dolls, new Ghostbuster film planned, constant remaking of TMNT, Care Bears, Transformers. And, not here at the Arena but in the wider web there are a lot of people who follow MLP simply because memes tell them it is cool and therefore they follow the pack but never spend any money on the product itself.

The other day I found stationery here in the UK featuring G1 MLP. It has been 20 years since G1 ended, but seeing that felt really good...after all this time I remember the names and personalities of the ponies featured....but I admit I cannot remember the names of most G4 outside the core 6 and buy them entirely based on whether I am away from home and whether I like their colours.

Monster High is one of the few toys out now where imagination still seems to be being applies, which is no doubt why they are so popular. If I was a mum with kids now I would probably look at them first for my child.

Off Topic / Re: Where to buy Japanese items?
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:04:19 PM »
The same is pretty much true of anything being sold outside of Japan, sadly. I admit, I don't spend a lot of time going to that store, because it doesn't sell the merchandise I'm interested in and most all the stuff I buy comes from Japan itself because the fandoms I follow are not really mainstream or even translated, but I have seen it. I haven't been aware of it in Trocadero, but I can't be 100% because it's not really my kind of store. The only mainstream anime/manga I follow(ed) is Bleach and they never make merchandise for the characters I like, anyway xD.

A lot of the time it's cheaper to import it, too :lol: I've only seen TokyoToys at cons and they tended to carry the exact same stuff aaaaall the other vendors had. Makes it a night if you're after something a bit unusual :/

Yeah, I don't really like all that stuff, either xD which is why I guess I don't pay attention to what they have and whether it's real...

I'm unfortunately addicted to, and CDJapan and other sites where I can get Neoroma/Seiyuu related stuff *sigh*. But it's worth it. And, in fairness to my wallet, I do get a lot of my academic books from Japan cheaper that way, since I can get them second hand for a reasonable price. Even if it does mean I have a huge pile of books about early mediaeval warriors in Japanese now waiting to be read...and annotated. *sigh again*.

Pony Corral / Re: Why won't Hasbro release new ponies?
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:56:25 PM »
I'm not sure about this. I think it's sad that Hasbro have taken this line.

On the one hand, the TV series constantly features these core six. That means that they always have to be on sale, to draw in any new fans of the show, as I think someone has said. Reworking them therefore makes sense, because Hasbro want to try and persuade kids who already have the originals that MAYBE they want a different one with rainbow hair or glittery cutie mark. I guess it's like SS Posey vs original Posey?

On the other hand, though, I think that Hasbro are working for the quick fix. I don't think as much thought goes into this line outside of the cartoon as has gone into previous. The G1 ponies all had individual stories and characters thought out for them right up till late in the line, but the G4 (and I think G3, maybe G2) never had this really. They have fleeting remarks on their cards, but Hasbro rely on kids knowing who they are from watching FIM. I suspect that, if FIM stopped, the toys would stop too - because, unlike G1, the toyline is not separable from the FIM series. The G1 cartoon is very minor in my mind compared to all the sets that were sold, since it ran for a limited time and featured limited ponies.

I've also noticed a few worrying things here in the UK. I do see kids buying G4, playing with G4, clutching huge pony plushes and stuff around town - but the stores that stock them near where I live seem to be discounting them before they even hit the shelves. For example, I just came back from Lincoln today, and during my trip I bought Diamond Mint and Photo Finish as souvenirs. Diamond Mint was already discounted by £2 and Photo Finish was part of a buy 1 get 1 half price offer.

 I don't see the core six moving very much here, either. If a different pony appears, it does tend to disappear in a few weeks, but there are always tons of Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie etc.

It reminds me of how much more difficult it is to find a 2nd edition Medley, Firefly, Bow Tie or Applejack, or a Second Edition Posey or CJ here in the UK. The kids already had them from the first year, so Hasbro's rerelease just picked up the new kids or the ones who somehow missed out in the first issue. I kinda think that,  by clinging to the Core 6 so much, Hasbro are reducing the potential of their product.

That and the fact that some stores here would rather stack piles of boxes up in front of the aisle and not unpack them when the shelves are more or less empty...

One last thing I noticed here in the UK, too - though this may in part be due to bad stockage in my area - is that a lot of the not core 6 ponies do not make it here. If they do, as I said, they get snapped up - but they don't often appear. I found a couple of ponies in Lille in France that I never saw in shops here (since I only tend to pick up FIM ponies as souvenirs from holidays xD). I wonder whether Hasbro's distribution of other ponies is as keen as it should be. I think they are denting the longevity of their product by obsessing over the core six. Yes, they need to be on sale all the time - but it wouldn't hurt to introduce one or two sets of entirely new characters with unique features at the same time...

When I was a kid, collecting Gen 1 ponies, I took great pride and care in selecting the pony from each set I was going to spend my money on, and I was always excited by the new characters, styles, ideas that came out each year. If I was a kid now, the core 6 reissues would probably have put me off MLP. I think Hasbro underestimate the way young girls think - and the ones who might spend the most money with them over the years to come are missing out because of it. If they want to capture the kids' imagination for a year, then the reissues might work, but if they want to capture the kids' loyalty and spending for several years, they need to think outside of the character box as well as all these gimmicks.

All of that said, I will admit that Photo Finish fascinates me ;)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Pokemon General Thread
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:12:13 PM »
I will have to keep an eye open for him when I have some money to spare :) People hate on grass pokemon a lot but I like them xD.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Pokemon General Thread
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:36:37 AM »
I posted this in another thread, but here is my plush collection so far! <3

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I need to steal that oddish. So adorably cute :)

I used to have a bunch of plushies and stuff but I downsized all my collections and only kept with my ponies and Jems. Now I only have plushes of the pokemon I like best - I have a large Wobbuffet and a small one, a small Gardevoir, a Ralts, a Kirlia, a Gallade and a Vileplume. I still need an Oddish, but I'm trying to be good since space is driving me nuts :)

The Dollhouse / Re: Pullip love! Pic Thread
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:33:49 AM »
Ah, lots of pictures.

These dolls totally freak out a friend of mine xD

I only have two, and no pictures at the moment. One has long purple hair and a guitar, I think her name was Nomado, but I got her a long time ago just on a whim and she now lives behind my Jem dolls for want of a better place to be. My other one I bought for my birthday because she's all dressed in Kimono and I'm studying Japanese. She's on my shelf, and still in her box. I call her Tasogare, which means Dusk, but I don't know if she has a proper name or not.

I will not start a collection of these, I have no space or money to do so - but I do love seeing other people's :)

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