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Messages - BabiChuld

Pages: 1 ... 94 95 [96] 97 98
Introductions / Re: Hello New Here :D
« on: November 17, 2013, 01:17:27 AM »
Welcome to the Arena! I'm in a similar situation as you right now, am re-starting my collection after many ywars of not having ponies- unfortunately my childhood girls are long gone :( I also have a boyfriend who is spoiling me rotten with ponies so we have that in common also XD Have fun here on the arena and I can't wait to see your collection should you post up pics :) x

Pony Corral / Re: Snowing here! Show me snow ponies:)
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:57:39 AM »
These pictures are all so lovely! I've got a cute Christmas pic in mind for my babies haha watch this space nearer december when the tree is up XD xx

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 11/17/2013 Gypsy
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:50:39 AM »
Absolute want! :D

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the most "common" G1 ponies?
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:45:29 AM »
Thanks everyone for your really helpful answers! Ah yes so it's a lot of the earlier ones that are the more common! I see a lot of those names popping up in threads, and my own collection reflects it as well-

 I have Lemondrop, Blossom, TAF Up up and away, Lickety Split, Kiss curl, Posey, Tutti Frutti, Sundance, Bright Boquet family ( minus the son), Baby Cotton Candy, Baby Shaggy and a Whizzer from Australia :D

On the way to me now is: Parasol, Sunbeam, Bow Tie, Moondancer, Medley, June Rose, Moonstone, Skyflier and Princess Sparkle.

 I'm putting some of those more common answers that I don't yet have like Firefly and Peachy on my most wanted wishlist now, thanks again guys! XD

Pony Corral / Re: So much work, such little thanks for it....:(
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:36:23 AM »
No one can work miracles! I am sure you did your absolute best. Perhaps if you explain to your sister in law that some damage is not necessarily recoverable would help? Or you could point out to her that she could pay to send the ponies to a restorer to do more work on them - perhaps when she realises you offered her a free of charge service she may be more appreciative?

Thanks hathorcat, I really tried very hard but my skills are very limited, I've only been collecting a short while myself. It's not really about the "thank"s because I did it to try and fix the poor girls up a bit because I felt bad seeing them that way, I just sort of thought she'd be more excited about it, especially about her Posey who turned out relitively well! But she was just so blasè about it. I guess it's just disappointment on my part because I was looking forward to her happy reaction which I never got :( xx

I am sure you did your best :hug: Unfortunately not everyone appreciates the pony goodness the way we do on here. Maybe you could pick up some poor condition ponies over time and hone your restoring skills? Thats what I did over the years :)

That sounds like a plan! :D Haha I feel fine again now, I guess not everyone can be expected to get excited about it, it's just being her "cherished childhood toys" as she put it, I thought she'd kinda care more. Oh well, least they're clean now :)

Pony Corral / Re: So much work, such little thanks for it....:(
« on: November 16, 2013, 01:41:23 AM »
No one can work miracles! I am sure you did your absolute best. Perhaps if you explain to your sister in law that some damage is not necessarily recoverable would help? Or you could point out to her that she could pay to send the ponies to a restorer to do more work on them - perhaps when she realises you offered her a free of charge service she may be more appreciative?

Thanks hathorcat, I really tried very hard but my skills are very limited, I've only been collecting a short while myself. It's not really about the "thank"s because I did it to try and fix the poor girls up a bit because I felt bad seeing them that way, I just sort of thought she'd be more excited about it, especially about her Posey who turned out relitively well! But she was just so blasè about it. I guess it's just disappointment on my part because I was looking forward to her happy reaction which I never got :( xx

Pony Corral / Re: ~~ Pony: Last to Post ~~ [Competition]
« on: November 15, 2013, 11:23:11 PM »
I can't stop collecting G4. :freak: :help: :freak:
Run Forest! Its too late for me. Save yourself. :shocked:

Life is like a shelf of ponies! XD

Pony Corral / So much work, such little thanks for it....:(
« on: November 15, 2013, 11:21:20 PM »
My sister in law asked me to try and clean up her two G1 childhood poines for her, which of course I did my best with. Boy oh boy though they were covered in mold and grime and cancer spots, and her Yellow Moondacers in particular hair and tail are cut soooo short! So I really tried my best but Moondancer is just horribly stained from the dirt and red dye from her hair, and even after all of my scrubbng and trying she doesn't even really give me much of a thanks- just makes comments on how she wants Moonstones hair to look perfect and sit nicely- hello, there's only so much I can do to something really damaged and short! I think she was expecting them to end up looking shiny and new like mine, but Ive never had ponies in such bad condition to clean up before- I don't buy really baity ponies with extremely cut hair for that exact reason- I just don't have the experience to really fix that. Urgh! End of rant :(

Pony Corral / Re: I really shouldn't look at peoples collections
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:03:04 PM »
^ yay! :)

I don't think I actually get jealous, I just have the sudden urge to go look for my new favorites.   :P   

Honestly, I think if I suddenly found myself with a huge collection, I wouldn't appreciate it as much.  It's fun bonding with each pony as they come in.

That is true, I think I'd rather bond with each new pony as it comes, rather than fight with a huge lot of them all at once- especially at the start of my collection I might feel a tad overwhelmed. I have 8 new ponies coming in a group which is my biggest haul ever- I'm thinking of sending one a week to " The Salon" so I can take the time with each and spread out the pony love. My budget is pretty limited so that might keep my pony twinges satisfied until the new year XD

Pony Corral / Re: ~~ Pony: Last to Post ~~ [Competition]
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:53:38 PM »
Stalking the postman this morning for Pony post- waiting is the hard part! :D

Looking at your FB page, I feel like getting only a couple Ponies would be better. Your Ponies' hair looks sooooo good! Now I want to restyle all of my Ponies hair, but there is no way I could ever have time for that  :shocked:  wanna come help me out?  :P

Aww thanks! I use a lot of conditioner haha XD Lol I totally would come and help out- the pony groomer strikes again! ( I used to be a dog groomer but had to stop working because of my bad health, so it feels nice to still be "grooming" something XD)

Introductions / Re: Hi, Everypony!
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:48:59 AM »
Welcome to the Arena! Saw your post in another thread and thought I'd wish you welcome officialy in here  :P

Thank you, that's lovely of you! :D Dank je wel ;D x

Pony Corral / Who are the most "common" G1 ponies?
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:46:46 AM »
I've been browsing my way through a lot of the threads here on the Arena and I've noticed the term "common" G1 ponies mentioned an awful lot. I'm a very new collector so to me right now, I don't really know what's common or rare- so I was just wondering if there's a list of common ponies out there, or if perhaps you Ponypeeps could write down here some of the most common ones you know of? I was thinking as a new collector with not necessarily the biggest of budgets, it might be a good idea to keep an eye out for these more "common" ponies to start with, and see how that goes. Thanks for any help! :D

Pony Corral / Re: Show me mint condition ponies please!
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:35:12 AM »
I'm just here to drool at all of the gorgeous mint condition ponies, boy my pony wishlist is growing by the second! :D

Pony Corral / Re: Common ponies you NEVER find second hand
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:10:27 AM »
Coming in to this conversation as a new collector, which ponies are what you would describe as "common" ones? I don't really have the experience yet to tell if something is common or hard to find. Don't suppose there's a "list" of more common ponies floating about that I could look at that anyone knows off? It seems like as a newer collector it would be a good idea on trying to find the more "common" ponies firts :)

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