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Messages - ladybastilla

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Hi there! Great topic choice. :)

I'm new to ponies and posted seeking advice about starting to collect a few weeks ago. (I originally joined to talk about dolls.) Preventing burn out is actually one of the topics that came up in our conversation on that thread, since I had mentioned I ran a young adult book blog for three years and ultimately closed that because it was starting to turn reading into a task. (Something I could not permit as a writer!)

While book blogging and MLP are very different things, I think that the topic of burn out in pretty much any hobby does have a few root causes. I will do my best to focus these toward ponies for your convenience. :)

1. Avoid Gotta Catch 'Em All Syndrome

Trying to get every single release of every single gen on a worldwide basis seems like a recipe for headaches and stress. One of the biggest and most important pieces of advice that I was given was to collect what I love. As someone at a starting point that just makes sense. But even for someone who is at a much further point than me I think this should be the core of collecting. If you don't love the pony, why have it? The point of a collection should be to look at it / play with it / spend time with it / etc. and enjoy every little bit of it.

2. Decide what you want from your collection and reassess this if you find yourself getting stressed or anxious.

The core of my collecting, currently, is G4 since I got into MLP from watching Friendship is Magic. However, I've discovered that I love certain ponies from each of the different generations. I'm not interested in collecting "every G1", but I would like Crumpet since I'm an avid tea drinker, Minty since she was my one remembered childhood pony, Baby Paws because I had a dog that looked like his symbol who passed away last year and the pink Sweet Talkin' Pony because Chatterbox was my nickname as a kid, and my bf and I met long distance (we like to think that the two people are like that; silly I know.)

My point is: if space and finances are a concern, pick your battles (err, ponies) wisely. I can't speak for everyone, but my philosophy is that I would rather have a small collection with ponies I passionately love then a large one filled with random ponies I have no connection to.

3. Know what skills you do / don't possess in relation to ponies.

I do not have amazing restorative skills. I know this. May or may not acquire these as time goes on. For now, though, this means that if I am buying older ponies, I do what I can to make sure they're going to come to me in a form that I will find presentable since I'm currently not capable of changing it. I'd rather get one nice pony that I really want and whom I can immediately enjoy, rather than 7 ponies I'm not really into who need work that I currently cannot do.

4. Ask Yourself WHY It's Not Fun Anymore

Be honest with yourself... why isn't the pony thing working for you anymore? (Stressing you / becoming too hard / etc.) Do you have bills or a family emergency that simply -needs- to come first. Is there another hobby or collection that has stolen your heart? Do your friends and loved ones view your hobby negatively and has that impacted your enjoyment? Are you spending too much energy lusting over a grail pony you cannot currently obtain and not enjoying the ponies you have? I'm not gonna go into solutions and strategies for all of these (we'd be here all day) but getting to the heart of the matter is the first and most crucial step to figuring out what you need to find a solution -for-.

5. Re-connect with your ponies / whatever made you start to love collecting in the first place.

Make a cup of tea and grab a snack. Sit at a table and relax for a few minutes. Think about what brought you to ponies to begin with. What made it fun for you in the first place? One of the most powerful ways to deal with any sort of burn out is to look at the then / now mentality and see if it can point out where things have gone off kilter.

6. Take a break if you need to.

Whether you need to back off from spending, store your ponies for a while or just put your heart into another hobby when online, sometimes some space is what is needed to help us clear our heads and reassess our priorities. The ponies will be ready and waiting when you come back. :)


We live in a crazy, fast moving world that can really let us get overwhelmed easily if we let it. It can be hard to separate our hobbies and passions from family obligations, job requirements, etc. The desire to be "the best", to "have more" and to "drive harder" are constant and unrelenting in many aspects of life. It's no wonder that people mistakenly let those kinds of pressure slip into their hobbies--if we're giving 110% to the things we -have- to give it to, how much do we really want to give to the things we actually -want- to do? But of course, that kind of energy corrodes over time and can wear out passion and joy if we are not careful with it. The vast majority of us got here because we love ponies and find collecting them fun. If something is blocking someone from saying "Yes!" to the question of whether collecting them is fun, that tells me they've got something blocking them and they need to figure out what it is.

I hope this is helpful. Have a great day! :)

Pony Corral / Re: MLP Basket-Bucket Easter Sets at Walmart
« on: February 25, 2015, 02:02:14 PM »
That's pretty cute. :) Not sure if I'd buy that or not personally, but the concept is adorable.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Thrift store MIB G1 Ponies!!
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:33:09 PM »
How exciting! Congrats!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Cutie Mark Magic, Glamour Glow Rarity
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:07:55 PM »
I haven't seen the light up Rarity in a store yet. That's the only reason I don't have her here. I definitely want her and will get her when I get the chance, though. Enjoy!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 2/24/2015 Royal Riff
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:59:05 AM »
Don't have him. Would buy him as a brushable. Hey, Hasbro... are you trying to keep me from buying from you? *is confused*

Pony Corral / Re: Do you unbox your G4's?
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:52:43 AM »
Loose. The handful of other toys I've kept in boxes have taught me that when I do that the box can still be damaged. Plus, they're toys. I wanna play with them. If I wanted to collect something I wasn't gonna touch, there are many other beautiful things that could / would be lining my shelf. To each their own, though.

As for the accessory issue, if I'm not gonna use the accessories for my ponies I put 'em into their own little ziploc baggies (which I label) and keep them in a larger glittery Rarity tote that I bought. I'll come up with a better system as my collection grows, hopefully, but this works for now. 

Off Topic / Re: Who regrets not buying a toy you wanted?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:27:11 PM »
Dawn of the Dance Lagoona Blue. I had told my brother I wanted a Lagoona for Christmas, had SHOWN him the one, but he and his fiancee messed up and got a different one. I did not have the heart to tell them and by the time I realized this had happened that doll was no longer easy for me to find locally.

Venus McFlytrap. I really want(ed) her original doll and that simply did not happen. And the longer I've waited, the more of a pain I know she is going to be. Yes, there are other versions. But I want her with her diary and her pet.

Lalaloopsy Prairie Dusty Trails. I had her in my hand. She was $26 Canadian. But I had a few days before payday and my funds were lower than I wanted them to be so I passed. I never saw her again. Very frustrating!

Charm Wings Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I saw them along with Charm Wings Honey Rays and only bought Honey Rays even though everything pony-related at Target was 20% off. I didn't know whether I would be a big fan of the Charm Wing ponies but I am. Oh well.

Introductions / Re: Hello there!
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:18:34 PM »
Hello and welcome!

Peri Winkle is really cute and (original) Minty was one of my first ponies and I think the G3 version is cute as well. I wish you all the best trying to find the ponies you are looking for. :) Have a great day!

Introductions / Re: Hello!
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:14:58 PM »
Hi there! Welcome to the Arena! :)

I'd say that's an awesome amount! I'm just starting my collection: I have 11 ponies. :) It's wonderful that your family supports you in your love of ponies. A hobby like this is so much better and goes so much smoother when loved ones are on board.

Have a great day! :)

Introductions / Re: Hi there!
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:12:17 PM »
Hello, Liv! :)

You've definitely found an awesome resource here. There seem to be people who like every generation of pony, and people who may know about restoring them. (I'm really new to MLP, so I can't help you there.)

I only really "discovered" G3 ponies a few weeks ago when someone told me about Strawberry Reef. I wish I'd heard of them sooner. Some of their designs are totally unique and adorable and I cannot wait to get a few. I think my favorites are Soda Float, Butter Pop, Desert Blossom, Tea Leaf and Bee Bop.

Have a nice day! :)

Introductions / Re: Hello from the TP!
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:04:29 PM »
Hello :)

Always fun to meet others who enjoy the various generations of ponies. I got into them thanks to G4 and my interest has moved backward, which means there are just more ponies to choose from. :) How nice that your daughter enjoys the ppnies too. :) My boyfriend watches Friendship is Magic with me and has purchased a couple of my ponies for me, but he isn't interested outside that.

It's interesting that you decorate cakes. My mom got into that when my brothers and I were children. She use to rent pans shaped like different things and then decorate them with lots of different icing colors. I remember having Ninja Turtles, Barbie, My Little Pony and Wolverine as birthday cakes.

Have a nice day! :)

Pony Corral / Re: First and last childhood ponies
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:01:57 PM »
The only pony I actually remember owning as a kid was Minty. My mom insists I had more, but I simply don't remember them at all! I was more into Barbies and action figures like X-men and Ninja Turtlles. (I *vividly* remember my grandma walking up to the public school I went to, which was near her house, and giving me April O'Neil and Master Splinter.) It could be because I never watched the cartoon (most of my favorite toys, outside Barbie, were connected to shows) or it might have been that I liked having toys that my brothers would play with, too. I'm not sure.

Pony Corral / Re: Show your mlp-shelf. =)
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:56:36 PM »
I'm still working out a more permanent home for my ponies (they're chilling on the dresser for now) but I did a group shot of them on my desk for the time being.

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I can't wait to see my herd grow, but I need to get some proper shelving set up for them first. Fortunately, I have two bookshelves and with enough shuffling one of those will likely become where my ponies will end up. Oh the beauty of switching to Kindle for my books. I love print books, but that increase to font size (and massively reduced shelf space) is just so convenient.

Pony Corral / Re: Poor Cinnamon Breeze... :(
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:43:04 PM »
You totally have my sympathy! We have two dogs: Coco (bichon frise x shih tzu mix) who chews nothing, and Maggie (mini schnauzer x pug x shih tzu) who chews everything and can somehow jump twice her height. She hasn't chewed any dolls or ponies (I don't trust her near them) but she's gotten four pairs of shoes, a calendar, two books, the charging cable for a Wii U gamepad and four tablet / cell phone chargers. So I do know what it's like to have a chewer in my home.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 2/22/2015 Clover
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:21:15 PM »
Einhornbaby, your story is beautiful and I am very happy for you. :)

As for me, Clover doesn't grab me from a design standpoint. There's nothing wrong with her; she just doesn't really draw me in. I haven't seen the Tales cartoon--which, from what I can gather, seems to divide people--so I don't know if that would up my view of her or not.

I guess I'm neutral on this one?

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