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Messages - Shabi

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Pony Corral / Re: Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks versus Sun Fading
« on: January 05, 2017, 05:00:08 PM »
I know this theme is really old, but I would like to ask a question. Do we need to use the sun? It's the UV we need to sunfade and I figured an UV lamp would work much better. We don't have a lot of sunny days in Russia so sunfading is almost impossible. Are UV lamps dangerous? Have anyone used an UV lamp instead of the sun?

Pony Corral / Re: Cream for lightening/removing ink stains
« on: January 05, 2017, 03:33:54 PM »
Here's a useful page for cleaning
And a list of cleaning products,300933.msg271247.html#msg271247
If the stains are from a pen or a sharpie I'd recommend sunfading (more about it here,380329.msg1558782.html#msg1558782). If it's paint try to rub it off with nail polisher (careful not to touch any factory paint with it! it will smudge). I'd not recommend using Remove-Zit on a pink pony as it can discolor her.

Pony Corral / Re: Got snowed in...
« on: January 05, 2017, 02:49:53 PM »
It makes me wonder if you have a baity G4 Cupcake you could sell... I just bought a big lot and there's Cupcake's head with no body!  :( It's my first Cupcake... well, two thirds of her and I wanna fix her. It's funny how her hair is perfect with no frizz in it and the only problem she had is a small blue mark inside her ear that was easy to remove with acetone.

Pony Corral / Re: Stories to explain bad conditions?
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:14:02 AM »
Limone Mellow, thanks! I love all other stories in this theme too, you guys are creative :)

I just had to take a picture of her in a cool stance! She looks Fallout-y. Like she's in the middle of some ruins. Maybe the story could also be that she's in that alternative universe where they have a war with Sombra? Nah, that's another Skywishes I saw for sale here on the Arena. She had an awesome haircut (even tho it hurts me to see a rare pony with her hair cut). I wanna buy her and make battle armor for her now >_>" But I have three Skies already. I might have a problem  :lookround:
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Pony Corral / Re: Stories to explain bad conditions?
« on: January 03, 2017, 05:47:04 PM »
My G4 Skywishes has a bite mark on her muzzle. Rainbow Dash that came with her had cut messy hair and a lot of scratches. When I got them I had a story in my head where Fluttershy wandered into the Everfree Forest to get one of her animals and she was attacked by timberwolves. Rainbow Dash heard screaming when she was flying together with her friend Skywishes and they flew straight into the forest to help Fluttershy. They got into a fierce battle and Rainbow was the bravest so that's why she got so many scratches. But Skywishes saved her from a certain death when one of the timberwolves knocked her down and was about to strike the final blow - Skywishes covered RD with her own body! That resulted in her badly injured, but bought Dash time to recover and knock out the timberwolves. Her and Flutters took unconscious Sky to Ponyville hospital. Nurse Redheart patched her up pretty good :)

Sadly, I parted with that Rainbow so story ends with Skywishes moving to another town...

I'm in Moscow, Russia and I'm willing to help anyone in need! :) I can buy exclusive Russian pony merch like coloring books, international exclusive pony sets, Novi Stars dolls and most of the Russian exclusive pony figures and plushes you can find on MLP merch database. Here's a list of toys we have: (Discord and Celestia were never released here) (we don't have Maxis)

And I need help from German users: I need 20 inches (50cm) Nici MLP plushes, both sitting and standing ones. I have standing Pinkie Pie and sitting Rainbow Dash so I need anypony else. Any condition will do, price under 30$ please. If you could check out your local thrift shops I'll be super happy :)
Also I'm looking for Nakajima MLP plushes. I guess those are from Japan?

Thanks, everyone! I've already started repainting scratches and fixing their hair since I thought even if they were fakies they still need love too. But now that I know they're real I'm keeping them all even tho they're not perfect :) I was going to sell fakies and ponies I wasn't really attached to but I just can't, I love them all ;_;

By the way, have anyone tried fixing frizzy hair with an iron? The usual iron for clothes, not the one for hair. Sadly, I can't afford hair straightener. I've seen someone talking about it, but I've never seen actual guides to fix frizz with iron. Mine is also kind of old and all the printed numbers on it erased so I don't even know what temperatures it has. I have a fakie who's hair is terrible and cut so I'll try it on her first. I'll turn her into a custom so she needs a rehair anyway.

Also, that AJ's green strand is like 2 inches longer than the rest of her hair. Wut XD

Nella, I need Diamond Rose, but are you willing to ship to Russia? Most people don't :(

Pony Corral / Re: Selling an army of ponies
« on: January 01, 2017, 09:34:47 PM »
piinkypiie, SLH stands for Super Long Hair, those are G3 ponies with, well, really long hair :)

nhal039, yep, Applejack is from Rainbow Power line.
Violet CLM, factory rejects? What are those?

Wow, so they ARE real... Hasbro must be really lazy :) I have a lot of 2010 ponies and while they may have a small head/body mismatch they never had ugly seams on their heads and weren't made from cheap shiny plastic.

(extra points for getting that reference in title)

So I've bought a big lot of G4 ponies and I want to know if they're fakies. In Russia 80% of ponies OOB are fakies because we're friends with China and many people buy stuff from Aliexpress. That's why I need a person who owns these ponies to send me pictures from both sides and what's written on their hooves. Or just tell me if those ponies are fakies.

Blind bag sized:
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Mrs. Cake looks pretty original with her apron and good paintjob. The number on her hoof says just what googles for her playset so I'm sure she's original. Mr. Cake, on the other hand, looks really dim and has greyish color insted of bright yellow, his main color is visible through the paint and the plastic is more like rubber, it's very soft. Numbers on his hooves are "32561" and "#A6003".
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Apple Bumpkin also has a lazy paintjob: some of her hair isn't colored and some parts of her body are colored instead of hair. Her hoof with numbers is damaged and it's impossible to read what it says. But her backhooves lack the number of her series. She's from wave 13. I don't have any other pony from that wave to check if their hooves don't have the number too.
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Those ponies' hooves don't have any writings at all. I know this doesn't scream fakie - some international exclusives like Skywishes brushable don't have any numbers and they're still legit...
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...but this poor paintjob does. I mean whoever made those didn't even try. Rainbow's hair colors run into her face, the yellow on her wing is almost transparent. Lyrica has the same problem with her hair.
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That Pinke's face is seriously damaged and it looks like a factory mistake - it looks like it has been ruined by something very hot. A bit of her head and muzzle melted and her eye paint came off. Her hooves don't have any numbers printed on them and I know for sure they should.
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This is "doll with a pony" Fluttershy. I've bought her from a person who actually owns that doll. So she may be original.
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But look at this ugly seam on her head! Her plastic is also different from original ponies I have. It's a bit harder and dim.

I'm pretty sure this Cadance is a fakie but I want to make sure.
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She's shiny as hell and her head has a huge seam. She don't have any numbers on her hooves.

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That Applejack also has a seam on her head and is too shiny, but the numbers on her hooves say the right thing. I also saw the new brushables from the Rainbow Power line and some had seams. She also has a weird head/body mismatch which yellow ponies aren't supposed to have. It's almost like her head is made from different material...

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I know what you're thinking - "wait, they even made fakies of these?!". Yes they did. This Twilight is too shiny, her head has a seam and her hooves lack serial number. But maybe it's just those ponies with huge wings. I don't have any other to compare.

And last but not least - Crystal Princess Twilight Sparkle.
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The stamps on her hooves seem really bulgy. She's also really shiny.

I know there are people who have every single G4 pony and I hope they can help me :)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 1/1/2017 Birthday Pony
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:43:55 PM »
I've never seen her before but I do want! :D

To be fair I don't like the idea of customizing a pony that's not an ugly fakie. Be it super rare or common pony. I'm fascinated by the idea of restoration and I'm in the process of restoring some regular G4 ponies at the moment. Twilight Sparkle may be common, but the unicorn one with bangs is kind of rare and if I didn't have one already I would kill for one. So if I'd ever see G4 ponies with bangs being customized I'd be a sad pony :( But to each their own I guess. People are free to do whatever they want with the stuff they bought. I've seen videos of ponies being burned or crushed in a meat grinder. And while I think destroying any useful thing is disgusting I can't stop them. I just tend to ignore things I don't like.

Pony Corral / Re: Who or what has brought you to the darkside
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:12:18 PM »
I was collecting things since I was a kid. First there were easy to get cheap or free things: rocks, bottle caps etc. In my kindergarten years I watched The Lion King and absolutely fell in love with it so I collected TLK stuff all the way through school and I have a huge collection. I would buy TLK stuff even now but there is none in my country except coloring books and I got more than a hundred I think. I also collected Cheetos pogs in school. I still have my Ice Age 3 collection and I want to complete it!  :biggrin: In 2010 I got into ponies and as I always do I bought everything that was in stores. Of course I had G3 before that but all I did was sadistically cut their hair into mohawks and drawing on them. I hope to find them one day and restore them. Last few months I've been collecting like crazy, I want ALL the ponies!  :)

Pony Corral / Re: How has your Pony Luck been recently?
« on: December 19, 2016, 12:12:53 PM »
We didn't have g1 or g2 in Russia, so no wonder I've never seen them in the wild. And it's really weird I found some on Russian sites for selling old stuff (one of them called Avito).
My pony luck is great. I found g3 Rainbow Dash, g4 Sunny Rays, Cherry Berry, Cupcake, three Skywishes and a talking Pinkie Pie. Also soft princess Skyla for 7$.

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