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Messages - systemcat

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Sigs & Site Support / Re: Place This Thread Where?
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:00:06 PM »
Thank you for your suggestion ^.^. I just did near what you've advised.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Ponies Helping My Plea
« on: February 24, 2014, 05:58:03 PM »
I really wasn't sure where this should be placed till Kiwi intervened.  She said this section, but in the commissions thread as a suggestion. Since this isn't a request for commission work (which I won't object to if asked) I'm giving it it's own thread.

This is meant to be a herd of OC Ponies acting out my letter to you guys. None of these guys have names, and the cutie marks are shrunken down pieces of other art I've done.

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Sigs & Site Support / Place This Thread Where?
« on: February 24, 2014, 01:15:00 PM »
Not sure where in the forum this would best fit. Also the art for sale referred to in the piece is not MLP related. I posted a for sale thread a few weeks ago showing it.

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Pony Corral / Poor Tex ..What The?
« on: February 09, 2014, 08:14:04 PM »
Finally own one of the Big Brothers, I got Tex the other day ..and some thing is wrong with the pony.
Besides normal wear, the MLP has some thing embedded in it I can't identify in marks.

Does any one know what is going on from the leg into the flank?

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Systemcat's MLP Fan Art
« on: February 09, 2014, 08:02:46 PM »
To every one, thank you so much!!  :grouphug:

I know the colors in this aren't right, but then again its my interpretation of them.

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Sigs & Site Support / Can This Topic Be Made?
« on: February 04, 2014, 09:36:44 AM »
I know in the art section there is a thread started about commission work, but that is for related art to the forum.

Yesterday I took a group photo of multiple paintings I've done, with the premise of if posting it. It is meant to draw people in for either wanting to buy the art shown in the picture, or for prompting people, "hey I'm up for commission, these are some examples of my work."

May I make a thread stating about art for sale, and stating about being up for commission work? One of my friends here has already boosted about me being able to do people's pony art, so I'm not concerned about getting word out for that. It's my other art that is unknown here.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Systemcat's MLP Fan Art
« on: February 01, 2014, 06:56:27 AM »
Thank you so much Firehooves & ZennaBug  ^.^!

Here's some pony art I've been lazy about uploading to Photobucket, and a little new pony art too :cool:.

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Zig Zag's coloring is meant to be that way. The image has to do with one of Firehooves stories.
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Off Topic / Re: A Place for Web Comics Chat
« on: January 22, 2014, 03:03:15 PM »
You're right I was talking about ComicFury's forum. But as for starting my only forum for my comic. It isn't necessary. I have barely any one reading my comic  -_-. Advertising is some thing I'd like to do, but really just chatting nicely with others over the subject of web comics is what I really want.

Arts & Crafts Corral / G1 In A Forest Line Art
« on: January 22, 2014, 12:31:39 PM »
I need feedback before I continue this project. I'm not fond of "I like it but -", because that reminds me too much of what work is like under commission work.

The scene is meant to have the ponies looking purely G1 and not my take on G1, shown in that comic I posted the other day. Minus cutie marks this is meant to show Moondancer, Truly, Gypsy, and Zig Zag. The overlap will not show in the final, I just show it here because Moondancer's cutie mark will be covered up in the end. Please tell me if this is more acceptable for being considered G1? Modeling was done by looking at the MLPs I own and looking at reference images on Google.

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Off Topic / A Place for Web Comics Chat
« on: January 22, 2014, 10:45:13 AM »
Could some one here give advice where on the web is best to pipe up about a web comic?

I mean the only forums I know of which appear to be the main ones aren't good for the act. The place that hosts my comic has a forum, but it's ruled by a few top posters that attack any one talking about their work or any thing posted on for that matter. I actually felt the need to give a PM to the forum Admin. explaining my leaving. But the point to this is be it DA, CF, CG, or Topwebcomics. No place high up seems good for discussion. I'd talk here on the subject, but my comic has nothing to do with MLP, so it would be a bad idea.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Systemcat's MLP Fan Art
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:31:42 PM »
Twice over Stormness_1, thank you so much  ^.^!

I couldn't resist making this, after months ago noticing the actor connection  :).
(The art is new, it's the realization that happened months ago.)

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Sigs & Site Support / Re: Please Allow This To Be Seen
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:26:48 PM »
Thank you so much *hug*  :)!

I just uploaded the image to Photobucket for here  ^.^.

Sigs & Site Support / Please Allow This To Be Seen
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:06:49 PM »
Months back I started an art thread meant to contain all of my MLP art, but customs. I added a post once containing new art, but because of how the forum merges posts when two are back to back from one poster, this addition was never noticed. The thread on the surface looked like it had not been updated. A short while ago I made a new piece of fan art, but would rather not make a new thread, but would like to group it in with my older MLP art.

Could the thread be bumped up so members would notice it's existence? Otherwise I'll add in the art, and the thread from months ago still appears like nothing has occurred to it with the old post date, pages 'n pages back buried in the depths of the forum  :|.

(The topic's link can be found in my sig.)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: G1 My Little Pony Comic
« on: January 11, 2014, 06:28:57 AM »
Your comics are awesome! I like Posey the most :)

Thanks  :)! I actually have a long history of  making & drawing comics. This is just my first dive into doing an MLP comic, though not being it's writer. I'll be glad to share my other comic work if you're interested :cool:?

Gosh! You must have put so much time and energy into these. I really like how your style is, although fantasy, reminiscent of an actual horse rather than perhaps the overly stylised way G4 has developed. It certainly suits the fact it is G1 ponies being shown. Great work!

Too many hours to count  :lol:! Firehooves got lucky with this  ^.^. Normally devoting this much effort into a piece for another is something I'd charge another on. Although in this case I just wanted to take care of an itch I'd been having for a while to illustrate a comic nicely that I wasn't the writer to. The urge for a fun project  :).

I can do many other styles of drawing. Choosing not to draw in G4 style is because it's over used, and I'm frankly tried of people viewing it as the definitive style MLP must be drawn in by many fans.

Thank you very much for saying this is great work  :)!

Now what every one has been waiting for! All the pages put together and with text! When looking at this it's going to be clear why no text version pages of this were posted first. I've never been fond of covering up art with words. Some thing I try hard not to do with my web comic (which I'm aware many of you have never heard me mention before). In that web comic I color code each character with a different color speech bubble and this also in a sense applies to them thinking with a reverse of coloring of sorts. I was not sure if that would have been a good idea here given the fact I've never seen other artists do it to the extent I do with the web comic. Although I must say adding in the word bubbles in this I sorely missed my normal way of relaying character speech from what I'm used to. Fun lesson learned while working on this though. That I can copy text into Corel Painter, for ages I didn't know that was possible.

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: G1 My Little Pony Comic
« on: January 09, 2014, 05:17:44 AM »
You're welcome! :) Sadly I think that's a general problem in DA, people are very lazy to comment on any artwork (not just pony related), even talented artists and fantastic pieces of art often go unnoticed. Sometimes you see Daily Deviations that have lots of comments and favourites but when you check the artist's gallery, their other (equally great pieces) have very few favourites and they might not have much pageviews either. I have to admit I don't comment that often on DA myself... I'm one of those people who fave and run. ;) But you do have a point, ponies don't get much attention over there unless they are G4.

Nice job on the newest page! Posey's face is priceless in the middle panel. :snicker: Surprise's anatomy looks a bit off in the second panel, mainly the left front leg (our right) which could perhaps be moved closer to the other so her chest wouldn't appear so wide. It's a tricky pose and perspective, though! Foreshortening is something I really struggle with (to such an extent that I generally just avoid it  :P ). You manage to convey the sense of angles and distance well, and in a comic I think that's more important than anatomical accuracy. The proportions can even be exaggerated for extra impact like you've done with the right front leg.     

Thanks Griffin  :)!

I checked out the gallery of a Daily Deviant winner the other day because I was convinced they had been rewarded one in the past, and I was just trying to confirm my suspicions. I was wrong, but did notice what you just mentioned. At least in comments, this artist was not acknowledged. Most pieces had 2,3, or 5 comments.

I know Posey's anatomical accuracy is a little off, but I think it's ok when not trying to be realistic. To boil this down simple, I'm trying to make the best cartooned horses I can. That has to be one of the nicer critiques I've gotten. Dude, share your DA user name, and I'll give you a llama  ^.^.

Again, awesome work system! :D Though I wish more people would compliment you on it, though. *sigh* some fans are just too dtuck on the G4 art style to even TRY to like anything else! O_o

Thanks Firehooves  :biggrin:! ...I'm unfortunately used to not getting comments & over looked  -_-.

Here's the final page, page 5  :). Next up I'll be adding in the text & combining them all into one large piece.

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