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Messages - CrazyCatLady

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Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP - START SHOPPING!
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:07:51 PM »
Let's see-I don't collect dolls, so no need for clothes or wigs. And since I'm not collecting ponies anymore, I'm really not looking for any MLP extras.

Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP - START SHOPPING!
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:12:50 PM »
Allergies-smoke, any strong scents (probably best not to send me anything scented) mold/dust. I doubt the last 2 will be a problem, who sends moldy, dusty swap items? Lol.
Not big on Japanese things. Little keychains or magnets from other cities/countries would be nice.

Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP - START SHOPPING!
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:46:58 AM »
Just added a note to my wishlist (it's in red)!

Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP - START SHOPPING!
« on: January 28, 2013, 08:54:07 AM »
I don't think my birds would be too upset if I opened their present for them, lol. We just got 2 of them Saturday and haven't decided on names for them yet.  The first pair are called Smith & Wesson (my son's idea  :lol:).

Thanks Ponylady. I may try & track down Loa if no one else offers.

I'm looking for something for a swap, and the only place I've found it is on a site in NZ.  They won't ship the item I want out of NZ. So, if someone would be nice enough to have it sent to them, then ship it to me in the US I would be very grateful. I would of course Paypal you all the necessary funds upfront.

I think if you collect specific toys or dolls, you should state which ones you want. Or at least list the ones you have. If you just say something like "anything pokemon" be prepared to get duplicates.
A lot of people are posting photos of what they have, that's helpful.

Ok, I think I'm done tweaking my list (page 2).  Link is in my sig.  ;)

Will be giving my wish list one final tweak this afternoon.  Trying to decide if I want to break it into 2 list, one for the $25, one for the $40.  Although the chances of 2 people trying to buy me the same thing are probably pretty slim.

Off Topic / Re: How is your eyesight?
« on: January 26, 2013, 02:35:49 PM »
I'm extremely near-sighted, I've been wearing glasses since 2nd grade but probably needed them in kindergarten.  I switched to contacts when I was 12 because my prescription was changing every 6 months-the hard contacts slowed things down. I can't even see the chart, the tech just stands about 2 feet away and asks how many fingers she's holding up.
Luckily my son inherited his dad's eyesight-perfect 20/20.

Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP SIGN UP's - Ending 1/28
« on: January 26, 2013, 10:35:55 AM »
Just remembered I will be getting a large chunk of money next month, so I'm seriously considering signing up for the $40 also.
Ooh, Tiki-I love those lamps.  I would have a blast shopping for you (and I can see that being a new collection for me!)

Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP SIGN UP's - Ending 1/28
« on: January 25, 2013, 08:27:53 AM »
For a pony swap I've been know to spend up to $10 on extras.  But for this one I'll probably spend more on the actual swap items, and maybe $5 on extras.

Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP SIGN UP's - Ending 1/28
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:09:38 AM »
Quick question can we add to our wish lists?
I'm been tweaking mine almost every day.  I don't think it matters until we're assigned our partners on the 29th.

Off Topic / Re: Lets talk babies and money..
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:44:59 AM »
I had my son years ago, so I have no idea what it costs now. But you can only plan so much for the circumstances surrounding a birth.  Sometimes a c-section is necessary, although you can tell your doctor you'd like to avoid it. Other things can pop up, like premature labor, pre-eclampsia, etc.
 I did want to say that Medicare is mostly for the elderly or disabled, and Medicaid is for low income people. It's pretty hard for an adult without children to get Medicaid, although I think the income threshold varies from state-state.  They look at your assets & income.
Also, the new insurance laws kick in for 2014, and everything would change then.

Off Topic / Re: RANDOM "other collections" SWAP SIGN UP's - Ending 1/28
« on: January 22, 2013, 05:19:44 PM »
ummm... I signed up for the 25 dollar swap, not the 40  :blush:
Aw, come on Cotton-Splurge! :lmao:

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