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Messages - CoonhoundBetty

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 85
Trader & Shipping Support / Re: question about amazon shipping?
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:53:42 AM »
I do a lot of Amazon shopping, and always leave feedback on packaging. I had one package that (oh my word, I LOATHE my mail carrier) got completely soaked because the carrier left it out in the rain, and Amazon didn't have my books wrapped (thankfully, there was a sheet of bubblewrap on top). The largest book in that box (which was a gift for my sister) did have some water damage, and I contacted Amazon, and they gave me a partial refund since I couldn't return it and receive a new one in time for my sister's birthday. I do hope they start to change their packaging (shrinkwrap please!!), but have been very pleased with their customer service (holy novel, Batman!).

Off Topic / Re: The Official Once Upon a Time Discussion thread (OUAT)
« on: November 04, 2013, 12:17:23 AM »
I didn't like the Ariel storyline, and I'm bummed. Maybe it was the actress? And the part where the Ursula statue chokes Regina through the mirror? That was super corny. The whole 'have me met before? no? okay, travel the world with me' was *weird*, however, Eric mentioned Agrabah, so maybe Jasmine is next??

Emma & Hook, oh my word. Be still my heart, his 'dark secret' was...I think I stopped breathing while he was talking LOL

Neal saying that he's not going to stop fighting for her? CREEPER lol

Pony Corral / Re: Would you buy? Poll #3
« on: November 03, 2013, 03:51:58 AM »
I lovelovelovelove Big Mac   :lovey:

Hate Shining Armor's hair though...although it doesn't tangle, even with a 4yo playing with it. I'd have to see it, but I would most definitely buy it for myself AND my daughter  :biggrin:

I would love to swim in your pony collection, a la Scroodge McDuck! 

This is exactly what I was thinking :) Swimming in ponies...I want to live in your room!

Off Topic / Re: Wow! Most Epic Costumes Ever!
« on: November 01, 2013, 07:19:27 AM »
that is so awesome!!

Pony Corral / Re: DD's Twilight Sparkle Costume
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:46:53 AM »
Thanks everyone! My little filly is all tuckered out from the excitement! Her school party was today and she is totally wiped. Now she wants me to make her some Pinkie Pie comfy pants lol

Such a well done costume! Honestly I think this may be my favourite of any My Little Pony costume I've ever seen.

Wow thanks!!

[post merge ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Who is the blue haired unicorn?
I think that's Silver Spoon?

Pony Corral / Re: DD's Twilight Sparkle Costume
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:33:03 AM »
So cute!! And I'd love to have those pants in my size. :)

It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Pinterest has some really good tutorials--all I had to do was trace pants that fit her well onto some fabric and follow some instructions. Voila! MLP comfy pants! (I think she wants me to make her pants off the Mane 6 lol)

Pony Corral / Re: Pinkie Pie costume :)
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:16:18 AM »
coonhoundbetty make sure you post a pic, I'd love to see your daughter's costume :)
here ya go!,343912.0.html

Pony Corral / DD's Twilight Sparkle Costume
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:09:29 AM »
My 4yo wanted to be Twilight Sparkle for Halloween this year :) I was happy to oblige!

Details first! At first, I was just going to use a pair of purple pants she had, and paint the cutie mark on...then I realized that the ears/horn I had made were a completely different shade of purple. Scrap that, and made pants from the same material as the ears/horn, and then heatnbond to attach a cutie mark I had made out of felt (then handstitched the smaller 'sparkles'). I used a stretchy purple headband, sewed the horn and ears onto it, and sewed strips of fleece to make up the mane. A bit bulky, but it ended up working really well since we had to trick-or-treat in the rain! At least it wasn't snow, right?

Just a plain purple shirt because I couldn't think what else to do...and I didn't want to make a sweatshirt from scratch as well.
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Posing on Grandma's porch, ready to get our candy on! I love how she posed to show off her cutie mark :)
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And now, time for bed and up early tomorrow for her Halloween party at school (16's going to be utter chaos. Maybe I should have made myself a Discord costume??)

The closest one to me is over an hour away. I certainly don't want to pay a membership for one item. Hopefully I can get my brother to do so. He lives in that town and has been talking about getting a membership for a few months.

This is what I did :) My sister has a membership, and I asked her to check for me. She picked up a set for my daughter for Christmas! She said there were a bunch at the one she went to last week.

Pony Corral / Re: G3 Tangerine Twinkle Question
« on: October 29, 2013, 11:20:41 PM »
I just went to look for my 4yo's Tangerine Twinkle to check. Nope. But she did just get it for her birthday at the beginning of the month from my best friend, so maybe since it's been washed recently, it's not too oily yet.

Pony Corral / Re: Anyone dressing up as a pony for Halloween?
« on: October 29, 2013, 08:38:36 AM »
My 4yo is going as Twilight Sparkle...I just have one more ear and the horn to sew on, and then it is DONE.

After last year's fiasco (I DIY'd a Jessie from Toy Story costume, finished it the night before her Halloween party at school, and the power went out as I was putting the final touches on it), I sure hope she looks back on these costumes and realizes how much love her Momma put into them!

Off Topic / Re: Pics of your pets in clothes?
« on: October 29, 2013, 06:00:56 AM »
Altering a hoodie for dogs is a good idea I might try it! Our big dog's jacket doesn't fit anymore.

here is an old post from my boring old blog lol

Pony Corral / Re: Hasbro Makes it Hard to be an adult MLP Collector
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:16:22 AM »

So then g4 came out and somewhere somehow it become all about these Bronies. How when why, I don't even pretend to understand. I'm not saying MLP is only a girls toy, but I have issues with teen/young men telling me how ponies are supposed to be. What toys are supposed to be, what merch I should see in stores, how tv characters personalities are supposed to be. I also have issues with the fact that I have a 3 year old daughter who loves the show and who loves the few ponies she has and how sad she gets when we find blind bags that are torn open ever time we are at Walmart and Target, how ponies are ripped out of boxes or the shelves are empty because certain people feel they can do that because the show is so popular and in their minds kids shouldn't have them.

fact is fact - it's a *toy* line with a cartoon.

Now, I'd say a good majority of us are "adult" collectors because we had g1 as a child and we loved those ponies and we love that we have people who are as obsessed with MLP as we are. We liked the other generations for the way it reminded us of our childhood. We buy the current G4 because we have kids that love it or because "hey it's ponies".

I guess it bothers me that the line is lacking in variety. I'm used to lots of ponies. We didn't have 100 versions of Cotton Candy when I was kid. It also bothers me that somewhere someone in Hasbro HQ thinks that it's a good idea to have a gem encrusted light up pony for $50 because "it's a fan favorite". It's a statue, not a MLP toy IMO.

What I would love and would make me happy as a collector? First off better QC - and second. Make ponies Hasbro. Lots of ponies. Who cares if they are in the show or not. Ponies are meant for playing, for brushing, for pretending. Give my daughter ponies so she can play ponies, not PP's army of clones,.


My 4yo and your 3yo would get along smashingly!

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