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Messages - Naamah

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Customs / Re: Ceres
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:39:50 PM »
I love her!  She is so adorable!  That hair color is really perfect for her.

Customs / Re: Merry Go Round restore!
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:16:03 PM »
She looks SO HAPPY to be restored!  She really does!  I love her!

Customs / Re: Pearlizing ponies
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:12:58 PM »
I've had good luck using just plain Pearl-Ex powder rubbed into the vinyl with a makeup sponge.  It doesn't cover up flaws, though, it just adds a pearly finish to whatever it's on top of.  But it's great for ears and brow ridges and so on, because you can just rub it on and it sticks best to the high points.  And it's easier to get a fade on it than it is with liquid paint.

Here's one I did this way, and you can see the effect is subtle.  I could have given it a heavier treatment, but I kept it subdued so she'd shimmer just a little.  It did even out and lighten the yellowed Majesty's coat quite a bit, but it didn't cover the few pink marker marks she had on her NDS.

MLP4me's advice on using pearlized acrylics is spot-on, if you want better coverage and a more durable finish.  Excellent breakdown of how to get it on evenly and smoothly.  (I have had no trouble with the powder coming off, it sticks to the vinyl like CRAZY, but I admit I don't seal it, I apply it on top of the sealer, so . . . can't be 100% sure it's as durable as pearl paint.  For a pony that won't be handled, I trust it.)

Customs / Re: Mommy and baby Make a wish, Raffle!
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:04:51 PM »
I SWEAR I just heard my grandmother (long since passed away) say "GAW-juss" in her Southern Belle drawl.  I think just saying "gorgeous" would be insufficient.  They have to be "GAW-juss", because that implies total fabulosity as well!  "Jus' like a movie stah!" :D

That cutie mark on the baby just works so well, and your outlining is so clean and so fine.  REALLY impressive work there!

Customs / Re: *~* More art ponies - an alien and a sonnet *~*
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:01:04 PM »
The cyborg pony is SO COOL.  Seriously.  Very cool.  I love the minimal eyes.  Creepy yet cute.  Her hair is GREAT.  Everything pulls together really nicely.   :cool:

The sonnet pony made me squeal.  I LOVE HER.  I WANT TO CUDDLE HER.  I've been thinking about doing a parchment pony with an inkwell and ink blots for a mark and have the rest just be covered with faint writing, and I was thinking it would probably look bad, like too crowded?  But this convinces me that it would look REALLY GOOD.  Honestly, she is just stunningly beautiful, and just the sweetest thing.  I would totally blub if someone gave her to me as a v-day present.

Customs / Re: "Serenity" - G3 Styling size
« on: July 19, 2012, 02:50:53 PM »
She's gorgeous!  Oh my goodness!  The colors are so subdued and elegant and beautiful.

Customs / Re: In brightest day...
« on: July 19, 2012, 02:49:24 PM »
As a huge JL fan, I have to say that this works for me in every way.  I can totally see Equestria having a representative in the Green Lantern Corps.

Love the hair!

Customs / Re: ~* Morta *~ a G3 custom
« on: July 19, 2012, 02:46:53 PM »
I love her I love her I love her!  :D

She is ADORABLE!  Her eyes are creepy but cute, and her cutie mark is beyond adorable!  I love the grey and pink together, it's like toned down red and black.  It works really well.  <3

So cool.

Customs / Re: Micron Pigma archival pens and pony vinyl: good match?
« on: July 07, 2012, 12:24:22 PM »
*blushes*  I have a fan!  *blushes more*  I am really flattered by that considering the absolutely incredible stuff that gets posted here!

If I could just get some freakin' spare money that doesn't go to vet bills and keeping the AC on in this confounded Oklahoma heat (and you were not taking a break to get caught up) ohhhhh, I'd be hitting you up for some airbrushed baits because SO MANY IDEAS.  And most of them are gradients.  *flattens ears*

I have a nasty bait I drew on with a Micron a couple months ago.  I think I'll go check on it presently!

They are waterproof, though I don't recall if they said it was India ink but it is waterfast (and I have tested that extensively on paper by painting over it with everything in the world).  Stuff acts differently on vinyl, though.

Customs / Re: Amor Volat! G3 Sweet pink and yellow custom! Pic heavy.
« on: July 07, 2012, 12:20:23 PM »
Thank you, everyone!  Thank you so much.  <3

I've been having some really scary and painful stuff going on in real life that I just need to get away from, and the lovely comments y'all leave give me a big pick-up.  I really love sharing here, because people here really understand and appreciate the work it takes and they understand the pony thing.  The folks on my journal are SO supportive and excited, and they get the effort involved, but they aren't pony people, mostly.  I know y'all get it.

I'm hoping to post more customs really soon, since I've got pics of two others (PIRATE PONY) but I don't wanna flood the board with too much!

Customs / Re: My first custom.
« on: July 07, 2012, 10:40:11 AM »
Oh, man, repainting eyes is evil.  I don't like doing it at allll.  I always have to, but we hates it, my precious.  It burns us.

I love her! Her body color is so sparkly! And she has little bubbles on her hoof!  I adore seahorses (weird AND cute, so total win).

I am super-impressed that this was a McPony; I have some of those and was wondering if it was possible to give them real tails.  APPARENTLY YES.  YES IT IS.  So. Awesome.  She looks really smooth to me!

I am not using anything but Testors Dullcote for a sealer from now on.  I am sure lots of folks will say the same.  I was dubious at best, but man, the stuff is amazing.  Just amazing.  Worth the trouble to find, worth the price!

Customs / Amor Volat! G3 Sweet pink and yellow custom! Pic heavy.
« on: July 07, 2012, 10:29:20 AM »
Here is Amor Volat (Latin for Love Flies).  My husband calls her the "biker mama" pony (and secretly really adores her, but don't tell him I can tell).  I think that is accurate.

She likes mosh pits, playing in the snow, new tattoos, and eating ice cream until she gets a head freeze.   And those rides at the fair that sling you around until you get crazy dizzy?  Yeah.  Her favorite.

She started out as a G3 Sunny Daze in really awful shape, the poor thing, so she needed a FBR. I used the new Liquitex acrylic spray paint, and the experiment went pretty well.  (I will post a detailed product review soon, because I think it's pretty new and is something people might be wondering about.)

I rehaired her in Dollyhair nylon in Old Bubblegum and Butterfly.

The pics came out very blue-tinted because I messed up the light settings on my camera, and I had to color correct them in PS 'cause I was too bushed for a re-shoot, so if some bits of her markings look purple, sorry.  They are really pink.  My husband deserves props for, uhh, props?  That's his leather jacket in the background.

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Amor Volat 01 by Naamah Darling, on Flickr

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Amor Volat 09 by Naamah Darling, on Flickr

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Amor Volat 04 by Naamah Darling, on Flickr

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Amor Volat 06 by Naamah Darling, on Flickr

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Amor Volat 08 by Naamah Darling, on Flickr

Her non-display side.  Her markings were outlined in pearlescent black paint, which is admittedly hard to see in pics.

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Amor Volat 10 by Naamah Darling, on Flickr

Her hair.  Her haaaaair.  I cannot stop petting it.  I conditioned it when I combed it flat and it's like silk.  Candy-colored silk.

As if her relentless cuteness were not enough, there is one more thing to love about her.  A friend wondered what she'd look like under UV light, so my husband lunged for the blacklight and we gleefully performed this experiment:

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Amor Volat under blacklight by Naamah Darling, on Flickr

How nifty is that?  Her body turned a rich purple, and her hair fluoresced green and orange!  Happy accident, and now you know what those colors look like under a blacklight! (Answer: COOL.)

I am really happy with her.

She is up for auction at my Livejournal until Tuesday, link SFW, rest of my journal 18+.  Anyone can bid, you don't have to be an LJ member.  Directions at post.  (If linking to that is not allowed, I'll yank it, someone just tell me. I don't wanna break any rules or make anyone mad.)

Customs / Micron Pigma archival pens and pony vinyl: good match?
« on: July 07, 2012, 09:13:43 AM »
I have a design that calls for fine detail in black and red, and was wondering if it would be safe to use my beloved Micron Pigma archival drawing pens.  I'm concerned about long-term bleeding into the vinyl, like those awful and sad blue/purple stains that haunt my bait ponies from years past.

I'd be using them right over the vinyl, without a FBR.

So.  Have you used them?  And when?  (Like, "It's been five years and no bleeding!")  What do you think the threshold would be for knowing it was safe?  I don't wanna devote the time to a really complex pony and have it go south on the owner years down the line.  I'd feel so bad.

I know that colored inks can behave differently, so does anyone have experience with those, too?

And if anyone wants to post pics, if they've used these pens, I'd probably splode.  That would be awesome, too.  Y'all must love to show off your work just as much as me, and I will take ANY EXCUSE! LOL :D

Y'all, by the way, are wonderful folks, and even if I don't comment as much as I'd like to be able to, the customs forum has been a great information source and a great source of inspiration, and just a generally beautiful place to browse on days when I am feeling blah.  <3  I heart you all.

Customs / Re: Glow bug purple butterfly
« on: July 07, 2012, 09:03:00 AM »
Aguh. Abubuh.  ASKFDJKL EEEEEE!!!

That is GORGEOUS!  The paaaaaint!  *grabbyhands* 

I adore the cutie mark with the little blinky trails!  :D  I love fireflies, and this is a perfect firefly custom!

GAAAAH I can't write more than four words without scrolling back up to look at those pics of her in natural light!  She is just brilliant!

I decided NOT to get an airbrush last year (no room to work in, noise, mess) but those metallic paints?  Seriously reconsidering right now.  Like, how much do I have in my bank account reconsidering.  Breathtaking.

Customs / Re: G4 Disney's Stitch custom
« on: July 07, 2012, 08:55:30 AM »
Man, that cutie mark is straight-up pro.  It looks, both design and paint-wise, just like a printed cutie mark symbol.  Love it!  And her eeeeeeeyes!!!  Oh, so pretty!  Without being too-too much.

That Stitch is SO cool.  He looks GREAT.

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