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Messages - mejohnson85

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The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 31, 2012, 08:05:36 PM »
My SDCC Ghoulia stand just snapped.  :shocked:

Oh No!!! Can it be saved?

The Dollhouse / Mejohnson's wants (found all, please delete)
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:36:05 PM »
I am really only looking to buy the plushies MIB. I am looking for:

1. Clawdeen
2. Spectra
3. Ghoulia
4. Frankie
5. Draculara
6. Abbey
7. Deuce
8. Cleo

If anyone has one of these, please PM me  ^.^

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:07:20 PM »
Oooooo... Something tells me I will be ordering Draculaura's powder room and Ghoulia's scooter tomorrow...  :biggrin: They are on sale at

Post Merge: December 30, 2012, 11:23:34 PM

Also, does anyone know if someone is selling the Clawdeen Plush MIB? I am trying to get one for my oldest and they no longer have them on eBay really and the one on Amazon is 98 fricken dollars... OMG! Just curious  ^.^

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 30, 2012, 10:36:45 PM »
I sure hope he and the rest of the basic Scaris dolls start showing up in bigger stores like Walmart, TRU, Target...Is it likely?

I have found the scaris dolls at both walmart, target, tru and justice... The justice website had all 5 up until today... They also had all of the sacris lite version (the one with deuce) except of course deuce. Tru has the scaris lite numbers up on the website but they are unavailable for shipping... The DC dolls are on the justice website, if anyone is interested. I also have 2 fun cards from justice that have to be used by the 31st... You have to spend $50 pre tax... but with 2 or more dolls you are there... I just dont have the money to toss $50+ bucks around right now... maybe when payday hits :) Kmart also had the scaris light version (sans deuce) for 12.99  a piece and the DC dolls as well. I will let you know how I feel about as my mommy ordered me all the dance class dolls and the scaris cafe the other day... should arrive on the 3rd... As far as Howleen I have 2 of her. I plan to debox and play with one and then keep the other one in box...

Post Merge: December 30, 2012, 10:39:52 PM

BTW I have found this website to help with the release of dolls although they are off on a couple of dates... otherwise they are pretty much solid as well...

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 30, 2012, 10:24:10 PM »
Welcome to monsterland Lilac-Mint!  ^.^ The BST sub-forum here is probably the best place to look for older dolls or clothes! There's also places like dollymarket, the MH tag on tumblr, or of course evilbay... YMMV of course!

Thank you! I've been lurking the BST sub-forum trying to keep a watchful eye out! Thanks again!

I don't get why they don't put stands in every box! I'd rather have stands then combs!

I totally agree... I only need one brush to brush everyone hair, but I need more stands to have everyone on display!! Lol

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 30, 2012, 10:40:44 AM »
I originally got in to monster high collecting,

A) because my mother bought some dolls and had them set up and I liked them

B) she bought my daughter her first doll and I had to keep myself from taking it all the time to play with  :blush:

I actually just started collecting the dolls in Aug/Sept and I have been able to get all but a few of the play sets and the newest releases. I was a little upset because I bought a set on eBay and then found it in stores and I could have gotten it WAAAAYYYY cheaper... oh well... My husband gets a little irritated when I spend about 30-40 minutes calling all the TRU and Justice stores in the area to see what they have. I have also added Kmart (since there is only one within walking distance to my house) and Walmart to my lists as well as the Kohl's by my mothers house. I tend to just pop in to them and check to see if there is any new stock... Normally not... but hey, once they start shipping them more often, I will have them  :biggrin:
My original love was Clawdeen, but I am liking Lagoona more and more as well as well as Howleen and Robecca.... I am pretty sure I am in love with them all... but if I had to pick... it would be Lagoona at the moment  ^.^

The Dollhouse / Re: Scaris Ghoulia...
« on: December 29, 2012, 02:35:01 PM »
I really hope to get her once she gets to our area. Man, it takes forever for the new releases to get here!

If you dont really mind price... she is up on the justice website and they ship it to your home.

Post Merge: December 29, 2012, 02:39:17 PM

Also if you dont mind they have all the scaris lite dolls except deuce as of today, which means deuce should be along shortly after... hopefully...

The Dollhouse / Re: Scaris Ghoulia...
« on: December 28, 2012, 08:37:44 PM »
I can see if I can find him for ya... I have been lucky enough to get 4 him... One for my mom, my daughter, my son (who only wanted deuce) and then one for me...

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 28, 2012, 08:33:54 PM »
I love when our families can join in on our hobbies (i.e. hiding Rochelle, and ray's hubby "finding" a Skelita tattoo)  I just asked my husband if he could name a MH doll and he said "Um.... Chloe?  And there's that wolf one."  You have no idea how proud this made me :lol:  He was so close!

I need a moment to pout to you all:(  For Christmas, I asked for a couple new lines of dolls (Bratzilliaz, and Novi Stars, among others) so most of my presents were not MH.  That means I have a whole bunch of catching up to do.  But I've recently hit a snag money wise:(  I got into a minor car accident during a freak snowstorm on Christmas Eve, I had a rather large, unexpected doctor bill, and I've got to start paying my 2013 insurance deductable soon.  This leaves NO money for dolls:(  Growing up sucks!

I know... growing up sucks! I am hoping to get some more of the stuff for my collection... I am hoping to have it finished by the time tax season comes around. Shouldn't take me too much longer...

The Dollhouse / Re: Scaris Ghoulia...
« on: December 28, 2012, 08:05:53 PM »
If you go to they have all the deluxe scaris dolls for $34.00, they have the ghouls alive for $40 and they have all the scaris lite dolls except deuce for $24.00. They also have all the dance class for $24.00 and DDG lagoona and operetta. Thought I would let you all know...

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 28, 2012, 10:26:01 AM »
As of today I am missing:
1. Draculaura's Powder Room (w/o doll)
2. Ghoulia's Scooter (w/o doll)
3. MH High School Playset
4. Frankie's Vanity
5. Abbey's Bed
6. Scaris Frights Mini
7. Ghoul Spirit 3pk TRU exclusive
8. Catrine DeMew
9. Swim Lagoona
10. Swim Venus
11. Swim Draculaura
12. PD Lagoona
13. PD Frankie
14. PD Operetta
15. Head Mistress Bloodgood
16. RM Clawdeen
17. RM Abbey (single)
18. Target Exclusive "Polterghoul"
19. Target Exclusive "Wonder Wolf"

Most of the ones I am missing are due to come out soon... I am also missing all of the fashion packs (which haven't interested me thus far...
I am missing the plushies of Clawdeen, Draculaura, Deuce, Spectra, Ghoulia, Frankie, Abbey and Cleo
Thats pretty much it...

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:32:03 AM »
Unfortunately if I get a new place I am not going to get my own doll room... Unless I buy a house that has 7 rooms, I say that because I have 3 kids now, and my husband wants one more boy, and I want them each to have their own room. Also because my husband needs a man cave... I am tired of fighting for TV time... not only for me but for the kiddos as well... Dang that Call-of-duty Black ops 2  -_- .... And then one for myself... I have been lurking on pinterest and have found dozens of things I want in my house to make my life easier... a mud room, double washer and dryer.... But I am going to have to get a high paying job for that... as far as the MH room I am super jealous... My profile pic is of my dolls but its not all of them... there are boxes behind the bottom row against the shelf that have a bunch in them... I hope to get a house big enough so I can display them... I was thinking about doing a shelf round the top of my room so I could display them...

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 25, 2012, 05:47:30 PM »
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a beautiful holiday!

I'm really close to giving up this whole Monster High thing, it is just getting to be too much for me. Looking for dolls desperately and not being able to find them, it shouldn't frustrate me as much as it is :P I'm still trying to get Jinafire in stores, really rather desperately. Had pretty bad luck at stores on my birthday a few days ago, and I think that broke me. I don't wanna whine, but this ride's just getting too frustrating for me to handle. I had to stop and tell myself, whoah. You're getting all worked up over plastic dolls. :')

Am I being impatient? Do you think Jinafire'll be easier to find after the holidays? I hope so! I hope that it's just been really bad this month because of Christmas, and things'll calm down soon enough.

I got like this shortly after I started collecting. It felt like everyone was finding Robecca and Venus, but there weren't any around here! I was so frustrated, I was driving all over town and calling tons of different stores to no avail at all. I actually called one Walmart who said they had Venus, drove 30 minutes out to get her and was told they never had her to begin with. It was maddening!

Now I just say, "Today, I'll check at Target. If there's nothing there, I'll just live with getting nothing." I don't actively look for them much anymore. I'll look if I'm out and can afford to grab one, but otherwise I'll just refuse to think about it. The one thing about having so many different collections is that when one gets to be too intense, I can just take a time-out and focus on a different one for a while.

Just take a short break. If you find one while you're out, awesome. If not, just let it go. Like you said, they're just dolls. They're not going anywhere, so just relax. If it's not fun, it's not worth it!

I felt like this over the summer as well, and actually, for like a two week period, gave up on my collection entirely and started selling them away. Well, I came to my senses shortly after, and realized I just needed to take a more laid back approach. *Most* of the dolls will hit your area and be pretty easy to get, in time. You just have to be very patient.

Oh, and I miss my dolls I sold very much, and regret selling them, but I'm happy they went to loving homes with people here on the arena, and it makes me not feel as bad for being so silly about it. :blush:

I know exactly how you feel... I started seeing the DC and Scaris dolls popping up online WAAAAAAYYY before they hit stores where I am. Everyone from the east was selling them and I am from California, so it was hard not to rush out and buy the whole set online...

I too drove an hour out of my way to go to a TRU and when I got there searched the shelves wildly for the DC howleen they "supposedly" had.... I was very upset when I found all the DC dolls *BUT* howleen. I have spent the last few weeks calling all the stores in the area to check their stock. Closer to Christmas it was "Oh I dont think we have that have a nice day..." and then if I was in the area I would check. And a couple of the times that happened, they ACTUALLY had it in stock and I was frustrated... I also got a whole lot of "Oh we just sold our last one a few ________ (insert time range here... 30 min ago, 3 hours ago, a week ago, etc.) But I am sooo close to having a complete set that sometimes I drive myself batty! Lol..

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas... I know that my next couple of presents from my mom (if I dont buy them from my mother before hand) My mom actually bought the Gloom Beach 5 pack and is holding it for me so I can pay her back  :biggrin:

The Dollhouse / Re: Your worst finds...
« on: December 23, 2012, 10:39:41 PM »
I almost cried when I saw that picture with all those dolls... Poor things, mine are all MIB... except for the ones I have duplicates of... Eventually, despite my husband's whining, I will have an out of box collector duplicate of ALL of my dolls... My collection is my profile pic... This is what he wakes up to every day... He tells everyone that... its hilarious... Did anyone else notice that Clawd is wearing Holt's pants and has his lower arms?? O.o

Post Merge: December 23, 2012, 10:44:36 PM

I also have an 8 year old who takes WAAAAAYY better care of her MH dolls than that!!!

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High Discussion
« on: December 23, 2012, 08:27:22 PM »
And the DC on are 12.99

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