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Messages - Sugarberry

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Pony Corral / Re: Pony Book With Lights- Prototype?
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:00:57 AM »
I have a set too, for the small help that can be.  Mine was bought at Toys R Us, but I never saw them anywhere else.  The set's original retail was $8.99, and they were available around Christmastime one year .     

Pony Corral / Re: What on earth do I have here?? (G1 Argentina)
« on: September 02, 2012, 11:36:34 PM »
They go to the My Little Pony The Movie sticker album Kalavista.  :)  It was available in many countries.  The packets were sold separately from the album, but it was a standard Panini style sticker book.

Pony Corral / Re: Canterlot item sale at target?
« on: April 14, 2012, 11:44:05 AM »
Might want to keep a very close watch- even pricecheck them without stickers up in case the central Target HQ adjust the system prices and the store workers don't have a chance to check the shelving themselves.  Our local Targets have started clearancing the bedding items- the throws, pillows, stuffies and such.  With the next waves of brushables and playsets supposedly coming in soon, I can't imagine the current leftovers in the toy section will stay around too much longer.  Don't give up hope, but don't wait too long either.  Like the others, we don't have any of those sets left around in a reasonable driving radius.  :)

You did a beautiful job cleaning them up!   :)
You also got a really nice assortment of ponies.  I can help you with their names to make things easier.
From left to right:
Yesterdaisy (a Target Easter pony), Dream Drifter and Fancy Free
Rhapsody Ribbons, Pearly Pie and Sweetberry
Triple Treat, Starcatcher and Gem Blossom
Round and Round x2, and Pinkie Pie
Rainbowberry, Sunny Daze and Cheerilee.
The last little girl you have is Precious Gem.  I know some of the collectors here remake beautiful curls with straws-  I hope you can get her fixed up.  She's a lovely pony too.   ^.^

I don't recall the name of it, but I believe it was by 3M, and I looked but there's no sticker on it- just warnings about the chain pull and small children.  I did a search just now on Google for it to double check, but there are many brands and you may find one that is less expensive and just as helpful as ours.  Try searching up "UV protective window film" - it is sold in rolls, this is what we got, and it runs up and down by a chain pull- like blinds do.  I think there may also be just a paint you could coat your window with to make it like sunglasses, and that would be less expensive.  :)  Your local window blind store would probably have a roll of the film you could actually look at and feel.  Just as a heads-up, the only drawback to it is if you have it drawn down when the wind blows- it's a little (or more than a little) noisy.  I think sound fx folks could probably make a thunderstorm noise out of the rattling!  Hope that helps you Whoa! <3

We bought special uv screening filters to use over the windows in the collection room, and you might consider those.  They let in some of the light, but not the particles that damage and fade colors.  They're a bit expensive for larger windows, but well worth the investment over time- even for your non-pony items.  Ours have been up for many years now, and the pony items that are nearest the window have not faded at all, nor have the curtains my mother made.

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Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 18, 2012, 03:11:02 PM »
Sugarberry, I still have fond memories of meeting up with you back when my husband and I lived in Santa Clara, California. :)


It sure was a real pleasure to meet you and your husband and to see your collection Eternity.  :)  My mother and I met so many sweet friends on that trip out there.  If you ever get up towards Illinois, I'd love for you to come by and let me be the hostess for your visit. 

And Taffeta, no twist- and there's much you didn't know about it, and probably more that's been forgotten- which is a good thing.  I just chose not to elaborate on the 3 years of ongoings.  *Many* folks wandered into those boards and got snapped at for their commentary on it, so to explain to her why she got snapped at for the comment on the Mimic thing- well, in the simplest of terms, that's why- as an indirect result from all the flames that happened there. It wasn't all about Italian ponies either, but much of that's better off left in the past.  ;)  If you really want to know, I'll write it out for you in PM. 

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 01:53:05 PM »
OMG, the Yahoo group!! I remember that now! Wow, I joined on there ages and ages before I joined the Arena ... but I tried to make some funny post like, "Wow, what's up with this Shrine to Mimic page, huh? Some people sure are loopy!" And EVERYONE GOT BUTTHURT.
Oh welllllll, that Church of MOC Mimic was a joke that came out of Ponypalooza.  And the long and short of it was that Icefeather (who made the Mimic thing as a joke) and Taffeta didn't get on well - back then there were a lot of pecking order things going on from so many different folks in that group.  You just probably got caught between it all, and back then, stepping on the wrong toes meant fur and feathers everywhere.  Was always better to keep the head down. ;)

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 01:23:58 PM »
 :blush:  I guess I'm a real oldie too.  Dunno about mold, but dust - there's plenty here to go around!  I started collecting when ponies hit stores here in late Dec. of '82. 
1995 in university I made my first website called the Berry Patch, and the day that ebay became available was an exciting day (and the paypal free $5.00 sign up program too).  I still recognize many of the older Ids from Ponypalooza and the old boards, but being terribly shy and being in and out of medical tests from time to time means I don't get to post much, but I'm always around. :heart:   

That little store is cute hlb.  :)  We have many themed diners in our area, and I've often thought about opening up an 80's themed ice cream parlour- the cafe is a splendid idea.  For example, some of the northern Culvers places have fun styles to them.  The one in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin has train cars all around the place.  In Gurnee, there is a darling McDonalds that is full of Rock N' Roll statues, icons and all sorts. Cracker Barrels have antiques too.  Can you picture dining in booths surrounded by Ponies, Care bears, MotU, Transformers, GiJoe, Monchichi and more? I think it'd make for great attraction.  ^.^

Pony Corral / Re: Prince Cadence & Wedding Castle - now with pics! MERGED
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:05:42 PM »
Ooooooooh  very exciting!  It'll be wonderful to be getting male ponies in the line again, and I hope that means possibly a Big Macintosh figure later!  :)  Thanks Hasbro and thanks for the pictures! 

(I don't think it's troll hair, even though the shine makes it look that way. I sure hope not anyways!  I think it's a light greenish streak maybe with the picture flash shining on it at a funny angle to make the blue underneath look feathery.)

Pony Corral / Re: I just melted a pony in the oven!!! :(
« on: January 24, 2012, 05:23:07 PM »
If you're feeling a bit adventurous in the future with Sculpey, and you don't want to risk your pony, here's a couple of ideas that might help:
Make a reverse mould of your pony's head.  This would be especially easy to do with no hair left for mane or forelock.  Simply press clay around the pony's head and use tin foil on the outside for support.  Bake this indented clay within the tinfoil to create your own pony head mould for casting.
Once it is baked and cool, gently rub this with vasoline or use Pam cooking spray to line your mould.  Make certain you coat all surfaces within it so that you can easily remove the forms you cast.  Refill the mould impression with clay  (best to use a different color for the head you are casting).  You can then rebake mould and head or remove the newly casted head and bake that- but use more tinfoil for support.
With your now-baked clay pony head mannequin model - you can now sculpt and bake manes, forelocks, hats, decorations and rebake that clay head as many times as you like.  It's not going to do anything but darken in color and smell like baked clay each time you rebake it.  Use gorilla glue or super glue to attach your baked sculpey forelocks/ manes/ decor to the plastic pony bodies. 

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