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Messages - d13tp3ps1

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Customs / Re: My first completed custom!
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:48:18 PM »
 :biggrin: WOW! I didn't expect to get so much praise, thank you all so much!

She could be for sale, if anyone is actually interested (I really didn't think anyone would be...)

But yeah, thank you all so much for the kind words!!

Customs / Re: My first completed custom!
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:36:34 PM »
She is lovely for a first try.  The only thing I would say is your white is too white I see you did some stars that are greyer, but your white is a bit too bright and makes her look more spotty then stary.  Also I think what is making her look that way is how round your "stars" are.  If you made them to have a few different shapes they would look less like an Appaloosa pattern gone array and more like the star field you are going for.  I do think your body paint work is super and love the hair color choices. 

Thank you! I'll have to work on the stars a bit, that's super good advice.

Customs / My first completed custom!
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:25:21 PM »
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My very first completed custom! Her name is Galaxy. She's based on some nasa photos I saw. The G1 pony I used for a base came to me completely hairless, with her symbol removed and covered in sharpie and crayon.
She's rehaired with Dollyhair, the Starlight color.

Criticize me please! I want to get better. I can take it, I promise  :biggrin:

Introductions / Re: Hi everyone!
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:08:47 PM »
I mainly collect G1s and G4s. I plan to mostly customize G3s, though I did get a couple completely trashed G1s that I'm going to work on as well.
I hope to be able to start a collection of foreign ponies soon.
 :biggrin: Thank you all for the warm welcome! I'll make a post in the customs forum to show off my first ever completely done custom pony.

Introductions / Hi everyone!
« on: February 20, 2012, 11:57:59 AM »
 :lol: Hi guys! I'm a newbie customizer/collector and I just wanted to introduce myself!
I'm hoping to get a booth at Ponycon to sell my customs and extra herd members.

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