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Messages - bagheera86

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: My orignal pony- Savannah Summer!
« on: February 19, 2012, 03:53:08 PM »
i think she's really beautiful! such an elegant pony, and her pattern is amazing. i admit, though, it was a little tough making her as an adoptable! :silly: but that doesn't matter, she's still a wonderful persona.
Oops! Sorry about that, I kept forgetting to check to see if she was up! Thanks alot though, I was hoping her spots weren't going to be too much of a pain >.>!

And what'a persona?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Have pencils, will draw!
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:15:09 AM »
Hello all

Just kicking off a wee thread to offer my services  :)  I'm a traditional artist (illustration/portrait), and available for commissions, or pony trades! I've (recently) primarily done MLP illustrations, and portrait illustrations of special animal friends for people. I do do more than horses(!), just recently I've done a wee dog for someone, but as that's currently in the post and the person who requested it hasn't seen it yet, it'd be a bit rude of me to stick it up just yet! For details about commissions, see below, or PM me with any queries!   

Commissions are: open
Mediums: ink/watercolour pencil
Cost: $38NZ per illustration, or a trade of ponies to that equivalent value (include cost of your shipping of them - I wouldn't charge that on top!)
Payment: I accept Paypal (or if you are NZ, direct payment into my bank account). Or... ponies in my mailbox! Want List:,287202.0.html
Shipping: Shipping (and packaging) is generally included in price, but some exceptions apply for overseas trades if over a certain amount. In the case of trades, you ship the ponies, I'll ship the picture, and no monies are exchanged!

Other important stuff: I work on very good quality paper, and take a lot of care when packaging the artwork to minimise damage in transit. Currently artworks are sized 18x26cm. Turnaround (once all details are finalised {i.e. specifics buyer would like included, photos provided to work from if applicable etc}) may take a couple of weeks (excluding shipping). I will keep you posted on progress!

Lastly, I do keep electronic copies of all my work, and reserve the right to use completed works in my portfolio. Artwork must not be duplicated or used for commercial purposes without my permission, or by prior agreement. Heavy sounding stuff, but just safeguarding everyone! (I really am very friendly!)


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I boy before your amazing talent x_x; I wish I could paint like you. My twin sister can, she can do anything but me.... Nope ._.;

Customs / Re: Mythology swap - taking signups! Now open for newbies!!!
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:10:56 AM »
bump again

Arts & Crafts Corral / My orignal pony- Savannah Summer!
« on: February 19, 2012, 07:44:18 AM »
Hi guys my first posting in the Art section and I debut with Savannah Summer!

She started off as a custom I was doing for a good friend who expressed her love for Cheetahs as well as ponies and then it hit me, I'll make her a suprise custom pony in exchange for that giant simba plush of hers she sent me (I was suppose to send her a wee cheetah plush in exchange actually, and the pony was suppose to be a suprise stowaway!)....Last year in april or something. I wanted to keep it a secret it from her but I started wilting and loose my drive and lost direction.

So I confessed that i was making her a pony and we discussed ideas, it wasn't until a little later we started talking about her as a real pony character because of an rp. I decided to draw her out and spent all news years eve and new years day morning and came up with this.

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And this drawing kick started everything again and it was much easier to come up with a back story and her personality and eventually her cutie mark. I like having her without a cutie mark because of events in her life (going by FiM canon) that prevented her from obtaining it.

now that I'm getting closer to finishing her I'm starting to love her more and more, because I dunno, she's so dang cute!. So today after another burst of inspiration I decided to try a better concept and what I imagined her type of pony to look like and their body type. I wanted her to really resemble a cheetah or some kind of while savannah horse that was made to be swift and agile.

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So what do you guys think? I know I'm not the best artist but at the moment that was the best intepretation I could pen down. I'm even thinking about customising her in all the pony generations.

Customs / Re: Varnish questions.
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:21:36 AM »
I wonder if having someone mail you some would be cheaper if they used cheap shipping? Or maybe a website caters to Australia and will have good prices?
I'm looking at ebay currentl, seems to be half the price but only 8 ounces... which is about 250ml? $12-15 by the looks of it. about the same price I paid for the current lot I have.

Customs / Re: Mythology swap - taking signups! Now open for newbies!!!
« on: February 17, 2012, 06:25:29 PM »

Customs / Re: Varnish questions.
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:42:41 PM »
$22 for mod podge?!?  I bought mine at walmart and it was only like $7, maybe less.  And I've been using the same bottle for a couple of years.  Maybe putting some sealer over the top of what you already have will help.
$22 for mod podge?!?  I bought mine at walmart and it was only like $7, maybe less.  And I've been using the same bottle for a couple of years.  Maybe putting some sealer over the top of what you already have will help.
I live in Australia and it's imported and only the expensive/rip off art stores tend to carry it.

Customs / Re: Animal Swap!
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:03:09 PM »
Id love a shot at this one too! But dont have enough feedback yet, its still being approved.. and also havent been a member for 6 months yet. Pity..
Your time will come one day, and then you shall take us to victory!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Brag of epic proportions
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:49:10 PM »
Thanks ponies :D I am so thrilled with it all, and feel so spoilt, I don't really actively collect, but still love ponies & fakies, and there are a select few fakies that I do want, but they are pretty hard to come by. I unfortunately don't have much room for stuff, so need to limit what I do have, and generally if I add something, I need to get rid of something. I am so happy with all of it, I love every bit of this brag.
if you want that fakie I linked you too i could pick some up for you the next time I'm in town, they had other colours as well and i'd only charge for the price of the product and the shipping stuff. they had that fakie and another one that looked like those other fakies I couldn't remember the name of.

Customs / Re: Varnish questions.
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:39:54 PM »
Some varnishes/sealers just do not react well to pony vinyl. It's always best to test new products on an old bait before applying it to a custom you've worked hard on.

I know a lot of customizers use watered down matte Mod Podge as a sealer. A few people have had good experiences using it to fix tacky or sticky ponies. I don't know what country you're in so I'm not sure how readily available it is but I would give it a try.
Hmm, I've thought of mod podge, went to buy it, it was $22 a bottle and I promptly walked out of the store xD

Post Merge: February 17, 2012, 04:41:15 PM

I had a varnish that did that.. It's been 5 years and the pony is still slightly tacky.. You might need to go over it with something else if it's still like that after a while.
Well I heard spray varnishes are quite good, I used a matte one to seal my progress but... There's no satin. And I like a wee bit of shine to mah ponies, so maybe I should go back to a dull and boring matte if what you say is true ;--; I already have problems with random bits of fluff sticking to it.

Post Merge: February 17, 2012, 04:43:40 PM

Then again, Mod Podge can turn sticky, too. Most people have no problems with it and I've never used it myself so I cannot say for sure, but I have some ponies that I think were sealed with it and that are a bit sticky to touch. Personally, I recommend polyurethane varnishes (I use Folk Art). I've never heard anyone having a polyurethane sealant remain sticky. :)
ARGH, THEY HAD THAT. but it was $8 more and I didn't want to wait til my pay came in. this is what happens when I go cheap, well, the art store barely had anything I needed so I was also thrilled to see they had at least two things to choose from. Guess I'll toughen up and go to a real art store, the art store I go to seems to specialise in crappy crafts directed towards children and parents so they can spend quality time with each other. They couldn't answer any of my questions about anything either.

Customs / Re: Animal Swap!
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:38:22 PM »
argh I'm already in a swap, otherwise... I HAVE ALL THE IDEAS FOR THIS.

Customs / Re: Varnish questions.
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:52:06 AM »
Did you water down your glaze before painting it on? (At least it looks like it is paint on glaze to me) I personally have never had experience with this brand of glaze, but I have been advised in the past to water down paint on glazes.
no I didn't the instruction says not to D: it's not wet still, it's just tacky/slightly sticky to the touch.

Customs / Re: Varnish questions.
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:12:11 AM »
Hi there! I don't make custom ponies, but I have used varnish before.
When you say quite the warm day, was it maybe a little too warm? I find that I need to leave things to dry in a cool dry place. The fridge is too cold, but somewhere where the air isn't humid and the temperature is moderate. Direct sunlight isn't always the best as it may make the varnish melt a little, but the late afternoon isn't so bad.
I hope this helps!
I've kept it in the bathroom where I thought it was cooler while no one was in there of course, but it was still a stinker of a day. I've learned not to dry things in the sun after I left a nice dress on the line and the sun faded it to nothing ;--; Maybe it was too hot in teh bathroom, i'll put it back there for the night.

Customs / Varnish questions.
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:31:03 AM »

as you might (or might not) remember I made some q's about  dolly hair last year and the fact i didn't receive things yada yada first custom. I'm STILL on that custom. And now I'm just sealing things up before I root and stick on the hair, but, the satin varnish i'm using hasn't dried completely. It's still quite tacky to the touch and it's been 24 hours and  during that 24 hours it's been quite the warm day.

the varnish I am is is Arteliers satin varnish

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has anybody used this before? how long does it take to cure? or maybe my coating was too thick?

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Brag of epic proportions
« on: February 17, 2012, 12:09:08 AM »
Have you been to the reject store? They have a pony and doll set fakie going for $3.

Post Merge: February 17, 2012, 12:10:28 AM

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Post Merge: February 17, 2012, 12:10:58 AM

Ignore my fat fingers.

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