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Topics - PlainJane

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Ahh, my first brag thread in a long time. Feels nice. :cool:

So, I had some money left to buy one more thing, so I got Sundance from SunshinePony's online shop for a really good price! She just came in the mail today, and I was really excited. o7o

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The package she came in. (I didn't take a front pic cause it had my address on it, but the front had a cute G3 Pinkie Pie sticker on it. owo)

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Sundance, along with a piece of Double Bubble gum and a cute note from Sunshine. ^w^

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Unbagging Sundance. Poor girl must have been sweating under the Florida heat, cause she was a little wet when I took her out of the bag. Her hair and ribbon are still drying out now. owo;

Along with that, a few days ago I got a cute G1 shirt from an H&M store at my local mall - the shirt was on sale for $7, and I managed to get one of the few small sizes they had left. I took the photo of this a few nights ago.
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The shirt has Gusty and I think a Princess Pony on there. Correct me if I'm wrong. owo;

And that's all~ I want to say thanks again to Sunshine for helping me out throughout this! :heart:

And because I felt like it, have another, more better quality pic of Sundance for you all. uwu
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i liiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeee-

Um. Anyways. Hello again. o/

For those that still remember me, it's PlainJane; for the new ones around here, hello! I'm PlainJane. owo Call me Jane for short if you want.

A lot of things have happened since I was last here, and I mean a lot. I won't go too into detail, since most of it is long and has some triggering moments for some, but some pretty big changes have happened in my life. I'm gonna be a senior in high school next year, and my sister's in college, and my parents are struggling with some money issues right now. But we're making it day by day.

My love for ponies is crawling back up to me as of recently, and now that I have some money to spend, I can finally get some G1 ponies that I very much long for since I first came here. :frolic: I've got some G4s also, but my dog had got to them, so majority of them have bite marks/missing chunks. :jealous:

All of the old fandoms I was in back then I've grown out of now (wrestling, Disney, dashes of Hetalia here and there), and have picked up new ones like Skullgirls (the boss of that game is my current icon right now :accomplished:), Dangan Ronpa, and I guess you can count Daft Punk, too. :redface:

I've also gotten like 10000000000% better at my art, and I'm very proud of myself!! Just need to practice on drawing ponies more. :art:

Meaningless babble aside, it's great to be back and I hope I get to stick around more; school's almost out for me, so I have all summer to play around and learn new things. :lovey:

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