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Topics - Bunny-san

Pages: [1]
Wanted! / Wanted: My childhood back (and bait)
« on: December 02, 2019, 01:09:17 PM »
Maybe the title is a little melodramatic. But this will be my first post here in years. My collecting tapered off once I had my children, but I always kept my childhood ponies tucked safely away in a tote. Or so I thought.

Today we were watching "The Toys that Made Us" and watched the MLP episode. To which my 5 year old daughter officially went NUTS for the G1s. So "FINALLY!" I thought, "I can play ponies with my daughter!" and went to go get my tote. Which is gone. We have searched EVERYWHERE. The house is now an upside down mess. But the ponies? Are gone. Stolen or lost in last year's whole house move.

So now I have a pony crazed little girl who won't let the ONE G1 I found among my G4 collection go. Yay Lickety Split to the rescue.

I have a request, and I know literally none of you probably remember me, but if you have any old G1 baits lying around, would you be willing to share one? They'll be well loved by a little girl whose mom waited ALL THESE YEARS to play with her G1s. I'm literally crushed though...Any help would be amazing.  Happy Holidays, and thanks in advance <3

PS. I live by Disney World so if you want any merchandise picked up for you, I can TOTALLY do that! <3

Pony Corral / Hesitations about Putting Your Hoof Down
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:25:18 PM »
So.....With all this swirling STUFF with :muffin: Pony (I don't care if you're for or against it, that is NOT what this topic is about.) I am kind of hesitant about this new episode with Fluttershy. Particularly after watching the preview (which usually I don't do), I'm just thinking to myself, Oh here we go again. It's going to be ANOTHER Over a Barrel, or Last Roundup, where everyone's going to find something to get all pissy and upset and offended over. I can kind of see it coming, and I REALLY don't want it to. A reappearance of Fluttershy the Brute, and thanks to Mr.Centuar she's going to be pushy and nasty and rude (mistaking it for being "assertive")to everyone and maybe to the WRONG pony (dear god lest it be :muffin: Pony @[email protected] firestorm....) and a lesson about beng able to stand up for yourself and being assertive in a positive manner will be lost, just like the messages of Over a Barrel and Last Roundup were lost because of all the negativity surrounding them.

I'm kind of sad because I've never felt this way about watching Friendship is Magic before--totally hesitantant worried about just exactly what I'll be seeing. Before the whole :muffin: Pony scandal, I was EVERY Saturday like a little kid again with my Golden Grahams in my jammies in front of the TV with my hubby and my little boy, totally thrilled to be watching cartoons. And for the first time, tomorrow, I'm kinda just..not really wanting to watch. Especially because I LOVE. I mean LOVE LOVE LOVE Fluttershy, and I feel almost like "jeeze! Here we go again, Hasbro messing with my favorite characters! What are they going to DO to her?" I mean, I'm all for standing up for yourself and being assertive, but I loved how sweet and shy Fluttershy was. I'm not sure how this episode will change her character.

So, if you've read this far, I appreciate it. Does this bother anyone else or am I just being silly? ._.

Off Topic / Death of Funimation Channel
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:06:41 AM »
My morning started out with a disturbing text message from verizon, lettng me know that on or around March 15th, they will be dropping the Funimation Channel from their lineup. I am *pissed*. SO. In order to get out the word, I thought I'd post here, and let the folks that love anime know. They claim they are dropping it due to "Low viewership" I call BS.

I called their customer service line and let them know that either they keep the channel or lose a subscriber. I urge anyone that loves anime and has Fios to do the same. There are also petitions online that you can sign. However, the best bet is to go directly to Verizon's customer service website where it says "Share Ideas with Verizon" and comment on the one about not killing Funimation. I already did :3 I hope lots of people do, because once they drop it its gone, and I WANT Funimation to stick around. Its one of the reasons I got Fios. :(

Save Funimation Channel! >_<

Customs / Re-Baking Sculpy
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:36:22 AM »
Ok, so I have this Little Baby Philly Luna that I'm working on, and last night I sculpted my first pair of wings out of sculpey and bakedit and went to bed. Late. I woke up this morning and somehow one wing is goregeous and tiny and diminutive like I wanted it to be, and one wing is...HUGE.

So. Can I tear off the chunky mcmonkey wing and redo it, then plop it on her side, and rebake her without burning the bjebus out of the properly done wing?

Or should I take this opportunity to bust out the "Green stuff" I bought from Games workshop? Its essentially supposed to be air dry epoxy..I kinda wanted to hold off on using it because I have a *very* tiny amount...And it cost 10 bucks. >< I'd prefer to rebake if it wont' destroy my good work....

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllp! *waits for the elite beat agents?*

Off Topic / You know you're with the right man when...
« on: January 29, 2012, 07:54:25 AM »
You can wave your arm in a painty motion followed by both arms hammering, and communicate to your husband "Oh, you mean you want to go to Games Workshop to buy new paint." <--That's what he said to my random flailing XD

So, who else is able to communicate to their mate/boyfriend/girlfriend in motions and grunts when their brains and mouths won't connect? :P

So, I ended up not buying a THING to paint her wings with because I discovered a clear glitter paint in my box that I had forgotten about. I mixed that with the remnants of what was left over after her full body paint and VOILA! See through wings. Yes, the sort of crazy chaos in her wings is purposeful, and I love the pattern it creates in her feathers  ^.^

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Also, she's not purple, the unfortunate lighting just makes her look that way. I DID a pretty good job of matching her paint color to a screenshot from "Luna Eclipsed" ^_^; I need to get the photo stuido out.. ALSO, I resculpted her horn. I hated the stumpy little thing the original Celestia had ^^;

Pony Corral / Congratulations! I'm :muffin: Pony <_<;
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:21:09 PM »
That's right, BLIND! For real. I went to my walmart to purchase you know. Food. And in my unsupervised wanderings, I made it to the toy aisle where I located blind bags. So I busted out the ol smart phone and tried  to decipher the myriad of numbers on the bottom of the bags. I found that each of the bags DID have a one or two digit number printed on that little fold that actually coralated to the numbers given on the cheat sheet. There were other longer numbers printed on the bags, but none of them in any sequence did anything to help identify the figure. (They were six digit sequences) I figured thusly that the numbers on the folds of the bag must be the right ones.

Fast forward into my car: I open th first one Hey...that's no match....Second. No dice. Third what.... fourth...Ok. Not a coincidence now.

So my theory is this: thanks to everyone posting on the internet on how the blind bags aren't SO BLIND, Hasbro decided to MAKE them blind. Super duper work, internet. You broke the blind bag system by ADVERTISING IT. Good job. :thumb:

Has anyone else had this experience so far or did I just get *REALLY* unlucky?

The Dollhouse / The Thread to Post any Doll BUT Monster High! :D
« on: January 24, 2012, 10:01:37 AM »
I don't know about y'all but I'm just about worn out on all the millions of Monster High threads here on the Dollhouse. SURELY we all own SOMETHING OTHER than MH? You know the saying about too much of a good thing :silly:

SO. Anything goes in this thread here 'o mine! I want to see pics of your BJDs, your Pullips, your Taes, your Hestias, your BARBIES, YOUR KENS, YOUR DISNEY PRINCESSES, YOUR TOY STORY DOLLS, Heck, I'll even take Dolls of any kind (EXCEPT MH!) riding a pony up a hill, down a beach, at sunset, through the snow, AT MIDNIGHT. Show me something unique!

As soon as my Nikon charges, I will take some pics of my own to post! Heck, I don't even care if you don't have pics. I just want chatter about something other than MH :P

Potetntial chatter topic: Any thoughts on the 2012 pullips? Cute/ Yucky? OMGNEEDS!?

Customs / Air Dry Sculpt Mediums or, BACK THE TRAIN UP!
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:20:56 PM »
So, I apparently am the queen of difficult projects lately. This one is sort of secret though. Needless to say, it's spectacular, and, difficult, and....I can NOT BAKE any sculpting that I would do on this project. Baking would DESTROY it. I've done some research and found some different things...apoxie sculpt and...amazing sculpt.

Few questions!
 Differences between the two? Which is the preferred that seems to work better?
Can you buy an air drying sculpting medium like these in the store? All I've seen so far is bloody baking sculpey.

Do they each take to painting well? Will they hold structure well on their own or do you need to put armature wire in them? (If the structure is small enough, I mean, will it hold its own?)

Thanks for the info, all you crazy advanced sculpting people :P

Customs / Turning Pink Wings Blue (and see through)
« on: January 18, 2012, 03:01:56 PM »
Ok, so I have one of those  Celestias with the clear pink plastic wings, but my idea is that I really would like to turn her into a Luna custom. SO. Thinking with light like in the theaters, is there such a thing as translucent acrylic paint? Meaning, paint that once I paint it over her wings, instead of them being just pink, the mixing of the wing color and paint color with the light going through it should be like a dark blue or purple color? (Am I making sense?) I'm essentially trying to mix colors of light and paint so that you can still *sort of* see through the wings..kinda a stained glass effect? *facepalm* I'm not explaining this very well...Does anyone get what I'm looking for/trying to do? >_<

Post Merge: January 19, 2012, 05:54:48 AM

 :bump: Doesn't anyone have *any* ideas on how to help me out? I just pretty much want her to have blue see through wings instead of pink. Ideas? GO. Halp? <3

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